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Exclusive: Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy - sources


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Hasn't this investigation be going on since July 2016.  Either the FBI and other security agencies, who keep on keeping on with their leaks, are inept, because according to many, not me or the so called "Fake News",  have come up with one ounce of factual evidence to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Russians interfered with the election or there was/is collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians.  I know that some investigations take months even years but for those who espouse that the POTUS is a criminal and is traitorous with the investigations, of which there are many, not being concluded, are only showing their true colours.  It is evident that they have no idea into the civil, criminal or laws governing treason and only speak that way in order to make out they do.  Sad, very sad.


If the security agencies, Senate and Congress are as good in investigating, as they tell us they us, then to have not one iota of factual proof come to light in some 10 and 6 months respectively, suggests there may have been nothing there in the first instance and now they are relying on unnamed sources (leaks alleged to be above reproach) in order to justify their ongoing search of something that they hope they can legitimately hang around the POTUS'S neck.  It appears that when they cannot find any they then direct their investigation towards others, with new allegations arising daily, hoping they will find something.  I wonder why Senator Graham, who is far from being a Trump Supporter, is now doubting the genuineness of the allegations relating to the Russian interference. 


Funny how that when CNN, Bloomberg, The Washington Post and Times and many others bringing to the fore the possibility of the POTUS or other members of his administration being held to account for treason, that some on here are carrying on with the same story line.  Now, if you want you adopt this approach, fine, that is your right but please do so with evidence and not just unproven allegations and hearsay. 


Also understand what is required to convict someone of such an offence, not just proffer what has been heard or throw some mud, hoping some will stick,  as to do so makes one look foolish, however, it does gather a few likes from those of similar thoughts.  Maybe that was the desired effect because there is certainly nothing, at this stage, to sustain that outlandish and other scurrilous allegations.  If there was, then certainly many would be before a grand jury or even charged and before the courts, so why is this so?


But gee, there isn't, so lets just keep going with self opinionated attacks, as that is what most are to date. If you don't believe me just watch those stations mentioned and read the newspapers that I mentioned, then come back and tell me that there is direct evidence and that they're not Trump haters and totally biased.


I now await the responses but keep them civil and realistic, not the unproven and clearly biased accusations that are being espoused now.:wai:

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I am starting to feel sorry for the President, and his family. Clearly the Russians control them with financial and Kompromat leverage, so they're wedged in a sort of 'no-man's land'.


Can't see this ending well except for maybe Eric and Tiffany, and Orrin Hatch.

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4 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Hasn't this investigation be going on since July 2016.  Either the FBI and other security agencies, who keep on keeping on with their leaks, are inept, because according to many, not me or the so called "Fake News",  have come up with one ounce of factual evidence to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Russians interfered with the election or there was/is collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians.  I know that some investigations take months even years but for those who espouse that the POTUS is a criminal and is traitorous with the investigations, of which there are many, not being concluded, are only showing their true colours.  It is evident that they have no idea into the civil, criminal or laws governing treason and only speak that way in order to make out they do.  Sad, very sad.


If the security agencies, Senate and Congress are as good in investigating, as they tell us they us, then to have not one iota of factual proof come to light in some 10 and 6 months respectively, suggests there may have been nothing there in the first instance and now they are relying on unnamed sources (leaks alleged to be above reproach) in order to justify their ongoing search of something that they hope they can legitimately hang around the POTUS'S neck.  It appears that when they cannot find any they then direct their investigation towards others, with new allegations arising daily, hoping they will find something.  I wonder why Senator Graham, who is far from being a Trump Supporter, is now doubting the genuineness of the allegations relating to the Russian interference. 


Funny how that when CNN, Bloomberg, The Washington Post and Times and many others bringing to the fore the possibility of the POTUS or other members of his administration being held to account for treason, that some on here are carrying on with the same story line.  Now, if you want you adopt this approach, fine, that is your right but please do so with evidence and not just unproven allegations and hearsay. 


Also understand what is required to convict someone of such an offence, not just proffer what has been heard or throw some mud, hoping some will stick,  as to do so makes one look foolish, however, it does gather a few likes from those of similar thoughts.  Maybe that was the desired effect because there is certainly nothing, at this stage, to sustain that outlandish and other scurrilous allegations.  If there was, then certainly many would be before a grand jury or even charged and before the courts, so why is this so?


But gee, there isn't, so lets just keep going with self opinionated attacks, as that is what most are to date. If you don't believe me just watch those stations mentioned and read the newspapers that I mentioned, then come back and tell me that there is direct evidence and that they're not Trump haters and totally biased.


I now await the responses but keep them civil and realistic, not the unproven and clearly biased accusations that are being espoused now.:wai:

There was no shred of credible evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, and ample evidence he was born in Hawaii, but fools like Trump just wouldn't let it go.


Obama provided evidence he was born in the USA.  Why doesn't Trump provide evidence--tax returns, White House visitor logs, transcripts of phone calls, meeting minutes with classified information redacted, etc., that shows he has no improper ties with Russia?


For that matter, why doesn't he just provide a clear denial that Kushner attempted to set up a back channel with Russia, or provide a valid reason for doing so if he did?

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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I am starting to feel sorry for the President, and his family. Clearly the Russians control them with financial and Kompromat leverage, so they're wedged in a sort of 'no-man's land'.


Can't see this ending well except for maybe Eric and Tiffany, and Orrin Hatch.

The line of succession is



Paul Ryan

Orin Hatch


Hatch seems very unlikely. 

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15 hours ago, halloween said:


18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course citizens have contact with Russia. The cold war ended years ago. It's only an issue if in an official position.

And it's not an issue when you have just landed an official position, but haven't started yet?


Just listen to yourselves, look at your words and see what has become of party before country politics. You are actually endorsing and defending espionage. You are defending what your Fathers and Grandfathers would have deemed indefensible.  Since 1947 Russia has been trying to cut the link between Europe and the USA and last week, Donald Trump did just that. Trump sold the USA down the river to ensure the financial and personal kompromat that Russia holds over him remains secret. By your endorsement of Trump and his families actions you are displaying a level of anti-patriotism the likes of which has never been seen in the last 300 years. Putin is doing flip flops and Trumps supporters are oblivious to it all. The hatred for Democrats and anything none Trump is actually causing the very fabric of the USA to crumble before our eyes. I knew that the US 'Empire' would eventually disappear as all empires do, but I never thought I would witness it in my life time. Great job y'all.

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Just listen to yourselves, look at your words and see what has become of party before country politics. You are actually endorsing and defending espionage. You are defending what your Fathers and Grandfathers would have deemed indefensible.  Since 1947 Russia has been trying to cut the link between Europe and the USA and last week, Donald Trump did just that. Trump sold the USA down the river to ensure the financial and personal kompromat that Russia holds over him remains secret. By your endorsement of Trump and his families actions you are displaying a level of anti-patriotism the likes of which has never been seen in the last 300 years. Putin is doing flip flops and Trumps supporters are oblivious to it all. The hatred for Democrats and anything none Trump is actually causing the very fabric of the USA to crumble before our eyes. I knew that the US 'Empire' would eventually disappear as all empires do, but I never thought I would witness it in my life time. Great job y'all.

" You are actually endorsing and defending espionage."


BS. YOU have a reading and comprehension problem. ALL my comments on this subject have been negative in regard to Trump and his co-travellers.

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49 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Can you guide me to part of this topic that has HRC pointing fingers?


The firrst couple seconds of the vid taken from her commencement speech at Wellesley. She threw a lot of punches at trump throughout the speech.

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6 hours ago, Rob13 said:

^she (HRC) needs to quit pointing fingers.


1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Can you guide me to part of this topic that has HRC pointing fingers?


45 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


The firrst couple seconds of the vid taken from her commencement speech at Wellesley. She threw a lot of punches at trump throughout the speech.

Is this topic about her commencement speech? 


How much time did you put into justifying your off-topic shot at Clinton?

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6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I am starting to feel sorry for the President, and his family. Clearly the Russians control them with financial and Kompromat leverage, so they're wedged in a sort of 'no-man's land'.


Can't see this ending well except for maybe Eric and Tiffany, and Orrin Hatch.

Oh Geezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee seriously? Feel sorry for that liar? Really???? Ya gotta be kidding right?

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Just listen to yourselves, look at your words and see what has become of party before country politics. You are actually endorsing and defending espionage. You are defending what your Fathers and Grandfathers would have deemed indefensible.  Since 1947 Russia has been trying to cut the link between Europe and the USA and last week, Donald Trump did just that. Trump sold the USA down the river to ensure the financial and personal kompromat that Russia holds over him remains secret. By your endorsement of Trump and his families actions you are displaying a level of anti-patriotism the likes of which has never been seen in the last 300 years. Putin is doing flip flops and Trumps supporters are oblivious to it all. The hatred for Democrats and anything none Trump is actually causing the very fabric of the USA to crumble before our eyes. I knew that the US 'Empire' would eventually disappear as all empires do, but I never thought I would witness it in my life time. Great job y'all.

Thank you.

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59 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


The firrst couple seconds of the vid taken from her commencement speech at Wellesley. She threw a lot of punches at trump throughout the speech.

LOL. Your leader has thrown more crap at people in the last year than anyone I've ever seen/heard about or read about. He's called so many people names.... b/c he's so bright... hell didn't he even say something a/b the Pope? But one person he dare not say anything negative about.... coward that he is .... and we ALL know who that is. I even saw this coward of a man DT smack a guy -  sucker punched him... and when the guy started to retaliate, your leader's bodyguards stepped in and the draft dodger did what he's been doing all his life.... ran away. Just like when young men and women were dying in VN. He's a pathetic excuse of a human being. And definitely a coward. IMO.

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2 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

LOL. Your leader has thrown more crap at people in the last year than anyone I've ever seen/heard about or read about. He's called so many people names.


Yeah, they're both cut from the same narcissistic cloth. GOP would be crying impeachment and investigating her the same way trump is getting it from the DNC and press..   HRC tries to pass her losing off because trump cheated, the reason she lost is, she's unlikable  and stinks of corruption. They shoulda gone with Bernie.

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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

There was no shred of credible evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, and ample evidence he was born in Hawaii, but fools like Trump just wouldn't let it go.


Obama provided evidence he was born in the USA.  Why doesn't Trump provide evidence--tax returns, White House visitor logs, transcripts of phone calls, meeting minutes with classified information redacted, etc., that shows he has no improper ties with Russia?


For that matter, why doesn't he just provide a clear denial that Kushner attempted to set up a back channel with Russia, or provide a valid reason for doing so if he did?

Please, if you want to quote me, then leave out the bits to do with Obama, which has no relevance to what I posted but if you followed the subject then you would find that he has let it go.  As for the rest of it, there is no law that forces him to produce or deny anything that you have indicated. It is old hat so please give it a break.:wai: 

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31 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


Yeah, they're both cut from the same narcissistic cloth. GOP would be crying impeachment and investigating her the same way trump is getting it from the DNC and press..   HRC tries to pass her losing off because trump cheated, the reason she lost is, she's unlikable  and stinks of corruption. They shoulda gone with Bernie.

But she had more people like her/vote for her than your leader. Butttttttttttttttttt

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I'm not sure what Kushner attempted was really a "back channel." Reason being he wanted to avoid all U.S. government scrutiny. I personally feel he and his FIL wanted to make deals w/ their leader Putin without any transparency at all. This guy who people call President does NOT want any transparency or facts. He is so Un-American it hurts. I hope history scorns him and his family for all time.

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1 minute ago, Rob13 said:


Like it or not he's our leader.... and i neither voted or support either one of them.

If you're an American, he's your President. He's not your leader. The framers of the Constitution would be horrified to hear such talk. Next you'll be saying that he's your Commander-in-Chief.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

If you're an American, he's your President. He's not your leader. 


True, better wording. I wouldn't follow him or hilary anywhere.

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:

Please, if you want to quote me, then leave out the bits to do with Obama, which has no relevance to what I posted but if you followed the subject then you would find that he has let it go.  As for the rest of it, there is no law that forces him to produce or deny anything that you have indicated. It is old hat so please give it a break.:wai: 

I didn't quote you before, but now I will:


" Hasn't this investigation be going on since July 2016.  Either the FBI and other security agencies, who keep on keeping on with their leaks, are inept, because according to many, not me or the so called "Fake News",  have come up with one ounce of factual evidence to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Russians interfered with the election or there was/is collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians. "


I pointed out the irony of Trump supporters objecting to investigations that have not provided "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence that Russia interfered with the election (the intelligence agencies say they did), when Trump for years led a completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about Obama not being a US citizen, in spite of "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence that he was. 


The Trumpies and fake news birthers are learning that Karma is a b*tch, and I love it.  I think it only fair that the Trump investigation continue until Trump proves there is nothing to it (by releasing tax returns and other financial details, White House visitor logs, meeting and phone transcripts, etc.), just as he dragged on the Obama conspiracy for years after Obama proved there was nothing to that.

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

actually, democrats already have experienced an impeachment and I believe most followed it very closely.


I only followed Bill's a little, I'd be glued to the TV watching Hilary's  though.

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31 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

Go back and read my posts and you'll see I'm not deflecting.

27 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

I only followed Bill's a little, I'd be glued to the TV watching Hilary's  though.


10 hours ago, Rob13 said:

she (HRC) needs to quit pointing fingers.

On May 16, 2017 at 0:33 PM, Rob13 said:

I pretty much quit reading NYT when they were backing HRC so hard. Bad reporting that read like cheap paid advertising.

2 hours ago, Rob13 said:

True, better wording. I wouldn't follow him or hilary anywhere.


I've read your drivel in the past.


You're one of those guys who can't resist interjecting your off-topic Hilary [sic] card as often as you can...


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5 hours ago, Rob13 said:

The firrst couple seconds of the vid taken from her commencement speech at Wellesley. She threw a lot of punches at trump throughout the speech.

Who's the snowflake now?  Hillary speaks some truth, and Trumpsters char like styrofoam in a hot oven.


a poster earlier opined:

"If the security agencies, Senate and Congress are as good in investigating, as they tell us they us, then to have not one iota of factual proof come to light in some 10 and 6 months respectively, suggests there may have been nothing there in the first instance and now they are relying on unnamed sources (leaks alleged to be above reproach) in order to justify their ongoing search of something that they hope they can legitimately hang around the POTUS'S neck."


                        How many iota in a garbage truck full of trash?  That's about how much iota of proofs showing Trump and his insiders are as corrupt as humanly possible. .....and there's a lot more yet to come forth.   Trumpsters are as eager to come clean and speak the truth as they are to eat broken glass omelettes.   BTW, all the investigative committees, particularly the FBI, are trying not to leak pertinent data.  They're supposed to keep most things secret until they release their findings.  Trumpsters take that as finding nothing.   Dumb analysis.    


                   One thing I agree with Trump about:  I wish they would hurry up.   Though if they hurry, they may miss some pertinent info that comes forth after their announced findings.


                                 Just like Trump's excuses are as flaccid as his neck skin, so too Trumpsters' denials are as believable as Madoff saying he was just playing Monopoly, and never tried to cheat anyone.  If Trumpsters don't want to know whether Trump and his honchos were breaking multiple laws, then they can hide away in soundproof rooms, without any communications with the outside world.  In contrast, those of us who want to know what's really been happening - are watching and listening.  And we're connecting the dots - something which Trumpsters hate (or are incapable of) doing.


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