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Serial child rapist in north east Thailand forced nine year old girl to fellate him


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Serial child rapist in north east Thailand forced nine year old girl to fellate him



Picture: Daily News


SAKHON NAKORN: -- Police in Sakon Nakhorn have announced the arrest of a suspected serial rapist after he abducted a little girl on Monday.


Natthachai Dakawong, 35, was wanted on another warrant for the rape of a child and had already served time for a similar offence.


In his latest crime he had seen the nine year old girl standing alone by the road in the Dong Yor housing estate. He was known to the family and the girl trusted him when he said he would take her on his motorcycle to visit her grandparents.


But instead of doing that he took her to an isolated reservoir far from the village where he tried to rape her. He failed but then made the little girl fellate him until he ejaculated.


It took police several days to arrest him despite the victim telling relatives who had molested her. She had told her mum and dad that "Nat" was responsible for hurting her.


After his arrest yesterday he said that he had been drunk and had a high need for sex so he took the girl who was known to him. He admitted to what he had done and denied rape.


He was charged with rape of a girl under 15 all the same as police decided that his actions warranted that charge.


In addition he was charged with molestation and abduction.


He said that contrary to rumors flying about the neighborhood he is not infected with the HIV virus but has some other disease not related to that.


Tattone police said that he has already served time for rape of a child and is also wanted on another warrant for a similar offence.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-06-09
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"After his arrest yesterday he said that he had been drunk and had a high need for sex......" 


Oh, so he was drunk and horny. OK then, sounds reasonable.:unsure:

Hopefully this  POS has not infected the child with any STD..

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3 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

Isn't there a drug that would neutralize the sex drive of these weirdos ?

Do you include masochistic tv posters with male genital mutilation fantasies in your query?

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1 minute ago, fantom said:

Do you include masochistic tv posters with male genital mutilation fantasies in your query?

Do you understand what brings these posters to use such language in the first place?

It is their anger and frustration at a system  that allows such a depraved creature  to continue to  rape and abuse young females on a regular basis after being previously incarcerated for same. 

They aren't masochists, they are just damned angry at a weak justice system both here and in their home countries..

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Cut it off and leave him where he cannot get food or water,make sure to tie it behind his back with some of it still attached,will he starve or will he eat???One thing he will not do is rape or interfere with another,and in my opinion this will still be far too kind for an out and out scumbag.

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" he has already served time for rape of a child and is also wanted on another warrant for a similar offence "


I wonder how hard the police were looking for him in connection to the warrant?

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2 hours ago, fantom said:

Do you include masochistic tv posters with male genital mutilation fantasies in your query?

Don't quote my posts for use in an argument that I'm not involved in but that you may have with other posters.

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2 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Do you understand what brings these posters to use such language in the first place?

It is their anger and frustration at a system  that allows such a depraved creature  to continue to  rape and abuse young females on a regular basis after being previously incarcerated for same. 

They aren't masochists, they are just damned angry at a weak justice system both here and in their home countries..

Chronic anger is the state of mind here indeed (but all that will change with the major influx of 34 year olds on this site). Angry with homeland, angry with thailand, angry with others eg. asylumseekers, Muslims, etc.


Im not angry when i read this post because 1) i dont know the child in question. I do feel very sorry for her 2) i feel no strong (negative) emotions towards a mentally sick individual except that i feel sorry for him too.


It's easy for us "normal" people to judge people who are born with a twisted mind.


Also, He's not an animal. He's a human aka the worst of all living creatures on this planet.

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Why is everybody so worked up about this sex monster? It happens everywhere in this world, no?

A chemical castration to put his dick to sleep is what is appropriated in this case. Or perhaps a surgical one where the doctor cut off certain nerves and it' s all done.

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