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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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29 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 He is a aberration  (I hope) ,  soon will be gone,and the damage done repaired (I hope) but those who voted for him are here to stay.

I find the people who voted for him to be much, much more dangerous, it says something about our country that is not very desirable IMO

Very true that one cannot judge an entire nation either just due to the mistakes of a big handfull...things will chill down with time hopefully...

On the other hand, politics and policians...the same awful lot, all around the globe, unfortunately, with a very rare few exceptions here and there...I aim to keep away from the circus and enjoy when and while you can!!!

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15 minutes ago, petesc55 said:

God bless Mike Pence, and preserve, and protect him.  


Why? If there really was a genuine God fearing bone in his body he would not have turned out to be a lying manipulator like his boss. They are routine through to the core the lot of them.

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51 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I find the people who voted for him to be much, much more dangerous, it says something about our country that is not very desirable IMO

The real danger comes from the fake-left. They helped to rise Trump. And they will rise the extreme rights.

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12 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

The real danger comes from the fake-left. They helped to rise Trump. And they will rise the extreme rights.

Much truth to what you say.

I am an interdependent voter and lay blame on the feet of  both parties. It takes two to tango.

Drowning people will grasp at straws , and there seem to be a lot of people underwater now, unless their plight is addressed I am afraid we are all in for a rough ride. 

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The real danger comes from the fake-left. They helped to rise Trump. And they will rise the extreme rights.

No the problem is the people that voted for trump largely motivated by the dark forces of racism, sexism, and xenophobia. The democrats may be able to compete again for working class whites in general on economic issues but they can't and shouldn't try to compete based on the dark forces that elevated the orange clown.
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You know, I have never 'looked forward' to a G20/8/7 meeting before, but I can't wait for this one to kick off. I am looking forward to it the same as the next Saturday Night Live skit, - comedy central, something to make me laugh.

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They're all rotten.  Period.  Some are less annoying than others, though.

trump is most rotten president in U.S. history. Sure all politicians lie without exception but 45 is in a class of his own. He is trying and largely succeeding in attacking the objective value of truth and facts.
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Attacking the press a classic tactic of demagogues.


"This is precisely what the current congressional GOP has failed to do. It stands aside while Trump lies not about a particular story but about the very legitimacy of the press, as if these politicians have no stake in either the truth or getting it to the people they represent. They both encourage and abet Trump’s us-against-them line of attack, not realizing or acknowledging that the “them” is not the media but the American people they serve."





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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

And just because someone thinks Trump is a lying a**hole does not make them a 'libtard', 'snowflake' or 'crybaby loser' because 'their' person lost (generally said to people that didn't even have a vote in any US election). So how about YOU start applying YOUR standard.

Please quote where I have used any of the words you have in quotation marks, or you should withdraw this statement. Thanks.

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19 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You know, I have never 'looked forward' to a G20/8/7 meeting before, but I can't wait for this one to kick off. I am looking forward to it the same as the next Saturday Night Live skit, - comedy central, something to make me laugh.

I have an image of all the other leaders forming a wall in front of the camera and Trump trying to push his way to the front while being elbowed back again.  I wonder how the Secret Service would respond to their man being dumped on his backside by another world leader?

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

Trump to Jared:            Cancel all my evening appointments!  I'm going on the piss!


Jared (under his breath):   Good Lord!  The freaking meeting has even started yet!!


In the background- that old  Trump favorite song plays :  And the beat goes on..

I am sure you had a chuckle to yourself writing that.

BTW you do know that Donald has never had a drink in his life?

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Another good reason not to trust him.

His Brother,  8 years older, was an alcoholic and it killed him at age 42.

I guess growing up seeing your elder Brother battle alcoholism, could put you off drinking.

Not sure why you feel this is a reason not to trust him?




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48 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No the problem is the people that voted for trump largely motivated by the dark forces of racism, sexism, and xenophobia. The democrats may be able to compete again for working class whites in general on economic issues but they can't and shouldn't try to compete based on the dark forces that elevated the orange clown.


If things are as you describe, then you do not offer much by way of a solution. Lets say, for the sake of argument, that most of Trump's supporters did vote for him for said vile motivations (or rather, the simplified labels used). If these are the motivations, then most of the things Trump is criticized for will be irrelevant with regard to their support. That would mean he (or another candidate of the same creed) will have a solid base for the next campaign. Granted, it's a minority - but not a tiny one, and US elections system being what it is, not something that can be ignored. The Democrats better believe the issues at hand are the economic in nature. Or better yet, try to make it about the economy.

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I saw where the left wing crier, Martha Raddatz, considers Trump's WWE video a threat to reporters.


So the left has no problem with the play where Trump was killed, or the mock beheading of him; but they think professional wrestling is real.

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3 hours ago, selftaopath said:

I postulate that 45 defenders voted for him because of what he is NOT e.g. refined, logical, smart, educated, caring, fair-minded, spiritually evolved, empathetic, self disciplined, emotionally balanced, and with a high moral character - to name a few.

I postulate that people voted for him because he was the best candidate.

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26 minutes ago, Morch said:


If things are as you describe, then you do not offer much by way of a solution. Lets say, for the sake of argument, that most of Trump's supporters did vote for him for said vile motivations (or rather, the simplified labels used). If these are the motivations, then most of the things Trump is criticized for will be irrelevant with regard to their support. That would mean he (or another candidate of the same creed) will have a solid base for the next campaign. Granted, it's a minority - but not a tiny one, and US elections system being what it is, not something that can be ignored. The Democrats better believe the issues at hand are the economic in nature. Or better yet, try to make it about the economy.

Where did you get the idea that I know of any quick and easy solution to this mess?

Quite possibly, it doesn't exist.

We're back where we started.

He's not normal.

He's a horrific aberration.

Where this ends nobody knows.

God help us.


Our #FakeHero president is an insult to our Founders





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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The World will be watching Trump this weekend


Let's hope the scenario goes better than this:


Trump and son in law Jared in the meeting hall-


Trump to Jared:     Look there's Merkel- That hag really needs a face lift!


Jared to Trump:     Shhh.  She's coming our way


Merkel to Trump:  Guten Morgen. Herr Trump!  (Merkel moving on)


Trump to Jared:    Did Merkel say something about my hair.  Wait till she sees Twitter tonight!


Jared to Trump:    I'll explain it to you later.


Trump greeting Macron:  Hey Frenchie!  How did you like those frog legs I sent you.


Macron to Trump:      Not Funny Donald!


Trump to Macron:    Lighten Up! I sent May a bag of limes.  Can't you people take a joke?


Trump eyeing Putin;    Vlady- finally we meet again.  Forget about Crimea.Forget about Syria.          

                                         Those Russian hookers still around?


Putin to Trump:             (Big Smile from Putin)  Donald-  I have a surprise for you!!!


Trump to Jared:            Cancel all my evening appointments!  I'm going on the piss!


Jared (under his breath):   Good Lord!  The freaking meeting has even started yet!!


In the background- that old  Trump favorite song plays :  And the beat goes on..

Where does one find the time to make that **** up ?


Getting back to the post - a mock joke video about CNN.  Who do these CNN folks look like after seeing that the GOP Rep had won Georgia - after saying for weeks that the vote was a referendum on Trump. Do they look like impartial ethical journalists - or do they look like people who are disappointed in the result??  


Come on - CNN is utterly biased and Trump tweeted a video mocking them - get real. You'd think he left Americans to die in Benghazi or something. You'd think he had paid Iran $400million dollars in cash for hostages. I cant remember CNN and so many snowflakes getting upset since Clinton showed Monika what he could do with a cigar in the Oval Office. Actually, wait on, both CNN and the snowflakes didnt make much about that at all. It was only Fox and a few other right-wing news networks who agreed that 'crossed the line' and impeached Clinton. Mmmmmmmm.







CNN when Liberals lose again.jpg

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8 minutes ago, mesquite said:

I saw where the left wing crier, Martha Raddatz, considers Trump's WWE video a threat to reporters.


So the left has no problem with the play where Trump was killed, or the mock beheading of him; but they think professional wrestling is real.

False equivalence.

The Griffin head thing was from a comedian and apologized for.

The Shakespeare play was in a literary context. 

We're talking about the PRESIDENT here.

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9 minutes ago, mesquite said:

I saw where the left wing crier, Martha Raddatz, considers Trump's WWE video a threat to reporters.


So the left has no problem with the play where Trump was killed, or the mock beheading of him; but they think professional wrestling is real.


There is no equivalency between a play and the President of the United States conduct. If you feel both should be treated using the same standard, that's fine, trouble is Trump doesn't take well to criticism, and that's an unavoidable part of theater. 

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Trump sent out a video  making fun of CNN- at least that is what his supporters say. Why can't I make up a  scenario about Trump at the G20 meeting with his son in law.  As Trump supporters would say- can't you take a joke?   By the way in my scenario about Trump indicating he was going on the piss- it has nothing to do with alcohol. Think Russian dossier. Oh.... I forgot.... all fake news according to the Trump folks. Let's see what the Trumpster does in Hamburg, Germany . 

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33 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

His Brother,  8 years older, was an alcoholic and it killed him at age 42.

I guess growing up seeing your elder Brother battle alcoholism, could put you off drinking.

Not sure why you feel this is a reason not to trust him?




What I find amusing is that so many people actually have so much compassion for the sleazeball con man that is our president. Maybe ask all the contractors he stiffed, all the buyers of vaporware condos he sold, all the graduates of trump fake university. Drunk or sober the baby man president is basically evil and a scourge on humanity. 


Hawking gets it --


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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Where did you get the idea that I know of any quick and easy solution to this mess?

Quite possibly, it doesn't exist.

We're back where we started.

He's not normal.

He's a horrific aberration.

Where this ends nobody knows.

God help us.


Our #FakeHero president is an insult to our Founders






I wasn't suggesting that you have a real solution. I know you don't. What I'm getting at is that insisting on framing the issues and the political discourse along the lines you push is counterproductive to your goals. Labeling people will make them dig in their political trenches, taking up identity politics doesn't really work that well. Better to focus on issues which can bridge divides - economy, health care, infrastructure, education etc. That doesn't exclude rightfully bashing Trump's conduct or demands that your scrap the rest of your views.

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Just now, Morch said:


I wasn't suggesting that you have a real solution. I know you don't. What I'm getting at is that insisting on framing the issues and the political discourse along the lines you push is counterproductive to your goals. Labeling people will make them dig in their political trenches, taking up identity politics doesn't really work that well. Better to focus on issues which can bridge divides - economy, health care, infrastructure, education etc. That doesn't exclude rightfully bashing Trump's conduct or demands that your scrap the rest of your views.

You're coming from a place of rationality.

I'm skeptical now that the dark irrational force of trumpism can be realistically fought with old school gentlemanly politics.

The republicans play much much dirtier than democrats. Witness their long battle to suppress votes of the poor and minorities. 

Again, I don't have the answer, but I feel you're coming from a place that sees trump as president as some kind of normal that can be resolved with normal. I seriously doubt that. 

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

By the way in my scenario about Trump indicating he was going on the piss- it has nothing to do with alcohol. Think Russian dossier. Oh.... I forgot.... all fake news according to the Trump folks. Let's see what the Trumpster does in Hamburg, Germany . 

Oh OK, yes amusing. Surely fake though.

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