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UK police brace for trouble as far-right and anti-racist groups protest


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2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

What about Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and Jews?

I'm sure you know of cross marriages with all these religions, not muslim though. If a muslim does it he/she will have problems unless they get their spouse to convert. Very little problem with the rest.

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1 hour ago, rwdrwdrwd said:


What rubbish.. plenty of practicing muslims integrate well. They exist across all sections of society and have for decades.

Furthermore, plenty of 'indigenous' people (by which I suspect you mean 'white and not noticeably immigrant') don't integrate well with 'society'.

No they don't integrate well, what percentage of them marry outside their religion?

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These protests are surely legitimate on both sides, as long as they are non violent let them carry on, as long as they are not inciting hatred let them carry on.


As a slight aside but on topic, here is the British Humour 40 years ago - and there was worse!



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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Interesting analogy, though Humans are supposed to be smarter than fish. Fish act on base instincts, eat, swim way from danger, reproduce etc.

Those capable of cognitive thought should be capable of working their way through integration problems. The biggest hurdle I see is a failure by ALL sides to understand the inevitability of the future. Many UK Muslims have integrated to society well, while others have not. Many English people have made them feel welcome, while others have not. Those who have not yet accepted each other, or are even ready to try, are the very ones, from both sides, holding back the integration process. Their own rhetoric and failure to recognise they are sustaining the situation, is the problem.

Muslims have to integrate and need to be allowed and welcomed to do so. This will happen. Don't know when, but it will.


We are supposed to be smarter than fish... although looking at the way the world is going now... with endless bickering between countries, wars, internal fighting, exploiting natural resources, overpopulation, pollution, willfully destroying out own planet, killing off animal species, starving poor people and mega rich people, fat lazy selfish, unhealthy and stupid people on the increase and societies breaking down, religious fanatics..... 


I would choose to come back in my next life as a fish! 



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9 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Being against Islamic terror and wanting to put your own people first is not ' far right' and why are groups smeared with the far right label anyway?


8 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Those not asylum seekers, illegals off the back of a lorry or Muslims.


ROFL !!!!

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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

No they don't integrate well, what percentage of them marry outside their religion?

Why would that be relevant? Plenty of people that are religious tend to marry within the religion.


Integrating with society does not demand that a person marries someone of a different religion, it simply requires them to be tolerant of other people's beliefs.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

These protests are surely legitimate on both sides, as long as they are non violent let them carry on, as long as they are not inciting hatred let them carry on.


As a slight aside but on topic, here is the British Humour 40 years ago - and there was worse!


*Off-topic video removed*

My old man ended up like Alf Garnet he came from Canning town. Love thy neighbour was far worse , cringeworthy now to see what TV was allowed to transmit 

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8 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Cringe worthy how PC the BBC has become these days


It's not just the BBC, even the racists are too PC these days.

Back in the day you could rely on racists to wear their uniform proudly, bovver boots, bomber jackets, regulation skinhead haircut, complete with swastika tattoos and posters of Adolf Hitler & if you asked them if they were racist they would not hesitate to answer and confirm.

These days, all the racists are in hiding and denying they are racist, muddying the waters ....on the run from PC like the scared little pussies they know themselves to be.


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34 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

My old man ended up like Alf Garnet he came from Canning town. Love thy neighbour was far worse , cringeworthy now to see what TV was allowed to transmit 

Dave, go on the tube and find "curry and chips" episode 1 series 1. I came across it looking for Alf. Very very cringeworthy!! The thing to remember as was well written in many places was that the comedy writer Johnny Speight who did most of these TV series, did them in such a way to show the white population at the time what utter morons they were, as their behaviour was reflected by the racist, pathetic characters in his comedies. Curry and chips is particularly bad but in those days it was seen as 'funny', but did a lot to raise awareness of how badly racist the British population were.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Dave, go on the tube and find "curry and chips" episode 1 series 1. I came across it looking for Alf. Very very cringeworthy!! The thing to remember as was well written in many places was that the comedy writer Johnny Speight who did most of these TV series, did them in such a way to show the white population at the time what utter morons they were, as their behaviour was reflected by the racist, pathetic characters in his comedies. Curry and chips is particularly bad but in those days it was seen as 'funny', but did a lot to raise awareness of how badly racist the British population were.

Yeah a lot of people didnt get the irony of Alf Garnet and thought his racist comments were where the comedy was

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Dave, go on the tube and find "curry and chips" episode 1 series 1. I came across it looking for Alf. Very very cringeworthy!! The thing to remember as was well written in many places was that the comedy writer Johnny Speight who did most of these TV series, did them in such a way to show the white population at the time what utter morons they were, as their behaviour was reflected by the racist, pathetic characters in his comedies. Curry and chips is particularly bad but in those days it was seen as 'funny', but did a lot to raise awareness of how badly racist the British population were.

How very dare you! I'm not racist, I just have no time for Muslims with their customs and social mores. It's just not British! Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing I like better than what we call an Indian takeaway even though it's usually Pakistani or Bangladeshi. But I don't want see all these pantomime outfits on the streets and madrasahs, or what ever you call these awful schools, should be banned outright. Johnny Speight was a true master as was Warren Mitchell and Wilfred Bramble. And don't forget, I'm a lefty apparently!

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1 hour ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

Why would that be relevant? Plenty of people that are religious tend to marry within the religion.


Integrating with society does not demand that a person marries someone of a different religion, it simply requires them to be tolerant of other people's beliefs.

Maybe in your world. In mine your religion is not a very important issue at all, in the muslim world it is of the utmost importance. Muslims are very much racist bigots and religious radicals, and thats the " moderate ones". They stick together and overcome the infidels. Just my  view which counts for little as I am just a retired middle class worker. I understand that you want to be nice and treat all people equally, I hope you can find a way to get them to feel the same, good luck.

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6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

What about Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and Jews?

You forgot Sikhs and others, no problem at all as they all integrate, do not want ti impose their own beliefs on others and accept the values and laws of the host country they are in, most Muslims do not.

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Multi culturalizm is a failure when people come to your country but do not try to blend in.    Muslims come to a new country then they live in an area of what ever city they get to.  they build a mosque when they get established, then they broadcast their call to prayers from that mosque, and  if you do not want to be woken up early,  live at least 3 or more kms, or 2 miles from the mosque.  In France and in Thailand I have seen whole areas with Arabic signs and even stop signs in Arabic.  What!  Also I have heard of these Muslims  request to have Sharia law  in effect.  That is  not trying to integrate.  That is bringing your garbage with you from your ME  country  into some other part of the world.



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Multi culturalizm is a failure when people come to your country but do not try to blend in.    Muslims come to a new country then they live in an area of what ever city they get to.  they build a mosque when they get established, then they broadcast their call to prayers from that mosque, and  if you do not want to be woken up early,  live at least 3 or more kms, or 2 miles from the mosque.  In France and in Thailand I have seen whole areas with Arabic signs and even stop signs in Arabic.  What!  Also I have heard of these Muslims  request to have Sharia law  in effect.  That is  not trying to integrate.  That is bringing your garbage with you from your ME  country  into some other part of the world.

You can't go posting the truth like this on Thai Visa, it offends a certain element who post here.Shira Law types will never accept us, or Moderate Muslims.They need isolation from reasonable Humanity.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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Multi culturalizm is a failure when people come to your country but do not try to blend in.    Muslims come to a new country then they live in an area of what ever city they get to.  they build a mosque when they get established, then they broadcast their call to prayers from that mosque, and  if you do not want to be woken up early,  live at least 3 or more kms, or 2 miles from the mosque.  In France and in Thailand I have seen whole areas with Arabic signs and even stop signs in Arabic.  What!  Also I have heard of these Muslims  request to have Sharia law  in effect.  That is  not trying to integrate.  That is bringing your garbage with you from your ME  country  into some other part of the world.

Would be interested if you could back up your claim that there are 'whole areas with Arabic signs' in Thailand as this is not something I have ever seen or could understand why it would be needed.
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