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Thailand ‘among top 20 most dangerous countries’ to visit

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If it was in the top 5 it wouldn't surprise anyone.

No law enforcement if you have money, crazy

drunks rule the roads, minivan coffins on wheels

killing hundreds each year, mugging and stabbing 

in the paper as routine as the sun in the morning,

bus drivers on drugs and incompetent of driving

in the rain......the list goes on and on....that doesn't 

even touch on the street filth and environmental 

Issues......At one time, Thailand was a nice destination,

unforunately those days are coming to an end fast.



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Security cameras should be relied on as a 2nd or 3rd line of surveillance.  There is nothing better than a cop who knows his beat and WALKS it daily, preferably with a partner.  Get'em outta the cars and on the pavements making rounds in a timely fashion to improve overall safety.

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13 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Please help me understand this article. 

 It says thailand is in the top 20 most dangerous countries to visit. Then next it says the report places Thailand  118 out of 136 countries. with a placement of 4 . I do not know about the rest of you but 118 seems to not be in the top 20. What is this article trying to say?

136 countries.  top 20 worst would be 136-20 or 116.  They stretched the 20 count a bit, but basically Thailand was one of the 20 worst,  The 4 is the score scale they use, not the ranking

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3 minutes ago, OmarZaid said:

Security cameras should be relied on as a 2nd or 3rd line of surveillance.  There is nothing better than a cop who knows his beat and WALKS it daily, preferably with a partner.  Get'em outta the cars and on the pavements making rounds in a timely fashion to improve overall safety.

yeah, security cameras are far from physical security. Granted the presence of them may dissuade some people from doing things, but they don't physically stop anything.  Any place that says we have security cameras, translates to lazy

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this "goes with the territory".... does it not?


the theme (the real one) is come and visit an Ethnological Exposition.... plus it's cheap!

the danger is when you don't know this.... that's when it's really dangerous... but as this becomes more mainstream.... THAT kind of fixes itself...... unless of course it attracts even MORE tourists!


Edited by maewang99
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Ofcourse it's all relative, and depending what you do here, and where you are. If you live here in a Thai village / slightly touristed place (for me in south ) in an area without too many bars and nightlife,  don't walk around too drunk at night with gold around your neck,  don't do visa runs in minivans, don't insult the locals too much, keep the police at a friendly distance and keep away from the 'troubled' provinces in the deep south....   you're a lot safer here than any European city, South America, US, or Africa !

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

I didn't read the full article because I seen immediatly that it was pure B/S.

    If one thinks Thailand is right up there for crime and violence then they have never been to Europe (all of it but some countries worse than others). I have never been to the USA so cannot comment.

  I still look on in amazement after 17 years in this country when I see people walking around with phones half sticking out of back pockets (the phone wouldn't last 5 mins. in my country it would be gone in the blink of an eye and my country has the name ...."land of Saints and Scholars").

  I see bars, businesses and homes leave furniture, plants and all sorts of stuff out all night without fearing it will be gone the next morning.

   I see people leave tools and valuble stuff in the back of pick up's. I could go on and on without fear.

    In Europe you have to make sure everything is locked and bolted to the floor. I know plants and garden furniture are constantly stolen and end up in a Sunday market in another part of the country. They even rob public statues, nothing is safe. It's no surprise if your roof is missing when you wake up some morning.

   Role on Thailand where old, young, ladies, children and men are still relatively safe walking alone for a strole in the evenings.

>>land of Saints and Scholars").<<.................Ireland ?   I come from Dublin ,and yes unless its bolted down and even then things get stolen .Here much less so .I did once get a phone stolen while boarding a public bus in Bangkok ,but that's the extent of it after 10 years here .

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Apart from maybe with the exception of on the roads, I would think Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world, you can walk almost anywhere, apart from maybe midnight onwards, and be 99% safe.

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Thailand score 34th with 1 position gained on the "The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2017 Ranking". Also Thailand is 3rd among all South East Asia countries, beaten hands down by, Business environment, Safety & security, Health & hygiene, Human resource, the labour market and ICT readiness.


Ranked 3rd again against Singapore and Malaysia due to low scores in Environmental Sustainability, Ground & port infrastructure, also Cultural Resources  and Business & Travel.


Yeah so OK, Thailand scored low on safety and security, but I am relieved it scored 2 positions better than my home country South Africa, unfortunately still beaten by most African countries :glare: which I strongly disagree with, - as well as Israel, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia? :huh:






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Oh, another one of THESE threads.


Hey, I'll meet ya on the West Side of Chicago at 8. If I'm late, just hang in there, don't worry, I'll see ya soon! And if we survive, next week we can meet on the South Side! K?


Now I noticed the Phils didn't score too well, either. Well, they're currently in open warfare, aren't they?

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13 hours ago, owenm said:

Melbourne, Australia has rampant crime of late. Forced home invasions, car jackings, aggravated burglaries and senseless crime.. In Bangkok I feel extremely safe and haven't had any issues, nor for anywhere in Thailand... Melbourne was the most liveable city but no longer... 

Apex gang, scum that we have given a new start in life and this is how they repay Australian generosity.  Deport immediatly

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tell me about it. last year slipped on some steps at Kad Suan Kaew,  taken to the hospital, stitched up and was told by Kad Suan Kaew mgt. that they would pay for the ER but nothing else, i.e. dental implant.  i asked for compensation for the ER but was than told that they would not take responsibility. i contacted  legal consul and was advised that the system here is more or less corrupt. no kidding. no jury trails, just judges. even if, the cards are still stacked against us.  better odds in Vegas.

i was told that the steps where just fine. i came back this year and they had all been updated with no slip adhesive strips, after the farang had pointed this out to them. loss of face. no responsibility

Edited by malibukid
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13 hours ago, owenm said:

Melbourne, Australia has rampant crime of late. Forced home invasions, car jackings, aggravated burglaries and senseless crime.. In Bangkok I feel extremely safe and haven't had any issues, nor for anywhere in Thailand... Melbourne was the most liveable city but no longer... 

I hope Sydneys faring a little better as I'm heading back there later in the year?  By all accounts (news I keep up with and my contacts there) it seems little different to 4 yeats ago when I left. In terms of safety and crime at least.

I expect many costs will have risen.



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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

I didn't read the full article because I seen immediatly that it was pure B/S.

    If one thinks Thailand is right up there for crime and violence then they have never been to Europe (all of it but some countries worse than others). I have never been to the USA so cannot comment.

  I still look on in amazement after 17 years in this country when I see people walking around with phones half sticking out of back pockets (the phone wouldn't last 5 mins. in my country it would be gone in the blink of an eye and my country has the name ...."land of Saints and Scholars").

  I see bars, businesses and homes leave furniture, plants and all sorts of stuff out all night without fearing it will be gone the next morning.

   I see people leave tools and valuble stuff in the back of pick up's. I could go on and on without fear.

    In Europe you have to make sure everything is locked and bolted to the floor. I know plants and garden furniture are constantly stolen and end up in a Sunday market in another part of the country. They even rob public statues, nothing is safe. It's no surprise if your roof is missing when you wake up some morning.

   Role on Thailand where old, young, ladies, children and men are still relatively safe walking alone for a strole in the evenings.


I think the article is to do with tourists - not with you and I who live here.


I would totally agree with you- before I left London- the only sensible thing to do was have an expensive alarm system linked to the local police.

Our cars were broken into numerous times- even had some one come into the house when I was happily watching a film on TV - they climbed over the back fence. 


Here  I feel totally safe.


Tourists leave their brains behind at the airport ( there a warehouse just after baggage check) - they don't do their research- don't think about risk assessment in a developing countries that has almost no health and safety rules- they get drunk - do stupid things, open themselves to scams, hire motorbikes , fall off balconies, ignore red flags at the beach, hire jet skies.


They need to wise up- this is a lawless dangerous country- if you make no attempt to engage your brain. 



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TOT will put a spin on this in a jiffy.....?


Have to agree....just counting the days until I can leave LOS.....not fun to be almost hit, run over or have a near miss by a car, truck or motorbike almost every single day here in Pattaya.....????

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7 minutes ago, chicowoodduck said:

TOT will put a spin on this in a jiffy.....?


Have to agree....just counting the days until I can leave LOS.....not fun to be almost hit, run over or have a near miss by a car, truck or motorbike almost every single day here in Pattaya.....????

Bye ,bye then .Hope you make it to the Airport in one piece .

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33 minutes ago, steve C said:

Apex gang, scum that we have given a new start in life and this is how they repay Australian generosity.  Deport immediatly

Sounds like Sweden & parts of at least 2 or 3 major cities in nearly every other Euro country.     I thought Aussie wasn't taking any M.E. refugees.  How are the rape statistics going in Melbourne?

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28 minutes ago, steve C said:

Really. Ever stopped to think what would have happened to them if the Japs had been able to invade !!!!!!

Same if the Spanish conquistadors were first to colonize, before the Brits.

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14 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Please help me understand this article. 

 It says thailand is in the top 20 most dangerous countries to visit. Then next it says the report places Thailand  118 out of 136 countries. with a placement of 4 . I do not know about the rest of you but 118 seems to not be in the top 20. What is this article trying to say?

Of course do the maths it 18th from the top therefore in top20


14 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Please help me understand this article. 

 It says thailand is in the top 20 most dangerous countries to visit. Then next it says the report places Thailand  118 out of 136 countries. with a placement of 4 . I do not know about the rest of you but 118 seems to not be in the top 20. What is this article trying to say?

Do the maths it is 18 th from the top therefore in the top 20.

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14 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

You could say multiculturalism has created a safer Australia old son, she once was the lucky country until the politicians changed the rules, took the gravy away and left nothing for the workers and expats, just keeps throwing money at the M's, that or I am delirious.


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