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Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows


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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:

Ask yourself why there are millions of people that see the good results from his actions and don't let fake news influence them? Another pointless post. 

The Trump WealthCare Plan has 17% support. How it could be so high is one of the great wonders of our times. 22 million less people would have health insurance under the Trump WealthCare Plan so a guy like Warren Buffet can have a $669k (2016 tax return) tax break.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                                Yes, China is building infrastructure, but it will be sad times if/when China is a top player on the world stage.   Its politburo is draconian.  I find fault with Trump, but at least the US has checks and balances to somewhat check some of the damage Trump plans to inflict on Americans and their natural environment.  


                              China's politburo doesn't have checks and balances.  It just has iron-fisted edicts, not a glimmer of free speech, and an abysmal justice system.  

Exactly. That's why the election of the pathetic man-child to the (in effect) office of the leader of the free world was such a complete and utter disaster.

Thanks trumpets. You so richly deserve to go down the drain together with the man-child. Too bad you'll drag the rest of us with you:bah:

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                                Yes, China is building infrastructure, but it will be sad times if/when China is a top player on the world stage.   Its politburo is draconian.  I find fault with Trump, but at least the US has checks and balances to somewhat check some of the damage Trump plans to inflict on Americans and their natural environment.  


                              China's politburo doesn't have checks and balances.  It just has iron-fisted edicts, not a glimmer of free speech, and an abysmal justice system.  

No doubt but do you honestly think the Congressional Republican sheep are a check and balance? How about the party line SCOTUS decision on Bush vs Gore? China is spreading goodwill with their actions around the world. The USA has only been about threats since Trump came along. Take Thailand for example. Whether it be subs, fast trains or tanks it is all about China and zero about the USA the last few years.

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On 6/27/2017 at 3:33 PM, tomwct said:

No just the opposite! The silent majority is rockin' now and will continue for the next 8 years. Obama was taking us down the Socialist Europe Route and bankrupting us on the way. That has come to a stop! In two years everything Obama did will be reversed and America's Economy will be booming! God Bless America, while we make America Great Again. We are 5-0 in elections since President Trump took over! The Progressive Socialists Democrats of America (PSDA) are in decline and

will be for the foreseeable future. Looks like Hillary & Bernie maybe going to jail and not President Trump.

Building billion dollar aircraft carriers and starting wars all over the world is whats breaking the US not spending on healthcare and infrastructure.

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Unlike Europe, we in the USA elect our own lawmakers and make our own decisions about immigration etc. Some people like Trump and some don't. If you can vote in the USA then do it, otherwise we're just wasting our time posting here IMO. 


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Case in point regarding the topic --




Trump’s pledge to keep the world from laughing at us hits another setback



In most other contexts, a laughing reaction from a small group of America’s economic and geopolitical allies would be odd but not particularly noteworthy. In the context of the Trump administration, though, it’s telling.

Trump’s campaign rhetoric repeatedly centered on the idea that America was being laughed at internationally. His evidence for this claim was lacking, but it was a point he raised repeatedly.







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16 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Tell that to the Chinese. Or, for that matter, the Europeans. Or the Russians (Eurasian). So far, they don't seem convinced.  In fact, let's throw in most of Asia while we're at it.

Is that why world leaders hustle to the WH to kiss Trump's ring...the latest being Modi of India?

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16 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Quite right!  You have determined to chose a clown for President and we in the rest of the world choose to laugh and ridicule him.  Seems like a fair deal to me!

Don't feel bad...we have a hearty laugh when we look at the fools and horses that lead many other countries as well.

Edited by CutiePi
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13 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

china is making massive investment into re newable energy.installing a soccer field of solar  per hour, staggering.

So China is making huge investments to rectify the problem, pumping US$102.9 billion into renewables in 2016, more than one third of the world total. The country now installs a soccer field's worth of solar panels every hour, and installed two wind turbines every hour across 2015.

While continuing to be the world's number one green-house gass emitter...humm, what's wrong with this picture? 

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32 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Is that why world leaders hustle to the WH to kiss Trump's ring...the latest being Modi of India?

I suggest you don't understand Indian / US relations. For Modi to kiss xxxx would be his political death

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7 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

Building billion dollar aircraft carriers and starting wars all over the world is whats breaking the US not spending on healthcare and infrastructure.

You can add a $1.8b destroyer that missed spotting a container ship before colliding with it. 

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this is what his base wants to see happen.  the ordinary working class..... the "poorly educated" that Trump says he loves so very much.... 

for whom the world looks like how a Thai sees it....



the OPPOSITE of a Silicon Valley perspective....


they ****want**** to bring the rest of the country down to their level... to even it out.  and at some point, it may include the US dollah.  this is Steve Bannon's ultimate thrill.


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1 hour ago, pegman said:

You can add a $1.8b destroyer that missed spotting a container ship before colliding with it. 

That got hit on its starboard side meaning it was in the wrong and should have given way according to international maritime rules...... 

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15 hours ago, dunroaming said:

If you really feel that he is doing a good job for America then you must stop burying your head in the sand and ask yourself why millions of people are criticizing what he is doing every single day. 

Finally.  A conversation starter.  Yes, you're correct millions of people do criticize him, just as the other side criticized Obama and would have continued to do so were Hillary Clinton in office.  Why?  Because the country is irreconcilably fractured and split on fundamental outlooks towards living life.  On everything from immigration to health care, from police enforcement to speech codes versus free speech. Things have just gone too far to heal.  There needs to be separation.  

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Trump keeps on being broadsided - all for good reason. All the media talking heads and talk-show hosts are having a feeding frenzy - and Trump deserves every barb that's tossed at him.  


                    In response, Trump is doing two things:  


#1. Hunkering down with lawyers who tell him not to Tweet (he sneaks away and does so, anyway), and  


#2. Trump keeps bleating to his base, which is down to about 16% of Americans.  He keeps harping about 'fake media'.   It works for his die-hard easily-duped fans, but everyone else, at home and abroad, sees him as the dangerous dufus he is.

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

wrong, there are at least 50 countries producing more greenhouse gasses per capita than china.

Ahh...the old "per capita" sleight of hand. I have no doubt that Gaia is at this moment choking in China's world leading green-house gas (as well as every other leading soil, water, and air pollutents).

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Nothing surprising. I have started telling people that I am Canadian to avoid discussions. The USA finally flushed itself down the toilet.

I understand but I'm interested in seeing the reactions. Sometimes there are interesting discussions.


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11 hours ago, Thakkar said:


12 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

Ask yourself why there are millions of people that see the good results from his actions and don't let fake news influence them? Another pointless post. 


If you could just mention a few of Trump's actions that have delivered good results, that'd be neat, thanks.




Couldn't think of any? No worries, me neither.

I did however think of actions Trump's taken that made his base *feel* good  without actually achieving anything:


Muslim ban- made his base feel good about stickin' it to "the mozzies"


Criticizing NATO - made his base feel good about stickin' it to the namby-pamby Euro queers.


Withdrawing from Paris Accords - made his base feel good about stickin' it to the world for "laughin' at us"


Lashed out at the media - made his base feel good about stickin' it to people reporting inconvenient truths.


All of which is equivalent to mooning at passing Hybrids as you and your friends drive by in your gas guzzler which you fueled up with borrowed money from your mom who works two jobs.







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49 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Ahh...the old "per capita" sleight of hand. I have no doubt that Gaia is at this moment choking in China's world leading green-house gas (as well as every other leading soil, water, and air pollutents).

sleight of hand? is the normal way to represent statics verses  population. 

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I have no use for Donald the fool.

I spent 5 years in Vietnam in the U.S. Army from 1966 to 1971, and the draft dodger Trump went to a Military school as a honor student at that time, but never even served one day in the U.S. military.

That fact tells me all I need to know about Donald the  fraudster  Trump.





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17 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I agree that the posts get monotonous and I am as guilty as any of keeping on banging the drum.  But you must realise just how serious this is for the USA and how much damage Trump is doing.  If you really feel that he is doing a good job for America then you must stop burying your head in the sand and ask yourself why millions of people are criticizing what he is doing every single day.  There cannot be that many people in the world who are just blinkered democrats and there cannot be that amount of people (many millions for just about every country in the world) that condemn Trump without good reason.

Glad you can see it is monotonous. That is all the bleating left keep doing. Calling anyone who backs Trump stupid. Going on and on how bad he is for the US. Everyday he is about to be impeached according to the media. There is a sh*tload of fake news out there. Nothing has stuck so far. I wonder why? The Dow seems to be doing OK for Americans. :)

America was heading down a PC path to self destruction same way that EU is going. Hopefully Trump can make a dent in that. The problem is not the 95% who are moderate, but the 5% who are hardliners. IS are an extremely small fraction of the world population but they are having a devastating impact and there rest of the world can't even wipe them out because of so much division. "Divide and conquer!" :)


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3 hours ago, Bung said:

That got hit on its starboard side meaning it was in the wrong and should have given way according to international maritime rules...... 

I'm no expert but you would think for a couple billion bucks some bells or whistles would have gone off in warning.

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3 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

Nothing surprising. I have started telling people that I am Canadian to avoid discussions. The USA finally flushed itself down the toilet.

Don't do that! People will catch on and start figuring us real Canadians are Yanks. 

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

sleight of hand? is the normal way to represent statics verses  population. 


But you're dealing with somebody who doesn't understand that, so its easy to have some fun.  Watch this:


Hey CutiePi, did you know that Thailand is actually a much safer country for driving in, with its 24,237 traffic-related fatalities in 2016, compared to the USA which racked up an incredible 36,064.  And Libya is one of safest in the world with a paltry 4,554 deaths in 2016!


Of course remember that people who think this way are still allowed to vote, which underscores the importance of having at least a rudimentary education in mathematics.



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