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For thousands of investors, Empire Big Capital’s promises almost sounded too good to be true – they were

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The luxury cars first arrived in tiny Techo Akphivat village in Kampot province in February 2015, carrying representatives from a company being sold as the next big thing, local schoolteacher Sokha Roy recalls.


At a presentation given by a man named Phearun, Roy was explained the benefits of the scheme: 10 percent monthly dividends on a minimum investment of $2,000, with incentives if investors could spread the word and get others to sign on. The company, Empire Big Capital, was a Hong Kong-based entity working with two other locally registered Cambodian companies – the Asian Investment Fund and the Investment Consultant Association.


Its representatives invited the villagers, most of whom were farmers or former soldiers who had been given social land concessions in the area, to Phnom Penh to the lavish Sokha Hotel on the Chroy Changvar peninsula and to sessions on Koh Pich to learn how they could properly invest. For three months, Roy attended each one. “Those who attended the seminars included the provincial governors, district governors and even the military and police generals,” he said. “I want to invest and make more money because we are so poor, because they told us that it will be so.”


LONG ARTICLE TO BE READ HERE http://www.phnompenhpost.com/post-weekend/thousands-investors-empire-big-capitals-promises-almost-sounded-too-good-be-true-they?


-- © Copyright Phenom Pen Post 07/07

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