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Naked man flees police at Bangkok condo - falls to his death from sixth floor balcony


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8 hours ago, jspill said:

Legalize cannabis and see lower deaths from other drugs, as has been the case in the US and EU.

dude what u smoking ? ....pass that shxt around .......

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13 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

couldn't have said it much better myself re prohibition, etc;

i myself have done everything except using needles,

got clean of all except pot & booze via the act of moving here 7 1/2 years ago


So it was ok for you to get smashed off your face but since you stuffed up its no ok for others to go and try it?

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1 hour ago, hgma said:

legalize and at the same time offer us a way of protecting ourselves and our family's.

A license to carry and use a gun if necessary!!

just ignore ezzra, or better yet treat him with the respect you would a museum exhibit chock a block with old prejudices and the bigotry and beliefs of a bygone era.


he is enough out of touch to be amusing.

Edited by HooHaa
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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Booze is a drug.. and harddrug if they classify it.


You should look at the Netherlands lower harddrug use as in the US but we had legal canabis for ages.. There goes the gateway drug thing, alcohol a harddrug could also be a gateway drug. Anyway not sure this guy was on drugs.. could be just a crazyguy. However if on drugs.. just an other idiot just like drunks. 

yes, last July/Aug was just in Uttrecht, Breda, Eindhoven & Amsterdam; NL a much saner attitude towards drugs

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

Legalizing drugs is not the answer, unless the government is will to put

up with a 1000 folds increase in death, crimes sickness and violence

due to free and legal  use of drugs......

Yeah! Just like in Portugal where they actually did this! And look what happened!

The complete opposite of what you just claimed.


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8 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

I think most drugs should be legalised, the war on drugs has been lost.


I think the jury is still out on the "gateway drug" thing with cannabis though.


I had a cousin and a friend who died from heroin & methadone use, they both got started on cannabis. Then again, I've had a smoke maybe 7 times in my life and never tried anything else.


I think drugs are like booze (my poison), they affect different people in different ways.


I agree with your last sentence. And the affects aren't always pleasant.


But by your logic the way to reduce crimes is to legalize them. Now that would make the please KPI's look good. "My house has been burgaled - ok sir, not a crime so don't call us".

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2 hours ago, giddyup said:

Never known a ganja smoker to get violent or harm anyone, just chill out to Bob Marley.

It seems everyone answers on their own agenda.

Nobody considers that 'drugs' and 'ganga' are not the same word.

Steve100 saying 'alchohol is fine if you can handle it'.


Strange world we live in.


This guy was intoxicated. There was Meth in his room - maybe he was drunk, maybe they didn't even test him to find out.


I remember people who used amphetamines who were very scary (moreso when they got drunk).


I remember many more weekends out that were ruined by idiots who never took drugs, only alchohol.


So what's the point?


Let's say that alchohol and drugs are all fine as long as you can handle them.


Let's not try to confuse the issue by targeting dope smokers with arguments against heroin abuse or stupid arguments that simply 'say no to drugs' for the uneducated masses.


The key phrase is how you handle them. Drink beer, shoot up, smoke meth - do whatever you like as long as you can handle it.


Crystal Meth is something nobody can 'handle'. It is not good to simply classify it as a 'drug' because it is clearly very different.


I tested several flavours of 'drugs'. Some deemed addictive - but were fine with single use (ignoring people saying you need to take a second hit to feel the benefit...).


The main issue perhaps being the temptation to abuse combined with factors such as (with Meth) chemical addiction.


Crystal meth also brings on dangerous delusional paranoid and hallucinogenic psychotic symptoms.


Short term use can help curb appetite, lose weight... but that also comes with disruptive sleep, mood swings and unpredictable behaviour. Your choice.



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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


I agree with your last sentence. And the affects aren't always pleasant.


But by your logic the way to reduce crimes is to legalize them. Now that would make the please KPI's look good. "My house has been burgaled - ok sir, not a crime so don't call us".

Smoking dope - not a crime. Burglary - a crime. Not so hard is it?

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4 hours ago, halloween said:

I'm sure his neighbours are really sad about the loss of their drug-fuelled violent idiot. But I have to wonder if the attitude of the TVF drug liberals might be the same if he moved next to them.

my next door neighbor on one side (my landlord's black sheep brother)

is a violent drunken yaba addict who actually shot his cousin last year in the soi behind our home

in order to steal the cousin's resort;

livng next to this exceptionally crazed cretin can be a nightmare at times (not too often, maybe once a month)

but if i wish things to "get back in line", i talk to his sister and her husband or a neighborhood phu yai or nai yok

voila!!! problem solved, and sometimes even an apology- until the next time

would i move?

my landlord actually offered me the option to move to another of her properties on the other side of her home 2 lots away,

but it was significantly smaller; even though it had a view of the sea (i'm a 1-minute walk from it)

i chose to remain in my home of 7+ years because my Thai neighbors on the other side love me- when i was considering,

they said "please don't move, we know you and like you and are used to your way,

you know us and like us and are used to our way- please don't change!"

of course they knew already i was inclined to not move anyways (we know each other pretty well after 7+ years)

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16 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

i'll wager that a large percentage of the non-weed-imbibing perps involved in fatalities

tested positive for ALCOHOL!!! :drunk:

i myself would much rather somebody was driving after having smoked pot rather

than alcohol, yaba, ice, heroin, crack, etc...


Genuine question, does cannabis have any affect on co-ordination, the motor neuron or central nervous systems, or the ability yo make balanced judgments?

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4 hours ago, Maggusoil said:

Legalize all drugs, in line with alcohol being the most dangerous drug on earth.

Then the issues become medical and not legal, tax is raised to pay for drug education, and substances can be controlled properly. This sort of accident is probably more consistent with the consumption of alcohol than meth, but the combination can easily result in violence.


actually, meth- and crack- CAN both fuel such an accident-

but yes, drugs should be legalized- and taxed (the price will go down anyways!)

and options of therapy and rehab offered for chronic & problem abusers

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Genuine question, does cannabis have any affect on co-ordination, the motor neuron or central nervous systems, or the ability yo make balanced judgments?

not to nearly the same degree (especially impairment-wise) than alcohol; multiple studies back this up

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3 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Smoking dope - not a crime. Burglary - a crime. Not so hard is it?


Ah, but you can't pick and choose what you want. Smoking dope, legal in some places, illegal in others. Not so hard is it?

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Genuine question, does cannabis have any affect on co-ordination, the motor neuron or central nervous systems, or the ability yo make balanced judgments?

A Google search would give you a full and detailed answer from experts. Why rely on the opinion of those who are less well informed?

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1 minute ago, steven100 said:

I just don't get it. Drugs are illegal, ice is rampant in most countries and addicts are criminals steal & burgal houses,  but the drug users on here whinge that it all should be legal .... lol   :clap2:

Well...  sorry ...drugs are illegal and if you get caught ...tough.

no pity for druggos.


go have another beer or cocktail or 2 or 3 or 4


and YES it SHOULD be legal- problems would DECREASE, not increase


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17 minutes ago, wow64 said:


So it was ok for you to get smashed off your face but since you stuffed up its no ok for others to go and try it?

i never said it's not ok for others;

quite the contrary, i said it ALL should be legalized-

was just on holiday in Netherlands and Belgium and France and UK last July/August.

much saner attitude towards ALL drugs in NL especially

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6 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

not to nearly the same degree (especially impairment-wise) than alcohol; multiple studies back this up


Do you have reference to those studies?


Alcohol, I know well from personal experiences, can affect people very differently. If you want to see go to any club or boozer and watch the patrons as the night progresses. Watch the changes. Even small amounts can reduce the ability to judge distance, time, space and most importantly risk and reality. That's why many countries have, and keep, lowering the amounts allowed to drive.


I don't know to what degree cannabis smoking would cause impairment compared to alcohol. Any idea Jennifer?


Sorry, meant to add, well done for sorting yourself and stay safe. 


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Just now, jenifer d said:

go have another beer or cocktail or 2 or 3 or 4


and YES it SHOULD be legal- problems would DECREASE, not increase


good one, its just a chat with different opinions ...

Anyway we disagree but thats ok.  I'm having a bottle of wine ...  but not running around naked or crazy :clap2:

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6 minutes ago, giddyup said:

A Google search would give you a full and detailed answer from experts. Why rely on the opinion of those who are less well informed?


Well, think about it. I'm asking a poster who is stating that cannabis doesn't impair to the degree of other drugs including alcohol.


Perhaps I'd like to know the basis on which she makes that assertion rather than research the varying opinions of erstwhile experts who don't happen to be TVF posters (AFAIK).


If that's hard for you to understand try Googling it.

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Do you have reference to those studies?


Alcohol, I know well from personal experiences, can affect people very differently. If you want to see go to any club or boozer and watch the patrons as the night progresses. Watch the changes. Even small amounts can reduce the ability to judge distance, time, space and most importantly risk and reality. That's why many countries have, and keep, lowering the amounts allowed to drive.


I don't know to what degree cannabis smoking would cause impairment compared to alcohol. Any idea Jennifer?



from my personal experience, i have never experienced any problems either myself or in interactions w/others while smoking weed-

but on alcohol, while most times i can be quite alright- other quite scary times,  i can truly be Dr Jekyll or Ms Hyde- and sometimes black out and don't remember what i said or did

(which has NEVER happened w/weed- yes, i've passed out, but didn't black out on what was said or done)

i have driven while under the influence of one or the other too many times to count in my 45 years of imbibing,

and have NEVER had a problem or accident- or even a ticket- while operating a vehicle of any kind after smoking weed-

the exact opposite is the case w/alcohol, for me at least...

i have seen studies that concur with this, but can't specifically cite...


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7 minutes ago, steven100 said:

good one, its just a chat with different opinions ...

Anyway we disagree but thats ok.  I'm having a bottle of wine ...  but not running around naked or crazy :clap2:

i drank some beers last night, first in a week; tonight another neighbor will show up with some green,

and i will enjoy that even more :stoner:

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14 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Ah, but you can't pick and choose what you want. Smoking dope, legal in some places, illegal in others. Not so hard is it?

Don't know anywhere where burglary isn't a crime, whether marijuana is legal or not.

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6 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

With a little imagination, there are still places to hide drugs when naked, albeit a little uncomfortable. 

only truly uncomfortable in QUANTITIES 555 (hahaha) :cheesy:

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5 hours ago, DMC1 said:


I think you're just trolling a little. Sure some class A drugs are harmful. Have you done any research on the medical uses of cannabis? It can help cancer and cerebral palsy patients as an example.

There is a Thai doctor who has also published a book about this and the the laws may change in future regarding cannabis.

Yes, alcohol can make people run around like bell ends. A German guy I knew committed suicide after being drunk and then tying a plastic bag over his head. Also, a Thai colleague of mine hanged himself after being drunk.


yes, i am manic depressive (diagnosed); when drunk, sometimes a horrible depression overcomes me;

that never happens to me w/cannabis

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2 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

from my personal experience, i have never experienced any problems either myself or in interactions w/others while smoking weed-

but on alcohol, while most times i can be quite alright- other quite scary times,  i can truly be Dr Jekyll or Ms Hyde- and sometimes black out and don't remember what i said or did

(which has NEVER happened w/weed- yes, i've passed out, but didn't black out on what was said or done)

i have driven while under the influence of one or the other too many times to count in my 45 years of imbibing,

and have NEVER had a problem or accident- or even a ticket- while operating a vehicle of any kind after smoking weed-

the exact opposite is the case w/alcohol, for me at least...

i have seen studies that concur with this, but can't specifically cite...



Thanks Jennifer. It's refreshing to have posts that are candid and open and share personal experiences good or bad.


I've never tried cannabis or any drug other than alcohol so can't comment empirically. I do know that alcohol can affect different people differently, and also have different affects on one person depending on other moderators.


I have seen people turn very violent, often for no or the slightest reason, due to alcohol when working in clubs and pubs. And not always because of large quantity. 


Having said that, I wouldn't support allowing driving on any drug, on any amount, unless medically approved. 


Best. BB



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4 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Don't know anywhere where burglary isn't a crime, whether marijuana is legal or not.


But you wrote that the war on drugs isn't working, so we should legalize drugs. 


So the "wars' on other crimes which aren't working, should we legalize those too?

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20 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Genuine question, does cannabis have any affect on co-ordination, the motor neuron or central nervous systems, or the ability yo make balanced judgments?

People who smoke marijuana should be told to have a designated driver, or wait at least 3 hours before driving - it's particularly risky for monotonous or prolonged driving. Multiply with alchohol (not additive) in terms of bad effects.


It's tricky - whilst you can't say that dope and alchohol users are impulsive risk-takers, you can say that impulsive risk-takers are more likely to smoke dope and drink alchohol and maybe drive.


I'm confident that more than half of my personal accidents have been caused by my nature as a risk taker - they arose from me calculating risks and getting the shorter end of the payout.


I never had any accidents when drink or drug driving mostly because I was extremely aware of the risks and took more care driving then when sober.

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3 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

yes, i am manic depressive (diagnosed); when drunk, sometimes a horrible depression overcomes me;

that never happens to me w/cannabis


Alcohol, as you probably know, is a depressive which works by depressing the central nervous system.


As a diagnosed depressive you would be wise to avoid it.


You said you live near the sea - get out there girl, and get into exercise and physical activity! 

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5 hours ago, giddyup said:

You are never going to eradicate hard drugs, that's a fact, there's too much money involved. The American government (and others) have been fighting that losing war for more than 50 years. It's time to try a different approach.

actually, the American government (and others) have been involved in importing and selling drugs as well

-i.e., "Air America" during the Vietnam War,

my not so distant cousin GHW Bush setting up offshore oil rigs as cocaine importation facilities,

Reagan, Ollie North, and the Contras, CIA and "Freeway" Ricky Ross,

ambassadors and such (a bf of mine in NYC in 1980-81 was head of UN Oceanic Committee- oh the stories HE told me about EVERYTHING going on)

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