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The poisonous Brother in Law


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5 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



It has been a huge help to me as I have tried to figure out what to do.


Part of my problem was the refusal of the Thai doctor (a lovely person) to actually sign off on me on the quite reasonable grounds that I might not arrive alive in Sydney.


However,I clawed back some of my physical health and she did agree and I have been getting slowly prepared ever since.


The excellent support offered on this topic shows that men can do it-be supportive-and just not let each other hang out to dry which you do see on other topics on TV.


The elderly German gentleman had tears in his eyes yesterday as I painfully  rose to my feet,proffered a farewell handshake and said "Auf weidersehen,old pal."

Shit Ody, you got me welling up again. 

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4 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Ody, you tinker, how do you manage to turn a post that is very serious into yet another if your cracking anecdotes. You do have a gift mate. 


Dint worry about the heart, I had 3 heart failures (stopped) ) in my wilder years and was finally diagnosed as having the old atrial fibulation i.e. A heartbeat like Apocolypse in 9/8 in the Genesis song Suppers ready. 


I was ordered to cease smoking, cease drinking, take up a fitness regime and change my diet or I would be pushing up the daisies by the time I was 45. 


Somewhere along the the line I forgot those words of wisdom, continued smoking,drinking, eating ABF ( no thanks to your posts :coffee1:) and let my non existent gym membership expire. 


Well some 12 years later I am still here as neither the big man upstairs or the chappie downstairs has any room left. 

Yep-that's what I keep thinking too...the dear old Dev come a lookin' and sez to himself-"Jeez this bloke could be a major problem...I'll give it a miss this time.."

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17 minutes ago, rhodie said:

Hang in there Ody. We want to hear all about the red wine and Cubano cigars back in the old country. And hopefully a lass or 2 too! :stoner:

She'll be right,Rhodie...I have developed a severe yearning for home..but that's because I want to SEE things again..


Cross over the Blue Mountains,have lunch at the old pub in Mt Victoria and then as we come down the pass to look out on the rolling Western Slopes again-because on a clear day you can see forever...

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8 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Ha ha, yes good choice. One of my all time favourites.

(We will of course forget Robert came to hate singing this despite the millions he earned from it.)



Hi Georgio old friend, Goid reminder and I can fully understand RP's reluctance to play it over and over. From my experience I got fed up trying to play it over and over. Undoubtedly here are a number of former and current neighbours who join me in my sentiment. 


When tou you think about it though some of he dings churned out by Zep, Floyd, Genesis, and the likes are still around now dome 40 years later. Will that apply to one direction or Justin Beaver etc?

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1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:

Well...it's time to shut down and pack the computer into the well travelled bag otherwise I will have more farewells than Dame Nellie Melba....


Best of luck to all,



Wishing you a safe trip back to the land of the living. 

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13 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Hi Andrew and co, 


yes just a swift update but if you will bear with me as I try and make sense of my last post. I think I got hijacked either by my blindness, this Chinese iPad, fat finger syndrome or the evils of the TVF auto correct spell check.. anyway no complaints about it so far!


in about five hours I start the journey. First to khorat to drop the car off then to Swampy to catch the Etihad flight to the UK. 


My my two sisters and their spouses have got together to make my transition into the UK easier and have planned all sorts of fun consisting predominantly of traipsing around the island visiting extremely old relatives and the suchlike. So as not to get overexcited I have been promised visits to a number of graveyards where a number of my blood relatives are resting. 


I believe the penny has finally dropped with "the one" in that I am now getting all the texts about how much I am missed and, reading between the lines, how she is back-pedalling with many of her friends who enquiry as to my current location, by telling them I am in the UK. I suppose she will be right tomorrow.


Naturally these messages are liberally sprinkled with tales of woe and impending poverty to which I have responded quite firmly by suggesting that she stops asking me to support her, the son (34 yrs and a feckless immoral, lying thief) and daughter ( 36, lazy, opportunistic but possesses interesting underwear - see earlier post) neither of whom are willing to pay for the car that they have stolen and taken out a loan against (son) recovered and kept (daughter) . I have no need of it neither does "the one" but instead of asking her blood to honour the debts they have with her ( for her read originating with me) it's best to demand from idiot farang. 


The message was as clear ear as I could make it; the 2 legged ATM is out of order 


Other than that I often read about how nice the Thai is how genuine but rarely do I read the word trustworthy. 


Reason this came to mind is because I know the owner of a small restaurant where I ate yesterday. I asked specifically for her not to tell "the one" that she had seen me as it would not be helpful at all.


Well <deleted> me, no more than ten minutes after I left the restaurant, I was in receipt of the anticipated " I know where you are" message.


Thainess at its absolute best.


Anyone hear from Ody yet as to if he got home ok? 


Will drop a linger one once i am less knackered.



Sounds good. Only one slight blip so progressing nicely.

Enjoy the flight.


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7 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

Hi Andrew and co, 


yes just a swift update but if you will bear with me as I try and make sense of my last post. I think I got hijacked either by my blindness, this Chinese iPad, fat finger syndrome or the evils of the TVF auto correct spell check.. anyway no complaints about it so far!


in about five hours I start the journey. First to khorat to drop the car off then to Swampy to catch the Etihad flight to the UK. 


My my two sisters and their spouses have got together to make my transition into the UK easier and have planned all sorts of fun consisting predominantly of traipsing around the island visiting extremely old relatives and the suchlike. So as not to get overexcited I have been promised visits to a number of graveyards where a number of my blood relatives are resting. 


I believe the penny has finally dropped with "the one" in that I am now getting all the texts about how much I am missed and, reading between the lines, how she is back-pedalling with many of her friends who enquiry as to my current location, by telling them I am in the UK. I suppose she will be right tomorrow.


Naturally these messages are liberally sprinkled with tales of woe and impending poverty to which I have responded quite firmly by suggesting that she stops asking me to support her, the son (34 yrs and a feckless immoral, lying thief) and daughter ( 36, lazy, opportunistic but possesses interesting underwear - see earlier post) neither of whom are willing to pay for the car that they have stolen and taken out a loan against (son) recovered and kept (daughter) . I have no need of it neither does "the one" but instead of asking her blood to honour the debts they have with her ( for her read originating with me) it's best to demand from idiot farang. 


The message was as clear ear as I could make it; the 2 legged ATM is out of order 


Other than that I often read about how nice the Thai is how genuine but rarely do I read the word trustworthy. 


Reason this came to mind is because I know the owner of a small restaurant where I ate yesterday. I asked specifically for her not to tell "the one" that she had seen me as it would not be helpful at all.


Well <deleted> me, no more than ten minutes after I left the restaurant, I was in receipt of the anticipated " I know where you are" message.


Thainess at its absolute best.


Anyone hear from Ody yet as to if he got home ok? 


Will drop a linger one once i am less knackered.



Hello DL 

Can understand the last bit, as I went back to my old village for a BBQ & within 10 min the whole village knew

There were 4 Falangs in all , one with a pregnate Thai wife ' 

When I got home wife thought the thai women was for me (no abusing or anything) as she heard that my mates wife was getting a women for a falang


My answer was that i think i have enough problems with one

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17 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

Hi Andrew and co, 


yes just a swift update but if you will bear with me as I try and make sense of my last post. I think I got hijacked either by my blindness, this Chinese iPad, fat finger syndrome or the evils of the TVF auto correct spell check.. anyway no complaints about it so far!


in about five hours I start the journey. First to khorat to drop the car off then to Swampy to catch the Etihad flight to the UK. 


My my two sisters and their spouses have got together to make my transition into the UK easier and have planned all sorts of fun consisting predominantly of traipsing around the island visiting extremely old relatives and the suchlike. So as not to get overexcited I have been promised visits to a number of graveyards where a number of my blood relatives are resting. 


I believe the penny has finally dropped with "the one" in that I am now getting all the texts about how much I am missed and, reading between the lines, how she is back-pedalling with many of her friends who enquiry as to my current location, by telling them I am in the UK. I suppose she will be right tomorrow.


Naturally these messages are liberally sprinkled with tales of woe and impending poverty to which I have responded quite firmly by suggesting that she stops asking me to support her, the son (34 yrs and a feckless immoral, lying thief) and daughter ( 36, lazy, opportunistic but possesses interesting underwear - see earlier post) neither of whom are willing to pay for the car that they have stolen and taken out a loan against (son) recovered and kept (daughter) . I have no need of it neither does "the one" but instead of asking her blood to honour the debts they have with her ( for her read originating with me) it's best to demand from idiot farang. 


The message was as clear ear as I could make it; the 2 legged ATM is out of order 


Other than that I often read about how nice the Thai is how genuine but rarely do I read the word trustworthy. 


Reason this came to mind is because I know the owner of a small restaurant where I ate yesterday. I asked specifically for her not to tell "the one" that she had seen me as it would not be helpful at all.


Well <deleted> me, no more than ten minutes after I left the restaurant, I was in receipt of the anticipated " I know where you are" message.


Thainess at its absolute best.


Anyone hear from Ody yet as to if he got home ok? 


Will drop a linger one once i am less knackered.



And then there were none! Good luck and travel safe @The Dark Lord. Looking forward to hearing about the beautiful weather (we hope :smile: ) and tasty pints! No word from @Odysseus123 yet. Hopefully just getting himself sorted.

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