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Bike rider is thankful for a kind cop after roadside "red plate" stop


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Bought a new car four years ago and was told i could have red plates for a fee or not bother, so i didn't bother and ran around for four months without plates. Nobody cared and i was never stopped.


I have a near neighbour with a Merc' who has been driving on red plates for four years and when i asked why i was told he had to go to BKK where he bought the car to get the white ones and he couldn't be bothered.  Well; nobody would dare stop a Merc' would they in the land of money comes first so he must be important !

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when we bought our car we got red plates and were told not to drive at night or out of the district, left for Bangkok that night(8 hour drive), didnt buy a car so we would have to take a bus/fly then take cabs wherever we had to go. This has to be the most stupid law here, registration is paid for when you buy the car but they do not supply plates like any other country. At least we had our white plates within 4 weeks but there was no way in hell I was going to not drive the car wherever and whenever I wanted to, we also had to fill in a log book for the time period, think I did it 2 or 3 times

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13 hours ago, possum1931 said:

I have bought four new motorbikes in Thailand, and was never issued with red plates, the

newest one was bought in Bangkok.

I forgot to mention I just bought a Fortuner 2017 and was issued with red plates 1st :)

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 6:44 AM, darksidedog said:

I bought a new bike for my son 10 weeks ago, but the white plate and green book still haven't come. Every trip to the shop gets the same story. They roll their eyes, so you know they aren't happy to see you, say, "You not worry. Come soon." Once you have parted with your money, they really don't give a shit.


It takes 2 monts to get your white plates if the dealer, where you bought your bike, registers your motorbike.

You don't need the dealer to do this as you can do it by yourself.

The law says the Land Department has to provide a white plate in 48 hrs but good luck with that.:sorry:

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On 6/3/2017 at 6:19 AM, ezzra said:


I know someone who just bought a late model Benz that was driven

around for 3 years with red plats,  and when it was put up for sale

the date of registration was cited, not the real date of leaving the

showroom...and that copper is lamenting over a bike with over 30 days

red plates....

But Benz' are immune to many of the things that might plague Toyota owners.  I mean, they may belong to someone important like a soap actor or a traditional folk singer.  Or an off duty police officer .   Gotta belong to someone with access to (but who not necessarily earns) real money.

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17 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Well done.


Like most things in Thailand, you experience can and will vary.

Every provincial branch of every Govt department seems to have its own set of rules that may have little in common with the manual issued by Head office in Bkk, and, I suspect, perhaps even what that manual has in common with the law as it was passed.

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18 hours ago, NanLaew said:

I'll play your guessing game. Maybe around the same time as drivers in the UK start paying attention to speed camera's and stop maligning them as being only cash cows for local authorities.

In many countries, including my own home country, road traffic police and parking wardens are on a quota where they have to write so many tickets per month etc.

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On 6/3/2017 at 7:27 AM, 4MyEgo said:

When in Thailand, do as Thai's do


Our bike is about 9 years old and has been unregistered for years, although it only has about 5,000km's on it.


I did say to the wife after the 1st year when the rego ran out, we have to register the bike, with her reply being as I said on the top line of this reply: When in Thailand, do as Thai's do, but then again, we only ride it around the village, out of the village is the registered car.


Thanks for not having the mandatory insurance - am sure if you hit someone they will understand.

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2 hours ago, 1SteveC said:


Thanks for not having the mandatory insurance - am sure if you hit someone they will understand.

As I am sure when someone hits me in the village they won't have the mandatory insurance, besides if I ever hit someone, I can cover it, my pen rye, no cheap Charlie here 555

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6 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

In many countries, including my own home country, road traffic police and parking wardens are on a quota where they have to write so many tickets per month etc.

Can you quote the figures on deaths and injuries caused by cars parked beyond their paid-for time?

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

As I am sure when someone hits me in the village they won't have the mandatory insurance, besides if I ever hit someone, I can cover it, my pen rye, no cheap Charlie here 555


No, you are a criminal, someone with a blatant disregard for the law. I don't care how much money you have, being a law abiding citizen is far more important.


Sorry, mai bpen rai does not cut the mustard when it comes to people's health and lives !

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1 hour ago, 1SteveC said:


No, you are a criminal, someone with a blatant disregard for the law. I don't care how much money you have, being a law abiding citizen is far more important.


Sorry, mai bpen rai does not cut the mustard when it comes to people's health and lives !

Ok Mr Perfect, you remain a law abiding farang in Thailand, if that makes you feel good, "up to you" and I will do what makes me feel good, "up to me" 


As for your preaching, well, lets just leave it at that Preacher, every shoe doesn't fit everyone's foot, and with your control freak attitude in the Land of Smiles, you won't last too long, that or you will become a grumpy old man, of which you are already 555


Learn to breath and do as the Thai's do, if it was such a big taboo as your making it out to be, then why aren't the police enforcing it, because they are like me, relaxed, take a chill pill, it will do you the world of good


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On 2017-6-3 at 3:29 AM, canuckamuck said:

Yeah but it is hardly the guy's fault that getting plates takes so long sometimes.

In the Philippines my permanent plates took more than 12 months, don't complaint about a month or two. 

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