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How cops earn their daily bread....poster shows up corrupt Surin police


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5 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Now who can say these guys are not corrupt?

If you will notice the police road blocks are normaly a few days after the tow paydays in the month.Also the road blocks that pay the most money is in the mornings as people are driving to work or taking their kids to school because the driver does not have time to argue and will pay the amount first demanded.Many of the taxies in their area will "donate" every month so as not to be stoped in these road blocks.This has been the norm for at least 40 years as I have seen it.

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2 hours ago, mikebell said:

70 people a day die on Thai roads!  Your 10 years = 3650 days not including Leap Years = 255,500 corpses and you feel safe? Any police force doing its job would have cut these figures by 80%.


Who cares as long as I am not stupid enough to be one of the corpses.



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6 hours ago, Prbkk said:

This must rate as the least surprising bit of "news" of 2017. Corruption is endemic, as we all know. There is not the will to do much about it, particularly when the mega-corrupt are the very ones in leadership positions in many sectors. The police corruption is very small beer ( that is not to say it shouldn't be dealt with).

Actually, I would say that police corruption is not "small beer": it is a huge brewery, with massive profits accruing to "shareholders"

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1 hour ago, snowgard said:

This is a stupid answer. The police do their job but the politicans not. If you drive without a helmet or driving license or red light or ... and they stop you, you get a ticket. They can't do more. This are the RULES and the LAW.

And it don't give enough police to catch everyone who break the traffic law. Just think about how powerful YOU are if you stay 3h in the full sunshine and take care the traffic. It's a complete sh** job!!! But they MUST do it for just 11.000 - 15.000 THB the month.

The onliest way is to make harder rules. But this is not in the hand of the police. This the politicans and the Land & Transport Minister have to do. 


If they had a brain they would have been to school and found a respectable job. No pity for any army or police in the world. They get what they deserve and/or what their brain allow.





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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

Sorry William, you and I differ fundamentally on what constitutes police service. Here are three cases;

bar 1 on Soi Kao Talo had girls, paid money but got raided- one girl used false ID papers and was under age.  Owner 'fined 150,000 baht - this after paying 24K a month.  Bar now closed.

bar 2 Pattayaland 2 - no girls - a nice friendly bar where darts & Quiz nights take place.  Owner forced to pay protection money every month to avoid a police 'raid'.

bar 3 in Bang Saray - no girls; serves food & drink.  Owners lived on site.  Police observed farang owner making himself a coffee at 10.30am  (bar opens at turned 3pm); farang arrested - 'fined' 50,000.  Now forced to rent a house and pays money to the 'seving/protective force.

How can you continue to attempt to excuse or sympathise with such a set of bandits? 


Bar stool stories...

I don't believe any.



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6 hours ago, Prbkk said:

This must rate as the least surprising bit of "news" of 2017. Corruption is endemic, as we all know. There is not the will to do much about it, particularly when the mega-corrupt are the very ones in leadership positions in many sectors. The police corruption is very small beer ( that is not to say it shouldn't be dealt with).


Perhaps the hard working under pressure officer who wrote the ticket, which he did quickly so as not to waste the recipient's time, made a simple error when writing the number. 


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12 minutes ago, bangkokairportlink said:


If they had a brain they would have been to school and found a respectable job. No pity for any army or police in the world. They get what they deserve and/or what their brain allow.






Only without them, in the real world, you and your family would be prone to rape, murder, robbery, and slavery for starters. Sadly, some of the human race can't control themselves in their behavior


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I got stopped the other day I was in a hurry , in the fast lane doing 120 maybe


Flagged down asked for license, then he smiled and said go


I then replied thank you and gave him 100 baht ( this was not asked for)


I do when stopped always turn my webcam onto the policeman, and say you are on film


The police are under paid, this first needs sorting out then stop the coruption


However I do like being able to buy our way out of trouble

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23 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Only without them, in the real world, you and your family would be prone to rape, murder, robbery, and slavery for starters. Sadly, some of the human race can't control themselves in their behavior



Your family maybe. I never needed help and will never need help from any "authority" of this world.



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These small time beat cops aren't the problem most of the money they take goes back into the economy. The problem is the big money politicians and police - army who hide their ill gotten wealth overseas. That money stops working for the country and effects the average citizen.

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9 minutes ago, bangkokairportlink said:


Your family maybe. I never needed help and will never need help from any "authority" of this world.



Brave man, I was taught to never say never


Good Luck

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Whats the story here ?... 


Someone travels with unsecured belongings in the flat bed of his pickup, which is dangerous and illegal, and complains because he receives a ticket?... looks like sour grapes... 


I do see the point, the police wrote 100 baht and pocketed the additional 100 baht. 


The main issue here: The issue that the BiB probably allowed the Pickup to continue with a dangerous load. 


I see junk on the roads all the time - stuff that has fallen out of the flatbed of a pickup. A friend hit a bag of cement on the expressway while traveling at speed. 


The laws are so rarely enforced people develop a sense of entitlement for they repeatedly push and break the law and regulations, then then become upset act petulant on the rare occasions they don't get away with it. 


The only ones I feel sorry for are the motorcycles who get caught when drifting out of the inside lane. 


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58 minutes ago, al007 said:

I got stopped the other day I was in a hurry , in the fast lane doing 120 maybe


Flagged down asked for license, then he smiled and said go


I then replied thank you and gave him 100 baht ( this was not asked for)


I do when stopped always turn my webcam onto the policeman, and say you are on film


The police are under paid, this first needs sorting out then stop the coruption


However I do like being able to buy our way out of trouble


I agree, the BiB are underpaid and this clearly leads to the 'grass roots' corruption we see and the general lethargy within the force to act upon anything unless there is a financial reward. 


That said, you are simply bending over and for what? You are reward the BiB for pulling you over for 'nothing' ??? (If on the expressway the speed limit is 120 kmh)


There is a whole section of society which is massively underpaid, do you offer them money for nothing?

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7 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"Or shall we write you a ticket that will cost you 400-1000 baht at the station?"  :shock1:

According to the United Nations, the Royal Thai Police are organized criminals.

if the un say so must be right, their the world experts.

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2 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

We had two in Patts for 5 years. The money that a poster said was 20k every month. We paid nothing like that, in fact, it was a paltry sum.The bar number's were on his phone. Over the years he saved us from having to pay protection from the Soi gang that tried to intimidate us. He stopped us being bothered by phony licence sellers, telling us that we needed a television licence, a new type of music licence, and a few other tricksters that would appear from time to time. although we never had it kick off in the bars, by felangs, It came close one night when 6 German guys refused to leave the bar, after closing time, due to the match between Germany and Italy, i believe.They were pissed up and getting very noisy,demanding more beer. There wasn't much i could do on my own. We closed the doors and my wife flashed our number to him.He appeared in 10 minutes, and the attitude changed like the wind.They left the bar like sheep, leaving good tips for the girls.Now, for what i was paying, i thought it was well worth while.

But furthermore, what pisses me off is when people complain about corruption, but use it for their own ends.

Eg, Guy gets a  year's bann, in say, the UK, for being caught, drunk driving. His insurance rockets, he loses his licence, cant rent a car, is fined 100 quid, and is inconvenienced no little.

Comes here. Gets a Thai licence, no problem, gets insurance, no problem. Gets pissed up and gets rolled over by plod. He simply slips him 4000 b and he's away. No court case, no ban, insurance stays the same, doesn't lose his licence, and can hire a car from anyone who will rent it to hm. No 1000 quid fine.Whats better UK justice, or Thai police corruption? Unfortunately,the next time he might kill someone, and that will cost him plenty. .

Corruption is a double edged sword


It's <deleted> obvious the UK justice system is better because people there will think twice before drinking & driving!! 


2 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

 Unfortunately, the next time he might kill someone, and that will cost him plenty. .




And what about the person killed, what will it cost them!??? Their life!


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2 hours ago, snowgard said:

This is a stupid answer. The police do their job but the politicans not. If you drive without a helmet or driving license or red light or ... and they stop you, you get a ticket. They can't do more. This are the RULES and the LAW.

And it don't give enough police to catch everyone who break the traffic law. Just think about how powerful YOU are if you stay 3h in the full sunshine and take care the traffic. It's a complete sh** job!!! But they MUST do it for just 11.000 - 15.000 THB the month.

The onliest way is to make harder rules. But this is not in the hand of the police. This the politicans and the Land & Transport Minister have to do. 

But that is the problem they dont stop all at checkpoints in CM they let thais without helmets ride past, I dont care if I get stopped unless they have a made up charge, I wear a helmet have a taxed and insured bike, its just the having to stop and get out the license, wish I could get a license sticker for my helmet, by the way I wear a full face and sunglasses during the day no way they know if its my license.

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The same in Phuket every day in Chalong Police in Nai Harn  and Karon Police in Karon and Kata, Same Same over the ALL country, you have a BIG work Mr PM, you don`t have time to go to USA fore a bid dinner clean up Thailand and then take a small trip to India or Sri Lanka ? The price are chip.

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The bigger picture is that, there is something basically wrong with the governance of the entire country, on the national level, when its police agency employees have to buy their jobs, and are paid so little they have to rely on graft and corruption to survive, which indicates that the Government of Thailand approves/encourages a police force that are parasites on its society.

No one bringing Happy to the People!

Edited by KenKadz
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8 hours ago, Laab Muu said:

So what do we learn from the OP? That the driver and the cop are both dishonest.

Can you blame the driver? I have found out only recently that if you are not happy about anything you have the right to take a photo of the policeman, he cannot stop you.

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Does this surprise anyone???

This happens to me at Subway too!

Really? When you pay for your order, you are charged so much, then you get a receipt for half of what you paid?

You are saying "it happens", not "it happened" as in it being a one off. Why did you not ask the assistant for half your money back? I would have.

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6 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

government does not pay enough to have a police force. cops have to make extra income. call it what you want but thailand is a safe country and the system works fairly well. 10 years i always felt safe in thailand. take away the extra income the cops earn and then there would be almost no police force. then thailand would be run by the unregulated criminals. people need to start appreciating/accepting things the way they are. cops have rolled me a few times and i accept it as a type of road user charge.  dont like it dont drive.

There is a lot in what you say, and Thailand is a safe country to live in, but not for the average Thai driver or rider, most of them do not have the intelligence or common sense to drive or ride on the roads, the amount of fatalities tell you that.

People can be safe on Thai roads if they use genuine common sense and drive defensively.

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6 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

cops make money off people breaking the law. of course they dont want to stop people breaking the traffic laws. thats where so many people on this forum seem to be confused.

"cops make money off people breaking the law".  Or saying you are breaking the law.

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