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Trump still standing, but damaged by Comey's testimony


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4 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Comey did not deny there was collusion, he nearly stated he could not answer in an open hearing.

He has a responsibility to protect both the investigations and the President.


I don't think we watched the same testimony.  He said that none was found but then the investigation is ongoing and it will be up to the Special Counsel to determine what, if anything, occurred.  Protect the president, I am sure that calling him a liar and that he would lie about the meetings is truly protecting him, I don't think.  Only an opinion by someone who may have a few reasons for embellishing his testimony.:wai:

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14 minutes ago, mogandave said:

He has a responsibility to protect both the investigations and the President.


This is gonna get him in trouble. At times he claims ongoing investigation and doesn't say anything, other times releases bits of info. He's walking a thin line with his credibility. 

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Trump today:

"Frankly, James Comey just confirmed what I just said. And some of things he said just weren't true."


Trump is such a bratty child.  Too much ice cream, coca cola and Lays potato chips (3 things he's known to ingest in large amounts).  When all his other soggy excuses fail, he can fall back on the ''Twinky Defense." 



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8 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:
17 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Comey did not deny there was collusion, he nearly stated he could not answer in an open hearing.

He has a responsibility to protect both the investigations and the President.


I don't think we watched the same testimony.  He said that none was found but then the investigation is ongoing and it will be up to the Special Counsel to determine what, if anything, occurred.  Protect the president, I am sure that calling him a liar and that he would lie about the meetings is truly protecting him, I don't think.  Only an opinion by someone who may have a few reasons for embellishing his testimony.:wai:

If one is so that blinkered in their defensive support of President Trump that this prevents them from acknowledging that he is indeed a serial & daily liar and also that he has and will in a heartbeat causally throw any and even key staff under the bus to protect himself, then there are several Whitehouse positions waiting (which fewer and fewer would want any part of for these very reasons)

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I don't think we watched the same testimony.  He said that none was found but then the investigation is ongoing and it will be up to the Special Counsel to determine what, if anything, occurred.  Protect the president, I am sure that calling him a liar and that he would lie about the meetings is truly protecting him, I don't think.  Only an opinion by someone who may have a few reasons for embellishing his testimony.:wai:

I think you were watching while I was listening.

No doubt you're going by the "Rush Notes" summary...
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Just now, mogandave said:


I think you were watching while I was listening.

No doubt you're going by the "Rush Notes" summary...


Ah, selective hearing also.  And I have not referred to any summary, just what I saw and heard.  Sorry but I do not agree with any of the responses you have outlined and you will find that Comey may have gone where angels fear to tread.  Instead of being the judge, jury and executioner, it would be wise of you to wait and see what happens.:wai:

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Ah, selective hearing also.  And I have not referred to any summary, just what I saw and heard.  Sorry but I do not agree with any of the responses you have outlined and you will find that Comey may have gone where angels fear to tread.  Instead of being the judge, jury and executioner, it would be wise of you to wait and see what happens.:wai:

We're we to do that there would be nothing to post about...
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2 hours ago, sujoop said:
5 hours ago, Usernames said:

It is not illegal for Americans to talk with Russians.

True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?

Report: Trump's lawyer hand-delivered Michael Flynn a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia

The plan involved lifting sanctions on Russia in return for Moscow withdrawing its support for pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine. It would also allow Russia to maintain control over Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.


The White House reportedly continued its push to lift Russia sanctions even after Flynn resigned

A senior White House official asked the State Department in March to assess if sanctions on Russia were harming US interests and whether lifting them would increase Russia's oil production and therefore help the American economy

This is a gang that would unhesitatingly throw each other under the bus to save self, thus it's just a matter of time before Flynn, or perhaps Sessions (or?) talks. Then queue false claims of disappointment and surprise from Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus et al as the GOP + Koch Bros etc get on with the planned pivot to welcome Pence. Trump? Resigns and starts 'Trump News Network' where Bannon is the DJ and Kellyanne, Spicer and perhaps Amarosa spin endless alternative facts to a vengeful and adoring base.

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33 minutes ago, sujoop said:

If one is so that blinkered in their defensive support of President Trump that this prevents them from acknowledging that he is indeed a serial & daily liar and also that he has and will in a heartbeat causally throw any and even key staff under the bus to protect himself, then there are several Whitehouse positions waiting (which fewer and fewer would want any part of for these very reasons)

Thank you oh wise one.  All you are doing is regurgitating what is being put out by the MSN and certain tabloids.  Put your own thoughts out there, not those of others or is it you don't have any?:wai: 

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13 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:

So far, there is zero evidence.

Just made up stuff in New York Times that got repeated.

As much as people may dislike Trump, there's no smoke or fire.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk


Zero evidence of what? Comey states, under oath, that Russia made concerted efforts to interfere in the electoral process.  Trumps people had numerous documented meetings with Russian government officials, including known intelligence operatives, and some meetings after being warned of Russian intent.  That is the smoke.  Mueller will clear the smoke. And maybe there is no fire, just smoke.  Maybe. But if you really want to begin to clear the air of smoke, ask your man to release his tax returns.

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Zero evidence of what? Comey states, under oath, that Russia made concerted efforts to interfere in the electoral process.  Trumps people had numerous documented meetings with Russian government officials, including known intelligence operatives, and some meetings after being warned of Russian intent.  That is the smoke.  Mueller will clear the smoke. And maybe there is no fire, just smoke.  Maybe. But if you really want to begin to clear the air of smoke, ask your man to release his tax returns.

The more I think about it, the more I am convinced Comey is on Trump's payroll, and it's a good be Mueller is as well.

Unless until the press gets going on this nothing will happen.
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18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They may need no reason, but their constituents would have something to say if they were engaged in an obvious waste of money.

A congressman can issue an article of impeachment, but a majority is needed for it to go to the senate.

"...if they were engaged in an obvious waste of money."

Hmmm...like 8 Benghazi investigations? Or 60+ votes to end Obamacare? Or several government shutdowns? Those kinds of obvious wastes of money? Seems the R's have no problem wasting taxpayer money when it suits their purposes.

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14 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Thank you oh wise one.  All you are doing is regurgitating what is being put out by the MSN and certain tabloids.  Put your own thoughts out there, not those of others or is it you don't have any?:wai: 

Actually, his lies are printed verbatim, then fact checked for veracity. (https://www.buzzfeed.com/tasneemnashrulla/100-lies-and-false-statements?utm_term=.ynKklbmX7#.mtmqGN5bM) He fails miserably. That you are willing to swallow his bovine fecal matter and want to compare it to prime rib is your choice, but don't ask people with actual functioning brain matter to go along with you. This walking lump of bloviating adipose tissue lives in an alternate reality where only he knows the "truth", is omniscient, omnipotent, and adored by all. Sorry, but someone who lies then lies about having lied, is not someone to be "trusted". And anyone who chooses to trust a known liar gets exactly what they deserve, which you have. Failed health policy, failed tax policy, and working hard at a failed infrastructure policy. Hell, the idiot can't even corral those in his own party...who are the ones fighting him the hardest.


Actually, no one has to regurgitate anything. All one has to do is listen to the orange one's own words, then spend a little time with Google. His lies are really pretty childish, as the vast majority of them are proven to be prevarications with such ease it is sad. These falsehoods proceed from his mouth as easily as he exhales, and with about as much forethought. Many of them are little more than pathetic exaggerations meant to enshrine himself in a halo of reverence for his fans to bask in, but a not insignificant portion of them are constructed with the clear intent to defraud, like his endorsement of Trump University, where he promised those forking over their money that the instructors were "hand chosen" by himself, or the many developments where the actual builder simply paid the con man a fee to slap the name "Trump" on the development, followed by advertising material mean to convey the impression that it was Trump himself who was the developer. There was even one such development that he was sued over, and he even attempted to lie on the witness stand about his involvement with the developer (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/6/10/1670589/-Trump-with-a-long-record-of-lying-under-oath-says-he-will-tell-us-under-oath-that-Comey-lied).


So a guy who has no problem attempting to lie under oath says he's willing to testify under oath. Yeah, that should carry a lot of weight. Oh, sorry...I know you will believe every word. But, those of us capable of engaging in rational thought won't.

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1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

Actually, his lies are printed verbatim, then fact checked for veracity. (https://www.buzzfeed.com/tasneemnashrulla/100-lies-and-false-statements?utm_term=.ynKklbmX7#.mtmqGN5bM) He fails miserably. That you are willing to swallow his bovine fecal matter and want to compare it to prime rib is your choice, but don't ask people with actual functioning brain matter to go along with you. This walking lump of bloviating adipose tissue lives in an alternate reality where only he knows the "truth", is omniscient, omnipotent, and adored by all. Sorry, but someone who lies then lies about having lied, is not someone to be "trusted". And anyone who chooses to trust a known liar gets exactly what they deserve, which you have. Failed health policy, failed tax policy, and working hard at a failed infrastructure policy. Hell, the idiot can't even corral those in his own party...who are the ones fighting him the hardest.


Actually, no one has to regurgitate anything. All one has to do is listen to the orange one's own words, then spend a little time with Google. His lies are really pretty childish, as the vast majority of them are proven to be prevarications with such ease it is sad. These falsehoods proceed from his mouth as easily as he exhales, and with about as much forethought. Many of them are little more than pathetic exaggerations meant to enshrine himself in a halo of reverence for his fans to bask in, but a not insignificant portion of them are constructed with the clear intent to defraud, like his endorsement of Trump University, where he promised those forking over their money that the instructors were "hand chosen" by himself, or the many developments where the actual builder simply paid the con man a fee to slap the name "Trump" on the development, followed by advertising material mean to convey the impression that it was Trump himself who was the developer. There was even one such development that he was sued over, and he even attempted to lie on the witness stand about his involvement with the developer (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/6/10/1670589/-Trump-with-a-long-record-of-lying-under-oath-says-he-will-tell-us-under-oath-that-Comey-lied).


So a guy who has no problem attempting to lie under oath says he's willing to testify under oath. Yeah, that should carry a lot of weight. Oh, sorry...I know you will believe every word. But, those of us capable of engaging in rational thought won't.


Wow, I am impressed.  How long did it take to put these meanderings together.  Fact checked by who, those who keep changing things around or seek out different meanings after scrutinising every word in order to demonise him.  No, I don't swallow everything he says, I can be critical when the need arises but unlike yourself, another who appears to be so entwined in hate, that you must denigrate the guy at every opportunity. 


Just look at yours and many other posts, they say ample about those responding. And please, don't be so childish as to assume anything about me and what I will or will not believe.  And as for the so called lies, maybe you live in cloud cuckoo land, where everyone on one side is perfect and on the other, well we cannot take being beaten by them so we will just throw slurs at them, insult them, demean and denigrate at every turn hoping they will go away so we can return back to your inevitable posturing.  I hope this post is not an example of rational thought. Heaven help us if it is.:wai:

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Ten things we have learned from the Comey hearing.
1              President Trump was never under investigation.
2              President Trump did not obstruct justice.
3              President Trump did not collude with the Russians.
4              Russia did not alter the election result
5              Comey leaked his own memo.
6              Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton.
7              There was ample evidence to put Hilary Clinton in jail, but Comey chose not to pursue
8              CNN and other fake news outlets have been lying and making things up this entire time.
9              The Democratic party no longer has the ability to scream “Russia” every time President Trump tries to do something.
10           The “Russia" story is dead and any Democrat who continues to push it will look foolish and insane to the American people.   

Good summation.

Still, people will see what they want to see and they want to see Russian collusion.

The press calls itself the 4th estate and thinks it is worthy of protection. Quite a joke.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

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You can' tell me that someone who has as much business experience as Trump didn't know that trying to influence Comey was inappropriate. Any business person knows you can't ask certain questions when you are interviewing someone for a job, that certain behavior is inappropriate in a work place (sexual harassment), or you can't have private meetings with a judge who is deciding your case. At the very least he should have consulted with staff about the appropriateness BEFORE meeting with Comey. The fact that Trump went to great lengths to make sure there were no witnesses to these interactions with Comey strongly suggests that he knew full well the contacts were of an inappropriate nature.

No witnesses and Comey sat on his memo for 2 months.

Only Trump and Comet know what was really said.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, khlongtoey said:

Hate Speech is not "Free Speech" , when did bigots get so needy  :P


Seems to me , The Trump Klan   is what america deserves  for  allowing  The Chicago School and the Clintons  destroy the middle class.

"Clintons destroy the middle class" ?!?  Hmmm......,


                        During the time Bill Clinton was prez, the budget went from a $290 Billion deficit to a $236 Billion surplus.  That's over half a trillion dollars on the plus side for Americans.  180 degrees departed from that is what Trump plans to do.  Similar to Republican Brownback in Kansas, Trump will put America's economy on a sled and push it over a steep icy cliff.   ....with rich Republicans hanging out at the Alpine Club near the summit, drinking bourbon and laughing at how lucky they are to get massive tax breaks.


From Dagnabbit:  Good summation. Still, people will see what they want to see and they want to see Russian collusion. The press calls itself the 4th estate and thinks it is worthy of protection. Quite a joke.


I happen to like freedom of the press and freedom of speech, as allowed in the US.  How about you?




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18 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


No witnesses and Comey sat on his memo for 2 months.

Only Trump and Comet know what was really said.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk


He didn't "sit on it for two months" 

He contemporaneously told five of his FBI colleagues.

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21 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

No witnesses and Comey sat on his memo for 2 months.
Only Trump and Comet know what was really said.


                       Comey is a gentleman and is not inclined to tattle-tale.


                    However, he's also human, and if someone in a position of power spreads scurrilous claims about him, he responds. Anyone who is not a coward would have responded.  I think Comey has been commendably reserved throughout.


                          If you listen closely to Comey's statements, you can hear his voice waver a tiny bit when he mentions Trump's vindictive lies about how the FBI viewed Comey.  ...and also how Comey wasn't allowed to say goodbye to his associates in a dignified manner.


                    Anyone with less reserve and self-control would have torched Trump with a flame-thrower - if, for nothing else, firing him with such callous disdain.  


                     Trump got off easy. Again. But he won't always get off so easy.  Trump has built up a giant dome of un-fired bricks (his incessent lies) over his head - and it's all going to come tumbling down.

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45 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

"Clintons destroy the middle class" ?!?  Hmmm......,


                        During the time Bill Clinton was prez, the budget went from a $290 Billion deficit to a $236 Billion surplus.  That's over half a trillion dollars on the plus side for Americans.  180 degrees departed from that is what Trump plans to do.  Similar to Republican Brownback in Kansas, Trump will put America's economy on a sled and push it over a steep icy cliff.   ....with rich Republicans hanging out at the Alpine Club near the summit, drinking bourbon and laughing at how lucky they are to get massive tax breaks.





I happen to like freedom of the press and freedom of speech, as allowed in the US.  How about you?




And Robert Rubin as Treasury Secretary  became  a normal way of doing business , yes the death knell of the middle class origins, blocks grants for Welfare,  it's a neoliberal disease, of both parties

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19 hours ago, sujoop said:
22 hours ago, sujoop said:
On 6/10/2017 at 11:39 AM, Usernames said:

It is not illegal for Americans to talk with Russians.

True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?

Report: Trump's lawyer hand-delivered Michael Flynn a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia

The plan involved lifting sanctions on Russia in return for Moscow withdrawing its support for pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine. It would also allow Russia to maintain control over Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.


The White House reportedly continued its push to lift Russia sanctions even after Flynn resigned

A senior White House official asked the State Department in March to assess if sanctions on Russia were harming US interests and whether lifting them would increase Russia's oil production and therefore help the American economy

This is a gang that would unhesitatingly throw each other under the bus to save self, thus it's just a matter of time before Flynn, or perhaps Sessions (or?) talks. Then queue false claims of disappointment and surprise from Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus et al as the GOP + Koch Bros etc get on with the planned pivot to welcome Pence. Trump? Resigns and starts 'Trump News Network' where Bannon is the DJ and Kellyanne, Spicer and perhaps Amarosa spin endless alternative facts to a vengeful and adoring base.


18 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:
19 hours ago, sujoop said:

If one is so that blinkered in their defensive support of President Trump that this prevents them from acknowledging that he is indeed a serial & daily liar and also that he has and will in a heartbeat causally throw any and even key staff under the bus to protect himself, then there are several Whitehouse positions waiting (which fewer and fewer would want any part of for these very reasons)

Thank you oh wise one.  All you are doing is regurgitating what is being put out by the MSN and certain tabloids.  Put your own thoughts out there, not those of others or is it you don't have any?:wai: 

My original thoughts remain the same:

'it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?'


Edited by sujoop
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Just now, sujoop said:


My original thoughts remain the same:

'True but it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?'

I hope you're not asking me to respond in that regard, as I have no idea. Let's wait and see hey, but then there are others out there who think they know it all, maybe you should direct that question to them.  If they don't know, they will surely make it up.:wai:

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2 hours ago, sujoop said:

My original thoughts remain the same:
'it IS illegal to discuss removing sanctions as Flynn  did.  #1 question in all this is, who instructed Flynn to do so?'

                               You'll notice, when politicians, incl. Trump, are giving stump speeches, they often say, "and my #1 priority will be (____ fill in the blanks ____) "  The #1 priority in their speech could be any one of a dozen different items, depending who they're shouting at.


                  Sujoop, we probably agree on most everything in this miasma, but there are a slew of priorities re; the Trump/Russia connections.   Additionally, there are another slew of issues re; other law-breaking, such as obstruction of justice, abusing the powers of the president, nepotism, self-enrichment using the prez office, laundering oligarch money, etc.


                        Investigators and prosecutors will have heaps of issues to wade through.  I wonder if they'll take into account Trump's taunt during the campaign, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails which are missing, ......."


                        That one sentence shows collusion and it shows Trump knew the Russians were actively engaged in skewing campaign in Trump's favor.   


                     Imagine a 14 yr old girl gets cornered at a party by some older boys who are acting like they're going to rape her.  She calls out, "Daddy, if you can hear me, bring your loaded shotgun to get me out of this danger!"        The girl indicates she knows her daddy has a shotgun, and he would be eager to use it for her defense.







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4 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


No witnesses and Comey sat on his memo for 2 months.

Only Trump and Comet know what was really said.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk


Trump is still sitting on his tapes, burned or not. So, what was the point again you are making?

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