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Education authority excuses teacher who beat nine year old girl with a stick as just "old school"


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21 hours ago, YetAnother said:

i just do not understand this mentality; old old old school could refer to primitive times where no real laws existed; what kind of an excuse is 'old school' ? fire him immediately and parents might think of charging him

The "teacher" apologized to the parent of the child.


Everything is OK to Thai tradition.

A little bit of "support" to the parents (250 Thai Baht) will be fine.

Next case.

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Ooooooh, I see!

He was old school!

That makes beating the cr@p out of a child ok, I guess!


I am a bit surprised, no one is defending this POS in terms of: the young brat probably got what he/she deserved for being this and that and whatnot...

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This happens (to THAI children)because they know they can get away with it.

Enraged parents will (in most cases) except an apology and that's it.

Police station is not done and a post by one of our own, who rightfully points out that he wouldn't accept this if it was his daughter, would land him immediately in jail for assault.

Stand up and unite can only be done if the gap between hi-so and lower caste disappears!

The damage done to abuse a child in front of a class is the daily inability to confront emotions the right way we see on tv .


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The Thai social contract is built on a pyramid structure, and is built on an inherent inequality. Obviously this manifests itself positively with a relatively docile populace which, other than a few brief, violent disruptions, can easily be cowed and managed by a few in power. It is literally beat into them from birth. 


However, the negative manifestations are far more evil. One aspect of this hierarchy is the amount of respect afforded by age. Respect for elders in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. But when respect is conferred simply because of age (or rank) and not honor, accomplishment, experience, education, selflessness, duty then things can go wrong. Add to that the complete lack of respect for children which leads to instances of physical abuse by the higher status (or older) person upon the younger person. I suspect most Thais of higher status would find this totally acceptable, as would some foreigners who may have been similarly abused at home, or school.



Edited by mtls2005
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What a brute! Sack the s*** immediately and award his last pay check to the little on's family as punishment (for him) and compensation (for the kid).

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23 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


There isn't day goes by where deserved criticism is referred to as Thai-bashing, when in fact Thai's themselves are equally appalled at such events. 


Is it still Thai bashing when Thai's criticize ?

That wasn't deserved criticism, it was dull Thai bashing at its TVF finest. 

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On 2017-5-25 at 3:49 PM, YetAnother said:

i just do not understand this mentality; old old old school could refer to primitive times where no real laws existed; what kind of an excuse is 'old school' ? fire him immediately and parents might think of charging him

Hes a pervert simple as that or a paedofile look at the photo undies down , not old school hope parents sue him or beat him the same way , disgraceful act. Lucky not a farang teacher would get life at bkk Hilton

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For what it is worth. I have two kids in a small private Thai school with an 80% English curriculum. It cost about 100,000 Baht per kid per year to send them there. They each have two teachers in the room, one western and one Thai. My oldest's class has a total of 13 students. The curriculum they cover is actually pretty rigorous. I am careful to compare their skills against western students at the same age. 


My kids also went to school in America for a bit. I do not feel they are learning anything less here than there. In fact here they are literate in two languages and I do not think they would be back in the states.


The Thai education probably lacks concepts of critical thinking, so I make sure to encourage that at home.  I realize there are many terrible schools in Thailand, but I would not go as far to say everyone is bad. 


On 5/25/2017 at 6:53 PM, khundon said:

I'm so glad we decided, that no child of ours would ever go anywhere near any Thai school.


If these so called, Thai teachers were chefs, I would'nt leave any of them alone with a bowl of warm water. :coffee1:


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Why did the teacher roll down the panties of the little girl to beat her bottom with the stick? Why need to roll the undies down? Is he trying to take a good look at the bottom or the young pussy? Dirty teacher . ( if nobody is round he might even try to lick it)

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On 25/05/2017 at 1:48 PM, Laab Muu said:

I looked at the title of the OP, saw it had 5 replies, and as I was opening it I thought to myself that guaranteed there would already be a reply starting along the lines of 'If my kid' and the rambling on in to talk of 'hospitals and violence'.


You didn't let me down ?

So do you agree with the attitude of the school or of the poster you quoted?

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