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France's Macron says U.S. interests to be harmed by climate deal withdrawal


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Yes and allow me to rub a little salt into that wound.  From Trump's speech:



Our tax bill is moving along in Congress, and I believe it’s doing very well. I think a lot of people will be very pleasantly surprised.


There is no tax bill anywhere in congress. No bill has been introduced to either the House or Senate.  The plan that Trump has released has nowhere near the level of detail needed for any financial group to do an assessment of it.


And finally, what the hell does this have to do with the Paris Climate Accord?

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8 hours ago, Usernames said:

The American people, the American congress, and the American people decide what harms or does not harm their interests.  Not some French midget.

Fortunately the American people are not as stupid as you paint them as will be seen shortly when Trump meets his demise.

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8 hours ago, doggie1955 said:

The Earth needs to heal itself, and the only way to do that is to have 7 billion people must die.

every long journey  starts with the first step

I nominate Trump to take the first step , do I hear a second?

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11 hours ago, Usernames said:

The American people, the American congress, and the American people decide what harms or does not harm their interests.  Not some French midget.

that's why the REAL world is so worried. America has been inflicting its decisions on everyone else for too long. p.s. the last figure I saw quoted, only 2% of Americans hold passports. The other 98% think that they. and they only, are the world. 

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7 hours ago, DavoTheGun said:

He campaigned and was elected on promises like leaving the TTP and the Paris hoax and fulfilled those promises to the majority that democratically elected him - so a politician that does what he said has no brains' - lol. Your a <deleted>. Just because you fall for globalist garbage doesn't make someone who does what he says he has no brains.' - lefties brains are wired backwards.

"Your a <deleted>. " If only the rest of the Trump supporters could come up with such a well thought out, erudite response, then I'm sure people would be flocking to his side, dazzled by the unassailable argument in his favour.  Truly, the thinking man's president.  One thing to remember though; when you're standing in front of your mirror, brushing your tooth and practicing future witticisms for the forum, it's "you're" not "your" in this context.  You're welcome.

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10 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Macron trying to paint himself a s tough guy. LOL.


Expect more and more of this from Macron. He's trying to create the image for French people that he's pushing France to more relevance on the international stage, leading the EU (haha) "reforms" and above all keep them focused on that rather than the issues within France. It's the French economy, unemployment, social unrest, economic illegal migrants, etc that's he doesn't want their focus on. No quick wins their for his image.

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7 hours ago, DavoTheGun said:

He campaigned and was elected on promises like leaving the TTP and the Paris hoax and fulfilled those promises to the majority that democratically elected him - so a politician that does what he said has no brains' - lol. Your a <deleted>. Just because you fall for globalist garbage doesn't make someone who does what he says he has no brains.' - lefties brains are wired backwards.

Hitler was a politician who did much of what he promised.

Doing what he promised is not the issue.  It's what he promised which is the issue.

Trump said, "when you're famous, you can....."  grab any pretty woman's pussy.

Are Trump fans going to applaud him when he makes pussy grabbing acceptable?  Maybe he can get laws passed which water down sexual assault laws to become no more dire than not putting a quarter in a parking meter.

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11 hours ago, DavoTheGun said:

Climate Change is the biggest hoax of all times, go the Trump!

Do you also believe that when ice melts, it doesn't become water?  Maybe you think melting polar ice becomes Trump Vodka.  That would put you in a similar anti-science mind-set as your hero; Trump.


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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Climate Change is the biggest hoax of all times


Sometimes I think it would be nice to live in such a simplistic world, where all the answers are easy and difficult problems go away on their own.  You'd be free from the ravages of responsibility, never suffer the consequences of your actions and absolutely nothing would ever be your fault.  But it's the rest of us who keep the world going so that the naïve can continue to live in their fantasy land.

Edited by attrayant
Tried to fix the quote tag (misattributing) but forum doesn't let me edit this.
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On 6/2/2017 at 7:50 AM, Usernames said:

The American people, the American congress, and the American people decide what harms or does not harm their interests.  Not some French midget.

That 'French midget' is a highly intelligent man, his intelligence shown in university was a source of conversation among his professors whereas Trumps lack of the same is a source of consternation with just about everybody with an average IQ, that doesn't include his supporters obviously.

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On 6/1/2017 at 8:50 PM, Usernames said:

The American people, the American congress, and the American people decide what harms or does not harm their interests.  Not some French midget.

And the American people in the nation's largest  cities agree with the French PM. Are you aware that California, Washington and  New York  have already voiced their opposition?  Using your logic, your argument falls apart.  


And btw, he's no midget.  He is 5'8 which is quite normal. He is also in superb physical  condition, taut and muscular, very unlike Trump  who is obese and  big  blob of goo. That's why macron was also able to walk around the G7 conference while the aged and out of shape Trump needed a golf cart to carry him about.  Typical Trump talk anyway. Ridicule and denigrate someone based upon physical form so as to avoid the issue at hand.


That's ok. November  2018  will be the GOP's Waterloo.

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To even mantion Donald Trump and Abraham Lincoln in the same breath is akin to sacriledge.

Lincoln saved a Nation, while Trump is trying to destroy it.


Every reputable scientist in the World knows climate change is real. Donald Trump knows it's real but has chosen a selfish path by withdrawing the largest economy in the World from a program that 99.9% of the World has agreed upon.  Even if  some jobs are saved or created short term- what good are they if others will eventually lose their lives or future employment because we are destroying our own planet.


I am glad Macron spoke up and directly challenged Trump. Trump needs to hear the real truth over and over again rather than listen to the alt right rabble he has assembled which has an agenda that is destroying American credibility. Trump and his minions follow the Josef Goebbels theory- that if  you lie and distort the truth over and over again- people will start to believe it.

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