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Trump presses Putin at first meeting on interference in U.S. election


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21 minutes ago, iReason said:


It must be nice dwelling in that simple, fact-free world of the small minority.

Deflecting reality away.


Meanwhile, simply put, the wheels of justice continue to turn: :thumbsup:



It's gonna be great watching all the duped supporters shrink away when reality hits them.

Just a matter of time...


Reading Trump supporters just here, it does not look they'll shrink away.... reality has no influence as long as Trump became POTUS by virtue of not beeing Obama - reason why Trump constantly refers to Obama and has no other Policy than to undo Obama's legacy.  Trump supporters identify with all what Trump represents VS  Obama. 

Edited by Opl
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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump reverses course on working with Russia on cybersecurity

About 12 hours after tweeting about possibly working with President Vladimir Putin and Russia on cybersecurity, President Donald Trump tweeted that he does not expect it to actually happen.


I wanted to say 'pathetic' but realised that I seem to be saying the word frequently whenever i read an article about Trump and what he has been up to. Therefore in a bid to try and make reading about Trump a learning and development experience I decided to consult the thesaurus to look at some other words I may use from now on in relation to Trumps actions. Every day is a school day !



I can't find any words that cannot be applied to Trump and his Idiocracy.

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4 hours ago, Opl said:


Reading Trump supporters just here, it does not look they'll shrink away.... reality has no influence as long as Trump became POTUS by virtue of not beeing Obama - reason why Trump constantly refers to Obama and has no other Policy than to undo Obama's legacy.  Trump supporters identify with all what Trump represents VS  Obama. 

Well said. Repealing the actions and mandates of a previous company executive may work in industry and commerce but when a newly elected political leader does it, the effects on the foundations of a nation can be quite profound. The only time it works in a democracy is when the democratic process replaces military rule or a dictatorship.


And vice versa. 

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19 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I wanted to say 'pathetic' but realised that I seem to be saying the word frequently whenever i read an article about Trump and what he has been up to. Therefore in a bid to try and make reading about Trump a learning and development experience

I decided to consult the thesaurus to look at some other words I may use from now on in relation to Trumps actions. Every day is a school day !


I can't find any words that cannot be applied to Trump and his Idiocracy.

"contemptible, despicable, miserable, pitiful, pitiable, sad, sorry, wretched, deplorable, discreditable, disgraceful, disreputable, ignominious, infamous, misbegotten, notorious, shameful; abhorrent, abominable, beastly, detestable, hateful, lousy, odious, stinking; bad, inferior, lame, poor; disgusting, dishonorable, shameful; meritless, unworthy, worthless; scandalous, shocking, sordid, unsavory"


Oafish, crass, boorish, mafia associated, misogynist, war profiteer associated, bigot, Text Book Racist (Paul Ryan's description), hypocrite, liar, outsourcing American jobs, draft dodger (His grandfather too. When he cowardly bailed from Germany, they wouldn't let him back. So, he went to northwest America and set up whore houses. :laugh:)


The list is endless.

But my personal choice: plain despicable.

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Trump reverses course on working with Russia on cybersecurity


"About 12 hours after tweeting about possibly working with President Vladimir Putin and Russia on cybersecurity,

President Donald Trump tweeted that he does not expect it to actually happen."


"Trump did not explain his rapid-fire flip-flop."


"Trump's suggestion that he would work with Russia was met with widespread skepticism,

including by suggestions that it was akin to hiring a burglar who had broken into your house as your security guard."




Trump Wants to Partner With Russia on “Cyber Security Unit” to Safeguard Elections


"Sen. Lindsey Graham also mocked the partnership suggestion. “It’s not the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard, but it’s pretty close,”

Graham said on NBC’s Meet the Press."

They have to do something about this looney loose cannon.
He belongs in an infirmary.
And the intelligence community surely must have a new view of this inept fool.
This is your president Trumpeteers.
So far, not one of you has commented on how dangerous this lunatic proposition was.
I take that as agreement.
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Christopher Bouzy (‪@cbouzy‬)

9/7/17, 22:39


Bush: Did you destroy our Towers? 

Bin Laden: No. 

Bush: Ok I believe you. We shall build an anti-terrorism unit together to stop attacks.



Tweet by Half an Onion:

Half An Onion (‪@HalfOnionInABag‬)

10/7/17, 02:01

I spoke with the knife. It vehemently denied cutting me in half. We will now start working together on how to keep onions whole.



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11 minutes ago, Thakkar said:
I hold in my hand a piece of paper."
—Chamberlain after meeting with Hitler, 1938



"This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine… "


"We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again."

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11 hours ago, iReason said:


Stand by. 

The wheels of justice are turning. :thumbsup:


i wish they would hurry up….they seem to have no air in them at the moment.


this donald jr thing seems to have no meat either….just some nonsense….someone civilian with a russian name called with a lead and he gave them a hearing….it was apparently a ruse, and there was no follow up ….now I'm gonna have to watch cnn spin this like its the final nail in the coffin.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


i wish they would hurry up….they seem to have no air in them at the moment.


Being a Trump minion right now must really suck.  It's sort of like being a monger in Pattaya as your bankroll runs out.  You know the end is near, yet, you refuse to believe it. (just giving it a bit of a Thailand expat perspective). 

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14 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


i wish they would hurry up….they seem to have no air in them at the moment.


this donald jr thing seems to have no meat either….just some nonsense….someone civilian with a russian name called with a lead and he gave them a hearing….it was apparently a ruse, and there was no follow up ….now I'm gonna have to watch cnn spin this like its the final nail in the coffin.

So Donald Jr arranges the meeting and says that Manafort and Kushner had no idea what the meeting was about. He expects us to believe a Presidential Campaign manager (worth 25-50 M usd) and a billionaire businessman will give up whatever amount of time of their day it might be to have a meeting with someone when they don't now their name or what the meeting was about and it turned out to be about adoptions? Is John Le Carr in the house? Tinker Tailor Soldier Trump.

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50 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Being a trump opposer must also suck bigly….

This is what your hero is doing...




What's funny is the "reactions" at the bottom of the article.  This is what Americans think of our pathetic POTUS. 

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9 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

This is what your hero is doing...




What's funny is the "reactions" at the bottom of the article.  This is what Americans think of our pathetic POTUS. 

you smell blood in the strangest situations…..i see he's making a joke about the double standards of the msm…you obviously see 

an impeachment.

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:

you smell blood in the strangest situations…..i see he's making a joke about the double standards of the msm…you obviously see 

an impeachment.

Did you read the "reactions" at the bottom of the article?  Apparently, most Americans see it the same way as I do. 

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

you smell blood in the strangest situations…..i see he's making a joke about the double standards of the msm…you obviously see 

an impeachment.

Why is it double standards? Did the Clintons ever ask their Daughter to 'sit in'? Nope. The US now has its global policy's being run by a shoe maker who steals Intellectual property rights, and a dressmaker that has all of her merchandise made in Asia when the man she is 'advisor' to says he will not tolerate American jobs being outsourced. It is your double standards you need to concern yourself with. I now have some empathy with what it must be like for people that have been repeatedly hit on the head with a base ball bat. TV is becoming an endurance test of equal magnitude when dealing with Trump supporters. Can you precede all your replies with "but but but but" it makes all the replies in context.

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4 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Did you read the "reactions" at the bottom of the article?  Apparently, most Americans see it the same way as I do. 

Of course he didn't. These guys don't have the attention span to read past the first page in google hits or to get past a head line. You don't expect them to scroll and actually read do you?

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9 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Did you read the "reactions" at the bottom of the article?  Apparently, most Americans see it the same way as I do. 


special quote dedicated to JHolmesJr who surely will appreciate this - from your shared link -  reaction  

TwitterMeThis "TwitterMeThis

54 minutes ago

Trump and his troop can do no wrong. Just ask them. It was always someone else's fault. I'm sure Putin thought it was just fine. Besides there's no proof it really was Ivanka. Could have been an imposter. The Dems made her do it. Merkle in a secret meeting asked her to sit in. Trump has the tapes."
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53 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

i wish they would hurry up….they seem to have no air in them at the moment.

this donald jr thing seems to have no meat either….

now I'm gonna have to watch cnn spin this like its the final nail in the coffin.


So impatient and restless.


It appears to be a malady of the Trumpeteers.


Took them about a year to run Nixon out of office.


But it's much more serious this time around given the fact that the White House is under investigation for obstruction, collusion, fraud, racketeering, money laundering and espionage.

The liars DJ jr., Kushner, Manafort, Mike Flynn, Michael Cohen (Trump's personal attorney),
Roger Stone (self professed "King of Dirty Tricks" for Nixon), Michael Caputo and Carter Page are only some in the sights of the F.B.I. and the Special Counsel.
Along with of course the Congressional investigations by the:

House intelligence committee 

Senate intelligence committee

House oversight committee 

Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism


And once Mike "has a story to tell" Flynn squeals or any of the other lackeys, then it's game on.
No more time to deflect, to rant or Troll on about "snubs" and "handshakes".  
Reality will be the course of the day.
And you don't have to watch CNN. Spare yourself.
It will be everywhere.
You won't be able to avoid it. :thumbsup:
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7 minutes ago, Opl said:


special quote dedicated to JHolmesJr who surely will appreciate this - from your shared link -  reaction  

TwitterMeThis "TwitterMeThis

54 minutes ago

Trump and his troop can do no wrong. Just ask them. It was always someone else's fault. I'm sure Putin thought it was just fine. Besides there's no proof it really was Ivanka. Could have been an imposter. The Dems made her do it. Merkle in a secret meeting asked her to sit in. Trump has the tapes."

I liked this one 




Now we have a sitting President calling out the daughter of a previous President when the situation was nothing to do with her, nor had she ever done anything remotely akin to the amazing Ivanka.

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5 minutes ago, Opl said:


special quote dedicated to JHolmesJr who surely will appreciate this - from your shared link -  reaction  

TwitterMeThis "TwitterMeThis

54 minutes ago

Trump and his troop can do no wrong. Just ask them. It was always someone else's fault. I'm sure Putin thought it was just fine. Besides there's no proof it really was Ivanka. Could have been an imposter. The Dems made her do it. Merkle in a secret meeting asked her to sit in. Trump has the tapes."

Oh there's some good ones in there.  Makes me proud to be an American.  Some more samples...


Sweeney Todd
41 minutes ago
Chelsea Clinton has a brain, something no one in the Trump family seems to have.
Neanderthal Chief
55 minutes ago
I am starting to hate all the red states who voted for Trump. I wish we, the civilized Americans the 66 million who voted against Trump could separate ourselves from the deplorable idiots who turn us in to the KGB.


44 minutes ago

You're SENILE, Donald. Time to RESIGN !


51 minutes ago

The whole Trump family is clueless as to what is expected of the individual that holds the highest office in the land. This will go down as the stupidest administration ever.

J Jay

52 minutes ago

Make America great again-- IMPEACH FAKE POTUS 45 BIGLY!


56 minutes ago

This dude lost his mind

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White House admits President Trump talked to Vladimir Putin about Russian sanctions, contradicting his prior claim

WASHINGTON — The White House said Monday that President Trump did briefly discuss Russian sanctions when he met with Vladimir Putin last week, directly contradicting what Trump himself declared a day earlier.

"There were sanctions specific to election meddling that were discussed but not beyond that," White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday afternoon during a briefing with reporters.

That's the opposite of what Trump claimed on Sunday, the latest in his constantly shifting story about what happened in the meeting with Russia's leader last Friday.


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22 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump supporters on this forum seem to have the attitude that "Trump won the election" so he's right, and everyone who doesn't like that Trump is prez is a loser. 


I grew up in the US, and I know their cultural attitude is; "winning is everything."

I also spent a few years in the UK, and they have a different saying, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game."    I much prefer the British view of winning and losing. 


Here are some winners from the 20th century:   Pol Pot. Stalin.  Hitler (up until Normandy), Idi Amin, Bokassa, Papa Doc, Spain's Marcos, Fil's Marcos, Indonesia's Sukarno and Suharto, Nixon.


P.S.  the Russian basketball team once won Olympic gold medals against the US team, even though they bullied the referees to turn the clock back twice in the final minutes.


So, looking at that list, do Trump fans still adhere to the concept that 'WINNING IS EVERYTHING' ?


According to Trump fans' view on winning and losing; Mike Tyson should have won the boxing match against Holyfield, because Tyson bit a piece off his opponent's ear, and therefore forced Holyfield to quit.   



I agree with you with one addition. Apparently now if you disagree with the "winners" or point out their lies, you are an  "enemy of the state". Quite chilling for anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of history.

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