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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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3 minutes ago, citybiker said:


Regardless whether military forces are in the ME it won't prevent further attacks. Not forgetting the Suni & Shia secterian element within they're own region's. (Excuse slight thread drift).

Islamic extremists have already stated and continue their propaganda (research freely available) it's the western way of life, western democracy which they are against & continue to fight against in any form.

For example, if you don't believe or follow 'they're' interpretation of Islam we shall continue attacking you.

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The downside of appeasing savages is they simply thirst for more

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17 minutes ago, maximillian said:

The reaction to this will be more bombs, maybe more tomahawks and drones on Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq.

The Industrial Military Complex, May, Merkel and Trump will have their way and the people of all Western Nations are applauding instead of questioning the whole wrongfull regime changes policy of the West towards the Middle East and Pakistan. The actions of the West under the leadership of the USA were creating terrorism.

In the end they might even accuse Putin of all the terrorism in the world.


9 minutes ago, saminoz said:


Good grief!  I don't know where to start............so I won't, and just treat this bizarre post with the incredulity it deserves..

I am going to let rip a big I Told You So re where some on the Left are coming from. Expect more of the same the coming week(s).

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

For the idiots who claim London's mayor supports the terrorists:-


From The Standard London Bridge terror attack: Mayor Sadiq Khan condemns 'deliberate and cowardly' attack on innocent Londoners



Does he call them Muslim terrorists? Does he call them Islamic terrorists? No.


Why not? Is it nor relevant that it is always these people? Of course it is. He should say that he is appalled that yet another atrocity is committed in the name of his religion. Makes me sick to hear the mealy mouthed comments.


Why do these people always pick soft targets? Cowards, that's why!

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Christ almighty (an expression of disbelief, rather than belief).


Admittedly I know few moslems, but the vast majority of those I've met have been extremely friendly and helpful.  Even the local moslem pharmacist when I told her I was looking for cheaper medications for my dog - as recommended by my vet.


Its quite possible/likely that buddhist Thais consider moslem Thais as "not quite as worthy" - but find it unlikely that war will break out on Phuket between Thai buddhists and moslems in the near future :laugh:!

Well thats what i was saying. I am not saying that they are going to strip off their clothing and reveal Jihadist war wear and AK47's,and start spraying the good people of Pattaya with lead.I was simply wondering if any of the Thai converts have had radicalism preached to them.Our chicken lady is always friendly and helpful, and her chicken is second to none. Once again, i was just wondering if the Thai people have ever come into contact with aggressive, talk from the Omans of these places preaching about hatred to the Western Devil.

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32 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Mud slinging and sluring  opponents of Islamic terror again, I would have thought you would be in agreement with him. He has not lead a perfect life, but then a far better one than the prophet Mohamed and he was fitted up on the assault charge anyway . It's his comments on radical terror that are important, not mortgages


Fitted up on the assault charge? Really?


When he was caught attempting to beat up his girlfriend and turned who intervened.


How is that a fit up?


His comments on radical terror? He is using the terrorist atrocities to pursue his own agenda. If there was no terrorism he would find another excuse to propound his views, as he did before.

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3 hours ago, Watchful said:

Aren't the Thais being tested right now on their Southern border?



Thats what i thought. Its all about them wanting parts of the deep southern borders as a Muslim,separate country, isnt it? Isnt Hatyai part of the plan? Its been going for years.I thought Thaksin sent some soldiers down there years ago and shot a load of them.

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55 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

You mean Stephen Yaxely.


Tommy Robinson is a pseudonym, Yaxely took the name of a violent thug whom he idolises.


Not the only pseudonym he uses.


Brave man? Yaxely is not just a self publicist, he is a convicted thug; convicted of assaulting an off duty police officer who intervened to stop Yaxely from beating up his then girlfriend, other violent offences, mortgage fraud etc.


A fine example to us all? Definitely not.


Tommy Robinson for Home Secretary!

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8 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Time to start closing down radical Mosques and Islamic Schools in the UK, these places are breeding grounds for jihadists. Trying to monitor thousands of them later on is too late, they are already plotting to kill by then, We need action, not the usual we are not afraid, we stand united, our thoughts are with the families response from politicians.

They're like command and control centres.
Or as Erdogan said:
The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...”

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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Does he call them Muslim terrorists? Does he call them Islamic terrorists? No.


Why not? Is it nor relevant that it is always these people? Of course it is. He should say that he is appalled that yet another atrocity is committed in the name of his religion. Makes me sick to hear the mealy mouthed comments.

 We all know who these terrorists are. Constantly labelling as Muslim or Islamic only gives them credibility they don't deserve.


No matter what he says or does, certain people will twist it in an effort to show that he sympathises with, or even supports, the terrorists' aims.


8 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Why do these people always pick soft targets? Cowards, that's why!

That has always been the way of terrorists, no matter their so called cause.


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24 minutes ago, saminoz said:

I believe that shoot to kill has long been British military policy.  It was during my service.  It has several purposes; one being that you avoid the possibility of actually killing someone when you only meant to wound them (and, nowadays, the probability of a wrongful death suit), another being that the shooter must be absolutely certain that taking the shot is necessary and a third being that you save bullets!

No reasonable person could deny that it is right thing to do. Normally we expect police to use the minimum force to eliminate the threat. In these cases, when confronted with individuals/ groups with weapons ( vehicles/huge knives), killing people on the streets, lethal force in entirely justifiable. This is a far cry from the way the Lee Rigby murder was able to be resolved ( and in that case, would anyone have blamed the police had they determined that lethal force was necessary).

When people engage in these acts, they deserve ( and fully expect) to die in the act. Many would say, myself included, Godspeed. While it is regrettable that intelligence is lost, but hardly an issue given the circumstances.

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London is now an indigenous Brit minority city with a Muslim Mayor who indulges in the practices imported from his home country of Pakistan. The segregation of women at his public meetings is now the norm.

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

TM has just spoken against Islamic terrorism. It IS the common denominator.



Great speech! Might just win the election for her. If Corbyn does not mention Islamic terrorism, he's finished.


Enough is enough sounds much better than Brexit means Brexit.

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2 hours ago, Watchful said:

Problem is the majority of those murdered were killed by a speeding van.


More police can end the attacks, but until the Muslim community contributes, the attacks will not stop.



I feel the one thing that was not done since the attack on Westminster Bridge was some barriers/posts/obstacles to stop vehicles mounting and travelling along pavements at high speed.


as a temporary measure they could have used water filled plastic barriers.



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The Muslim community will tell you that they are against these bombings, and this type of action is not part of their religion. They will tell you they know that the bomber/s were not part of their congregation. But i bet they know who they are though, and are terrified to divulge any information due to fear of reprisals.

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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 We all know who these terrorists are. Constantly labelling as Muslim or Islamic only gives them credibility they don't deserve.


No matter what he says or does, certain people will twist it in an effort to show that he sympathises with, or even supports, the terrorists' aims.


That has always been the way of terrorists, no matter their so called cause.


Teresa May agrees with me.


ISLAMIC terrorism


Say it as it is!!!

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7 minutes ago, katana said:

They're like command and control centres.
Or as Erdogan said:
The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...”

Mosques spend more time and money advocating on behalf of convicted terrorists than for their victims. They publicly shame any Muslim who cooperates with police to stop or solve terrorist crimes 

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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 We all know who these terrorists are. Constantly labelling as Muslim or Islamic only gives them credibility they don't deserve.


No matter what he says or does, certain people will twist it in an effort to show that he sympathises with, or even supports, the terrorists' aims.


That has always been the way of terrorists, no matter their so called cause.


But YOU continually twist stuff that the worldwide killing of folk by Muslims because of their interpretation of their book ain't really Muslims....You really should stay in the woodwork chap..

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4 minutes ago, stander said:

London is now an indigenous Brit minority city with a Muslim Mayor who indulges in the practices imported from his home country of Pakistan. The segregation of women at his public meetings is now the norm.

 "The segregation of women at his public meetings is now the norm."


No, it isn't.


It happened once at one meeting in an Islamic centre in Tooting in 2016. Not at his request, but simply because it is the tradition of that particular mosque that men and women use different entrances.


The tradition of some other, but by no means all, mosques.


And many synagogues, come to that.

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4 minutes ago, stander said:

Mosques spend more time and money advocating on behalf of convicted terrorists than for their victims. They publicly shame any Muslim who cooperates with police to stop or solve terrorist crimes 

 Where is the evidence you have to back up this rubbish.

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12 minutes ago, katana said:

They're like command and control centres.
Or as Erdogan said:
The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...”

He said also; "PM Erdogan: The Term “Moderate Islam” Is Ugly And Offensive; There Is No Moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam".



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Teresa May agrees with me.
ISLAMIC terrorism
Say it as it is!!!

I admire her ballsy, no nonsense diplomatic speech which basically hit the nail on the head.

Many, including I want to see these strong words followed by even stronger actions.

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8 minutes ago, transam said:

But YOU continually twist stuff that the worldwide killing of folk by Muslims because of their interpretation of their book ain't really Muslims....You really should stay in the woodwork chap..

Islamists feed on the same rulebook, the Quran as other Muslims. The peaceful majority are irrelevant.  

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I am waiting for a Muslim, just one, to stand up and be counted. Are there none on TV prepared to say that they are appalled at what is being done in the name of their shared religion?

 You should pay more attention.


From The Sun; hardly a PC, leftie source!
'AFFRONT TO RELIGION' London Bridge attackers slammed by Muslim Council of Britain as ‘cowards’ for launching attack during Ramadan


Group's secretary general Harun Khan said the three attackers, who were shot dead by armed police eight minutes after killing spree, respected ‘neither life nor faith’


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