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Trump still standing, but damaged by Comey's testimony


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For a couple of days it seemed as though the anti Trumpers were restraining themselves on the meaningless anti Trump rants, and actually debating the situation, but I see it didn't last long. Back to pointless calls for him to be impeached/ locked up/ etc without putting forth any actual evidence to support their case.

It's that sort of posting that reduces the number of contributers on threads like this to the same few egging each on to see who can come out with the most outlandish Trump put downs.

Carry on, but you ain't impressing anyone that is undecided.



Undecideds? You have got to be kidding. These same people who are entrenched Trump supporters are the same ones I hear in public denigrating a war hero like John Kerry over a draft avoider like W. Bush. That stuck with Trump even after his discussing comments on McCain's war record. This lack of character leaves little likelyhood of open mindedness required to be an undecided. On the other side there is just as much chance of anyone who is taking Trump at face value would ever change their thoughts on him. Please link you same response to the calls of Clinton being locked up. 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For a couple of days it seemed as though the anti Trumpers were restraining themselves on the meaningless anti Trump rants, and actually debating the situation, but I see it didn't last long. Back to pointless calls for him to be impeached/ locked up/ etc without putting forth any actual evidence to support their case.

It's that sort of posting that reduces the number of contributers on threads like this to the same few egging each on to see who can come out with the most outlandish Trump put downs.

Carry on, but you ain't impressing anyone that is undecided.



Can I just say that it has been a privilege and a pleasure to read your insightful commentary on our wonderful President these last few weeks. Nobody else other than you could have done this. I am sure everybody else on this thread will agree. It is also a pure abomination that there is a Special Investigator when there is nothing for him to investigate other than Democratic Party tittle-tattle. Time to move on.

Edited by SheungWan
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Thakkar, post # 316 said,


"Trump demands a public ass kissing from each cabinet member."


I didn't see him demanding anything, but it may have just been the version that I saw and that had been edited out, so can you please give me a link, and I can then enjoy as much as you obviously have.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For a couple of days it seemed as though the anti Trumpers were restraining themselves on the meaningless anti Trump rants, and actually debating the situation, but I see it didn't last long. Back to pointless calls for him to be impeached/ locked up/ etc without putting forth any actual evidence to support their case.

It's that sort of posting that reduces the number of contributers on threads like this to the same few egging each on to see who can come out with the most outlandish Trump put downs.

Carry on, but you ain't impressing anyone that is undecided.



Indeed and I am no Trump lover but the vitriol has been astounding. There has been no evidence of the 'Russia thing' and Comey confirmed this but still they hammer away with nothing to back it up.


There is no doubt Trump is his own worst enemy with the 'Tweet gig' but cant we get back to facts and forget all these bogus 'sources' and lampooning on the TV? attack the POLICIES not the man.

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31 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Thakkar, post # 316 said,


"Trump demands a public ass kissing from each cabinet member."


I didn't see him demanding anything, but it may have just been the version that I saw and that had been edited out, so can you please give me a link, and I can then enjoy as much as you obviously have.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

~ from the movie, Butterflies Are Free


"You can lead a buffalo to water, but it's just as likely to piss in it as drink from it"

~ Thakkar



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11 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Indeed and I am no Trump lover but the vitriol has been astounding. There has been no evidence of the 'Russia thing' and Comey confirmed this but still they hammer away with nothing to back it up.


There is no doubt Trump is his own worst enemy with the 'Tweet gig' but cant we get back to facts and forget all these bogus 'sources' and lampooning on the TV? attack the POLICIES not the man.

They aren't able to discuss the issues they are so full of hate. The constant name calling likening the President to Hitler, clown, con man, orange orang- utan well out of order. Imagine if I called the last Pres an ape how the left would have attacked.

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

~ from the movie, Butterflies Are Free


"You can lead a buffalo to water, but it's just as likely to piss in it as drink from it"

~ Thakkar




But NO link???


If you want to be taken seriously, you must provide the evidence, and in the footage I saw, there was no demand, or even a request, by Trump.   I'm not suggesting it doesn't exist, but it was not in the clip I saw.

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1 minute ago, F4UCorsair said:


But NO link???


If you want to be taken seriously, you must provide the evidence, and in the footage I saw, there was no demand, or even a request, by Trump.   I'm not suggesting it doesn't exist, but it was not in the clip I saw.

THAT is a lame response.

which prompts another quote from the same film:

"There are none so lame as those who will not walk"



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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:
5 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


But NO link???


If you want to be taken seriously, you must provide the evidence, and in the footage I saw, there was no demand, or even a request, by Trump.   I'm not suggesting it doesn't exist, but it was not in the clip I saw.

THAT is a lame response.

which prompts another quote from the same film:

"There are none so lame as those who will not walk"




By the way, you can file this for future use:

There is also no video of Trump actually dropping his pants and of individual cabinet members leaning over to kiss his behind.

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Just now, Thakkar said:

THAT is a lame response.

which prompts another quote from the same film:

"There are none so lame as those who will not walk"




So there is NO link?   Thanks for reminding us that the left are more than imaginative when it comes to "quoting" the President..


It seems that there has been no damage by Comey's testimony.   Nothing has happened, nothing is going to happen, so let's carry on. I'm mystified that some have the tenacity to continue an attack, looking for 'evidence' where there is none.   

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5 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


So there is NO link?   Thanks for reminding us that the left are more than imaginative when it comes to "quoting" the President..


It seems that there has been no damage by Comey's testimony.   Nothing has happened, nothing is going to happen, so let's carry on. I'm mystified that some have the tenacity to continue an attack, looking for 'evidence' where there is none.   


"THere are none so hungry as those who will not eat"


"There are none so metaphorically impoverished as as those who won't eat metaphors"

...Or something like that; I haven't watched the film in a while.



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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For a couple of days it seemed as though the anti Trumpers were restraining themselves on the meaningless anti Trump rants, and actually debating the situation, but I see it didn't last long. Back to pointless calls for him to be impeached/ locked up/ etc without putting forth any actual evidence to support their case.

It's that sort of posting that reduces the number of contributers on threads like this to the same few egging each on to see who can come out with the most outlandish Trump put downs.

Carry on, but you ain't impressing anyone that is undecided.



Thank you so much for your permission to "Carry on". Fortunately for us, though, we're not looking to impress anyone about anything. This thread, along with all the other threads about Trump, is not about convincing anyone. I seriously doubt that at this point there are more than a tiny handful of undecideds. Trump's behavior is lauded/overlooked by his sycophant supporters while those capable of looking beyond the mind-numbingly obvious BS are increasingly disgusted by what this megalomaniac is doing to the U. S. internally and to our image and relationships with historic allies abroad.


While you are correct that, currently, there is no "smoking gun" linking Trump to any illegal activity, the investigation is young. Perhaps he will come out clean, although I seriously doubt it. It may well be that he had nothing directly to do with the Russian interference in our election, but as time goes on it appears increasingly likely that many on his staff or under his influence did. Apart from that, there are myriad questions about other activities that the Don has allegedly been involved in that would likely come to light in any in-depth investigation, which would explain a lot as to why Trump et al are so intent on derailing said investigation and are so committed to smearing the reputation of the man heading it.


As to your perpetual whining about those of us who despise Trump having the unmitigated gall to air our grievances in a public venue...tough luck, buttercup. We are free to vent our revulsion and express our disgust in whatever manner we please, so long as we adhere to the forum's rules. Don't like it, then I might suggest you finally follow through on your oft-repeated yet meaningless threats to never comment on a Trump thread again.

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3 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Thakkar, post # 316 said,


"Trump demands a public ass kissing from each cabinet member."


I didn't see him demanding anything, but it may have just been the version that I saw and that had been edited out, so can you please give me a link, and I can then enjoy as much as you obviously have.

Indeed. The mere suggestion that the Cabinet members' synchronised demonstration of their bountiful appreciation of the President came other than from deep in their hearts should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves.

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4 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Indeed. The mere suggestion that the Cabinet members' synchronised demonstration of their bountiful appreciation of the President came other than from deep in their hearts should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves.


So in the absence of a demand, we make the assumption that there was, in fact, a demand, but not forming part of the video, i.e., behind closed doors??


This is becoming silly.



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10 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


So in the absence of a demand, we make the assumption that there was, in fact, a demand, but not forming part of the video, i.e., behind closed doors??


This is becoming silly.



Agree, that whole scene is very silly, maybe bizarre is even better.

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18 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


So in the absence of a demand, we make the assumption that there was, in fact, a demand, but not forming part of the video, i.e., behind closed doors??


This is becoming silly.



Unreported by La Resistance:


this was Trumps first full cabinet meeting.


Since Schumer is insisting on 30 hours of debate for each appointment it is taking much longer than past governments to fill senate confirmed positions. 


So you see, meeting makes sense in context. Glad to finally be here Mr Prez. Ready to work for America despite Dems trying to block us with parliamentary nonsense and fake investigations. 


Dems are bankrupt of ideas.Out of gas 

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52 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Unreported by La Resistance:


this was Trumps first full cabinet meeting.


Since Schumer is insisting on 30 hours of debate for each appointment it is taking much longer than past governments to fill senate confirmed positions. 


So you see, meeting makes sense in context. Glad to finally be here Mr Prez. Ready to work for America despite Dems trying to block us with parliamentary nonsense and fake investigations. 


Dems are bankrupt of ideas.Out of gas 


Yes, non reporting by La Resistance does put a different perspective on the matter.

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17 minutes ago, stander said:

DOJ press office just sent out this email on the Sessions recusal that Comey got.

It does indeed appear as if Comey does not tell the truth about this. Under oath.


Oh me Oh my, and this man is held in high esteem.  What else has he fibbed about.  Unlike many others I will not pretend I know, nor will I assume.  Oh Lordy.:wai:

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11 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


Last month ditched Paris agreement. 


This month Dodd Frank




who said Christmas only comes once a year?

Hooray! Another massive financial recession enabled. Maybe this time we'll get really lucky and it will turn into a full-fledged depression!

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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


So there is NO link?   Thanks for reminding us that the left are more than imaginative when it comes to "quoting" the President..


It seems that there has been no damage by Comey's testimony.   Nothing has happened, nothing is going to happen, so let's carry on. I'm mystified that some have the tenacity to continue an attack, looking for 'evidence' where there is none.   

He did reach a record high in the Gallup Poll today.  60 percent disapproval. So that's something.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

Hooray! Another massive financial recession enabled. Maybe this time we'll get really lucky and it will turn into a full-fledged depression!

If the financial markets are booming and the POTUS will save billions by ditching that farcical crap, the Paris Climate agreement then pray tell how has a financial recession been enabled let alone it turning into a full fledged depression.  Not in my lifetime, nor yours I would say..:wai:

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

He did reach a record high in the Gallup Poll today.  60 percent disapproval. So that's something.

Funny that those polls are taken only amongst democrats and not within his support base.  More BS from the pollsters who think they know but are having a hard time proving it.:wai:

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7 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

If the financial markets are booming and the POTUS will save billions by ditching that farcical crap, the Paris Climate agreement then pray tell how has a financial recession been enabled let alone it turning into a full fledged depression.  Not in my lifetime, nor yours I would say..:wai:

Quite a remarkable display of savvy. Does the word "bubble" mean anything to you?  How about Glass Steagall?  There's a saying  about stupidity meaning doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Allowing banks and shadow banks to once again indulge in their previous behavior that led to the worst financial recession in almost 80 years would be the height of stupidity.

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7 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Funny that those polls are taken only amongst democrats and not within his support base.


If you really believe that only 60% of democrats disapprove of Trump, then you're even more delusional than your posts make you appear to be.  As per Gallup:



Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president. Daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points.


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