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Benefits of joining the military

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6 minutes ago, Caps said:

Going back to the Thread Title.


Being in the Army made we walk upright and be proud.  It also made me to be able to stand on my own two feet and move on in life whatever is thrown at you.

Also on the plus side I clean, wash and iron with the best of them and I am not to bad at cooking too...must be all those years with menu A lol.   I still miss the 10 man rat pack sausages

I don't miss the chicken supreme!

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23 minutes ago, Caps said:

Going back to the Thread Title.


Being in the Army made we walk upright and be proud.  It also made me to be able to stand on my own two feet and move on in life whatever is thrown at you.

Also on the plus side I clean, wash and iron with the best of them and I am not to bad at cooking too...must be all those years with menu A lol.   I still miss the 10 man rat pack sausages

Don't start us off... Today's kids will never know what it was like to try and eat "possessed peas or possessed cheese" And for something completely inedible....Compo Sausages.


Loved the rice pudding and steak/kidney.

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Just now, Flustered said:

Don't start us off... Today's kids will never know what it was like to try and eat "possessed peas or possessed cheese" And for something completely inedible....Compo Sausages.


Loved the rice pudding and steak/kidney.

Yes but the minced beef was like cat vomit :cheesy:

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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

Don't start us off... Today's kids will never know what it was like to try and eat "possessed peas or possessed cheese" And for something completely inedible....Compo Sausages.


Loved the rice pudding and steak/kidney.

Mmnnn, my long johns were not white when I returned from field exercise after compo.

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4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Compo Pilchards warning on the louvres of an AFV 432 during night navigation in brass monkey weather on med man 6 or 7.


I dont think I have eaten them since :)

On a winter exercise, the most popular squadies were the ones  in the 432/9s. Pipping hot tins of food on arrival at location. Stuff putting up the penthouse, grab a can and be warm and content inside.


Several tins used to slide off when taking tight turns at 20MPH...pity about that.

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How about a new thread for Strange Habits you pick up in the mob? My kids laugh when I bellow "(Like) MORTARS!" if they fail to stack water bottles correctly in the rack at the top of the fridge in the same swift efficient manner as an operational ammo replen :smile:


(for the civvies an 81mm mortar is almost the same size as a bottle of water & needs to be passed so that it's facing the right way when stacked in the battle bus)

Edited by evadgib
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6 minutes ago, evadgib said:

How about a new thread for Strange Habits you pick up in the mob? My kids laugh when I bellow "MORTARS!" if they fail to stack water bottles correctly in the rack at the top of the fridge in the same swift efficient manner as an operational ammo replen :smile:


(for the civvies an 81mm mortar is almost the same size as a bottle of water & needs to be passed so that it's facing the right way when stacked in the battle bus)

And.........Empty a tin of compo milk powder followed by an unopened tin of possessed peas into the stove pipe of a 432/9, aim stove pipe at recce officers tent/penthouse pump the diesel and fire up the engine. Exit tin of possessed peas at great velocity followed by a cloud of white powder. Just like a smokey mortar.

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1 hour ago, Caps said:

Going back to the Thread Title.


Being in the Army made we walk upright and be proud.  It also made me to be able to stand on my own two feet and move on in life whatever is thrown at you.

Also on the plus side I clean, wash and iron with the best of them and I am not to bad at cooking too...must be all those years with menu A lol.   I still miss the 10 man rat pack sausages

Being in the military definitely taught Hubby how to iron AND make the bed W-A-Y better than me.  Plus fold clothing.  To this day he still irons and folds his underwear into neat little packets.  An activity I consider entirely optional and I had to put a stop to him doing it to mine when we first met.

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Arctic training with concrete chocolate tested the ol mettle, as did the first brew given to me by a Ghurka, who used pepper instead of sugar (that's how they like it) without thinking to warn me before slurping a headful :sick:


I was Windsor Davis to his Don Estelle!

Edited by evadgib
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This thread is turning into a military reminiscence exercise, love it! A common theme seems to be the black humour so widespread amongst our armed forces, actually, I think in many cases it is a defence mechanism, better to laugh off a situation than to dwell on the consequences.

I recall one occasion when as SNCO I/C a barrack block, getting a phone call from the SWO asking me to allow access to 2 rooms because the inhabitants had just met an untimely end. The lads in question were MT mechanics, one senior and a raw junior. Their job was to conduct a test drive in a Unimog with the senior “teaching” the junior the ropes. The Unimog by the way is an incredible vehicle, loads of power, high up and easily controllable, down side, hit the brakes hard at speed and the front dips quite alarmingly. So, the senior gets the vehicle up to speed and stamps on the brakes, nose drops and the vehicle summersaults landing on its roof, occupants didn’t stand a chance. How many of you remember the Kwik Fit advert on TV with the slogan “You can’t get faster than a Kwik Fit Fitter”, (remember the tune?). Within half an hour, the slogan, which became viral, and had become “You can’t get flatter than an MT fitter”. Sick or what?!

By the way, I loved compo sausages and for the uninformed, baby’s heads were the compo steak and kidney pies, all served up in a mess tin heated over a hexamine stove, where the blocks ran out before the meal was cooked. By the way, anyone still have their “Combat Can Openers”?

Edited by planemad
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>>and for the uninformed, baby’s heads were the compo steak and kidney pies, <<


Sick humour that ,not just black humor .The Military do though kill beautiful babies  ( Trumps beautiful babies ,beautiful chocolate cake ) whether by accident or design .

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This thread is turning into a military reminiscence exercise, love it! A common theme seems to be the black humour so widespread amongst our armed forces, actually, I think in many cases it is a defence mechanism, better to laugh off a situation than to dwell on the consequences.
I recall one occasion when as SNCO I/C a barrack block, getting a phone call from the SWO asking me to allow access to 2 rooms because the inhabitants had just met an untimely end. The lads in question were MT mechanics, one senior and a raw junior. Their job was to conduct a test drive in a Unimog with the senior “teaching” the junior the ropes. The Unimog by the way is an incredible vehicle, loads of power, high up and easily controllable, down side, hit the brakes hard at speed and the front dips quite alarmingly. So, the senior gets the vehicle up to speed and stamps on the brakes, nose drops and the vehicle summersaults landing on its roof, occupants didn’t stand a chance. How many of you remember the Kwik Fit advert on TV with the slogan “You can’t get faster than a Kwik Fit Fitter”, (remember the tune?). Within half an hour, the slogan, which became viral, and had become “You can’t get flatter than an MT fitter”. Sick or what?!
By the way, I loved compo sausages and for the uninformed, baby’s heads were the compo steak and kidney pies, all served up in a mess tin heated over a hexamine stove, where the blocks ran out before the meal was cooked. By the way, anyone still have their “Combat Can Openers”?

Oh yeah, now your talking, babies heads were one of my favourite, chicken curry too, but I think apart from the sausages my all time number one has got to be the bacon grill out of the old tinned individual 24 hr rat packs.
Not got a tin opener though lol, but I do still have my set of diggers which I still use when I am out touring on my motorcycle

Sent from my iPhone whilst having a cold beer
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Hey Caps, it appears that our humour is not black, it is sick! Hey ho, I can live with that!

Yep me too, that's just how it was/is

Sent from my iPhone whilst having a cold beer
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On 2017-6-2 at 2:29 AM, vogie said:

Have you served bbi1, most service men I know would do it all again, you certainly come out much wiser than you go in and you probably have as much chance of having your legs blown off in civvy street these days.

Nope, I'm not stupid enough to do that ;) Going to war to fight someone else you have no beef with because someone in your government has a hard-on to show the world how big their balls are and wanting to flex their muscles on other nations or because they want another nation's oil money. Have you wondered why nobody in the government goes out to fight in wars and get themselves killed while they are fine with sending others out to kill themselves?

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11 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

Nope, I'm not stupid enough to do that ;) Going to war to fight someone else you have no beef with because someone in your government has a hard-on to show the world how big their balls are and wanting to flex their muscles on other nations or because they want another nation's oil money. Have you wondered why nobody in the government goes out to fight in wars and get themselves killed while they are fine with sending others out to kill themselves?

Its ok others will give there lives to protect your right to freedom of speech and freedom of views. Please retract the Stupid implication of anyone joining the armed forces no call for that. Have a nice day and a quite life

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2 hours ago, bbi1 said:

Nope, I'm not stupid enough to do that ;) Going to war to fight someone else you have no beef with because someone in your government has a hard-on to show the world how big their balls are and wanting to flex their muscles on other nations or because they want another nation's oil money. Have you wondered why nobody in the government goes out to fight in wars and get themselves killed while they are fine with sending others out to kill themselves?

...Billy Bwag? ?



Edited by evadgib
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