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Bringing Thai Girlfriend To USA

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I spent quite a lot amount of money and time to travel SE Asia. And I paid $1,000 retainer for K1 visa process which I stopped but the crook never returned my money back. After a few attempts to find a companion, I came to final conclusion that all men are pedophile and all women are gold digger after 60 year old. I will not marry in any circumstance, what so ever. Don't trust prenuptial will protect your asset. And all those SE Asian girls who are looking for green card know the American law better than Harvard educated immigration lawyers. I know so many who are taken by them.


Recently I tried to invite a Thai lady for couple of weeks for being a good friend to me. I will absolutely not marry her or any woman. She told me I have to visit her once or twice in order for her to be qualified to get a tourist visa, which sounds not right to me. So I sent an inquiry to the US consular visa office. They sent me an answer immediately to my surprise. 


This is the response from the consular office on June 30, 2018:


Public Response:  

Dear Mr. 

Thank you for writing to the U.S. Visa Service Desk. 

We understand that you would like to clarify regarding with the supporting documents for the applicant.

Please be advised that Consular officers evaluate applications on a case-by-case basis. There is no one document that can guarantee issuance (or refusal) of a visa as each case is different, and what may demonstrate strong ties in one case may not do so in another. As the non-immigrant visa application process is not documentary in nature, applications should expect to present verbal evidence of their ties.

To check the supporting documents needed please visit the website: www.ustraveldocs.com/th

We hope this information is helpful to you.

Please send us your feedback and suggestions through the link below:


Have a pleasant day!

U.S. Visa Service Desk


Edited by jonnn
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On 5/14/2018 at 2:43 PM, JerseytoBKK said:

Completely disagree with the part I bolded. The application asks if anyone helped fill out the form. My BF insisted on using the English language form. Her English is good but there are complex questions at the end of the application and I told her to put my name down. Her interview consisted of only 4 questions. First, have you traveled outside Thailand before (Reply, yes (this was listed in the application)). Second, are you traveling with anyone (reply was no but meeting a friend in NJ). Third, was this friend Mr Jersey (Reply Yes). Fourth, what was the purpose of the trip (reply was sightseeing in NY and NJ). End of interview!! 2 weeks later the passport arrived with her 10 year visa.


The reason she had it easy and other friends where she works also haven't had any issues with getting visas to the US or EU is that they all have very good jobs working for a large Thai multinational company. My GF had all the recommended paperwork like letter of employment, vacation permission, bank and car records, itinerary of where we were planning to visit and stay, etc. Didn't need any of it. The IO didn't look at a single thing. The key is that the IO needs to feel that the applicant is going to return home. Since she's worked at the same company for over 10 years, and is a well paid manager, that seemed to be good enough. 


Since they had my name and address they could have easily seen the many trips I made to Thailand in the last 3 years. Maybe they checked, maybe not. Maybe could have seen the next trip that was already ticketed.


Any advice to people to not be 100% honest is not good. It will probably trigger the IO's BS meter and result in a rejection. If you're caught lying, then you're banned from re-applying. 

The bold he outlined was my preference to have a Thai woman with a career apply without a sponsor.   On the DS160 form it asks you if you have relatives in USA but not about friends.   It does ask you if you had help with the form. Maybe a visa company or friend.   I didn't help with 3 women's forms.   


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Any Canadians here? I don't want to open another thread, but in short I would like my wife to visit me in Canada. From what I heard it seems to be better if she wouldn't even mention that we were married and just put on application she is arriving for tourism purposes. Any truth or confirmation of this because as I understand if she mentioned that her husband is Canadian she might get her visa denied on the assumption that she might want to stay.


Just to clarify, she has no intention of staying at all, can get an employment letter from her company, owns a house and has decent savings. 



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