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Pakistan sentences man to death for blasphemy on Facebook


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Classic examples in some posts on this thread of why the World will never be at peace and why we can never concentrate on tackling poverty, crime, corruption, disease, starvation, economic disparities and social deprivations that blight mankind.


"There beliefs are superstition, out dated, have no place in the world today, and they should't believe what they want to. No sir. But our beliefs are superior, based on our vastly superior knowledge, intelligence, as proven by our vastly superior cultures, honesty, tolerant ethical utopias".


Some very educated people think there is so much we don't understand, about ourselves. Others prefer to think we reached the pinnacle of human development - but then again many in every age think that!


Saying others must accept your views, because their views are wrong and intolerant.  Oh the irony.

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I get what you mean but I am afraid with all I have observed in the last number of years the term 'civilised' is grossly misused and applied on most occasions with an inappropriate degree of generosity. It would be an interesting exercise to go through the list of nations and tick off who really is 'civilised', I don't think there would be too many ticks.


2 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

First you would need to define "civilised".  That would be impossible to define with universal acceptance I would think.  therefore by association impossible to define who is or who is not a civilised. So I don't think their could be any ticks that would receive universal acclaim.

Think "we" can all pretty much agree that most of the Western World is "civilized" compared to most of the Islamic/Muslim World, regardless of semantics.

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3 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Stephen Fry (wonderful man) left himself open to blasphemy charges in Ireland. Other "enlightened" Western countries also have blasphemy laws. Talk about victimless crimes.... If Allah is so tough, why can't he defend himself? Run out of lightning bolts?

Hit the nail on the head - all about some humans desire for control and power.

Edited by simple1
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8 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:


Think "we" can all pretty much agree that most of the Western World is "civilized" compared to most of the Islamic/Muslim World, regardless of semantics.

I think we can all agree that the industrialized nations are on the whole more civilized than the non-industrialized ones.

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3 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Stephen Fry (wonderful man) left himself open to blasphemy charges in Ireland. Other "enlightened" Western countries also have blasphemy laws. Talk about victimless crimes.... If Allah is so tough, why can't he defend himself? Run out of lightning bolts?

Really sad and ridiculous that a country such as Ireland still has silly, superstitious laws like this on the books. A real black eye on an otherwise beautiful country. 


Glad they came to their senses and dropped the charge against Fry, though doubt he was at all concerned about it.

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4 hours ago, simple1 said:

Pakistan has suffered terrible military and civilian casualties fighting Islamist forces, in turn the military has inflicted thousands of deaths on Islamists - it ain't a black and white scenario. 


Hardliner Islamists in Pakistan grew in power under the dictator Al Haq, who was engaging with hard line Islamism to keep his grip on power - obviously a strategic mistake for the future of Pakistan.



Trying to blame everything and everyone except the cause as usual- this is pure Islam nothing else.

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Not that much different than in T'land.  You may have read about the 70 year sentence recently imposed on a local Thai guy for some comment on FC, or other social median page.  In T'land not called blasphemy but rather lese majeste.  

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it is all so contradictory!!  someone Facebooks something anti-mohammadan, and finds himself in the anti-terrorism court  






it is all so strange, that all these humans in the modern ages are kissing the dirt, for the very same  MoonGod that the arabs of the Dark Ages (much much earlier than the 600AD era) is who the later ones still kiss the dirt to.

We're talkin' real long term Idol Worship here



"... but, all I said was that this jojoba is good enough for Jehovah..."



The only terrorists, outside current Islam, are:

 - the now defunct Nth Irish bombers, and

 - whoever is still alive from the cult that spread Sarin in the Tokyo Tube

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32 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Trying to blame everything and everyone except the cause as usual- this is pure Islam nothing else.

No, outlining historical  facts. BTW although many sit on death row in Pakistan for blasphemy, as horrible as it is, none have been executed. In addition these accusations are often used to settle personnel vendettas, all up extremely unpleasant and as said used for control and power.


One gets the impression from the OP the crux of this story is based upon the Sunni versus Shiite friction i.e. political oppression. 

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Under Sharia, those who insult Muhammad or Allah are to be executed. So are those who desecrate the Quran or commit other acts of blasphemy. This tradition began with Muhammad, as recorded in the Hadith and by his biographers. There is also a Quranic basis for it. Pure Islam and pure evil.


Quran (6:93) - "Who can be more wicked than one who invent a lie against Allah?" If the death penalty is prescribed for lesser crime, then it stands to reason that it should be imposed for the most "wicked".
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6 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:
Under Sharia, those who insult Muhammad or Allah are to be executed. So are those who desecrate the Quran or commit other acts of blasphemy. This tradition began with Muhammad, as recorded in the Hadith and by his biographers. There is also a Quranic basis for it. Pure Islam and pure evil.


Quran (6:93) - "Who can be more wicked than one who invent a lie against Allah?" If the death penalty is prescribed for lesser crime, then it stands to reason that it should be imposed for the most "wicked".


mohd was the creator!  - of the concept behind  le majeste and all its copied namesakes


He wanted to stop all the gossip about his marrying a 9 years old

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18 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:
Under Sharia, those who insult Muhammad or Allah are to be executed. So are those who desecrate the Quran or commit other acts of blasphemy. This tradition began with Muhammad, as recorded in the Hadith and by his biographers. There is also a Quranic basis for it. Pure Islam and pure evil.


Quran (6:93) - "Who can be more wicked than one who invent a lie against Allah?" If the death penalty is prescribed for lesser crime, then it stands to reason that it should be imposed for the most "wicked".

Interesting to read you consider yourself qualified to interpret the Koran. A very different POV...



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2 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:


Think "we" can all pretty much agree that most of the Western World is "civilized" compared to most of the Islamic/Muslim World, regardless of semantics.

That is truly indicative of the biased view of your world you must currently hold.  It does not however equate to being civilised.

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53 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

That is truly indicative of the biased view of your world you must currently hold.  It does not however equate to being civilised.

So you're opinion is that Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other "Western" countries are not civilized? And that those thinking such are "biased"? 


Your unbiased words ring empty and hollow, without reality based substance. 

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5 hours ago, bert bloggs said:
8 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

Ridiculous!! This is 2017 not 600ad

In our world it is ,but not in theirs .

you can rave and rant but 'their' world, 'their' laws and traditions are none of your business.

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7 hours ago, tonray said:
7 hours ago, sungod said:

Meanwhile Pakistan is the UK's top aid recipient, a nuclear armed nation with a space program. Couldn't make it up......

The US is funnelling dollars and weapons there too...sickening. 

and this is giving me sleepless nights :cheesy:

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45 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

So you're opinion is that Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other "Western" countries are not civilized? And that those thinking such are "biased"? 


Your unbiased words ring empty and hollow, without reality based substance. 

Ignorant, subjective and intolerant views on your part , assuming that you are right and every one else is wrong.  Exactly why we have these current problems.  Best bury your head in the sand for 1000 years and then pull it out to see what changes.  Possibly nothing because most conflicts throughout the ages have occurred due to similar bigoted and biased views like yourself and others are displaying.

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1 hour ago, Naam said:

you can rave and rant but 'their' world, 'their' laws and traditions are none of your business.

Surely i can comment on their way of life? they dont like ours so they do have a tendency to kill us in terrorist attacks ,so a comment i feel is fair game .

however you are  right their ways and traditions are none of our buisiness ,so long as they carry them out in their own hellholes and dont try to bring them to our shores ,or is that not PC enough to allow them to carry on with their ways in our lands ,in the name of "diversity"

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40 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Ignorant, subjective and intolerant views on your part , assuming that you are right and every one else is wrong.  Exactly why we have these current problems.  Best bury your head in the sand for 1000 years and then pull it out to see what changes.  Possibly nothing because most conflicts throughout the ages have occurred due to similar bigoted and biased views like yourself and others are displaying.

To not waste anymore of my time, you can re-read my previous response.


Hollow and Empty...:bah:

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2 hours ago, bert bloggs said:
4 hours ago, Naam said:

you can rave and rant but 'their' world, 'their' laws and traditions are none of your business.

Surely i can comment on their way of life? they dont like ours so they do have a tendency to kill us in terrorist attacks ,so a comment i feel is fair game .

that's exactly what i said. please read again, i said "you can rave and rant..." and now i add "comment" :smile:

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Skeptic7 said:

So you're opinion is that Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other "Western" countries are not civilized? And that those thinking such are "biased"? 

of course they are! not only biased but generalising and utmost arrogant looking back at the last couple of thousand years history of the so-called civilised nations which is littered with wars, genocide, intolerance, suppression of religions and theft not only of countries but of whole continents from indigenous people.


i wholeheartedly side with the comments of "wonderfulday".

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3 minutes ago, Naam said:

of course they are! not only biased but generalising and utmost arrogant looking back at the last couple of thousand years history of the so-called civilised nations which is littered with wars, genocide, intolerance, suppression of religions and theft not only of countries but of whole continents from indigenous people.


i wholeheartedly side with the comments of "wonderfulday".

Of course you do...and as almost always, I wholeheartedly disagree with the POTY. 


Have a wonderful day...:cool:

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1 minute ago, Skeptic7 said:

Of course you do...and as almost always, I wholeheartedly disagree with the POTY. 


Have a wonderful day...:cool:

not able to concoct the slightest rebuttal after looking at the list of facts?  yawnn..

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Much better to perform an "honor" killing of your daughter posting photos on Social Media, posing as a Kim Kardashian wanna be, than making any negative reference to the unmentionable deity demanding absolute reverence.  

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