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Video: Policeman unfazed as motorist hands over "red Driving License"


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23 hours ago, fruitman said:

I remember last year or so they announced a new law where the one who tried to bribe a policeofficer on duty would get a very hefty fine if caught. It was one of the crackdowns from last year.


And now this guy even puts his own movies of bribing a policeman on internet?


Did they already forgot their own new laws?

was a crack down. they dont generally last very long.

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22 hours ago, SiamBeast said:

Stop complaining about corruption.


1) When you pay the police on the spot, the money goes pretty much to the same place - it just spares you a trip to the police station and a waste of time.

2) When you get caught doing something wrong, you'll be happy that the police takes your bribe.

3) It's all part of Thailand's charm.

4) Your Western country is just as corrupt, it's just not at the same level and peasants cannot benefit from it like they do here.


I just failed a DUI checkpoint last week - blew 0.057. That's not even HALF A GLASS over the limit - but the so-called "corruption" saved me a night in the slammer and a court appearance. Call it like you want, but when you know how to make it work, it's wonderful.

just be careful sometimes a bribe wont work, someone wanting to save face or has money/power is involved and can find yourself in jail.

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On 6/12/2017 at 11:22 AM, observer90210 said:

- increase the salary of street police officers

- any cop caught for corruption should be straighforward sacked and not just transferred

- use foreigners as informants to trap corrupt officials


When I first came here, I had thoughts along those lines as well. I said this to a good Thai friend, that the police needed to be paid at least twice what they were being paid at that time. He said that it wouldn't work, and put me straight with his logic:


"Pay a policeman more and he will be able to afford two Mia Nois and it will take twice the corruption to maintain then both".


Always have remembered that.


The problem is much deeper than just salary as it is not just the individual that gains from the 'tea money'. It is a system that is donation based right to the top. Deal with this (if you can) and you might see a difference.


I do agree with dismissal for anyone caught though and the abolishing of 'inactive posts'; that IMO would make a difference. A small difference maybe, but a difference all the same........................:sleep:

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that is stupid to put this on line, now if we have done something wrong, such as little over speed, forget driving license ...etc, we may not be able to pay little money  to solve the problem instead we may have to spend a long time to go to the police station to deal with it.

100 baht to save you a lot of trouble and time, for this little issue, it should be allowed


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4 hours ago, USPatriot said:

Better to pay 300 baht and be on your way. Give me the same powers and same low pay see what I do.


Yes I have my license. I think of it as a toll booth

If you have your license and you have done nothing wrong then why pay? At what point do you stand up for yourself and not pay? 3,000 baht, 30,000 baht? Would you even pay 300,000 baht? 

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14 hours ago, jamesmith said:

that is stupid to put this on line, now if we have done something wrong, such as little over speed, forget driving license ...etc, we may not be able to pay little money  to solve the problem instead we may have to spend a long time to go to the police station to deal with it.

100 baht to save you a lot of trouble and time, for this little issue, it should be allowed


and that is how corruption continues...

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For once an honest policeman who is not frightened to hide what the job of the RTP crimebusters is all about. No face masks or sunglasses he is all up front about what he is doing. He should be honoured. 

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On 06/12/2017 at 4:36 AM, Joebuzz said:

In the three years I was there I spent about $90K.  I have a retirement visa.  I will never go back.  The whole country is corrupt liars.  LOS...Liars Of Siam!

Ah, you found a pure country to go too. Good for you and good luck. Just leaves more corruption for the rest of us to enjoy.

Your did the right thing. Now the ticket money will go to fund corrupt politicians instead of corrupt policemen.

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I have to ask: do any of you travel to any country other than "home" and Thailand? If you did, and rented cars, you would discover this petty corruption in some surprising places. 

The only corruption to really worry about is "Boss Man" corruption. That IS already doing great harm to Thailand. (100 baht will NOT get a truck load of Yaba past the checkpoints...it takes big money going to the big guy.)

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I think the verdict is in now. Most farang favor bribes over the much more costly, in many ways, alternative.


In the good ole USA, the cops don't want a measly bribe, they want all you have!


Google civil Forfeiture and you will see that the police steal more money from Americans every year than all other forms of theft combined, usually starting with a simple traffic stop.


I personally greatly prefer the Thai system of corruption.

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20 hours ago, RocketDog said:

Ah, you found a pure country to go too. Good for you and good luck. Just leaves more corruption for the rest of us to enjoy.

Your did the right thing. Now the ticket money will go to fund corrupt politicians instead of corrupt policemen.

Not pure.  Just better in every <deleted> way!

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Haha...once a Cop stopped my Taxi just a minute after leaving Suvarnbhumi and demanded 500B and to see my Passport.I was seen smoking in the Cab but I quickly got rid of the fag as I saw the cop taking off behind us.Seeing him in the side mirror having got rid of the Ciggie I was sure he can not get me.

He insisted on getting 500B else a fine of 2000B I then threatened him to report him and pretended to call my Embassy for illegally confiscating my passport and demanding money to return it.??? I won. ...?

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On 6/12/2017 at 11:25 AM, the guest said:

When you witness images like this, it is apparent there is something seriously wrong with the country. 

Its not right ,but kind of understandable given their wages .I have seen many clips on how US Police operate which is far more disturbing .

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On 6/14/2017 at 0:08 PM, wildewillie89 said:

If you have your license and you have done nothing wrong then why pay? At what point do you stand up for yourself and not pay? 3,000 baht, 30,000 baht? Would you even pay 300,000 baht? 


On 6/14/2017 at 0:08 PM, wildewillie89 said:

If you have your license and you have done nothing wrong then why pay? At what point do you stand up for yourself and not pay? 3,000 baht, 30,000 baht? Would you even pay 300,000 baht? 

I would gladly pay 3 million baht, for selling the government a military weapon that I am making 30 million baht on. 100s of baht for cops, millions for high officials. Its a way of life.

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40 minutes ago, Grubster said:


I would gladly pay 3 million baht, for selling the government a military weapon that I am making 30 million baht on. 100s of baht for cops, millions for high officials. Its a way of life.

I struggle to see the relevance of that comment to my post lol

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9 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

I struggle to see the relevance of that comment to my post lol

I am willing to pay 3 million baht to continue on my way and the poster you quoted was willing to pay 300 baht to continue on his way even though we both know we are being screwed. Understand? 

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41 minutes ago, Grubster said:

I am willing to pay 3 million baht to continue on my way and the poster you quoted was willing to pay 300 baht to continue on his way even though we both know we are being screwed. Understand? 

But you have a choice whether you want to be screwed with or not...that was my point. At what point does he stop and say, no...this is going to far? Would he fight if they asked for 3,000 baht? Probably, so why not fight when they ask for 300 for no reason? Takes one minute of your time and they let you continue along. 

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1 minute ago, wildewillie89 said:

But you have a choice whether you want to be screwed with or not...that was my point. At what point does he stop and say, no...this is going to far? Would he fight if they asked for 3,000 baht? Probably, so why not fight when they ask for 300 for no reason? Takes one minute of your time and they let you continue along. 

No you do not have a choice of weather or not they try to screw you, Yes you can try to argue and maybe win, I for one do not want to make to many cops here lose face. Could have devastating effects.

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Just now, Grubster said:

No you do not have a choice of weather or not they try to screw you, Yes you can try to argue and maybe win, I for one do not want to make to many cops here lose face. Could have devastating effects.

They will only pull you up in high traffic areas, as they don't do pull overs. If you have done nothing wrong all you need to is ask for evidence. They cannot provide it, they see all of the money maker cars driving past, then they let you go. As much as people like to think the country is 'lawless', it just isnt the case. What is a 'traffic cop' really going to do? They are at the bottom of the food chain, can't really make your life all that difficult. 

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13 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

They will only pull you up in high traffic areas, as they don't do pull overs. If you have done nothing wrong all you need to is ask for evidence. They cannot provide it, they see all of the money maker cars driving past, then they let you go. As much as people like to think the country is 'lawless', it just isnt the case. What is a 'traffic cop' really going to do? They are at the bottom of the food chain, can't really make your life all that difficult. 

I don't know where you live but up here in the jungle the cops have a lot of power and they will not be happy if you ask for evidence about anything. I was once stopped for driving in the right lane, I explained to the cop that the left lane is under repair and full of pot holes, he then screamed at me " you cannot drive in the right lane, do you understand" I said yes sir and here is the money. I learned my lesson there and won't be second guessing any more cops here, but I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors to save a few baht. Now they make you get out of the car and go over to a table to get your ticket.

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3 minutes ago, Grubster said:

I don't know where you live but up here in the jungle the cops have a lot of power and they will not be happy if you ask for evidence about anything. I was once stopped for driving in the right lane, I explained to the cop that the left lane is under repair and full of pot holes, he then screamed at me " you cannot drive in the right lane, do you understand" I said yes sir and here is the money. I learned my lesson there and won't be second guessing any more cops here, but I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors to save a few baht. Now they make you get out of the car and go over to a table to get your ticket.

I live in a rural city. Local police are very easy to deal with, it is the highway police that are a bit more difficult (separate department). But even them, a little fighting and they will let you go. 

Technically what you did I guess they were entitled to do that, as you in fact did do something wrong (regardless of the variables). 

Better to pay the legal fine (if do something wrong), at least half of it goes back into the country. Rather than paying on the side of the road where 100% of it goes into the pocket of the police. 

Edited by wildewillie89
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4 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

I live in a rural city. Local police are very easy to deal with, it is the highway police that are a bit more difficult (separate department). But even them, a little fighting and they will let you go. 

Technically what you did I guess they were entitled to do that, as you in fact did do something wrong (regardless of the variables). 

Better to pay the legal fine (if do something wrong), at least half of it goes back into the country. Rather than paying on the side of the road where 100% of it goes into the pocket of the police. 

They don't offer to take bribes here anymore and that right lane incident is the only time I have been charged for something I felt I didn't do. I have 180,000 kms on the roads in Thailand and have never been accused of doing something I didn't do. I have been stopped at least 100 times, mostly to check papers and license, but probably have paid 15 tickets too. I'm not sure all my speeding tickets were legit, but I can't say. I was much happier with the two hundred baht and go method.

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