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Will Trump block Comey testimony? White House does not know yet


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58 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm would assume most patriotic Americans would want to know the truth. Far as I know, there has been no demonstration by people from middle America demanding an end to the investigation.

I am not aware of any statement from Trump saying he wants the investigation stopped. Even if he questions the motive for setting it up, that is different to trying to stop it.

As for firing Comey, who believes that he was actually Ithe investigation? The director of a department does not get involved in the business of the department. The FBI is a large organization with thousands of employees and thousands of investigations, and requires oversight, not meddling by management.

To believe that Comey was "involved" in the investigation would be like saying the matron of a large hospital is involved in taking patients to the bathroom.

Comey's firing made no difference, IMO, to the investigation.

Then there should be no interference with the investigation from the Trump WH. I do not see the open assistance I would like to see from my president--especially since it appears Trump, from his own comments, fired Comey largely because of the investigation and now with the WH considering blocking Comey, well it stinks of avoidance.


I doubt you have led such high profile investigations.  Comey by all accounts I have seen is a hands-on manager.


I think we will see from his testimony next Thursday.

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7 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Then there should be no interference with the investigation from the Trump WH. I do not see the open assistance I would like to see from my president--especially since it appears Trump, from his own comments, fired Comey largely because of the investigation and now with the WH considering blocking Comey, well it stinks of avoidance.


I doubt you have led such high profile investigations.  Comey by all accounts I have seen is a hands-on manager.


I think we will see from his testimony next Thursday.


The FBI employs about 35,000 people.

I know Comey was supposed to be pretty good, but being hands on with all the investigations carried out by all of them would be mission impossible. He was the boss of them all, not an investigator.

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On 03/06/2017 at 4:32 PM, tomwct said:

I would! Obama used Executive Privilege all the time and this guy Comey is a has been. He's ruined the reputation of the FBI with the Hillary "so called" investigation, which ended before it started. Let Muehler do his job, which is to investigate the Russians, but will end up investigating the corrupt unmasking of the Obama Administration, which Comey was part of.Washington "The Swamp" has been corrupted the past eight years, it will take President Trump his full eight years to cleanup. God Bless President Trump! Good Job on climate change. No need to pay World Welfare for a phony treaty. France and Germany could

pay this welfare with a blink of the eye since they haven't paid their dues for NATO for the past 20 years.


You are just repeating what Trump has said.

Which is wrong and a lie.

For example, France and Germany haven't paid their NATO dues in 20 years.

The agreement on NATO dues says that the member states will increase their contributions to 2% of GDP by the year 2025.

If you know what year it is, you will understand what this means.

Trump preys on the uneducated to spin his distorted facts, which they then believe and repeat without actually knowing the real story.

You have just proved it.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


The FBI employs about 35,000 people.

I know Comey was supposed to be pretty good, but being hands on with all the investigations carried out by all of them would be mission impossible. He was the boss of them all, not an investigator.

For most good managers, there's this thing called "prioritization", meaning that the manager assigns a priority level to that which he oversees. Low priorities are delegated to lower level managers, mid-level priorities to yet other managers, and so on, up the line. An investigation of national significance involving the White House would merit the close monitoring of the man in charge of the agency. That would have been Comey. To assume that his involvement in an investigation of this magnitude, with the potential of involving the President, was anything less than hands-on would be to assume that his managerial skills were on par with a shift manager at McDonald's. I feel safe in asserting that that would not be a fair assessment of Comey's skills or sense of responsibility.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


The FBI employs about 35,000 people.

I know Comey was supposed to be pretty good, but being hands on with all the investigations carried out by all of them would be mission impossible. He was the boss of them all, not an investigator.

You have problems with reading comprehension; this was the most high profile investigation--he may have become involved; I would have

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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

You have problems with reading comprehension; this was the most high profile investigation--he may have become involved; I would have

The investigation has been going on a long time. He has a very large department to run- the buck stops with him. Who was running the FBI if he wasn't?


Neither you nor I know what investigations are going on, so to say it was so important that it required him to stop running the FBI and concentrate on it is a supposition.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Neither you nor I know what investigations are going on, so to say it was so important that it required him to stop running the FBI and concentrate on it is a supposition.


Excuse me...where in smotherb's comment did he say that Comey had to "stop running the FBI and concentrate" on the investigation? You are putting words in his mouth for no other reason than to try (ineffectively) to prove your fallacious "point". No one has ever indicated in any way that Comey was devoting his entire attention to the Trump/Russia investigation. That is your assertion, no one else's.


"Neither you nor I know what investigations are going on...". What we do know is that there IS a very high profile investigation into the Trump campaign's/so-called administration's possible collusion with the Kremlin. And, as I mentioned before (which you have not responded to), an investigation of such significance and importance to American democracy (discovering if either the President or his representatives sought to undermine the democratic process) would naturally occupy both the attention and ongoing supervision of the agency's head. 


Your efforts to diminish the importance of Mr. Comey's upcoming testimony are almost laughable. I can almost hear your whining now, should he confirm that Trump did ask him to cancel the investigation of Flynn, and also confirm that at no point did he ever say indicate to Trump that he wasn't under investigation. Perhaps Trump wasn't under investigation at that time, but I doubt that Comey would ever make a statement like that without knowing in advance that there would never come a time when the man wasn't under investigation, especially given the fact that Comey has never since confirmed Trump's insistence that he isn't being investigated.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The investigation has been going on a long time. He has a very large department to run- the buck stops with him. Who was running the FBI if he wasn't?


Neither you nor I know what investigations are going on, so to say it was so important that it required him to stop running the FBI and concentrate on it is a supposition.

If Comey was so unimportant to the conduct of the FBI investigation, then why did Trump ask him to halt the investigation of Flynn? Maybe that's because it's the director who gets to decide if an investigation goes ahead or not?

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12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The investigation has been going on a long time. He has a very large department to run- the buck stops with him. Who was running the FBI if he wasn't?


Neither you nor I know what investigations are going on, so to say it was so important that it required him to stop running the FBI and concentrate on it is a supposition.

The investigation must have been important; it seems important enough to Trump for him to mention it instead of Hillary in his termination memo to Comey.

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2 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:



Your efforts to diminish the importance of Mr. Comey's upcoming testimony are almost laughable. I can almost hear your whining now, should he confirm that Trump did ask him to cancel the investigation of Flynn, and also confirm that at no point did he ever say indicate to Trump that he wasn't under investigation. Perhaps Trump wasn't under investigation at that time, but I doubt that Comey would ever make a statement like that without knowing in advance that there would never come a time when the man wasn't under investigation, especially given the fact that Comey has never since confirmed Trump's insistence that he isn't being investigated.


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President Trump has no plans to invoke executive privilege in an attempt to block fired FBI Director Jim Comey from discussing in his testimony before Congress this week any conversations he had with the president, two White House advisers told ABC News.

While the officials stress that Trump could change his mind ahead of Comey's scheduled appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, they said attempting to block the former FBI chief's testimony would look terrible for the president and would have no guarantee of success legally.



Glaring conflict with ABC New's story link on 4JUN, saying Trump expected to block Comey, yet the article says there are "No Plans".   Wishful thinking, or just another small but telling display of biased journoboobs jumping the shark. 

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On 6/4/2017 at 2:48 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm would assume most patriotic Americans would want to know the truth. Far as I know, there has been no demonstration by people from middle America demanding an end to the investigation.

I am not aware of any statement from Trump saying he wants the investigation stopped. Even if he questions the motive for setting it up, that is different to trying to stop it.

As for firing Comey, who believes that he was actually doing the investigation? The director of a department does not get involved in the business of the department. The FBI is a large organization with thousands of employees and thousands of investigations, and requires oversight, not meddling by management.

To believe that Comey was "involved" in the investigation would be like saying the matron of a large hospital is involved in taking patients to the bathroom.

Comey's firing made no difference, IMO, to the investigation.

The fact that the Trump base has not demanded to know the truth suggests their patriotism is secondary to their belief in Trump or that they're ignorant of the Republican and bipartisan demands for investigation.

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On 6/3/2017 at 2:31 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Has Trump himself indicated that he will block Comey's testimony? I don't see that in the OP.

No need for it to be written into the OP. The Trump haters will be along shortly to rewrite the OP and accuse him. :thumbsup:

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On 6/5/2017 at 2:22 PM, 55Jay said:



Glaring conflict with ABC New's story link on 4JUN, saying Trump expected to block Comey, yet the article says there are "No Plans".   Wishful thinking, or just another small but telling display of biased journoboobs jumping the shark. 

Right. The journalists are responsible for how the webmaster or webmasters decide to name the link. Your post is revealing, but not about ABC.

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18 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Right. The journalists are responsible for how the webmaster or webmasters decide to name the link. Your post is revealing, but not about ABC.

My post was accurate.  Your response reveals your selective bias.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The congressional hearings are on now, but the 4 representatives are not helping to clear the air by refusing to answer if Trump or anyone attempted to influence any investigation.

Hopefully Comey will be more forthcoming tomorrow.

Comey released a bunch of pages on what he is going to say tomorrow. They are reading portions on the news now.


From what has been read so far:

- Trump on multiple occasions tried to get him to back off the investigation.

- Trump asked him many times if he was being investigated.

- Confirms most of the stuff that has been leaked out in the press about those meetings.

So I'm guessing tomorrow will be explosive.

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