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Serial child rapist in north east Thailand forced nine year old girl to fellate him


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could be a neighbor......no warnings, people come and go and sometimes leave scarred for life people behind.

Listing, releases, nothing we ever hear off, they come and go, even police isn't informed......anyway hope the child will get over it and we are warned again!

Edited by hgma
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3 hours ago, madusa said:

Why is everybody so worked up about this sex monster? It happens everywhere in this world, no?

A chemical castration to put his dick to sleep is what is appropriated in this case. Or perhaps a surgical one where the doctor cut off certain nerves and it' s all done.

So, when we read about a serious sex offence against a THAI child, you think we should all get upset about unknown but obviously existing, crimes against all the children in the world?


If a member of your family were to be raped or murdered, would you get upset about the perpetrator, or merely transfer your upset to the criminals all over the world who had committed similar offences?  Your first sentence makes no sense at all! 

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23 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

So, when we read about a serious sex offence against a THAI child, you think we should all get upset about unknown but obviously existing, crimes against all the children in the world?


If a member of your family were to be raped or murdered, would you get upset about the perpetrator, or merely transfer your upset to the criminals all over the world who had committed similar offences?  Your first sentence makes no sense at all! 

Ah ok, you are right then. I should think about the victims parents and relatives. So sorry mate.  Well, if the Thailand government implement a plan to restrict the movement of the rapist and also tag them as well.  So if they live say in a town if they want to go somewhere else they had to report to the centre of control for sex offence(every town should set up a centre) failure to inform the centre will be punish with imprisonment. 

Just keep them in one place all the time.

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How many of these scumbag perverts are there roaming freely in Thailand ?


And he uses the excuse that he was drunk and needed sex, really ? I have a couple of beers and I want to sleep.


Shoot the C-u-n-t and be done with it.

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