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Did 90 cops really arrest alleged dismemberment trio?


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still wonder that had the cops acted on information received about this group; instead of sharing it with the suspects, they , the group of drug dealers ,would already have been in custody or had their lifestyles seriously disrupted enough for this poor girl to still be alive

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With all the hype , the obsession of BIB in this case with the perpetrators. I am sure the judiciary ,who are going to preside the case in the court are watching this obsession opera being played out . The three have become celebrities and reports suggest that many youngsters out there want to imitate their clothes, cosmetics and caps etc ... 


I hope the courts come down heavily on them and they are handed the most stringent punishment under the law....What they did was inhuman, gruesome and does not call for the kind of glare and status they are enjoying. They even do not look repentant or sad....



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6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Incredible waste of resources- many more police and military involved than 90 people- plus stopping at 8 spots all over Khon Kaen Province- transporting by private plane from Chiang Rai to Bangkok then to Khon Kaen.  News conferences; photo opportunities and on and on. All that for 3 people accused of murder who had already confessed. But then again- it took 50 police and army to arrest about 10 elderly foreigners playing bridge in Pattaya.

  I happen to know one of the Bridge Players involved in that incident & was told the Police were embarrased by the whole thing, someone high up in BKK oredered it despite the Police reluctance to go in!

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