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Murder, armed robbery, forgery – foreign criminal suspects nabbed in Thailand


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32 minutes ago, mikosan said:

I applaud the Thai authorities and hope they continue with the arrests of foreign criminals and not a moment too soon.  For many years Thailand has been the country of choice for undesirables to flee to when wanted elsewhere.  I'm pretty sure that most of us who live here as honest people would love to see the back of them.  There are enough home grown criminals here already and maybe then the authorities can concentrate on them.  Sadly, large amounts of tea money probably changes hands to protect these foreign undesirables.  In the latest arrest cases, maybe the payments weren't made? 

It looks like foreign agencies knew they are in Thailand and they provided the Thai Police with their info and a request to arrest them.A couple of years ago when in the

philipines i was talking to some one high up in the Police over there,they had just caught a guy for something serious for the third time.He paid and they let him go.When i asked why they did not throw the book at him the man smiled and said

"soon he will run out of money and then we will prosecute him."


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4 hours ago, mstevens said:

When I read stories like this one involving long overstays I think that there is a case for police and Immigration to carry out random passport checks of foreigners from time to time...one does not want to have people such as these for neighbours.

I agree, for the benefit of the greater good we may have to encounter some inconvenience now and again. 


That said, it opens up an opportunity for extortion as has happened in the past - No passport pay fine etc... 


I would like to see clear common sense rules. 

I don't like the idea of carrying my passport because of the risk of loss and potential hassles of having to replace it. 

I do think its reasonable for us to have to carry a Colour Photocopy of your Passport (including Visa Page) must be carried, along with a Driving License or other 'government issued ID' which shows a Visa page. 

Many of us carry our phones, I think its reasonable to have to carry photographs of our Passport and Visa Page. I've asked immigration officers before and they have said this would be acceptable, but that is an individual and not an official response.


It is also quite simple for the BiB to check our immigration status: They just need to Call in the Name, DOB of the person to an Immigration officer who can run a quick search, also checking that you match the photo of the person in the picture. 

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17 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Again, more evidence that criminals care not a jot about visas.

Nor it seems do people in high places in the police force, or immigration.

Someone got ordered to sharpen up here, that's the most feasible explanation I can offer.


guaranteed! no sharpening up required by officials to arrest the red bull brat.

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3 hours ago, Yann55 said:

Every time I read a comment like this, advocating more police state, more control, more surveillance, I can't help but think of Orwell's '1984' and cringe ...


The pretext invoked for tightening up control on individuals is always security, and the result is inevitably that law-abiding, quiet and normal people have to put up with more hassle. Their lives become more difficult, while the real criminals continue their criminal activities, because chapter #1 in the criminal's handbook is : "how to avoid the rules, be under the radar and break the law". It's what criminals do, and yes some of them will get caught in random checks, but most of them won't, they'll just adapt. It's pretty much like trying to kill a mosquitoe with a bazooka.


In Orwell's 1984 the citizens have been slowly brainwashed into thinking that everything around them is normal, done for their sake and to protect them from terrorism. The key word here is slowly. As a species we tend to think 'in the box', it's a survival process. If the authorities reduce the size of that box slowly enough, chances are most people won't notice. That's what's happening around the world.


What amazes (and depresses) me most is that whistle-blowing geniuses like Orwell, Huxley, Bradbury, Voltaire and many others who wrote novels and essays to warn us of this danger seem to have, in the long run, no effect on the process. They are widely read ... but their nightmares are nonetheless becoming our reality.

Salvation is here!


A well read and educated TVF member!


Is this an anomaly in the Matrix or an even more subtle way of making that box even smaller?


i fully concur with you my friend just look at today's "joys" of flying commercially, Has anyone ever published a list of terrorists (potential or actual) caught in the highly invasive personal screening and loss of basic decency at airports nowadays?  Who are the compliant sheep who mutter their angst but are afraid to mouth it because to do so will inevitably result in your ( an innocent but concerned individual with not one terrorist bone in your body) further loss of basic human dignity?


yes it is the common man not the perpetrators of the crimes that lead to this disgraceful loss of dignity and freedom. That is just the airports, look at the governments eavesdropping on our every electronic communication, where is our privacy? How do we know for sure that the information they keep is not abused?



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2 hours ago, todlad said:

I don't know how many of the very smart people who have posted on this thread so far are from the UK and USA but don't forget the saying, people in glass houses ...


Trump is so worried about one source of illegal immigrants that he wants to build a massive wall to keep them out and has travel bans in place/in mind to isolate his country even more. I am not judging the immigrants, rather the US's ability to track down and exclude their illegals and overstayers.


The UK is leaving the EU at least in part because its immigration control system is way out of kilter. Last I heard there were half a million illegals there ... overstayers!


Finally, I am not saying all is sweetness and light in the Thai garden either but if you're going to throw stones, be aware that a bad ricochet and they will smack you in the eye!

What you say is true and is inexcusable however in defence of the lowly Brits ( on of which I happen to be) we gave up any chance of being able to control our borders when the EU took control. In fact even when our inept and politically hands tied Plod did capture a murderer, rapist or generally bad guy we were not allowed to deport / hang / torture him because his human rights to live a family life could be breached. No care for the human rights of those dead or raped by these scum. 


So what happened? we got collectively pissed and chose to try and grab back our independence and be damned to some Kraut bitch telling us what to do in our country ( out of spite cos they lost twice plus one more time In 1966) or some inane cheese munching clog head with limited grasp on reality and voted OUT. 


Ofc there are always the non indig remoaners whose claim to be British is tenuous at best or the snowflakes who believe all on Facebook to be the truth or the so called superstars whose only claim to fame is an odd catchy tune or two but zero education to back their inane claims, who say that to regain our independence, the same independence that was on the line as young men by the thousand gave the supreme sacrifice to maintain, is wrong. 


In my not so humble opinion we almost left it too late, I hope our new " leaders" have enough cojones to plough through the crud to achieve that to which we are striving to achieve then and only then can we focus on cleaning the dross the scum and the unwanted from our once proud shores. 


( That was a political broadcast on behalf of the common sense party) 

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6 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

How is it that these criminals can so easy come in to Thailand?


You could be forgiven for thinking there is no checks at Immigration whatsoever.

There all too busy bombing other peoples pics! Fb likes is more important than work here perhaps.....

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What I'm curious about is this... you have some pretty heavyweight criminals here with fairly long overstays. They could have been picked up at anytime (or stopped at immigration). Why suddenly, within a few days' timeframe, does the RTP get off their behinds and get all enthusiastic about tracking these guys down? Given their criminal histories, I doubt that they were just listed by Interpol last month. 

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6 hours ago, mikosan said:

I applaud the Thai authorities and hope they continue with the arrests of foreign criminals and not a moment too soon.  For many years Thailand has been the country of choice for undesirables to flee to when wanted elsewhere.  I'm pretty sure that most of us who live here as honest people would love to see the back of them.  There are enough home grown criminals here already and maybe then the authorities can concentrate on them.  Sadly, large amounts of tea money probably changes hands to protect these foreign undesirables.  In the latest arrest cases, maybe the payments weren't made? 

Strange twist of circumstances. The local criminals leave and the overseas criminals fill the vacant spaces/places? :whistling:


Thailand is a revolving door! 

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23 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Again, more evidence that criminals care not a jot about visas.


Good point. And criminals care not a jot about drug laws, gun laws, knife laws, assault laws or any other laws.


Why governments insist all they have to do to counter criminals is pass laws is yet another con on the electorate.

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On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 7:34 PM, Father Fintan Stack said:

Again, more evidence that criminals care not a jot about visas.

Or anything and anyone....

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12 hours ago, free123 said:

to overstay theyr initial visitors visa seems to be the way to go to escape jail in their home country's...well once u are over here everything seems to be like in paradise...untill u get fed up from this and that..a little bit more as times pass one year two year ....maybe wanna go another place for a little change Bali, Cambodia Japan or over to HK...???etc..etc..uuuppps cannot ....u stuck in paradise...hope the money dont run out...suddenly Thailand become ur jail, cameras everywhere and u stick out of the crowd like a pink tree in the forest....most hotels wanna see id card...only the crappy ones might not....

i wonder at which point these guys start to regret their decisions...


In pattaya they are not going to stick out like a sore thumb, they will blend right in.  This is Thailand so no worries about the BIB as they dont do their job unless money is in it for them or they are forced to by others.  If the criminal has a girl friend the girl friend can check into a hotel in her name, hotels dont care. My wife checks us in most of the time and I'm never asked for my ID.  If  someone is a criminal and hiding out, if they want to go to Cambodia they are not going to worry about crossing into Cambodia legally.  

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Good that they get rid of this beautiful country´s infections. Just so sad that they just skimmed the topping of the cake filled with cancer.Good that they get rid of this beautiful country´s infections. Just so sad that they just skimmed the topping of the cake filled with cancer.

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On 6/2/2017 at 2:50 PM, Docno said:

What I'm curious about is this... you have some pretty heavyweight criminals here with fairly long overstays. They could have been picked up at anytime (or stopped at immigration). Why suddenly, within a few days' timeframe, does the RTP get off their behinds and get all enthusiastic about tracking these guys down? Given their criminal histories, I doubt that they were just listed by Interpol last month. 

These people hide in plain sight. They are allowed to hide behind masks, sunglasses and hats at their unveiling!! This ensures that no one can identify them, if ever the need arose.


If they overstay and are able to manage their lives successfully,  they really can stay for years.


I met a man in his 70s here last year and he's been hiding in plain sight ever since immigration changed the way they treated him: four or five years I think he said.

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