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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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I am right now listening to an American on tv treating May's speech with the disdain it deserves. Good on him. When are the British establishment going to come out and do the same?

The time for silly, pointless speeches has passed. Get stuck in and do something about it.


Some may want to light candles and group cry, but let's get real, or this will be going on for years. 

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12 hours ago, steven100 said:

Just watching the news on TV now. Very tragic indecent of a terrorist attack on London Bridge.  The world has to stop these muslim Islamic killers in there tracks ....  

Stop going to any muslim countries.


My prayers are with those Londoners ....

           The   terrorists  murders ,   probably  of British  nationality ,  sickening . 


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1 minute ago, elliss said:

           The   terrorists  murders ,   probably  of British  nationality ,  sickening . 


I don't give a flying fart if they're first or second generation muzzies, the government is responsible to take drastic action.  Not tomorrow, now.

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Just saw May on the box wobbling on with the same old **** that she came out with the last time someone murdered people because no one in authority has the balls to do what is necessary to stop them.
What strikes me about this is that it was only 8 minutes before the armed police turned up and sorted them. Obviously they have a team on standby because it is near Parliament. What if the attack had been in somewhere far away from the big city?
Time to pull finger, politicians, and get real.

A conspiracy theorist/cynic might say that the timing of this atrocity and the one in Manchester have helped the Tories re-establish their momentum and most likely win the election.
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8 hours ago, SheungWan said:

There's always an initial gentle white-wash from the same quarters who are active elsewhere on the forum. You know where... More of the same expected from Jeremy Corbyn who will mouth similar inanities in the next few days. One thing readers should note is that although above contributors will make a gesture towards condemning individual terrorist acts, they will never ever stand against any of the organisations behind them. Why is that? Because the above contributors hold to a formula of unconditional support to all those organisations seen to oppose imperialism (whatever that means and see nonsense above). And that is why we have seen hard left marching with Islamists against 'imperialism'. Also, whether any of the above contributors hails from a Stalinist or Trotskyist background we'll probably have difficulty finding out as they are careful in not letting it peep out.

I utterly and completely condemn the scumbug cowardly terrorists who murdered these innocents.


My sympathies are entirely with the loved ones of the victims and the police who had to risk their lives confronting the perps.


My anger is directed at the individual terrorist slime who committed these atrocities, the warped evil cults such as ISIS and Al Qaeda who may be [in]directly implicated, and the fanatical sect of wahhabism practised by Saudi Arabia which inspired and possibly financed ISIS and Al Qaeda, which country Trump last week did $350 billions of business with having previously accused it of being behind 911 and which is conveniently omitted from his Muslim exclusion ban! Likewise the UK governtment's extensive arms contracts with these dictators.


The hypocrisy is astounding as is your attempted whitewash of western governments' hand in creating these terrorist extremists.

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4 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

A conspiracy theorist/cynic might say that the timing of this atrocity and the one in Manchester have helped the Tories re-establish their momentum and most likely win the election.

Or even an idiot!

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Yes seven dead and forty eight injured in the terrorist attack.  May just made a statement saying that Britain is going to take a stronger line but not detailing what that means. All major parties suspending campaigning until tomorrow as a sign of respect for the victims apart from UKIP who will jumping for joy as it may save them from complete annihilation in the election.

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5 hours ago, Watchful said:

The Muslim community is doing NOTHING to help. They need some encentives.  Perhaps the bombing of a few Mosques to make clear, either begin helping or plan on moving ... OUT.

The following video was posted in the Arab world just prior to Ramadan and has since gone viral. It's only a video of course but a step in the right direction. However, extremist Muslim terrorists will hate it because of its peaceful message and also the extreme 'anti-ALL-Muslims' contingent will likely find reasons to hate it too:


While many are pleased to see PM May using tougher 'language' (which she knows will appease the brexit/anti-muslim voter), it would be helpful if she backed that up with firmer support of the Police.

Red Line = Theresa May Becomes Home Secretary


Complete respect and kudos to the Met Police for the breathtaking speed and courage they displayed in taking out these Islamist extremist cowards.

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58 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Read the thread - the OP in question was the person who made the following statement:




58 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:



 As pointed out, OP means "Original Poster" or "Original Post", not "somewhere in the depths of the thread".


A simple link would have helped.

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6 minutes ago, Flustered said:


 As pointed out, OP means "Original Poster" or "Original Post", not "somewhere in the depths of the thread".


A simple link would have helped.

Wholly and utterly tedious, and woefully off topic, but the term OP is used by many posters on TV to refer to a thread within a subject. 

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7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Yes seven dead and forty eight injured in the terrorist attack.  May just made a statement saying that Britain is going to take a stronger line but not detailing what that means. All major parties suspending campaigning until tomorrow as a sign of respect for the victims apart from UKIP who will jumping for joy as it may save them from complete annihilation in the election.

May didn't detail what it means, because she has no idea what to do.


The first thing to do is for everyone to recognise that it is a problem to do with Islam. But traitors like the Broadcasting Beyond Contempt (BBC) won't even mention the word Islam or Muslim in connection with these atrocities until they are forced to.


If you can't even bring yourself to admit that Islam is the source of the problem, then you're ruined from the start. All you can do is waste time and resources on pointless activities. It's like riding a bicycle without wheels.

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I think that my greatest fear is that if we have any more of these Islamic Terrorist attacks, people may well take matters into their own hands and start burning down Mosques. Then there will be retaliation and bloodshed on the streets.


There will only be one outcome of this scenario and that is the eradication of Islam from this country.


The Muslim community need to take a quantum leap forward and start to integrate. Open their communities to other religions and allow inter faith marriage. They need to report (not say they have reported when no record of this exists) any person who starts to take a radical view. Perhaps they need their own internal organisation to root out these radicals and deal with them.


Either way, far from the situation getting better by following Liberal advice to not retaliate, welcome these people and talk, talk, talk,  the terrorist attacks in the name of Islam are growing. The "don't retaliate" view has proven wrong. (Jeremy Corbyn.....Please take note. Talk talk, talk allows your enemies to defeat you while you are busy talking).


Just hope I am wrong and the Muslim community will change it's ways.

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

Wholly and utterly tedious, and woefully off topic, but the term OP is used by many posters on TV to refer to a thread within a subject. 

I have never seen the letters OP used to refer to a post within a thread. The term used is FM (Forum Member) or FMP (Forum Members Post).


All you did was to confuse everyone and have us looking for an OP (TV) post that did not exist.



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Think the Poll Tax riots just worse.  It's the only thing the present government will understand when gauging the mood of the indigenousness population.  


Up to them but the bubble will burst soon enough.  I'd rather we didn't reach this climax but candlelit vigils only go so far.

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28 minutes ago, GuiseppeD said:

You sound like the main parties.  Nice soundbite but achieves nothing.

As well as a total reluctance to blame the cause, which is the teachings in the Quran and the life of the prophet who himself is reported as stating he was victorious by terror.

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34 minutes ago, GuiseppeD said:

I don't give a flying fart if they're first or second generation muzzies, the government is responsible to take drastic action.  Not tomorrow, now.


Yeah, they probably just sit around doing nothing...


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"The prime minister has said "it is time to say enough is enough" as she condemned a terror attack on "innocent and unarmed civilians" which left seven people dead and 48 injured in London."




What you gonna do, Tess?  Keep it short and clarify as soon as possible as words mean nothing now, only actions.



Edited by GuiseppeD
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8 minutes ago, GuiseppeD said:

"The prime minister has said "it is time to say enough is enough" as she condemned a terror attack on "innocent and unarmed civilians" which left seven people dead and 48 injured in London."




What you gonna do, Tess?  Keep it short and clarify as soon as possible as words mean nothing now, only actions.



Brexit means Brexit and enough is enough just watch how strong and stable i can be

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38 minutes ago, stander said:

Nigel Farage just said public calls for internment will grow unless PM May & Co. act decisively. It always comes down to whether you have a Churchill or a Chamberlain in times of darkness.

Internment only serves as a recruiting sergeant although short of a one way ticket to the likes of South Georgia I cannot offer any different.

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Just now, soalbundy said:

Brexit means Brexit and enough is enough just watch how strong and stable i can be

See how strong and stable the Tories are when the next candlelit vigil suddenly turns into an absolute riot.  Don't get me wrong as I'm not condoning such an event just that I know it will almost certainly kick off in the not too distant future.  


We're now in the region of at least 35 dead since the Westminster Bridge attack [which wasn't a terrorist attack according to the MSM at the time].  I reckon more will die of their injuries in the coming days.


Add to that the London Underground bombings that killed 56 in 2005 and nothing was done about that either.  Freaking pathetic.


Just watch this space and don't be surprised when it all kicks off.  Anyway, I'm going to sing Michael Row the Boat Ashore before the backlash commences.  

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1 hour ago, stander said:


Britain survived the Nazi onslaught, yet it may be destroyed by the Leftist/Muslim/immigrant alliance's hold on its political narrative. 


I'm supposed to be left wing.


But I don't care for Muslims.


Your alliance is untrue

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31 minutes ago, GuiseppeD said:

"The prime minister has said "it is time to say enough is enough" as she condemned a terror attack on "innocent and unarmed civilians" which left seven people dead and 48 injured in London."




What you gonna do, Tess?  Keep it short and clarify as soon as possible as words mean nothing now, only actions.



They need lots of meetings because they need to discuss all the reasons why islamic terror attacks are nothing to do with islam.

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