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Non O multi, making most out of it.

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Hi, my Multi Non O is calid till 9 oct (enter before), so to make most out of it I should go out, and come back in before 9 oct, then I will get 3 month stay and be able to extend it for another 2 (5 months total), then will have to get new visa. Am I got it right?


Thank You.



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2 minutes ago, Mattd said:

Extension would only happen if you are married to a Thai or the legal father of a Thai child.

You were faster.

Extension of a stay from Non O entry only under these conditions.

Not for everyone.

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5 minutes ago, Mattd said:

Extension would only happen if you are married to a Thai or the legal father of a Thai child.

got a child unmaried, all i have to do take mother and child with me, and still gets it 

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