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Trump's UK visit on despite criticism, says foreign secretary


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18 hours ago, Credo said:

Anybody who thinks the Royal Family doesn't earn their money is wrong.   I am sure the Queen would sell the crown jewels to not have to share a meal with him.   She will probably have Buckingham Palace disinfected after his visit.   



He will probably ask to go Burger King for his dinner date with the Queen. ?

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45 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

He will probably ask to go Burger King for his dinner date with the Queen. ?

Protocol requires gifts. I guess he'll be taking a few copies of The Art of the Deal and charge the taxpayers for the cost. I hope the corgis pee on his shoes.

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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Irrational hatred of trump has poisoned this mans brain against the reality that he is the elected leader of the usa. So if he doesnt like trumps america then move on. Or continue demonstrating here on thaivisa. Up to he. 

I have respect for a man who sticks to his principles and defends those who he feels represents his own sentiments. Clearly you admire Trump and feel that he speaks for you.  In other words you are "on the same page".  However you must see that we in turn have every right to stand against everything that Trump stands for and that we consider him to be a completely destructive, despicable moron!  Therefore if you choose to stand shoulder to shoulder with Trump then our vitriol towards Trump will inevitably also to be towards those who support him. 

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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I have respect for a man who sticks to his principles and defends those who he feels represents his own sentiments. Clearly you admire Trump and feel that he speaks for you.  In other words you are "on the same page".  However you must see that we in turn have every right to stand against everything that Trump stands for and that we consider him to be a completely destructive, despicable moron!  Therefore if you choose to stand shoulder to shoulder with Trump then our vitriol towards Trump will inevitably also to be towards those who support him. 

I don't agree with the vitriol (shades of ISIS).  But, I do think your post is an excellent explanation of why these news threads are so polarizing.

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9 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Britain will never lose face over having diplomatic ties with any country and hosting the heads of any countries government.

                              We're not talking about 'diplomatic ties.'  The US and Britain have dipl.ties with Samoa and E.Timor.  We're talking about whether British Royalty should honor Trump with full regal pomp.   I submit that the Queen, even with her diminished power, could call off the meeting.  You're insinuating she doesn't even have the power to cancel a meeting, even if she wanted to.


                        The second point, about 'losing face,' is subjective.  Brits and everyone else can decide for themselves whether Britain will lose face by throwing a royal party for Trump and his large entourage.  'Face' is not something that can be legislated or enacted by an edict.    Britain in general, and its royal family in particular will have its reputation tarnished if it gives Trumpsters a royal welcome.  


                      There's a great comparison to the Humpty Dumpty poem in this discussion, but I'll let you fathom that.


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Trymp has his views he is like it or not presidentof the USA. All protocols will be adhered to on his visit to UK.

Trumps policies might not please all some say hes a racist! They also said Enock Powell speach on rivers of blood was as well ! Fact is he was right so may Trump be time will tell.

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15 hours ago, dutchisaan said:

You remeber his first trip abroad? Everything went well and he was so much respected by the other country leaders!

Well, that was the Donald tweeting his normal bs, while everybody else, except his hardcore fans, saw it different.

Yes, please let him visit the UK. A more embarrassing moment for this clown is not possible.

And after his visit you can read his tweets, or listen to the press conference from the WH, that it was all good and a historical visit.

Well, one thing for sure, it will be historical.

Sorry, spelling mistake, I mean histerical.

It is shame when any leader of a country is ridiculed. However, i feel that this one can not help himself.Its as though he has no one in his entourage able to prevent him from making these embarrassing mistakes. He has made contact with leaders, one of whom is an Adolph Hitler fan, another is with a dictator, to who he will give credence and a sort of legitimacy. Will he really sit down with a man who is totally corrupt, tells lies to his people, steals their money, keeps the country under military rule and is highly suspect in the people trafficking scenario.a man who is making sure that he will never lose control of his country, has no respect for human rights, and allows  the force that is meant to protect and serve,  to ride roughshod over the population.Is loathe to stop the despicable drug trade that profits the elite, and the select.To allow the hi so sons of billionaires to escape justice.How can a man who decides to ignore these openly happening crimes, meet the Queen of England, when he has a personality that mirrors that of Jekyll and Hyde.

 Whether the Queen is happy about this,or not will never be known. But The UK, is perfectly aware, that, with Brexit, we will need to make/continue, trade with countries that we may not like, but are important to us.The Queen is controlled by our government, as to whom she has to entertain, she cannot refuse.So i say, that whilst we have a relationship with the USA, that we want to keep, we will have to suffer the visit of Mr Trump. Let us hope that, he renders to her all the respect to which she is entitled, and he is treated with respect by the British public.

No doubt, the criticisms of the meeting will be exposed by our gutter newspapers in time to come.

 Bring it Donald.

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38 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                              We're not talking about 'diplomatic ties.'  The US and Britain have dipl.ties with Samoa and E.Timor.  We're talking about whether British Royalty should honor Trump with full regal pomp.   I submit that the Queen, even with her diminished power, could call off the meeting.  You're insinuating she doesn't even have the power to cancel a meeting, even if she wanted to.


                        The second point, about 'losing face,' is subjective.  Brits and everyone else can decide for themselves whether Britain will lose face by throwing a royal party for Trump and his large entourage.  'Face' is not something that can be legislated or enacted by an edict.    Britain in general, and its royal family in particular will have its reputation tarnished if it gives Trumpsters a royal welcome.  


                      There's a great comparison to the Humpty Dumpty poem in this discussion, but I'll let you fathom that.


To answer the part of your post about,even with her diminished power, could call off the meeting, if she wanted too.

I can only give you an answer that explains this.

Imagine you have a large company that relies upon trade and good will toward other great foreign company's.

Your company would employ a 'front man' a 'meeter and greeter' a public relations guy. Now imagine you are paying this Representative colossal amounts of money, because he is the best in the business (the uk pays the civil list) But one day he refuses to meet,say the Japanese ambassador, with who your company does great trade, worth gridzillions every year, because he doesnt like the guy.Would you company say,"oh,Ok Jeff, because you dont like him,we'll call it off, and let him know that it's because you dont like him" I dont think so. Your company would say "you will meet him whether you like him or not, we pay you untold money every year for this very job that you do, so we dont care what you like or dislike, get your best suit and smile on, and do your job!"

 Its the same sort of thing, but we call her' "your Majesty" and we use very different, gentle, methods of persuasion.


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45 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

They also said Enock Powell speach on rivers of blood was as well ! Fact is he was right so may Trump be time will tell.

Yes he is….he just has a way of cutting through the BS that sticks in the craw of traditional BS artists…aka just about every politician in the world.


I am not a steadfast admirer of Trump….but I will stand down the day he proves that he operates like the clintons of this world.


Sick of slick politicians who promise change and do nothing once they're elected. Trump keeps promises, or at least publicly shows that he is doing everything he can.

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14 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


It'll be a long night tomorrow staying up watching the results!


But Bell's Whiskey is now widely available here, on promotion at 499 ThB a litre bottle - Cheers :-)

4.99, Blimey that's gone up quick, it was only 3.49 last week end.

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Credo, who said that the Queen would gladly sell the Crown Jewell's if she could put off the meeting.

 You cant be British,because if you were,you would know that the Royal family have not owned the CJ for centuries now. And there is no price you could put on them, because they are 'priceless' The country bought the CJ in their entirety and now they belong to 'Great Britain' This is why we pay the Civil list, which unfortunately is plundered by worthless Royals, who have no part of actually bringing anything to GB, and "sub Royals" and every hanger on that can claim any connection to the Royal family.

Edited by Khon Kaen Dave
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37 minutes ago, evadgib said:

He's done more U turns than a bungy jumper!

Now i am not an American but as i see it the reason for all the U turns is the guttless judges and senators who are so afraid of PC they would block the sun if they could.

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19 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Credo, who said that the Queen would gladly sell the Crown Jewell's if she could put off the meeting.

 You cant be British,because if you were,you would know that the Royal family have not owned the CJ for centuries now. And there is no price you could put on them, because they are 'priceless' The country bought the CJ in their entirety and now they belong to 'Great Britain' This is why we pay the Civil list, which unfortunately is plundered by worthless Royals, who have no part of actually bringing anything to GB, and "sub Royals" and every hanger on that can claim any connection to the Royal family.

I guess you are having a bit of trouble grasping sarcasm.   

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41 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


I am not a steadfast admirer of Trump….but I will stand down the day he proves that he operates like the clintons of this world.



Sorry, but I seriously doubt that. Were it true, you wouldn't be on here now supporting him. The man has been shown repeatedly to be fleecing American taxpayers for his endless trips to Mar-a-Lago. He has blatantly thumbed his nose at the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. He refuses to separate himself from his businesses while in office, regardless what he says about turning the business over to his children...the same children who sit in the White House just outside his office door. Even as he was being inaugurated he was being sued by workers on his D. C. hotel for refusing to pay them...the same hotel that he constructed with Chinese steel.


For god's sake, the man diverts funds from his own son's charity meant to help dying children in order to line his own pockets (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/ar-BBCfp1n) and still you support him. Sorry,  but for all of their massive shortcomings, neither of the Clinton's ever engaged in anything like that.


So, please, don't ask us to buy into your BS line about "standing down". There's not enough fine wine, excellent whiskey, or superb beer in the world to make that one go down.

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Just now, Traveler19491 said:

Sorry, but I seriously doubt that. Were it true, you wouldn't be on here now supporting him. The man has been shown repeatedly to be fleecing American taxpayers for his endless trips to Mar-a-Lago. He has blatantly thumbed his nose at the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. He refuses to separate himself from his businesses while in office, regardless what he says about turning the business over to his children...the same children who sit in the White House just outside his office door. Even as he was being inaugurated he was being sued by workers on his D. C. hotel for refusing to pay them...the same hotel that he constructed with Chinese steel.


For god's sake, the man diverts funds from his own son's charity meant to help dying children in order to line his own pockets (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/ar-BBCfp1n) and still you support him. Sorry,  but for all of their massive shortcomings, neither of the Clinton's ever engaged in anything like that.


So, please, don't ask us to buy into your BS line about "standing down". There's not enough fine wine, excellent whiskey, or superb beer in the world to make that one go down.

What i cant understand is now bear with me. 99%of americans who i speak to and read on here dislike Trump activley hate him! So who voted him President then?

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10 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Now i am not an American but as i see it the reason for all the U turns is the guttless judges and senators who are so afraid of PC they would block the sun if they could.

The fact that you are not American is glaringly obvious, otherwise, you might not make such an ignorant comment. I do find it amusing when those who disagree with judges refer to them as either "gutless" or "activist", code for "how dare they not rule the way I wanted! Now I'm pissed." Judges are required by the U. S. Constitution to be totally independent. While it is normal for any judge to have their own political ideology, and it is also normal that that ideology will inform their interpretation of the Constitution and hence their rulings on Constitutional matters, their independence is there for the specific purpose of providing a meaningful check against Executive overreach. I would assert that far from being "gutless", it takes a tremendous amount of "guts" to stand up to the man who is supposed to be the most powerful leader in the world. Note I said, "supposed to be". This "man" (and I use the word in its loosest form) is the farthest thing imaginable from what a real man is, and has yet to demonstrate even the slightest hint of being a real leader. America and the world will be much better off the quicker we are rid of him.

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9 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

What i cant understand is now bear with me. 99%of americans who i speak to and read on here dislike Trump activley hate him! So who voted him President then?

Sixty-one million people, a significant minority, which, due to the unfortunate and outdated workings of our electoral system, gave him the majority of the votes in the electoral college. However, as you may have noticed, his numbers are consistently heading downwards as more and more people wake up to the realization that they were conned into believing that a consistently failed "businessman" who owes his wealth to unscrupulous and borderline illegal business practices, duped them into believing his "promises", none of which he had any intention of ever following through on, with the notable exceptions of those that would appeal to the racists in his base and his wealthy donors. The fact that you can't find anyone who supports the man should tell you something.

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59 minutes ago, Credo said:

I guess you are having a bit of trouble grasping sarcasm.   

I have no trouble in grasping sarcasm. You obviously have trouble in indicating sarcasm by failing to add the (sarc) after your post. You must remember that not all people understand the wit that sarcasm contains. I truly believe that you thought that Liz and Phil owned the CJ. I believe that you had to google 'ownership' of the British Crown Jewell's.If you are British then you should have learned that in your British history lessons in school. If you are not British, then i forgive you your ignorance of the fact.If you did know, then you would also know, that during the reign of Charles the second, they were stolen,from the Tower of London, by a certain 'Capt Blood' who did it to prove to the monarchy how easy it would be. Instead of execution for Treason. Blood was given a pension by the king with his thanks.The name of Blood maybe open to clarification. But you should read it up, its a great part of British history.

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1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

 He refuses to separate himself from his businesses while in office, regardless what he says about turning the business over to his children...the same children who sit in the White House just outside his office door. 

Is any of what he is doing illegal? If so then file a case and put him behind bars.


Or else, keep complaining.

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15 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Is any of what he is doing illegal? If so then file a case and put him behind bars.


Or else, keep complaining.

Illegality and ethics are two totally different subjects, just so you know. Americans deserve a President who, at least publicly, adheres to standards that are open and transparent, neither of which Trump has done. Your willingness to support an unethical individual is interesting. As to the illegality of his actions...well, that's what's being looked into. And, yes, violating the emoluments clause is, in fact, illegal. Could I file a case, I would. But, given that I've not been granted such power, I'll leave it to the people looking into his incredibly shady background.

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

People who have never heard of Thaivisa?

So how do you explain about those i speak to who have no idea about this site? Some one said 61 million insignificant people? How can 61 million be insignificant.? In the end he was voted into power im afraid the other ??millions who are obviously significant, have to live with it. For the next four years anyway. Will have to wsit and see if he gets another 4 years after that.

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On 6/7/2017 at 6:37 AM, darksidedog said:

If he wants to come, let him. I am sure the good people of England will turn out in massive numbers to give him an "appropriate welcome."

I can hardly wait for when the pictures of the virtually empty streets that will greet Trump are compared with those pictures taken of the crowds that came out when his predecessor visited.


And the movie. National Mall... the Redux.


Spicer will have plenty of ammo for his boss's inevitable 'fake news' claim.

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