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Education authority excuses teacher who beat nine year old girl with a stick as just "old school"


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2 hours ago, Laab Muu said:

I looked at the title of the OP, saw it had 5 replies, and as I was opening it I thought to myself that guaranteed there would already be a reply starting along the lines of 'If my kid' and the rambling on in to talk of 'hospitals and violence'.


You didn't let me down ?

Although i completely agree with your statements and sentiment you would have to think out of a 1000 keyboard warriors one might have the balls to front the teacher involved. Mostly likely the hard bastard who would kick seven shades of shit of him for doing that to his kid wouldnt bother to publicly announce to anyone his intentions but unfortunately if he was a falang he would be locked up quicker than you could say "falang kee nok"

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thai parenting is primitive to say the least,this culture uses threats and intimidation, as humour, and a substitute for intelligent child raising,which takes time and ''brains''. thai parents play hit, and wave the fist in the face of the child until it is routine .nothing funny about threatening  your child with fists and sticks..unless of course you want to stay stuck in the stone age...

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11 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

There isn't a day goes by where inane Thai bashing drivel doesn't become a little bit more boring 


There isn't day goes by where deserved criticism is referred to as Thai-bashing, when in fact Thai's themselves are equally appalled at such events. 


Is it still Thai bashing when Thai's criticize ?

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

To be fair, I have only had to visit my sons school once, which was when his teacher took some hair clippers and cut chunks out of my sons hair.

After I visited him and returned the compliment, along with a relatively small amount of violence, the practice mysteriously stopped.

The teacher was a quicker learner than many of his pupils it seemed.

You sir are my new hero, when I suggested I would do the same last week, I was called a Vigilante by one member..........maybe he should get a pair himself.  Thank You

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The educational level of so many teachers here is frightening. Teachers who are unable to train themselves. Too lazy and dumb to deal with modern learning methods. Zero knowledge  about pedagogy. That this hollow head may be called a teacher at all. Disgusting.

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whats even more sickening is that the Thai gov't continues to allow this type of action to continue...Its not old school at all it proves over and over again that it is up to date school...

If my kid came home from school like this girl, this teacher would be answering to me directly and believe me he would be wishing with suffering words that he could take back what he had done

Edited by Lingba
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4 hours ago, DLang said:

Because the old Thai teacher is an old Thai teacher.




The family should thank him for instilling Thai values. 

...coming soon,,, Thai justice for this classic piece of work...

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The psychological harm a 9 year old child has suffered through such a punishment is immense. This "teacher" idiot has here future failures and future learning weaknesses of the child manefestiert. 

And also the director appears here as a supervisor completely unsuitable.

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This is a nation that shames humanity beating children and in other cases raping underage Everyone within its borders should hang their heads in shame.


The worlds no1 lawless country with no hope of a future in the modern world as they allow so much crime, so just full of criminals, No longer the case of one bad apple its a barrel full.

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I'm so glad we decided, that no child of ours would ever go anywhere near any Thai school.


If these so called, Thai teachers were chefs, I would'nt leave any of them alone with a bowl of warm water. :coffee1:

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Sorry, did not have time to read the whole thread. This appears to be totally outside the education authorities jurisdiction. This is criminal assault and must be dealt with by the police and courts, and if they do nothing, he needs some 'old fashioned' fatherly response.

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3 hours ago, aussie11950 said:

The main point is that the children should have a choice and not have this forced on them.

If they want to endure the pain then it should be their decision.


<deleted> are you going on about?

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

If my kid came home from school with marks like that, getting sacked would be the least of the teachers worries. Paying his hospital bills and finding somewhere new to live would be far higher up the list.

I would be making sure he had great difficulty being able to walk to find somewhere else to live. 

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37 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

That poor excuse for a teacher needs some new school lessons. Lesson one: treat people they way in which you wish to be treated. 


I'm sure a good beating would be a great lesson for this toe-rag. 

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5 hours ago, aussie11950 said:

Sorry for the student.

The teacher should be charged with assault.

No excuses.

This will leave a bad image for the Education system if not resolved.


Bad image - just arrived in Thailand by any chance? 

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8 hours ago, Laab Muu said:

I looked at the title of the OP, saw it had 5 replies, and as I was opening it I thought to myself that guaranteed there would already be a reply starting along the lines of 'If my kid' and the rambling on in to talk of 'hospitals and violence'.


You didn't let me down ?

Did you pee your pants with the excitement of being right? 

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8 hours ago, Briggsy said:

What authority can the parent request to effectively deal with this situation so that :-


i) the family are compensated and / or the "teacher" is punished

ii) the school or education authority take action so that this particular "teacher" is stopped from doing this

iii) systems are put in place to prevent this happening again throughout Thailand's schools


Head teacher? No.

Education Authority? No.

Police? Won't get involved.

Social services (child protection)? Doesn't exist for cases like this in Thailand

All the parents are left with are Paveena and social media.


I would add that the fierce beating with a stick in a very humiliating way in front of the class with sexual overtones that a young child would not understand for something that was not even wrong has long-lasting negative effects.


It's not that long ago that a senior official from the MoE was urging parents to always file a police complaint in such cases and not accept an apology or be fobbed off by often dubious school director. 


The police have to get involved but only if the parent files a complaint. 


The parents should do that and then follow it up with the MoE.



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