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Trump tells Middle East to 'drive out' Islamist extremists


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

And if you want to get rid of those "radical Muslim fundamentalists" then the people to begin with are the Saudi Royal Family and the imams they support.

The Saudis were responsible for 9/11 according to Trump.  Now he is saying how wonderful they are.  Can you Trumpsters not see how much that is an insult to everyone who died in that New York attack?  Maybe the Saudis were responsible and maybe they weren't but Trump believed they were and that is the point!

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

He portrayed the conflict as one between good and evil

Perhaps more appropriate with a Christian audience than with Muslims.


"Everyone is born with a natural instinct to understand the difference between right and wrong (fitrah). They also have free will, and they must choose between right (the guidance of Allah) and wrong (following the temptations of Shaytan, the devil)." http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/rs/god/isgoodandevilrev2.shtml


"Evil does still exist in Islam, but it lacks the insidiousness with which it is portrayed in Christianity, because Islam lacks a concept of Christ’s redemption, but instead understands humanity as having had more or less the same relationship to God throughout history, giving no significance to the revelation of Muhammad (peace be upon them) over those of Moses or Jesus.  Thus evil becomes a temporary condition, more often understood as something people do than something people are." 


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8 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Trump tells Middle East to 'drive out' Islamist extremists

Drive em where? Last 15 I knew of for sure came from Saudi Arabia were part of the crew to take down the Twin Towers; leave the extremist in their own country, keep them out of the USA at least. Saudi is happy enough if the extremist target the west and not the 'House of Saud'.

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You think yeah that's a start, but who trained the terrorist?


What will hurt the Arabs and make them attentive is more wind farms and the rise of Tesla. Their back pocket needs to bleed. What happens when their A/C break down in the desert; do you really want to go their and hang out in the sun?  

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