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Evidence of laundering through state car auctions submitted to DSI


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Evidence of laundering through state car auctions submitted to DSI


BANGKOK, 6 July 2017 (NNT) – The Department of Land Transport and Department of Army Transportation have assembled evidence of forged documentation for 1,300 auctioned vehicles for submission to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) to urge the agency to look into the laundering of illegally imported cars through the government’s own auction process. 

The move comes after it was found the over 1,000 cars had fraudulent documentation drawn up so they could be registered for sale and normal use. All of the vehicles were impounded after being illegally brought into the country but then auctioned through state processes, effectively laundering them. 

It is being deciphered how many of the vehicles were illegally assembled in the country and how many were brought out of Free Zones. Only several of the cars are high end vehicles valued at over 1 million baht with most being military jeeps suspected of being stolen. 

Up to 605 of the cars were in the process of being registered with the state. All names of those suspected of involvement in the racket have been submitted to the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

-- nnt 2017-07-06


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Could you imagine if it was your job and you were really trying to clean up corruption in this country?


It is a never ending cesspool. Could you even find just one person who was not corrupt to help you?

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17 hours ago, natway09 said:

Well said NCC1701A,, your comment just about says it all!!!!!.

Not possible you would die first

 Fact... and probably the very reason that it will most likely continue.  There needs to be a whole lot of balls to fight that fight.  

Edited by Nowisee
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