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Convicted Dutch money launderer and Thai wife have sentences drastically reduced


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9 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

yeah, but I don't think the investigations were never officially closed or over.  I have no idea which authorities or agencies had jurisdiction.  seems like some gray areas and things.  I don't know how one would get the draconian sword removed from one's head before traveling abroad.  And yes, what the Thais did is disgusting.  He broke no law in either country.  Should have just been extradited and things resolved that way. 

 If the Dutch authorities weren't, "finished" with him,,, Why didn't they revoke his passport, or forbid him from leaving the country on another country's passport,, with his $$,, he was obviously a flight risk,, And once he DID leave,, why not issue an international arrest warrant, or petition to have him extradited,, they didn't because at the time he left Holland, he had no charges against him... he was as free to travel as anyone else at the time... 

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7 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:

He know the risk as well the Thai law still stupid enough to go to Thailand


All reduced to what is maximum possible. So nothing changed just correction.


He earned money that even in The Netherland was seen as illegal. And the Thai sentenced on the evidence provided.

He went to Thailand because there is not exchange

So what you see here is just a man who think he can do what he want and that brought him the problems.

What 'risks'?  Marijuana is legal in parts of USA and in Holland. What did he do wrong???  why didn't our Dutch comrades arrest him?  charge him?  where's the cash gone?  it's a farce wrapped in a deception

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This is result of giving too much information about you personal life or past to people who you think they are trusted. Or you just have no idea what jealous people can do to you. 

Never tell people more that what they really should know about you, because you never know how they really think or feel about you.

And Thai ladies always put everything about their life on the table with friends or even strangers without realizing this that could take them to where they never imagine, from absolute heaven to hell.

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19 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:

He know the risk as well the Thai law still stupid enough to go to Thailand


All reduced to what is maximum possible. So nothing changed just correction.


He earned money that even in The Netherland was seen as illegal. And the Thai sentenced on the evidence provided.

He went to Thailand because there is not exchange

So what you see here is just a man who think he can do what he want and that brought him the problems.


Did they make selling pot in Holland illegal recently? if so,, why wasn't he in prison in Holland? He wasn't in prison there, because they could never find anything he was doing illegal, But Thai thieves saw the $$,, STOLE it, and put him in prison.. period.

Edited by Adeeos
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6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

He shouldn't be serving any time at all. 


He broke no laws here. 

and he did not brake any laws in holland his business is stricktly legal overthere

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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

I thought he made his money legally in Holland, how can you launder clean money


After being accused of money laundering by the Thai prosecutor, he was even cleared by the Netherlands Tax Authority. His money was completely legal. And he did nothing wrong in Thailand. I wonder in whose hands his illegally seized money went.


One wrong move can bring you into jail, and even Thais. Remember the elder couple, who went mushroom picking near a site where illegal logging took place. Their sentence was reduced to 5 years.

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4 hours ago, Get Real said:

I wonder how many wai´s it was for get a reduction from 103 to 20 years. According to 50% of the sentence all the time, it will not be an even number. That´s in reality same impossible as the a sentence for serving time at all.

But why the 103 year sentence if the maximum is only 20

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This man made his money with legal coffee shops in The Netherlands and sold them before going to Thailand..he had no need for laundering his money because all legal by Dutch law

than the Dutch found afterwards some mistakes in his tax administration and asked the Thai government for assistance telling this man was selling canabis in Holland etc etc...( not telling that this is legal in Holland ) 

when Thai hear the word canabis weatdealer etc all lights go on red and they convicted him for 103 years jail without further proof

except the tax business this man is absolutely innocent and it is a shame what they did with him and his wife

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1 hour ago, little mary sunshine said:

This Dutch Guys story stunk from the beginning.

always the Governments fault, always innocent,

always some "Higher Up".  "You lay down with dogs 

you get up with fleas"....Sounds someone got him first!!!

and had more influence and money than Him!!!

Nice to hear someone saying something more like the truth and not banging on about the injustice and how innocent he his. No smoke without fire.

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5 minutes ago, dutchbull said:

This man made his money with legal coffee shops in The Netherlands and sold them before going to Thailand..he had no need for laundering his money because all legal by Dutch law

than the Dutch found afterwards some mistakes in his tax administration and asked the Thai government for assistance telling this man was selling canabis in Holland etc etc...( not telling that this is legal in Holland ) 

when Thai hear the word canabis weatdealer etc all lights go on red and they convicted him for 103 years jail without further proof

except the tax business this man is absolutely innocent and it is a shame what they did with him and his wife

Yes, and would you like to buy a bridge in Brooklyn??   Some people

will believe anything!

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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

What 'risks'?  Marijuana is legal in parts of USA and in Holland. What did he do wrong???  why didn't our Dutch comrades arrest him?  charge him?  where's the cash gone?  it's a farce wrapped in a deception

I knew people that knew him and if he was 100% cosha why was he telling people he made his money from having a big building company ? It's all sounds to iffy. lot more to this story.

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10 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

He shouldn't be serving any time at all. 


He broke no laws here. 

Well, it depends on how the laws are written and interpreted. As a Swede I could get prosecuted back in Sweden if I go with a prostitute here in Thailand, that is because prostitution is illegal in Sweden and the law is written so that it is illegal for me to go with a prostitute anywhere, even in a country where prostitution is legal (remember that prostitution is illegal in Thailand). The same goes with drugs as I could legally get high abroad but if test shows that I have been high when I get back home I could be sent to rehab for drug use... So basically if I would go to Amsterdam, smoke weed and <deleted> a hooker (both is legal there) I could end up in jail coming back to Sweden!

So selling cannabis is legal in Holland but still illegal in Thailand and if they would interpret the law the same <deleted>up way they do in Sweden then...  

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8 hours ago, Thechook said:

I thought he made his money legally in Holland, how can you launder clean money

By not transfer it by bank ..... bringing in cash and not rapport it at customs example ......or using the wife Thai name name to bring it / transferring  in ..... many possibility's

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1 hour ago, Kasset Tak said:

Well, it depends on how the laws are written and interpreted. As a Swede I could get prosecuted back in Sweden if I go with a prostitute here in Thailand, that is because prostitution is illegal in Sweden and the law is written so that it is illegal for me to go with a prostitute anywhere, even in a country where prostitution is legal (remember that prostitution is illegal in Thailand). The same goes with drugs as I could legally get high abroad but if test shows that I have been high when I get back home I could be sent to rehab for drug use... So basically if I would go to Amsterdam, smoke weed and <deleted> a hooker (both is legal there) I could end up in jail coming back to Sweden!

So selling cannabis is legal in Holland but still illegal in Thailand and if they would interpret the law the same <deleted>up way they do in Sweden then...  

At the time of his arrest he had broken no laws in Thailand or The Netherlands.


His trial and incarceration was a travesty of justice.

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"20 years after appeal as this is the maximum term for money laundering"


So the Thai courts gave him 103 years when the maximum is 20 years?

Thai legal system (and his attorney) does not even know their own regulations?


"Dutch MPs later calling for his release amid concerns that his money - thought to be 300 million baht - came from the sale of legitimate coffee shops"

If the money was made in Holland where cannabis is legal, or from property sales, what was he laundering?


Railroaded by some unscrupulous people, with lots of possible conspiracy theories.

And it can happen to anyone for any reason, Thainess!!!

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6 hours ago, catman20 said:

I thought money talked in Thailand, you would of thought with all his money he could of greased the right plams to walk free.

I think that's why his sentence was reduced, the tea money's got through at last.


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8 hours ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:


Rather aptly named, that.



The original sentence was much higher then the maximum for Money Laundering.

This speaks volumes for itself. And then it had to be reduced 2 times.

It looks like somebody might be enjoying his money already without him.

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That's all very confuse. We don't know what really happened. There must be something more behind the curtain.


'The second chamber had asked several times to bring  Van Laarhoven back tot the Netherlands, but the Department of Justice has refused'


Strange. Isn't it?



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3 hours ago, Adeeos said:

Exactly,, that and the fact that if out,, he'd be much more able to pursue them to get his money and property returned.

Dream on, that has long gone, but hopefully  he had alot of money stashed in other countries

hope he survives this and lead there lives somewhere else,.........

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49 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

Well, it depends on how the laws are written and interpreted. As a Swede I could get prosecuted back in Sweden if I go with a prostitute here in Thailand, that is because prostitution is illegal in Sweden and the law is written so that it is illegal for me to go with a prostitute anywhere, even in a country where prostitution is legal (remember that prostitution is illegal in Thailand). The same goes with drugs as I could legally get high abroad but if test shows that I have been high when I get back home I could be sent to rehab for drug use... So basically if I would go to Amsterdam, smoke weed and <deleted> a hooker (both is legal there) I could end up in jail coming back to Sweden!

So selling cannabis is legal in Holland but still illegal in Thailand and if they would interpret the law the same f-up way they do in Sweden then...  

The difference is you as a Swede, would be charged, and prossicuted by YOUR home country, by YOUR home authorities, when you returned to it, for doing something that's legal in another country, but illegal in your own,,, The Thai's have charged, and convicted him for doing something that was COMPLETELY legal in his HOME country, when not even his home country would have done so... 

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1 hour ago, Adeeos said:

The difference is you as a Swede, would be charged, and prossicuted by YOUR home country, by YOUR home authorities, when you returned to it, for doing something that's legal in another country, but illegal in your own,,, The Thai's have charged, and convicted him for doing something that was COMPLETELY legal in his HOME country, when not even his home country would have done so... 


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