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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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5 hours ago, TMNH said:

Well let me bring you to speed then...Mueller is investigating multiple issues including the flow of money with Russia.IMO, that is the biggest smoking gun...So when Trump looked into pardons with his legal staff , that is the sign that he's sweating bullets. Mueller can subpoena Trump's tax returns and any other "documents" which will show money laundering and an obligation to Russia because of Mannafort and Trump's debt. All that matters now is whether it will be Mannafort or Flynn (or both) to connect all those dots. Sessions will resign or forced to exit (due to his failure to disclose multiple meetings with Kisliak) and then whammo!...Trump can replace him with another person who can fire Mueller just like Comey. And if that happens, then the proceedings will begin to can this poor excuse of a President.

While I agree with your sentiments, there seems to be some things that you are neglecting.  Just how many of the numerous state and federal agencies have ever lifted one tiny finger to ever investigate Trump or his cronies.  What have overseas agencies such as the CIA and NSA ever done. Zip.  A conviction to Trump should result in an audit of all these agencies. Not going to happen.


The more you look into what a perversion the US has become, the more you will see how intertwined all these agencies are.  Trump may be forced to suffer an illness and resign. That will be an end to it. No impeachment, no embarrassing reflections into the righteous and multiple agencies that have usurped US politics. One huge cover up. 

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Scandal of Donald Trump Jr's alleged Russian collusion will force his father to resign,

Columbia law professor predicts

Though some think the President will be impeached, it is becoming increasingly likely he will resign of his own accord (sub-title)


"Donald Trump will probably resign over a constitutional crisis caused by his son-in-law and son, a leading professor of law at Columbia University predicts."


"Philip Bobbitt describes the President’s resignation as a consequence of his family members being prosecuted as “the likeliest possibility.”


“Resignation, as remote as it seems right now, might well be a choice the President would make to save his children from prison, and himself from future prosecution.”


Press conference from his recent Paris trip:

"Two other people were in the room"



On 5/21/2017 at 6:51 AM, mesquite said:

This poll, "Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?" is nothing more than wishful thinking by those who are upset that Trump won. 

Trump won the primary.

Trump won the general election.

The recount failed.

The embarrassing emotional appeal to the electoral college failed (In fact Hillary lost more than Trump).

The "the Russians hacked the election" nonsense failed.

And now this idea that he will be impeached will fail.

Trump will remain president for his entire first term will be reelected by a landslide.

Or, put another way, get over it.


Please provide evidence of all you say that "failed", Do you have a friend at any of those intelligence agencies that are in agreement re: the hacking? A friend that looks at voter records? Or do you just get your sources from those bots that were sent out en masse?  I'm always open to counter arguments, but without evidence to the contrary and without reasonable sources, then it's simply a moot point at the end of the day.





"Multiple former White House chief ethics lawyers—under Republican and Democratic presidents alike— have come out against the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with the Kremlin in recent weeks."


"Richard Painter, former chief ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush, went so far as to describe the latest developments as "betrayal and treason" in an interview with BBC Wednesday morning."


"Someone who works with a foreign government in order to win an election here is really viewed as having betrayed their country."






Scaramucci talks Trump's agenda, relationship with the press



Question: if he and his people have done nothing wrong, why even talk about pardons?


SCARAMUCCI: I’m in the Oval Office with the president last week, we’re talking about that.  He brought that up, he said but he doesn’t have to be pardoned.




"He brought that up"



Jay Sekulow: 'The issue of pardons is not on the table'


"Jay Sekulow, a member of President Trump's legal team, said Sunday the possibility of the president granting pardons is "not on the table" in the future."


"We have not, and continue to not, have conversations with the president of the United States regarding pardons."


"Pardons have not been discussed."







And I'm sure you missed that signed letter from  approx. 60 trained Psychiatrists stating that his mental state is highly questionable. and would apply to the 25th Amendment.

I'm only surprised it wasn't 60,000, it should have been!

Impeach the buffoon now!!!!!

I still think that the Intel community will bury Trump. Mueller in particular will show little mercy after what Trump did to belittle the FBI. I reckon that Mueller and his team will release information on some more minor crimes on Trump and his family to get Trump to issue his pardons (including to himself), the result will be Trump standing down/impeached, then Mueller will lay down his four aces and hit Trump and the family with the 'major crimes'. Pence's involvement in all of this could well see his file 'shredded' providing he guarantees not to pardon when he is made President. Sounds like fiction? The whole Presidency has been from fiction for the last 6 months, whats another wild story amongst what has been the reality so far.


Trump slams 'sad' Republicans who won't 'protect' him


"It's not clear what issue Trump wants to be protected on, although his presidency has been challenged both by a failure to pass a promised ObamaCare repeal and the continuing investigations into potential ties between his campaign and the Russian government."


What a child. Boo hoo...


Can the President Be Indicted? A Long-Hidden Legal Memo Says Yes


"WASHINGTON — A newfound memo from Kenneth W. Starr’s independent counsel investigation into President Bill Clinton sheds fresh light on a constitutional puzzle that is taking on mounting significance amid the Trump-Russia inquiry: Can a sitting president be indicted?"


"The 56-page memo, locked in the National Archives for nearly two decades and obtained by The New York Times under the Freedom of Information Act, amounts to the most thorough government-commissioned analysis rejecting a generally held view that presidents are immune from prosecution while in office."


“It is proper, constitutional, and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting president for serious criminal acts that are not part of, and are contrary to, the president’s official duties,” the Starr office memo concludes."



See document here:



2 hours ago, iReason said:


Thanks for expanding it's readership. :thumbsup:


What can one say when you babble incoherently and endlessly?

Gotta read it.




I wish the trumpeteers will read this article, and than complain it's fake news!

Yes, fake news, a other nothing burger served from Trumps own mouth!

5 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump slams 'sad' Republicans who won't 'protect' him


"It's not clear what issue Trump wants to be protected on, although his presidency has been challenged both by a failure to pass a promised ObamaCare repeal and the continuing investigations into potential ties between his campaign and the Russian government."


What a child. Boo hoo...

So what does Trump want Republicans to protect him from exactly? Does he want them to protect him from the due process of the law? Does he realise that the Republican candidates swore to protect the interests of the American people, NOT the President? Trump is aiming to start a dictatorial dynasty. I would not be surprised in the least if Ivanka Trump were to run in 2020.


This family and their unethical ambitions need chopping down at the knees before their poisonous roots really take hold.


Now reports coming out that Kushner had an undisclosed meeting with Russian Amb. Trump is wise to be boning up on the pardoning powers, sure as hell he's going to need to use them...and sooner rather than later

2 hours ago, dutchisaan said:

I wish the trumpeteers will read this article, and than complain it's fake news!

Yes, fake news, a other nothing burger served from Trumps own mouth!

From the New York times link and the transcription of the interview.



TRUMP: I have had the best reviews on foreign land. So I go to Poland and make a speech. Enemies of mine in the media, enemies of mine are saying it was the greatest speech ever made on foreign soil by a president. I’m saying, man, they cover [garbled]. You saw the reviews I got on that speech. Poland was beautiful and wonderful, and the reception was incredible.


My bold. I am amazed this guy can walk through doors his head is so big. The worrying thing is he truly believes that. It is vomit inducing. :sick::sick:


GOP despairs at inability to deliver

The party’s failure to repeal Obamacare amid West Wing chaos has GOPers frustrated they’re squandering power.


"Continuing chaos in the White House has been punctuated by the failure to deliver on the GOP’s seven-year pledge to overhaul Obamacare, and has many asking whether the party can capitalize on the sweeping victories it has achieved at the federal, state, and local levels."


"The president expanded the power of the political neophytes in his administration, elevating the Manhattan hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci to White House communications director, at the cost of an operative – press secretary Sean Spicer, who announced his resignation on Friday — with years of Washington experience."


"Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff who, at least in title holds one of the most powerful jobs in Washington, has been largely sidelined."



Chaos. An inept fool in the White House.

Whatta surprise...


4 minutes ago, iReason said:

GOP despairs at inability to deliver

The party’s failure to repeal Obamacare amid West Wing chaos has GOPers frustrated they’re squandering power.


"Continuing chaos in the White House has been punctuated by the failure to deliver on the GOP’s seven-year pledge to overhaul Obamacare, and has many asking whether the party can capitalize on the sweeping victories it has achieved at the federal, state, and local levels."


"The president expanded the power of the political neophytes in his administration, elevating the Manhattan hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci to White House communications director, at the cost of an operative – press secretary Sean Spicer, who announced his resignation on Friday — with years of Washington experience."


"Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff who, at least in title holds one of the most powerful jobs in Washington, has been largely sidelined."



Chaos. An inept fool in the White House.

Whatta surprise...


If the last 6 months of nightmares were actually a reality TV show called 'The Presidential Apprentice' Trump would have been out on his ass after 3 weeks.


Stand by for the next one to be thrown under the bus:


Trump calls Jeff Sessions 'beleaguered AG' in tweet


"Trump on Saturday slammed what he called "a new intelligence leak" against Sessions, referring to The Washington Post's reporting on Friday that Sessions discussed campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the campaign."


"Sessions was one of Trump's earliest supporters during the presidential campaign but the president continues to air his frustrations with Sessions."


"Trump also attacked California Rep. Adam Schiff today, the Democratic lawmaker is the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee which is investigating whether associates of Trump conspired with Russia during the campaign."




Then the seriously unhinged occupier of the White House goes off in TrumpWorld Twitter Zone:




The inept one sure is in a hysterical, panicked frenzy.

And he calls Sessions beleaguered? :laugh:


On 7/23/2017 at 4:47 PM, LannaGuy said:

'unfollow' getting really boring with 4/5 liberal nutters dominating every 2/3 posts (you know who you are). Wish Bernie had made it but both sides are **** and I can't see US getting off it's PC knees anytime soon

We can't help it if you guys don't offer anything of substance.

Don't label people, discuss the issues and the news items instead of indulging in fantasies and making clearly incorrect statements.


What does 'PC' have to do with the train wreck of the Trump administration?

And the US is "on its knees" - the only connection I can make to your assessment would include the metaphor of providing oral sex to the Russians - but happy to discuss any facts backing up your p.o.v.


Trump is in a real bind now.  He's doing everything possible to pressure Sessions to resign so that he can appoint a stooge who will fire Mueller.  But Sessions is resisting and has a lot of support in the Senate where he served for 10 years.  Trump could fire Sessions, but then Rosenstein would take over Sessions' duties.  Rosenstein would refuse to fire Mueller, so Trump would have to fire him, too.  Ditto for Sarah Brand, the next one up.  By then Trump's chances of getting a new attorney general approved by the Senate would be low.  Also, after being fired by Trump Sessions would have an incentive to tell what he knows in exchange for immunity for his own perjuries, etc.


If Mueller is fired, which I view as a certainty


As for the pardoning power, it's not the cure-all that Trump may think it is.  First, Trump cannot pardon anyone from prosecution by a state, only from federal prosecution.  The meetings with Russians that took place in Manhattan fall into the jurisdiction for New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, a Democrat with ambition, who is already conducting investigations into Trump and his family.  Schneiderman, by the way, can subpoena Trump's New York State tax returns and possibly his federal returns as well.


Anyone whom Trump has pardoned cannot then take the Fifth Amendment to refuse to answer questions under oath and can be prosecuted for perjuries committed subsequent to the pardon. 


Trump's latest behavior shows desperation.  He told Mueller not to investigate his finances inadvertently insuring that Mueller will do exactly that.  And his financial dealings with sleazy criminals around the world stink to the high heaven.


And daylight is beginning to appear between the Republicans and Trump: on Russia sanctions, for example, and on NATO.


Looking ominous for DT.

17 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

Trump is in a real bind now.  He's doing everything possible to pressure Sessions to resign so that he can appoint a stooge who will fire Mueller.  But Sessions is resisting and has a lot of support in the Senate where he served for 10 years.  Trump could fire Sessions, but then Rosenstein would take over Sessions' duties.  Rosenstein would refuse to fire Mueller, so Trump would have to fire him, too.  Ditto for Sarah Brand, the next one up.  By then Trump's chances of getting a new attorney general approved by the Senate would be low.  Also, after being fired by Trump Sessions would have an incentive to tell what he knows in exchange for immunity for his own perjuries, etc.


One option that could happen is that AG Sessions gets fired around the Senate recess/break in August and a new Attorney General is placed in office as a recess appointment (no need for Senate approval). Then any idiot that supports the "POTUS" can be AG for at least until the end of this year. Can we say AG Rudy Giuliani? I don't think Cruz will take the chance at leaving the Senate. Rudy doesn't have anything to lose.


14 minutes ago, Silurian said:


One option that could happen is that AG Sessions gets fired around the Senate recess/break in August and a new Attorney General is placed in office as a recess appointment (no need for Senate approval). Then any idiot that supports the "POTUS" can be AG for at least until the end of this year. Can we say AG Rudy Giuliani? I don't think Cruz will take the chance at leaving the Senate. Rudy doesn't have anything to lose.


It's clear that one way or another Trump certainly can fire Sessions, but there would be repercussions in the Senate and the possibility of Sessions as a hostile witness that he would like to avoid by goading the AG into quitting instead.  Sessions himself might fire Mueller out of a change of heart, i.e. to save his job.  Recusals are not legally binding.  One way or another I expect both a firing of Mueller and a mass pardoning of Trump's family and cronies.  But the investigations will continue one way or another and the dirt will be very dirty indeed.


AP sources: Trump speaks to advisers about firing Sessions


"Privately, Trump has speculated aloud to allies in recent days about the potential consequences of firing Sessions, according to three people who have recently spoken to the president. They demanded anonymity to discuss private conversations."


"If Trump were to fire Sessions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be elevated to the top post on an acting basis."


"That would leave the president with another attorney general of whom he has been sharply critical in both public and private for his handling of the Russia probe, according to four White House and outside advisers who, like others interviewed, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations."


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