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British police says responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena


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47 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

By 'haters', I assume you mean the people who blow up children at pop concerts. That is the purest expression of someone who is blinkered in their views,


Or did you have some other group in mind?

I was thinking of those who always bang the same old drum that Muslims are to blame.  Terrorists are to blame.  I don't remember when the IRA spent years bombing innocent people in the UK that people suggested that we sent all Catholics back to Northern Ireland or even Rome.

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1 minute ago, jeab1980 said:

Do we stop drinking Guinness beacuse the IRA terrorist came from southern Island no of course not

That would not make a lot of difference because most of the IRA Terrorists were born and bred in West Belfast, Newry, XMG, Dungannon and many other places in Ulster, and yes I am speaking from experiance

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4 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

But they tolerate it, don't they? Because we're soft. If push comes to shove, who they going to support?  

Actually many in the Muslim communities are the whistle blowers and assist the security forces, often at risk to themselves and their families.  They do it because they hate the terrorists as much as we do, in fact more so because they feel threatened by the morons that blame them for just following their religion.


A religion that is , according to Donald Trump, "one of the worlds great religions!" 

Edited by dunroaming
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1 minute ago, stephenterry said:

But they tolerate it, don't they? Because we're soft. If push comes to shove, who they going to support?  

No they dont tolarate it asvyou put it. How or what do you expect them to do. Like the rest of UK and decent people all over the world they condem it.  There goiNg to support there country for goidness sake. Going way off topic here this is a terroriskt attack on society lets wait and see. I suspect innvocent Muslim children have also been cauggt uep ien this cowardly attack. Or do you belive its purley non muslimns being injured or killed yesterday.

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4 minutes ago, Caps said:

That would not make a lot of difference because most of the IRA Terrorists were born and bred in West Belfast, Newry, XMG, Dungannon and many other places in Ulster, and yes I am speaking from experiance

And yes so am i.It was a counter to halal food being banned is all. 

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Actually many in the Muslim communities are the whistle blowers and assist the security forces, often at risk to themselves and their families.  They do it because they hate the terrorists as much as we do, in fact more so because they feel threatened by the morons that blame them. 

Not to mention the countless Muslim doctors, nurses, first responders, police officers and other professionals currently engaged in dealing with this atrocity. Islamophobic haters are just doing the terrorists' bidding, although they're too dim to realise it.
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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Not to mention the countless Muslim doctors, nurses, first responders, police officers and other professionals currently engaged in dealing with this atrocity. Islamophobic haters are just doing the terrorists' bidding, although they're too dim to realise it.

Absolutely but you will never get through to these people.

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13 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I was thinking of those who always bang the same old drum that Muslims are to blame.  Terrorists are to blame.  I don't remember when the IRA spent years bombing innocent people in the UK that people suggested that we sent all Catholics back to Northern Ireland or even Rome.

Because the IRA weren't bombing innocent people on behalf of their Catholic faith or in the name of Catholicism. They were doing it to try to force a united Ireland. That was their motive.


The Muslim terrorists bomb, shoot and behead solely in the name of Islam. That's why they like to shout "Allahu akbar" at the scene of their atrocities. Their terrorism is all about Islam. Nothing else.


And Christopher Hitchens got it spot on about Islamophobia: "A word created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons."


Edited by RickBradford
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3 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Actually many in the Muslim communities are the whistle blowers and assist the security forces, often at risk to themselves and their families.  They do it because they hate the terrorists as much as we do, in fact more so because they feel threatened by the morons that blame them. 

Correct, I recall one Muslim father, I think in Crewe or Stoke,who about 9yrs ago did report his son to the security services. Good on him.

All we need now is the Majority of Muslims to take the same stance, and that would do more than anything else to bring the people together. If not, don't be surprised if this clash of religion/culture turns even more violent.

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1 hour ago, Chivas said:

always a reason why we cant do this or that. Harsh measures needed and if that involves Jews having to go elsewhere so be it time has come for massive rethink on who settles here in the uk

yes well if thats the pervasive attitude there im sure you wont have much trouble convincing other to look elsewhere.

it is this type of intolerance on both sides that foments this type of activity. 

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6 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I loved Christopher Hitchens and he was great at provocative statements, guaranteed to wind up nuts of all religions. He had a lot to say about Christianity too.

Of course Islamophobia really just means an irrational fear of the Islamic faith.

The 200 million folks who have fallen to Islamic expansion would disagree with you on it being an irrational fear.

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

Try telling the protestants it wasn't religious.  The Islamic terrorists are condemned by all the Islamic leaders and the vast majority of the people.  They belong to a terrorist organisation just as the IRA were a terrorist organisation.

The "vast majority of the people" are quite irrelevant.


It's the persistent minority who carry out indiscriminate bombings, shootings, and beheadings in the name of Islam who are the ones to worry about. As is clear to the people of London, Madrid, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Munich, New York and other cities are well aware.

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7 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

No coment necessary for your pointless  and racist post.



I'm no racist but I am anti Islam


Didn't use to be; I was supportive of the Bosnian Muslims during the Balkan wars


Since then, the more I have learnt, I have come to dislike anything to do with Islam. I once posted a long list of reasons. It's all down to their mores and customs.


I am no racist, I am no islamophobe, I do not fear Islam, but I personally dislike it intensely.


I think tempers are running high today for obvious reasons.


My post is not pointless, my opinion is that I would like the UK to be less comfortable and welcoming to these people. Nothing drastic you understand.


I am of course a Jehova's bystander.

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7 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

The "vast majority of the people" are quite irrelevant.


It's the persistent minority who carry out indiscriminate bombings, shootings, and beheadings in the name of Islam who are the ones to worry about. As is clear to the people of London, Madrid, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Munich, New York and other cities are well aware.

But who are sheltered by their communities.

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Condoleces to the dead and injued families.

BZ to the emergency services. 

The rest of this thread pales into irrelevance and hypocrisy.

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4 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Condoleces to the dead and injued families.

BZ to the emergency services. 

The rest of this thread pales into irrelevance and hypocrisy.

No it doesn't. People are showing real human reactions to an appalling act. Why don't YOU understand that?

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Those that scoffed at Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of blood' speech are quiet today. Unfettered Islamic immigration equals a future of sectarian violence that's gonna make the Irish conflict look like fisticuffs. Targeting children is absolutely heartbreaking, and we're not even allowed to say who is responsible. Not a single mention of Islam or Muslims behind the atrocity. Makes me sick! 

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To all the Muslim apologists on this thread, Islamic State has just claimed  responsibility for the attack



“A soldier of the Caliphate managed to place explosive devises in the midst of gatherings of the Crusaders in the British City of Manchester,"

And the second victim to be identified is an 8-year-old girl.


What brave fighters for freedom they are! How proud you must be!

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17 minutes ago, loogkreung said:

Those that scoffed at Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of blood' speech are quiet today. Unfettered Islamic immigration equals a future of sectarian violence that's gonna make the Irish conflict look like fisticuffs. Targeting children is absolutely heartbreaking, and we're not even allowed to say who is responsible. Not a single mention of Islam or Muslims behind the atrocity. Makes me sick! 

another one misquoting that speech,


this is what you think it means




this is a real appraisal



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Those that scoffed at Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of blood' speech are quiet today. Unfettered Islamic immigration equals a future of sectarian violence that's gonna make the Irish conflict look like fisticuffs. Targeting children is absolutely heartbreaking, and we're not even allowed to say who is responsible. Not a single mention of Islam or Muslims behind the atrocity. Makes me sick! 

I don't believe Powell mentioned Islam. And his prediction of racial violence has never been realised, although it has come close at times such as in 1981. The UK is a good example of a multi-cultural, racially diverse nation, of which I am proud to be a citizen.
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4 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I don't believe Powell mentioned Islam. And his prediction of racial violence has never been realised, although it has come close at times such as in 1981. The UK is a good example of a multi-cultural, racially diverse nation, of which I am proud to be a citizen.

The trouble was he was such an eloquent speaker and used classical references that people took him literally.

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13 minutes ago, loogkreung said:

Luckily for Enoch he was long gone before mass islamic immigration. Sure he would've loved it though! Happy for you in your multiethnic utopia. Perhaps you can volunteer to pick up the body parts!

He's the wrong guy for your agenda but I lay this blame solely at a Mr T. Blair's door for two reasons, the main one being taking Britain into illegal wars without UN resolutions and the second being opening up immigration into the UK without the EU requesting or demanding it.


Sir Roger Moore has just died .................

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7 hours ago, Grouse said:

I disagree. Enough pussy footing around now.


We need draconian measures to clamp down on these people and encourage them to leave.




When they resort to killing our children, their whole community must understand our wrath and take the consequences. 

First of all, my thoughts go out to all the victims and their relatives of this horrible cowardly crime.


Who is the "them" you are referring to here though?


If it's the misguided terrorists or wannabe's, I doubt that's going to work, as they will hide their true intentions.

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

When did mass Islamic immigration to the UK happen?

One of the things to admire from this atrocity has been the willingness of British citizens in Manchester to volunteer, whether it's by giving blood, providing transport or accommodation or helping in other ways. I realise you're just being flippant and attempting to be funny, but to be honest, I find your remarks about body parts to be in very poor taste.


2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

When did mass Islamic immigration to the UK happen?

Whether you meant it or not, that is a very good question.


Without checking in depth, I would imagine that it started after the partition of India which led to a lot of Indian Muslims coming to the UK. After that, we paid the price of having had an Empire and as they all obtained independence, the UK looked a better bet than the mess they were making of their new found freedom. Then we had the Idi Armin issue with the likes of the admitted white English male hater. Yasmin Aliibhai Brown coming over to  the sanctuary of the UK and proceeding to spout hatred at every opportunity. Even she has said she does not understand why she has not been prosecuted for her speeches against the indigenous white male.


We are sowing what we have reaped and the Liberal elite are blind to the fact that Muslims cannot and will not integrate with people of other religions. Their's is a religion of dominance, not peace. Further, Islam comes before country and that is the main problem.

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11 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

When did mass Islamic immigration to the UK happen?

One of the things to admire from this atrocity has been the willingness of British citizens in Manchester to volunteer, whether it's by giving blood, providing transport or accommodation or helping in other ways. I realise you're just being flippant and attempting to be funny, but to be honest, I find your remarks about body parts to be in very poor taste.

Have a walk around the East End mate. Brick Lane has changed 100 % from what it was.

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