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"Jumping jacks" cop says no fines for helmet-less kids because "it will cause hardship to their parents"


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"Jumping jacks" cop says no fines for helmet-less kids because "it will cause hardship to their parents"



Image: Thai Rath


The traffic cop who decided to make four boys without helmets do roadside exercises rather than pay fines has spoken of his reasons for his actions.

In an interview with Thai Rath Naret Srikhun defended his unusual punishment saying he felt sorry for the lads because they wouldn't have any money for sweeties.

And he didn't want to cause hardship to their folks who were likely to be farmers.

His actions in Mahasarakham came just a day before authorities in Ubon, also in Thailand's north east, were desperately trying to persuade youths not to ride motorcycles at all due to the carnage on the roads.

There were reports that deaths among children under 15 on motorcycles going to and from school were up 28%. The governor of the province had had fake blood smeared outside a school to try to stop parents who let their kids ride to school on motorbikes.

But in Mahasarakham Thai Rath called the officer's actions "cute punishment".

Deputy sergeant Naret was unrepentant: "It seemed the right thing to do," he said.

"If I fined them it will cause hardship to their mums and dads. And besides they would not have any money for sweeties.

"It's not like in the cities here. We are country folk and most of the people are farmers".

Naret went on to talk about his moment of fame this week:

"Lots of people added me or requested to be friends on Facebook. I honestly haven't had time to add everyone yet", he said.

"I have only got an old phone and it is about to give out because it's been ringing so much. Everyone wants to admire me and congratulate my policing skills".

In latest figures released almost 350 young students died on motorcycles in just nine provinces in one year.





Source: Thai Rath



-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-06-24
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20 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

And he didn't want to cause hardship to their folks who were likely to be farmers.

I can think of a few driving offenders (for offences far worse than no helmet), where it certainly would not cause hardship to their parents, who also got off scot free !

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That's make a perfect Thai sense, paying a fine is more stressful than

burying your kid or see him/her in a hospital...why prevent death and injuries for

not wearing a helmet is you can just ' feel sorry' for the irresponsible parents...

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1 hour ago, shanesox said:

Ah the exercises will be a great deterrent! Not as if ANYTHING is a deterrent/warning to doing stupid things in LOS

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Rules and laws, least of all. TIT...

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Isn't it strange.Ferangs come here , then become Champions of the Poor.Yet back home they couldn't give a rats ass about poor , neither do they bother about any injustice till they get here[emoji86]

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this is totally the wrong message to the kids - other kids - adults - parents - schools in fact just about everyone in the country that road safety - the law - the police - doesn't matter just carry on doing whatever the hell you like.

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29 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

And how much hardship will it cause the families when Junior wipes himself out and is lying dead on the road unnecessarily.

Not a lot, Junior will be reincarnated as a buffalo and mom and dad will profit when they sell it.

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But the whole idea of a fine is to cause hardship. Otherwise it's not a punishment and/or a deterrent. It ain't rocket science! In fact, this stupid copper's actions could have the complete reverse effect and result in more kids riding without helmets because, if caught, they just have to jump up and down a few times. Mental. 

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Really it is the perfect example of the Thai mindset. When not being entirely selfish, do an apparently good deed to make yourself feel good without any thought whatsoever to the more important facts. They are still looking at the shadows in the cave and entirely miss the big picture.


It would be cute except this mostly affects the adults which just makes it rather stupid.

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I may not agree with his thinking but I do understand it. There has to be a better way of punishment than a monetary fine. Perhaps taking the motorcycle off them for a week (increasing weeks for repeat offenders)? And/or many many hours of community work? Perhaps the state could find some way of subsidising cost of helmets to make them affordable to the lower paid citizens? If this could be an answer and they didn't wear them, then a draconian punishment should be expected.

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