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Thai Transport Ministry: infrastructure progression much faster under current government


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Transport Ministry: infrastructure progression much faster under current government


BANGKOK, 22 May 2017 (NNT) - The Deputy Spokesman of the Transport Ministry clarified a comment made by Mr. David Nardone, President of the Trade and Investment Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce, who said Thailand's lack of socio-economic development was because the country did not invest in heavy infrastructure during the past 10 years. 

Transport Ministry deputy spokesman Soraphong Phaithoonphong clarified that during the 2007 to 2014, Thailand experienced political instability which delayed operations of large projects due to frequent policy changes. 

However, the current government has focused on developing the country in all aspects, especially in transportation, he said. 

It can be seen that the current government has focused on driving infrastructure more efficiently than any other governments during the past 10 years, says the Transport Ministry's deputy spokesman. 

The Ministry of Transport is currently developing a transportation network for all groups of people by focusing on safety and the sustainable reduction of energy consumption that will make traveling much more convenient and also reduce the costs of transportation for the general public.

-- nnt 2017-05-22


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These people really have no idea.....

3 years already....no sign of any decent country wide rail system, apart from  the continual rhetoric (except BTS)

No major infrastructure projects probably within the next 3+ years either!

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

The Ministry of Transport is currently developing a transportation network for all groups of people by focusing on safety and the sustainable reduction of energy consumption that will make traveling much more convenient and also reduce the costs of transportation for the general public.

So they haven't actually started yet then? Planning is great, but actual development is what is being looked for.The comment by David Nardone was accurate, the rest of the story, simply that, a story.

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There has actually been quite a lot of major road works around my area, but then they were probably budgeted for prior to the current government. Also it  is much easier to get things happening when there is no opposition.

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Once in a while you hear coup apologists praise the current government for  fixing roads in their out of the way hamlets.  I see no change or need for praise.   Autocratic governments are more efficient as they answer to no one. 

Edited by yellowboat
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5 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

These people really have no idea.....

3 years already....no sign of any decent country wide rail system, apart from  the continual rhetoric (except BTS)

No major infrastructure projects probably within the next 3+ years either!

I have to disagree, there are many areas around Bangkok where highways are being built and roads widen to accommodate the increase in traffic. But perhaps that was all planned before the military was in power. You really can't expect any large infrastructure to be completed in 3 years, its silly to think so. If you want to talk about rail system - that was already discussed when Thaksin was in power more than 10 years ago. All politicians are the same same so far, corrupt as hell.

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according to intelligent thais that i talk with, the thai system is highly flawed; apparently after each new party is elected , almost All projects are re-reviewed, taking a lot of time and expense and opening new avenues for corruption

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29 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

So, are the trains running on time?


Obviously some specifics would support the Deputy Spokesman's claims.


Blaming it all on the 2006, or 2014 coups seems unfair?



Seems unfair but is quite cunning. These guys will use any and all excuses at their command. Its the old "The devil made me do it" attack. 

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

the current government has focused on developing the country in all aspects, especially in transportation

How true.

Tanks, submarines, jet fighters, army troop carriers, mobile missile launchers, etc.

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31 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

How true.

Tanks, submarines, jet fighters, army troop carriers, mobile missile launchers, etc.

Yeah, because how many militaries in the world need to modernise (less the subs) once in a while? Vast amounts of military equipments are over 40 years old and well past their sell-by date.

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