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Exclusive: Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy - sources


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I wasn't aware that it was a crime to have contacts with Russia 


I'm sure Julius and Ethel Rosenberg would love to hear your brilliant opinion. Ooops, maybe too late.


No one's really saying it's a crime (yet), so un-bunch your panties. People are merely highlighting activities and asking questions. Surely that's still allowed?


It seems like so many Trump "associates" seem forgetful when it comes to contacts with Russians? Maybe people with such poor memories should not be working in the WH, or government?

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I wasn't aware that it was a crime to have contacts with Russia 
I'm sure Julius and Ethel Rosenberg would love to hear your brilliant opinion. Ooops, maybe too late.
No one's really saying it's a crime (yet), so un-bunch your panties. People are merely highlighting activities and asking questions. Surely that's still allowed?
It seems like so many Trump "associates" seem forgetful when it comes to contacts with Russians? Maybe people with such poor memories should not be working in the WH, or government?

Typical Trump followers. Nobody can anything wrong as far as they are concerned. Willing to jump off a cliff for their crooked president.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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5 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Trump wasn't the president when it happened, it is treason.

                         Depending on what sorts of deals Trumpsters have hatched with Russkies, it could well be treason.  Yet, even if it weren't treason, there are several law-breaking statutes that Trump and his sheeple are likely guilty of:  Obstruction of justice, Lying to a Congressional committee, Lying to the FBI, Laundering funds (for themselves and for others), nepotism, cheating on taxes, ......the list goes on and on.


2 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Just wondering when oh when will the shit start sticking to Teflon Don The Con and his Silly Band of Idiots?!? :coffee1:

                        It's been sticking to him for years, according to those who have followed Trump's shenanigans for over 2 decades.  If some people don't want to see what's in plain sight, that's they're choice.  Good thing they're not driving school buses or cleaning out pig sties.  

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5 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Just wondering when oh when will the shit start sticking to Teflon Don The Con and his Silly Band of Idiots?!? :coffee1:

Maybe when the "RussiaReps" oh my bad.... meant republicans.... put country above party. Currently they choose power/wealth. In the future their party might be devastated and loose loose loose. That is if we do not have a dictator who takes orders from the Kremlin.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                         Depending on what sorts of deals Trumpsters have hatched with Russkies, it could well be treason.  Yet, even if it weren't treason, there are several law-breaking statutes that Trump and his sheeple are likely guilty of:  Obstruction of justice, Lying to a Congressional committee, Lying to the FBI, Laundering funds (for themselves and for others), nepotism, cheating on taxes, ......the list goes on and on.


                        It's been sticking to him for years, according to those who have followed Trump's shenanigans for over 2 decades.  If some people don't want to see what's in plain sight, that's they're choice.  Good thing they're not driving school buses or cleaning out pig sties.  

We're on the same page, but I totally disagree about it sticking. He's been lying, conning, scamming, jilting, deceiving, using and abusing and NONE of it is yet to stick. It's been sliding off for nearly 3 decades. He wouldn't be Prez if any of just his campaign shit had stuck. There is a huge difference in some of us actually knowing his jaded past and failures, lies and deceptions and any of it sticking to him. HUGE!


He bought a portion of a company I worked for in the late 80's and I and numerous colleagues were offered employment. We ALL turned it down as were privy to what a scumbag he was even way back then.


Hopefully now the teflon is worn so thin that the shit officially sticks.

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Kelly Defends Plan for Russia Back Channel as a 'Good Thing'


"Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly is defending an alleged effort by top White House adviser Jared Kushner to create back-channel communications with Russia, describing it as a "good thing" as the Trump administration sought to quell mounting questions over secret ties to the Kremlin."


"Congressional Democrats demanded to hear directly from Kushner over allegations of the proposed secret back-channel, saying his security clearance may need to be revoked."


"But Trump immediately railed against administration leaks in a flurry of tweets Sunday, calling them "fabricated lies."

So, let me see if I've gotten this straight: (While Kushner was a private citizen as was Trump and his cronies, they were back-channelling to a hostile country toward the U.S.)
First: Total denials that it ever occurred.
Next: Kushner "doesn't remember" that it occurred.
Next: Acknowledgment that it did indeed occur.
Next: HSS Kelly says nothing to see here. All's good.
Next: The buffoon occupying the White House then comes out and says it's all "fabricated lies"? :blink:
Boy are they dancing on hot coals...
Hard to tell who's worse, the clown in chief or his sycophants.
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13 hours ago, SABloke said:


Talkig to a person from another country is treason? :blink:

The article does make it clear though: "sources" say something that be unusual yet not necessarily illegal, might or might not have happened :rolleyes:

I think that with all the money they spend finding dirt on the "dirtiest POTUS of all time" they would've found something conclusive by now. :unsure:


The simplest reason is because there isn't anything to find. 

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12 hours ago, simple1 said:

May be treason is too stong a word, but as repeatedly highlighted it is strickly against established protocol to enter negotiations with foreign governments whilst the incumbent is in power. Personally I find is very damaging that the Trump transition team was busily undermining long standing standards of incoming Administration behaviour. Trump continues with his jouney to do erode standards of decency with domestic policies for the disenfranchised and treatment of Western allies.

For that to be true, Trump would have had to enter negotiations before he was inaugurated. To date there is zero evidence of that.

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12 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, the president doesn't have the authority to order someone to lie to the FBI. That would come under the heading of obstruction of justice. And Kushner was not obliged to obey. What's more, I believe that in this case this all happened before Trump was sworn in.  So there's not even the faulty excuse of a Presidential order. 

Not mentioning something isn't "lying". Kushner might have to leave his post over that, but I don't believe he will face arrest for it. Flynn wasn't arrested- just had to stand down.

I accepted that Trump wasn't president at the time several posts ago.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course citizens have contact with Russia. The cold war ended years ago. It's only an issue if in an official position.

Any citizen with a high security clearance making contact with a foreign power should expect to be asked to explain the nature of those contacts. If it was discovered that he/she was asking for a secret communication channel unknown to his country's intelligence agencies, there is every reason to be suspect of his/her activities.

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5 minutes ago, halloween said:

Any citizen with a high security clearance making contact with a foreign power should expect to be asked to explain the nature of those contacts. If it was discovered that he/she was asking for a secret communication channel unknown to his country's intelligence agencies, there is every reason to be suspect of his/her activities.

Hmmmmm. Would he have had a "high security clearance" if Trump was not yet president?

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5 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

We're on the same page, but I totally disagree about it sticking. He's been lying, conning, scamming, jilting, deceiving, using and abusing and NONE of it is yet to stick. It's been sliding off for nearly 3 decades. He wouldn't be Prez if any of just his campaign shit had stuck. There is a huge difference in some of us actually knowing his jaded past and failures, lies and deceptions and any of it sticking to him. HUGE!

He bought a portion of a company I worked for in the late 80's and I and numerous colleagues were offered employment. We ALL turned it down as were privy to what a scumbag he was even way back then.

Hopefully now the teflon is worn so thin that the shit officially sticks.


                         It depends who you ask.  If you ask Trump fans (the people who wouldn't mind if he shot someone dead in the middle of the day on 5th Avenue, NYC) (and the same folks who believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim) ....then yes, he appears to be teflon coated.  However, if you ask any people with intelligence and insight, you'll find Don has no more teflon than a banana slug.   Indeed, the opposite is true.   The Divider has created such rifts among Americans, that it will take decades to heal the wounds which he is aggravating.


20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course citizens have contact with Russia. The cold war ended years ago. It's only an issue if in an official position.

It was in the guise of 'an official position, representing the US gov't'.  See what I wrote below. . . . .


14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For that to be true, Trump would have had to enter negotiations before he was inaugurated. To date there is zero evidence of that.

                                    All the people closest to him, during and after the campaign are found to have had multiple secret meetings with Russian agents.  Does it pique your interest why all of the, ALL OF THEM, lied about such meetings, and it's only via stories from the not-fake-media that we, the public are finding the truth.  Flynn was told by Trump to negotiate with the Russkies while Trump was prez-elect.  Pence knew about it at the time.  Now, all 3 have to lie about it.  Unfortunately for them, the Russkies record things also, so it is (and will be) easy to prove conspiracy by private citizens purporting to officially represent the US government (which they didn't at the time) to counter US gov't sanctions.


                     There's already some proofs of what I've mentioned in the paragraph above, ....and there will be a whole lot more proofs gurgling down the tubes.  Expect new revelations weekly, if not daily.

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14 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


                         It depends who you ask.  If you ask Trump fans (the people who wouldn't mind if he shot someone dead in the middle of the day on 5th Avenue, NYC) (and the same folks who believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim) ....then yes, he appears to be teflon coated.  However, if you ask any people with intelligence and insight, you'll find Don has no more teflon than a banana slug.   Indeed, the opposite is true.   The Divider has created such rifts among Americans, that it will take decades to heal the wounds which he is aggravating.


It was in the guise of 'an official position, representing the US gov't'.  See what I wrote below. . . . .


                                    All the people closest to him, during and after the campaign are found to have had multiple secret meetings with Russian agents.  Does it pique your interest why all of the, ALL OF THEM, lied about such meetings, and it's only via stories from the not-fake-media that we, the public are finding the truth.  Flynn was told by Trump to negotiate with the Russkies while Trump was prez-elect.  Pence knew about it at the time.  Now, all 3 have to lie about it.  Unfortunately for them, the Russkies record things also, so it is (and will be) easy to prove conspiracy by private citizens purporting to officially represent the US government (which they didn't at the time) to counter US gov't sanctions.


                     There's already some proofs of what I've mentioned in the paragraph above, ....and there will be a whole lot more proofs gurgling down the tubes.  Expect new revelations weekly, if not daily.


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The simplest reason is because there isn't anything to find. 

As I explained to you many posts ago, if there were a simple, legal reason why Kushner was setting up a back channel using Russian systems while a private citizen, the administration would provide that reason.  So far they haven't.  The also haven't denied that Kushner attempted to set up such a back channel. 


If you think there is nothing suspicious about this, you are the sort that might by the Brooklyn Bridge from someone like Trump.

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"I know that some administration officials are saying 'well that's standard procedure.'

I don't think it's standard procedure prior to the inauguration of a President of the United States,

by someone who is not in a appointed position"



End of story.

Edited by iReason
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On ‎28‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 7:35 AM, selftaopath said:

Won't it be sweet if/when it is revealed Ivanka is involved in criminal acts or espionage. That will make my day.  


Can you imaging Ivanka and Jared in prison? 

I'm sure Jared will find many people willing to open back channel communications with him.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course citizens have contact with Russia. The cold war ended years ago. It's only an issue if in an official position.

And it's not an issue when you have just landed an official position, but haven't started yet?

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For that to be true, Trump would have had to enter negotiations before he was inaugurated. To date there is zero evidence of that.

I find if difficult to believe the son-in-law's unprecedented actions were unknown to Trump. Have to wait & see the outcome of investigations, though I seriously doubt Trump will tell the truth of the matter.

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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For that to be true, Trump would have had to enter negotiations before he was inaugurated. To date there is zero evidence of that.

Come on TBL, you know they don't need evidence, all they need is unidentified sources, which of course they all have, and it just spreads like wildfire.  Oh, if they don't have any sources they will certainly say they have just to try and gain some credibility, something most lack in truckloads.:wai: 

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                    'Unnamed sources' are common in news reports - and have been for centuries.  In the Trump administration, they're desperate to fire anyone who even looks at them askance.  One of the first things Trump did, when walking his fat butt into the Oval Office, was fire many WH staffers who had been employed there for many years.  In their place, he put people like Flynn and Kushner, who are Russian pawns - as is Trump himself.  Connect the dots.


                                   Also, Trump, Flynn and Kushner, in their profound ignorance, didn't realize that not only US intelligence agencies monitor conversations with Russian agents, BUT RUSSIANS ALSO MONITOR such conversations.    So they're in a vice grip, with corroborating evidence coming at them from both directions.  


                                  If Russian pawns (Trump, Flynn and Kushner, among others) occupying the Oval Office cared 1/1,000th as much for America as they do for their traitorous hides, they would want to find out what exactly has happened.  They might even tell the truth.   But speaking truth is a ridiculous concept, suitable only for weaklings and pussies, according Trump and his henchmen.

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13 hours ago, iReason said:

Kelly Defends Plan for Russia Back Channel as a 'Good Thing'


"Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly is defending an alleged effort by top White House adviser Jared Kushner to create back-channel communications with Russia, describing it as a "good thing" as the Trump administration sought to quell mounting questions over secret ties to the Kremlin."


"Congressional Democrats demanded to hear directly from Kushner over allegations of the proposed secret back-channel, saying his security clearance may need to be revoked."


"But Trump immediately railed against administration leaks in a flurry of tweets Sunday, calling them "fabricated lies."

So, let me see if I've gotten this straight: (While Kushner was a private citizen as was Trump and his cronies, they were back-channelling to a hostile country toward the U.S.)
First: Total denials that it ever occurred.
Next: Kushner "doesn't remember" that it occurred.
Next: Acknowledgment that it did indeed occur.
Next: HSS Kelly says nothing to see here. All's good.
Next: The buffoon occupying the White House then comes out and says it's all "fabricated lies"? :blink:
Boy are they dancing on hot coals...
Hard to tell who's worse, the clown in chief or his sycophants.


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Today's quote of the day, 


"I remember the Nixon situation.  He may have been a crook, but at least he was our crook.  He was not in bed with the Russians."


Check out 12 minutes into this segment. . . . . . . . and note the four other panelists are grinning in agreement. 



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