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No progress yet in "80K vs 40K" bank case as both sides stick to their stories


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3 hours ago, KittenKong said:

When it comes to money I always double-check everything here, regardless of what sort of place I am in. Additions, totals, receipts, change.


"Mistakes" in Thailand are endless. In the end it makes no real difference whether it's stupidity or dishonesty: you still have to check if you want to keep what's yours.


A TMB cashier once "forgot" to put a bundle of 100,000kB into an envelope with 7 other such bundles for an 800kB withdrawal. Luckily I was checking. The missing bundle had somehow moved to the back of her counter, out of my line of sight.

Good Points.


I am like that to when it comes to dealing with money. That is why I find it difficult to beleive that somebody would not double check when dealing with 80 k Baht.


I just assume that somebody will try to cheat me even though that isn't the case most times. But then I haven't been ripped off here either. Or at least when dealing with cash. 


You are also so right in saying it doesn't matter if it is a honest mistake, or a dishonest one. It still boils down to this being your money lost. But when I think of all the times there was a mistake being made with change, it always seems to be on the short end, and never giving me back more change then what was required. On a honest mistake, I think it would go both ways. 

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27 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I am like that to when it comes to dealing with money. That is why I find it difficult to beleive that somebody would not double check when dealing with 80 k Baht.


My experience in my condo building office is that people here rarely check anything, even when they are paid to do so. I dont know if this is laziness or stupidity or just some irrational reliance on luck/divine intervention.

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This is open for confirmation but wife says TV reporting teller returned 40k to guy who deposited the cash on condition he does not tell media about the deal. Guy returns to pet shop boss who wants nothing to do with the deal and immediately calls police. If this is true (and I have no reason to doubt it), the teller was the thief after all, begs the question however, why is teller still employed at the bank? Many other unanswered questions as well....anyway, it is an update!


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