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Expat caught on video attacking Thai woman outside bar in Rayong


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14 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


We are talking about ladies working in a bar, right?

So every lady who works in a bar is fair game and can be manhandled?  Does that also mean every lady who works in a massage shop has no right to physical privacy?  Get your mind above your navel and realize that a lot of these ladies work in these places because they desparately need the money to prevent the family members back home from starving.

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15 hours ago, Pungdo said:

If you look closely it appears he grabs or slaps her on the bum, which she takes offence to, so I would suggest he started it and should keep his hands to him self.


Yes - He grabbed her bum, to which she retaliated!

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15 hours ago, CRUNCHER said:

If the narrative is correct, the Thai woman started the fight.  Perhaps some advice on how Thai women should behave might also be appropriate

Yes your probably right " still no reason to punch her its her country  , just better to leave . 

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Educated at the "Major Pratt" college,

but apparently did not manage to cross all the T's 
So what do you expect ?

Edited by KKr
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Right...... and just ignore the part on the video ( for the record ) that clearly shows the woman slapping the man and then trying to slap him again while he finally decides it is time to slap back and defend himself.

It is pretty obvious if he had not defended himself she was going to continue to abuse him and assault him.

I surmise you just have to keep on re-playing that specific part of the altercation over and over again and probably about 100 times or more before the female provoker and instigator of the altercation begins to understand ( or get it through her thick skull ) you can not deliberately hit people or kick them or slap them with intent and expect ( nothing ) to come of your own aggressive actions and conduct.

Yes I see the part where the man puts his hand on her bum as he comes out of the door but that is not a deliberate and intentional hit to the face and done with malice and meant to hurt someone.

I hope she is sued for assault to teach her a lesson.

I would defend her if it was clear that the man slapped her in the face first and deliberately done with malice and intent and meant to hurt her and seen on video and for the record but in this case it is too obvious who started the altercation and who assaulted who first.

She got what she deserved in this case.

Also....yes...here in Thailand you should walk away from such minor incidents as that is the smart thing to do because you clearly see how fast the other bar girls gang up on the guy and that is the reality of the environment here when it comes to a fight with Thai people where suddenly it is 5 on 1 or 10 on 1 or more...so yes you have to keep your wits about you and walk away.

But this guy did not and we see the women got what she deserved...she got back what she was dishing out.



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5 minutes ago, gemguy said:

Right...... and just ignore the part on the video ( for the record )  the clearly shows the woman slapping the man and then trying to slap him again while he finally decides it is time to slap back and defend himself.

It is pretty obvious if he had not defended himself she was going to continue to abuse him and assault him.

I surmise you just have to keep on re-playing that specific part of the altercation over and over again and probably about 100 times or more before the female provoker and instigator of the altercation begins to understand ( or get it through her thick skull ) you can not hit people or kick them or slap them and expect ( nothing ) to come of your own aggressive actions and conduct.

I hope she is sued for assault to teach her a lesson.

I would defend her if it was clear that the man slapped her first and on video and for the record but in this case it is too obvious who started the altercation and who assaulted who first.

She got what she deserved in this case.

Also....yes...here in Thailand you should walk away from such minor incidents as that is the smart thing to do because you clearly see how fast the other bar girls gang up on the guy and that is the reality of the environment here when it comes to a fight with Thai people where suddenly it is 5 on 1 or 10 on 1 or more...so yes you have to keep your wits about you and walk away.

But this guy did not and we see the women got what she deserved...she got back what she was dishing out.



indeed he maybe already forgot that he grabbed her boops, got escorted out of the bar, and then decided to grope her again.
I say good for the Lady, and indeed she should press charges. 

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4 minutes ago, gemguy said:

Right...... and just ignore the part on the video ( for the record )  the clearly shows the woman slapping the man and then trying to slap him again while he finally decides it is time to slap back and defend himself.

It is pretty obvious if he had not defended himself she was going to continue to abuse him and assault him.

I surmise you just have to keep on re-playing that specific part of the altercation over and over again and probably about 100 times or more before the female provoker and instigator of the altercation begins to understand ( or get it through her thick skull ) you can not hit people or kick them or slap them and expect ( nothing ) to come of your own aggressive actions and conduct.

I hope she is sued for assault to teach her a lesson.

I would defend her if it was clear that the man slapped her first and on video and for the record but in this case it is too obvious who started the altercation and who assaulted who first.

She got what she deserved in this case.

Also....yes...here in Thailand you should walk away from such minor incidents as that is the smart thing to do because you clearly see how fast the other bar girls gang up on the guy and that is the reality of the environment here when it comes to a fight with Thai people where suddenly it is 5 on 1 or 10 on 1 or more...so yes you have to keep your wits about you and walk away.

But this guy did not and we see the women got what she deserved...she got back what she was dishing out.




You really need to watch the video again. Closely. And then check out the posts about what happened before the part that is shown in the video.


Cliff notes version.

The woman is apparently the wife of a man that was in the bar.

She went there to meet her husband. While inside the bar, the bar owner allegedly groped her breasts. She went outside (presumably to wait for her husband).

The bar owner exits the bar and appears to grope her butt as he walks by. She turns around and slaps him.


But hey, why not just assume that she just turned around and slapped him for no reason what so ever. Yeah, because that happens all the time, right ?

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7 minutes ago, KKr said:

indeed he maybe already forgot that he grabbed her boops, got escorted out of the bar, and then decided to grope her again.
I say good for the Lady, and indeed she should press charges. 

That is just speculation while anyone could counter that and allege that she was bought several drinks by the man while inside and he was playing around with her already and then she wanted more money or wanted more drinks to be bought by him and he politely refused and she was angry already before they went outside.

Then, when going outside he gave her an affectionate tap on the butt and all done in good fun with no menace or harm meant...but she was already angry with him over nothing important and slaps him in the face ..with menace and intent and meant to harm.

How is that for speculation and assumptions...lol

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Yes it does seem that the chap at least had his right hand on the lady's buttocks and she reacted by slapping him. He should have just let the incident go since he caused her reaction. Having said that, was he just trying to get by and did the wrong thing? As for the rest of the post about '...you're in my country now...' the old phrase 'when in Rome...' I would suggest is outdated these days.

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18 minutes ago, Kerryd said:


You really need to watch the video again. Closely. And then check out the posts about what happened before the part that is shown in the video.


Cliff notes version.

The woman is apparently the wife of a man that was in the bar.

She went there to meet her husband. While inside the bar, the bar owner allegedly groped her breasts. She went outside (presumably to wait for her husband).

The bar owner exits the bar and appears to grope her butt as he walks by. She turns around and slaps him.


But hey, why not just assume that she just turned around and slapped him for no reason what so ever. Yeah, because that happens all the time, right ?

You may be right...

So in the end 2 people learned a lesson.

# The Man learned he should not slap or grope just any ones butt regardless of the circumstances as there could be consequences.


# The Woman learned that she can not hit someone in the face like that and expect nothing to come of it ...even if she feels she is in the right as she is the one that got hurt and most likely will get hurt again if and when she slaps a man in the face.

She has learned that she should reprimand the person verbally but not resort to physical aggressiveness to resolve the issue....as she learned the hard way what can often enough happen.



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2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:
11 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:

Soon TV will have the same group of no life visitors that are reading stickman bangkok.

What do you mean 'soon'?


Glad to see that there are still some who consider themselves above the others, yet they know as no other about who and what is posted on those forums that are considered below their standard.

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1 hour ago, gemguy said:

Right...... and just ignore the part on the video ( for the record ) that clearly shows the woman slapping the man and then trying to slap him again while he finally decides it is time to slap back and defend himself.

It is pretty obvious if he had not defended himself she was going to continue to abuse him and assault him.

For the record, just ignore the part on the video ( for the record ) that clearly shows that after he grabs her arse and she slaps him, HE SLAPS HER...


Pretty defensive eh? (as they say in Russell, Manitoba)

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7 hours ago, hobz said:

The video is not showing anything below the vaist. No way to tell for sure if he grabbed her. But the way his shoulder moves and the angles and the reaction fits with an ass-grab or ass-slap. But its impossible to tell for sure, at least in the video im seeing.



I watched the video. 


It's clear he grabbed her. 

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16 hours ago, namatjira said:

It's poor form for any male to seriously punch into any female,

he slapped her ass and got a slap, the man is a low life.

a proper idiot...

It is exactly this type of scumbag ahole who the Govt is (finally) trying to get rid off in Thailand.  The sooner they get these turds to go elsewhere, the better off all us reasonable/decent Expats will be. It is Expats like this with their bigotry and arrogant ahole attitudes that make many Thais dislike and distrust Farangs. And I cant blame them, because I agree. I hope he gets taken to the cleaners and loses all his money - maybe then he will leave Thailand permanently.


It also clear that some of these types are responding to this article with their Thai bashing vitriol and bigoted abuse. Hope you all get 'cleaned out' too - losers.


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17 hours ago, Pungdo said:

If you look closely it appears he grabs or slaps her on the bum, which she takes offence to, so I would suggest he started it and should keep his hands to him self.



Exactly. If he groped or touched a woman up in Australia, or most Western countries he'd be facing sexual assault charges. 


He's pissed and leaving with a tart but decided to grope another woman. She reacts and gives him a slight slap. <deleted>, he must've been too pissed or arrogant to just say "oops sorry" and leave. He gives her a slight slap back. Do that to a Thai person, touching their head is gonna provoke a reaction. I thought her front kick was good - shame she didn't bladder him or get his bollkcos. He then wades in, and hits like a pussy.

Surprised the other guy he chinned didn't wallop him.


I saw this first on FB. There and here, the amount of posters slagging Thais off and trying to defend this - unreal. A pissed up Aussie gropes a woman, gets slapped, slaps back, gets kicked and hit, lands some soft punches. That's whats on the video.


He should be charged with sexual assault, aggravated assault, prosecuted and if convicted find, jailed for a couple of months and deported and banned. 


No excuse for his behavior based on that video.

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17 hours ago, carabaothai said:


It is very bad to attack a woman. 

This man is very bad 


But this "That means you have to accept our culture and treat us respectfully, especially with women." 

How many times I've seen thai men young or not, thai husbands attacking with a lot of violence women or their wife in the street and nobody to help the woman! 


Also... Every night in every thai soap opera we can see women attacked by thai men..

This is thai culture also and it is bad also! 

what does slapping a person have to do with respecting culture?

does the person who says this think ... this person from another culture hits a woman and it is acceptable? 

Or is it somehow MORE unacceptable because Thai people do not hit one another (they shoot them, pull out a knife, etc.) 


Or perhaps is the person somehow trying to express the outrage at a 80 to 100 kg man slugging a 45 kg woman who slapped him on the cheek?

Okay. express outrage! But then the interesting revelation of such a comment is that in this Thai culture one is continually reminded they are in this Thai culture. With this comes loads of rules of behavior and things you cannot do or say. There is no freedom of speech about most of the things you need freedom of speech laws to protect! 


So, further in the Thai comments in Thai and in English (by a western named person) that the guy is a serial abuser. 


So, I think for this girl to go outside, and wait with others, and then see a woman go out and beckon the guy to exit, and then words are exchanged and she leans in to slap him on cheek ... I would venture a guess that the accusation might have merit. 


Lastly, there is a pic in the fb page of a woman with dings and lumps on her face that look very serious. Is this the result of getting pummeled by this guy? 

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I dont agree with a man slapping a woman,but lets not forget this drinker hit him first for whatever reason,man or woman this was out of order.This woman did this because she knows that the thai law albeit for what its worth,would without doubt be on her side,regardless.The man did what he would normally do at home in his own country,when assaulted fight back.In thailand its called loosing face,but only for thai people,so its ok for thai but not farang,im afraid as far as im concerned its tit for tat,and he should have no regrets,she struck first.She just showed her ignornance and assumed that was the correct thing to do,so why not he show his ignornance and assume he is correct.Every one of us farangs know very well there are two laws here in Thailand,locals and US,right or wrong WE ARE WRONG.ALWAYS.Money stolen Property stolen,our fault only.Accidents Thai injured farang injured,thai at fault,WE HAVE TO PAY.WHY.2 LAWS,We are not welcome,our Money is welcome only.

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11 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:



Your wife is your wife until someone else sleeps on her, which can happen anytime you are not here.


How ridiculous are people to feel to protect what is theirs just temporally.




Same as every other country then?

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oh. yeah. he definitely grabbed her ass. 


Trump a handful of her trunk, as one might say

okay to talk about but not okay to do in public. inside the bar is the playing field for that kind of move, where it can be accepted or declined by the woman

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Life is dangerous. Thai can be particularly so. For the same action, you cannot be sure what the reaction will be. A smile? Or a lot of trouble. All depends on the variables. To report this incident to us is good as a reminder. Playful is not always well received. And so many people are so full of shyst. Especially this enviroment.  In the West you have the attempt to control you with Political Correctness.  SUCH BORING PEOPLE.  Sometimes, perhaps most times, your action having backfired, a simple real "I am sorry"  is the best return.  Not everything is about right and wrong.

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