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Trump takes sides in Arab rift, suggests support for isolation of Qatar


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6 hours ago, tonray said:

This guy is an even bigger idiot than I previously thought. Every day I hope that 'maybe this is just a clever act and he actually has some grand plan, even if his goals are different than mine".


But NO...he really is an idiot.

Yes but a dangerous idiot and no longer just a figure of ridicule.  He is so naïve, it is staggering!

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The important thing is this. Washington must not bomb Qatar. Let the Saudis do it. This is an Arab problem, let the Arab's sort it out themselves. A Middle-East solution to a Middle-East problem, that's what we need.

Where would they bomb it from since Qatar is their biggest US base in the region?

And who exactly would they be bombing in tiny concentrated City full with 88% ex-pats?
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Saudi have given Qatar Airlines 48 hours to move its people/equipment - everything out of Saudi. I wonder what will happen if Qatar give the US Military 48 hrs to get out of the base at Al Udeid. Trump is a complete clown. I imagine Pentagon Chiefs are working overtime right now to protect US interests.


You hit that nail square on the head.


I imagine the Qatar ruling family will not react in the same way, they are smarter than that and likely continue talks with appropriate US officials, paying no heed to the inappropriate one.


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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I was having coffee with an American friend yesterday and inevitably the conversation got on to Trump. he is a Trump supporter/hard Republican, he is intelligent, a top executive and when I asked him how he would feel if it turns out Trump is/was colluding with the Russians (would it play on his old school values etc) he actually said to me it wouldn't bother him if Trump was colluding with the Russians! That is what we are facing. I nearly dropped my teaspoon. I smiled, changed the subject, kept the conversation very polite and civil and left thinking it may be a while before we have coffee again. Sad  Mad.


Apparently not as intelligent as you once thought...  :whistling:



Edited by iReason
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Trump appears to take credit for Gulf nations' move against Qatar


"President Donald Trump appeared to take credit for the decision of major Gulf nations to cut diplomatic relations with Qatar, an important US ally, putting his stamp of approval on the move despite Pentagon and State Department attempts to remain neutral."

"The tweet could pose difficulties for the US in explaining why it remains in Qatar, host to the one of the Pentagon's largest military bases in the Middle East and a linchpin in the campaign against ISIS."
"Pentagon officials moved quickly to limit any damage, with spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis telling reporters Tuesday that the US is "grateful to the Qataris for the longstanding support for our presence and their enduring commitment to regional security." 


The inept one just keeps on giving...

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4 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

I'm just surprised that anyone is surprised by Trump's behaviour.

He just loves taking undeserved credit for perceived "wins" and blaming anyone else for the consequences of his own stupidity.

Speaking of taking undeserved credit, how about the $110 billion arms sales to the Saudis that Trump was bragging about?  It was a big fat lie.


["The $110 billion deal that the president announced doesn't really exist," said Bruce Riedel, director of the Brookings Intelligence Project and a former CIA officer, who noted the discrepancy in Trump's announcement in an article Monday for Brookings, which first shed light on this aspect of the deal.

In his article, Riedel wrote, "Instead, there are a bunch of letters of interest or intent, but not contracts. Many are offers that the defense industry thinks the Saudis will be interested in someday."

Riedel described it to ABC News as a "wish list" of what the U.S. would like to sell Saudi Arabia in the next four to five years. But he warns that these intended sales are not contracts, and that the Saudis may be unable to pay.]




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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

No! Russia is his friend!


Enemies so far are:-









You forgot;

All NATO countries.

Allother country on the world, except Syria and Niguragia.

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4 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

The important thing is this. Washington must not bomb Qatar. Let the Saudis do it. This is an Arab problem, let the Arab's sort it out themselves. A Middle-East solution to a Middle-East problem, that's what we need.



If the Saudis bomb Qatar then WW3 will break out! 100%. oh and the USA would then have 11000 troops and their hardware in 'enemy' territory - complicated don't you think. Cutting off the worlds main supply of LNG/LPG - well that would suit Saudi and Russia so who knows. The world has proven itself mad enough so far in 2017.

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12 hours ago, nausea said:

Well done Trump, give yourself a pat on the back; we are really worried about Hamas and the Moslem Brotherhood in the UK, and all those pesky Iranian terrorists not killing people in London and Manchester.


Since you mentioned Iran, They were victims of an ISIS terror attack. Interesting indeed.

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On 6/7/2017 at 7:24 AM, nausea said:

Well done Trump, give yourself a pat on the back; we are really worried about Hamas and the Moslem Brotherhood in the UK, and all those pesky Iranian terrorists not killing people in London and Manchester.


Trump is not the Prime Minister of the UK (and if you insist, May was recently doing the same ME rounds, looking for the same payoff).


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On 6/7/2017 at 10:15 AM, dexterm said:

It's interesting that the groups Egypt and Saudi Arabia want Qatar to sever ties with..Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, all won free and fair elections, something those countries havent tried themselves recently. Same possibly could be said about Trump's...still under scrutiny.


The fact that Qatar's Al Jazeera is the only honest news outlet on the Gulf , and that Qatar has had a recent moderatng influence on Hamas probably irks them too


Strange too that on his visit to the Middle East Trump only had criticism for Iran, which had reasonably fair democratic elections that same week.


I wonder which country in the Middle East might benefit most from all this interference?

More sinister forces at work here.


Mr. Sinister strikes again. One- track mind at work.


The US is aiming to form a coalition countering Iran. They'll make a whole lot of compromises and hold their noses. Such is the nature of international relations.


Elections (whether they are fair and free is another matter) do not necessarily say a whole lot about the nature of the regime in power. Doubt any poster, including yourself, would willingly live under those regimes praised. That's without pointing out that Qatar itself isn't actually on the list.


As for Al Jazeera being "honest", you'd have to be you to make such as assertion. Al Jazeera comes in two main versions, English and Arabic. Content is not always similar. Editorial intervention is an issue. Don't recall much criticism about Qatar. Maybe has to do with being owned and funded by.


Even if you insist making it about your pet obsession, no cigar. Or at least, only half a cigar. The party intent on tightening the screws on Hamas is the Fatah. May want to read about recent developments in the ongoing spat before spewing the usual nonsense.




Edited by Morch
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On 6/7/2017 at 2:18 PM, tonbridgebrit said:

The important thing is this. Washington must not bomb Qatar. Let the Saudis do it. This is an Arab problem, let the Arab's sort it out themselves. A Middle-East solution to a Middle-East problem, that's what we need.




The important thing is to stay hinged. The US ain't bombing Qatar and will not. Same goes for the Saudis and the UAE. Might have something to do with Qatar hosting a sizeable US base. 

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On 6/7/2017 at 3:21 PM, Berkshire said:

Speaking of taking undeserved credit, how about the $110 billion arms sales to the Saudis that Trump was bragging about?  It was a big fat lie.


["The $110 billion deal that the president announced doesn't really exist," said Bruce Riedel, director of the Brookings Intelligence Project and a former CIA officer, who noted the discrepancy in Trump's announcement in an article Monday for Brookings, which first shed light on this aspect of the deal.

In his article, Riedel wrote, "Instead, there are a bunch of letters of interest or intent, but not contracts. Many are offers that the defense industry thinks the Saudis will be interested in someday."

Riedel described it to ABC News as a "wish list" of what the U.S. would like to sell Saudi Arabia in the next four to five years. But he warns that these intended sales are not contracts, and that the Saudis may be unable to pay.]





This sure does get confusing, isn't it?

So the whole thing was just hot air, photo ops and PR? Who would've thunk?

Are we now bashing Trump for not actually arming the evil Saudis?

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46 minutes ago, Morch said:


Trump is not the Prime Minister of the UK (and if you insist, May was recently doing the same ME rounds, looking for the same payoff).


But did she actually enlist the UK on the side of the sunni nations against Iran?  Did she say that Iran was the chief sponsor of terrorism?.   I don't recall that. And as she's a European (well, sort of) she knows from her own nation's experience as well as from that of other European nations that this just isn't the case.

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32 minutes ago, Morch said:


Mr. Sinister strikes again. One- track mind at work.


The US is aiming to form a coalition countering Iran. They'll make a whole lot of compromises and hold their noses. Such is the nature of international relations.


Elections (whether they are fair and free is another matter) do not necessarily say a whole lot about the nature of the regime in power. Doubt any poster, including yourself, would willingly live under those regimes praised. That's without pointing out that Qatar itself isn't actually on the list.


As for Al Jazeera being "honest", you'd have to be you to make such as assertion. Al Jazeera comes in two main versions, English and Arabic. Content is not always similar. Editorial intervention is an issue. Don't recall much criticism about Qatar. Maybe has to do with being owned and funded by.


Even if you insist making it about your pet obsession, no cigar. Or at least, only half a cigar. The party intent on tightening the screws on Hamas is the Fatah. May want to read about recent developments in the ongoing spat before spewing the usual nonsense.




Of course is Israel supporting this, and one of the countries that pushed for this.


After all, as you said, it has just one aim: go after Iran.

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6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

But did she actually enlist the UK on the side of the sunni nations against Iran?  Did she say that Iran was the chief sponsor of terrorism?.   I don't recall that. And as she's a European (well, sort of) she knows from her own nation's experience as well as from that of other European nations that this just isn't the case.

In case it wasn't clear enough: May is the Prime Minister of the UK. Trump is the President of the US. Different countries, different leaders. Not necessarily identical foreign policies and regional interests.

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6 minutes ago, Morch said:

In case it wasn't clear enough: May is the Prime Minister of the UK. Trump is the President of the US. Different countries, different leaders. Not necessarily identical foreign policies and regional interests.

I'm not the one who likened May to Trump in a thread about Trump taking sides.

(and if you insist, May was recently doing the same ME rounds, looking for the same payoff)."

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