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9 minutes ago, Tom Parkinson said:

My story is similar. I was going through a nasty divorce a decade ago and spent a week in Phuket after a business trip to Japan. On the way back to the US, I made a fateful decision to move here. It took me almost two years to turn the plan into reality, but here I am. 

I have no ties in the US any more. When I moved here, I resolved never to compare Thailand with the US. It's different... really different... but I don't ever stop to think whether it's better or worse. I simply concentrate on making my life here as best I can... and I'm happy... ?

What is your problem dude? 5555555

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6 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I am past being concerned about "loose" women ....in this life anyway. I stay in Thailand because it's cheap and affordable on a pension, the weather is great, it doesn't have the "rat race" feeling about it ....and I wouldn't leave "she who must be obeyed".....                 Simple really.

As a Western woman I agree with most of your post.


Obviously I have no interest in the easy availability of ( edit - some!) local women :laugh: - but am able to afford to rent a 'dream house' or, more accurately, a house in a location that comes very close to matching my 'dream' :smile:.


The weather is undeniably a bit too hot and humid - but still far better than nearly always cold and grey.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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The Thailand I came to on holidays years ago was my main reason for deciding to spend my retirement here

I was transfixed by the Land of Smiles.

I've learned over the years that being on holidays is not the same as permanent residence.

If I had to make the decision again it would be a lot more difficult .

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12 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

The Thailand I came to on holidays years ago was my main reason for deciding to spend my retirement here

I was transfixed by the Land of Smiles.

I've learned over the years that being on holidays is not the same as permanent residence.

If I had to make the decision again it would be a lot more difficult .

Know what you mean.  Living here bears little resemblance to holidaying here :laugh:.


Nonetheless, I far prefer early retirement/beautiful location etc. - to working many more years in a country with far worse (IMO) weather!

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2 hours ago, lordblackader said:

If I wasn't in a relationship I'd be looking at moving elsewhere, it's not so much that I don't love Thailand but the constant crackdowns on visas, increasing prices... other places welcome farangs with open arms whereas Thailand continues to move in the opposite direction complete with creeping xenophobia.  


I personally love Vietnam having been there a couple of times but I'm also hearing great things about The Philippines (never been personally) including from a couple of people I know who use to live in Thailand that have relocated in the last 12 months.

Been here (Bangkok) nearly a decade. No wife, no girlfriend but I do have a kid.

Even if I didn't, I'd still be here.

Despite some price increases, it still remains very cheap, infrastructure is more than adequate, immigration criteria is easy to satisfy and the Thai people, overall, are pleasant.


Do the people complaining about dishonesty, immorality, immaturity, dysfunctionality etc seriously expect us to believe that those societal characteristics weren't present at the time these whiners made their decisions to stay?

Or is it just a case of their being angry with themselves for allowing their genitals to make life decisions?


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What are choices are there?

Just commenting about countries I have visited.


- Vietnam and Laos, nice and cheap but lack of infrastructure and medical care

- Malaysia, except KL same as above, don't like these tensions between Malay, Chinese and Indians. Also a little bit too religious IMO

- China. Could be a choice. I liked it there. Infrastructure and medical care existing in every city

- Japan, relatively expensive, good infrastructure, for me only in the south as I prefer warm climate

South America

-Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia: nice for a holiday but don't want to live there.

- Chile, Argentina: European influence, good climate, cost of living reasonable, low language barrier, seems okay


-Canary Islands, excellent climate, short flight to Europe mainland, good infrastructure in the capital cities

(Edit, forgot USA)

-California, New Mexico: not bad, it's USA haha. Either you love it or hate it.

Overall good experiences there so could be also a choice.


Any comments or critic is welcome



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6 hours ago, connda said:

I live in Thailand to engage in drunken sex fueled parties with bar girls <but shhhhh, don't tell the teerak>.  


But seriously, I'm here because of my marriage.  If that situation ever changes I'll completely reassess my living situation considering the Machiavellian immigration policies rather irritate me.  How many people in this world hammer the West for its liberal immigration policies because they want them even more liberal.  Yet not a peep about Thailand's over-enthusiastic enforcement of their borders?  
My suggestions for anyone considering living here - do your research before committing to that plan, especially if you're considering marrying a Thai.  You'll never be accepted here, ever. Understand that before you commit.  Seriously.

Telling it like it is!!  Excellent point. Thanks

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4 hours ago, smotherb said:

My wife is not  from Thailand and she is the one  who wanted to come here. So, one woman in particular, was the reason I came here to live.


I stay because I like the even temperament of the locals, the courteous driving habits, the professionalism of the authorities, and the wide selection of steaks, cheeses, and wines.

You forgot to mention the cheerful, rational and educated posters on TV.

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1 hour ago, Thai Ron said:

Do the people complaining about dishonesty, immorality, immaturity, dysfunctionality etc seriously expect us to believe that those societal characteristics weren't present at the time these whiners made their decisions to stay?

Or is it just a case of their being angry with themselves for allowing their genitals to make life decisions?


I'm not one that does, I find that 99% of the time Thai's are extremely honest people (the 1% are certain types of transport providers :) ) and probably more so than others in neighboring countries, but anti-foreigner xenophobia is increasing from the top, in particular Government and the media. Only last night the shouty guy on Thairath on every night from about 9pm spent something like 30 minutes ranting about farangs due to the German guy who murdered his girlfriend down south. 


It concerns me going forward that this creeping xenophobia might start spreading to the people itself; I've not seen it hands on before but if you spew enough propaganda to people for long enough they start to believe it. 


As for genitals making life decisions, can't speak for myself but no doubt some do :)

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7 hours ago, connda said:

My suggestions for anyone considering living here - do your research before committing to that plan, especially if you're considering marrying a Thai.  You'll never be accepted here, ever. Understand that before you commit.  Seriously.

I can communicate in Thai reasonably well, although there are some falangs who refuse to learn even the rudiments of the language. I don't understand that.

Why should anyone care they are not accepted in a foreign country? A need for acceptance, to me, indicates a basic insecurity about oneself.

Many posters seem to obsess about immigration policy here, when I've found it reasonably easy to navigate. It's simple - just employ a good agent.

If you really want draconian and expensive immigration, try Australia. Thailand is a doddle in comparison.

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1 hour ago, lordblackader said:

I'm not one that does, I find that 99% of the time Thai's are extremely honest people (the 1% are certain types of transport providers :) ) and probably more so than others in neighboring countries, but anti-foreigner xenophobia is increasing from the top, in particular Government and the media. Only last night the shouty guy on Thairath on every night from about 9pm spent something like 30 minutes ranting about farangs due to the German guy who murdered his girlfriend down south. 


It concerns me going forward that this creeping xenophobia might start spreading to the people itself; I've not seen it hands on before but if you spew enough propaganda to people for long enough they start to believe it. 


As for genitals making life decisions, can't speak for myself but no doubt some do :)

This xenophobia might start.... you wrote. Well let me tell you as a man looking from the outside in overhere, its been present in the vains of thai people, for long time already I suppose. Seeing how the present governmentleader, and his cronies, presents himself things only will get worse in due course. RENT. Everything.

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2 hours ago, lordblackader said:

anti-foreigner xenophobia is increasing from the top, in particular Government and the media. Only last night the shouty guy on Thairath on every night from about 9pm spent something like 30 minutes ranting about farangs due to the German guy who murdered his girlfriend down south. 

I think it's just that news of farang crime and wrongdoing travels a lot further and a lot faster than it used to before the internet.

Thais are quite justifiably asking more questions of the kind of farangs that are turning up in their country - sex tourists, sexpatriates, murderers, paedophiles, unhinged lunatics diving off balconies and bail jumpers.

They're wondering why Thailand is hosting these farangs - hence the scrutiny on places like Pattaya and promises of deep investigations into those applying for longer stay visas.


Strange though how we see ourselves compared to how we're increasingly viewed


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9 hours ago, Mansell said:

I enjoy the beautiful Thai women with their easy smiles, great legs, fabulous smooth skin, etc. but I also always wanted to live in a tropical country after being based in Singapore in the RN back in 1963. Of course a different world back then. So for me it is close to perfect with affordable prices, great women, jungle, love the weather, affordable internal plane flights, cheap rent, delicious variety of fruit, minimum clothes, living on the beach. All of these things would be unattainable back in California, especially the beautiful available women of any age on offer here. And I do not mean hookers or bar girls. I am a very healthy fortunate 73 with a 41 year old girlfriend. And she keeps me young and fit because she always is on the move doing stuff, happy, funny, sexy, and adorable. What more do I really need. The immigration stuff over a year is a minor inconvenience......but no country is perfect. So all you unhappy guys please leave at your convenience, and us happy ones will reap the benefits. Watch the door doesn't hit you in the ass as you leave. 555

So that's a NO then !

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i KNEW that this topic would bring the cynics and Thai-bashers out in force- as for me, when i first came for a 1-month holiday in 2008 after a lifetime in USA, i felt the difference in "head space" & freedom

the moment i got off the plane at Swampy; 5 months later i returned to look at property in Kata, but an L.A. Thai friend said "Jenifer you're going back to Phuket, my brother has a guest house in Lanta, it's not too far away, think you might like it there" -----long story short, saw the island from the boat, knew in my heart it was my home;

all the locals knew it as well- day 4 of that fateful visit Apr 2009, got my Thai nickname, that night a bar asked me to get up and play 1 song with the band (they had seen me with a guitar although none had heard me)

2 1/2 hrs later, they finally let me off stage, my Thai friends built a "throne" at the table for me, and the whole island knew who i was- moved here 4 months later, and have never looked back...

have had MANY Thai lovers- mainly men, some women, a few katoey (i'm an equal opportunity enjoyer) and am searching for a Thai husband so that i might have citizenship (which, by the way, is FAR easier for foreign females marrying Thai men than for foreign men marrying Thai females)

---i have a very good life for far less expense than virtually anywhere else in the world (with virgin jungle just across the road from my front door and the scene below just 1 minute walk from my door behind the house), and genuine respect, affection, community and protection from my neighbors and friends, not just on the island but throughout Thailand  (believe it or not it CAN be done, but it takes a TRUE willingness to learn the language and LIVE the culture, not just tolerating everything while remaining set in one's ways- and as for those who pejoratively slag me for "going native"- well, yes i have- anything less is being a colonist, in my eyes AND the eyes of the Thais)


although there are obvious storm clouds on the horizon, especially with the BIG elephant in the room,

i cannot imagine living elsewhere- but if i had to leave, i'd either stay in SE Asia or go to Europe


our beach1.jpg

our beach 2.jpg

Edited by jenifer d
sentence formatting
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4 hours ago, CLW said:

What are choices are there?

Just commenting about countries I have visited.


- Vietnam and Laos, nice and cheap but lack of infrastructure and medical care

- Malaysia, except KL same as above, don't like these tensions between Malay, Chinese and Indians. Also a little bit too religious IMO

- China. Could be a choice. I liked it there. Infrastructure and medical care existing in every city

- Japan, relatively expensive, good infrastructure, for me only in the south as I prefer warm climate

South America

-Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia: nice for a holiday but don't want to live there.

- Chile, Argentina: European influence, good climate, cost of living reasonable, low language barrier, seems okay


-Canary Islands, excellent climate, short flight to Europe mainland, good infrastructure in the capital cities

(Edit, forgot USA)

-California, New Mexico: not bad, it's USA haha. Either you love it or hate it.

Overall good experiences there so could be also a choice.


Any comments or critic is welcome



i am actually from California SF Bay Area (lived Eureka, Santa Cruz, then 27 yrsall over LA), and have even lived 4 years in New Mexico -also Virginia Beach VA, New York City, Ann Arbor Mi, Jackson Ms and Las Vegas...

pretty much agree with you re all the various options (especially since i am fluent in Spanish)...

i cannot personally foresee leaving here, but if i did, elsewhere in Asia would be first choice, then Europe or UK

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8 hours ago, smotherb said:

My wife is not  from Thailand and she is the one  who wanted to come here. So, one woman in particular, was the reason I came here to live.


I stay because I like the even temperament of the locals, the courteous driving habits, the professionalism of the authorities, and the wide selection of steaks, cheeses, and wines.

i'm STILL grinning like the Cheshire Cat from your ever so subtle sarcasm...

thank you (seriously!!!) thank you :cheesy:

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9 hours ago, ujayujay said:

I like to live in Thailand, but I am aware, Expats here are only welcome for her Money, same as Tourists. LOS is a xenophobe Country, If you accept it you can live with it.

that is not completely true; if one TRULY comes to learn the language and LIVE the Thai culture,

one CAN be accepted and respected here- but it does take a willingness to be open to change,

in some respects radical change- my next door neighbors of 7 1/2 yrs and i talk about this often, they remark that they wish others who came here even understood 1/10th as much of the culture as i do...


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8 hours ago, smotherb said:



I stay because I like the even temperament of the locals, the courteous driving habits, the professionalism of the authorities, and the wide selection of steaks, cheeses, and wines.

You  can't have it both ways. The  steaks, cheeses and wines are extending our lifespan with respect to stroke and heart attacks. The driving habits are helping us falangs maintain our reflexes and ward off Alzheimer's. I suspect if the Thai authorities fulfilled your professionalism criteria, we would be suffering mass bruxism.

As for the even temperament, I'm reminded of what Sam Snead said about a fellow professional, Clayton Heafner.

" Clayton's the most even-tempered man I've ever seen on a golf course. He's always angry".

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4 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

I think it's just that news of farang crime and wrongdoing travels a lot further and a lot faster than it used to before the internet.

Thais are quite justifiably asking more questions of the kind of farangs that are turning up in their country - sex tourists, sexpatriates, murderers, paedophiles, unhinged lunatics diving off balconies and bail jumpers.

They're wondering why Thailand is hosting these farangs - hence the scrutiny on places like Pattaya and promises of deep investigations into those applying for longer stay visas.


Strange though how we see ourselves compared to how we're increasingly viewed


Yes, there is an increasing number of "strange-birds" hitting the shores of Thailand, agreed.

But still: According to the TAT, annually around 30 mill visitors arrive in LOS. How many of them commit "criminal-acts"?


On the other hand: How many of those visitors are victimized every day in a thousand forms of "rip-offs" (bag-snatchers, fake watch salesmen, Taxi drivers, pick-pockets, jet-ski thugs, real-estate swindlers (including their lawyers), lady-boy theft organizations, unionized beggars, dual pricing..... I could go on endlessly, but I just haven't got all day!

So, a  "Victim-Ratio" would have to read something like 1000:1 in disfavour of the foreign visitors.


A Government approved and sociologically accepted concept of "milk the visitors, it is our God (Buddha) given right", is firmly entrenched.

While the world has discovered "fake-news", how about automated push-button "fake-smiles", making some "unhinged lunatics" (quoting you), decide to jump off the balcony, after having discovered that a "fake-smile" has cost them everything, financially as well as mentally.
Deriving a "victim-ratio" of Balcony-Jumpers (Farang vs Thai), the ratio would probably also approach 1000:1 in disfavour of the Farang.

So, who needs protection from whom? Police and Thai-Courts have already decided on this one.
All said!

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32 minutes ago, swissie said:

Yes, there is an increasing number of "strange-birds" hitting the shores of Thailand, agreed.

But still: According to the TAT, annually around 30 mill visitors arrive in LOS. How many of them commit "criminal-acts"?


On the other hand: How many of those visitors are victimized every day in a thousand forms of "rip-offs" (bag-snatchers, fake watch salesmen, Taxi drivers, pick-pockets, jet-ski thugs, real-estate swindlers (including their lawyers), lady-boy theft organizations, unionized beggars, dual pricing..... I could go on endlessly, but I just haven't got all day!

So, a  "Victim-Ratio" would have to read something like 1000:1 in disfavour of the foreign visitors.


A Government approved and sociologically accepted concept of "milk the visitors, it is our God (Buddha) given right", is firmly entrenched.

While the world has discovered "fake-news", how about automated push-button "fake-smiles", making some "unhinged lunatics" (quoting you), decide to jump off the balcony, after having discovered that a "fake-smile" has cost them everything, financially as well as mentally.
Deriving a "victim-ratio" of Balcony-Jumpers (Farang vs Thai), the ratio would probably also approach 1000:1 in disfavour of the Farang.

So, who needs protection from whom? Police and Thai-Courts have already decided on this one.
All said!


Hmm so what you're saying is that negative farang behavior can be excused because a lot of tourists get fleeced when they visit Thailand?

OK then



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9 hours ago, CLW said:

What are choices are there?

Just commenting about countries I have visited.


- Vietnam and Laos, nice and cheap but lack of infrastructure and medical care

- Malaysia, except KL same as above, don't like these tensions between Malay, Chinese and Indians. Also a little bit too religious IMO

- China. Could be a choice. I liked it there. Infrastructure and medical care existing in every city

- Japan, relatively expensive, good infrastructure, for me only in the south as I prefer warm climate

South America

-Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia: nice for a holiday but don't want to live there.

- Chile, Argentina: European influence, good climate, cost of living reasonable, low language barrier, seems okay


-Canary Islands, excellent climate, short flight to Europe mainland, good infrastructure in the capital cities

(Edit, forgot USA)

-California, New Mexico: not bad, it's USA haha. Either you love it or hate it.

Overall good experiences there so could be also a choice.


Any comments or critic is welcome



What of southern Spain? I know that a lot of Brits gravitate there. Valencia seems nice.

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3 hours ago, Thai Ron said:


Hmm so what you're saying is that negative farang behavior can be excused because a lot of tourists get fleeced when they visit Thailand?

OK then



I think he meant, all negative behaviour cannot be excused. 


Drop in the ocean :passifier: are the problems foreigners cause in Thailand. 

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18 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

I am going through a sticky patch right now and am leaving the wife ( another subject on another thread) plans to move from central issat to rayong area but your post made me halt and rethink. 


Selfish, rude,  dishonest, immoral, feckless, delusional, narcissistic are but some of the words used to describe our indig hosts but thereagain they are pretty much the same words that I use to describe some of the people with whom I am forced to deal ( esp estate agencies) back home. So on balance the weather and prefereable tax here swings it to yup I would stay ( actually will stay) but thanks for making me reconsider. 

Well good luck, sounbds like you really need It after reading your comment.

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19 hours ago, Mansell said:

I enjoy the beautiful Thai women with their easy smiles, great legs, fabulous smooth skin, etc. but I also always wanted to live in a tropical country after being based in Singapore in the RN back in 1963. Of course a different world back then. So for me it is close to perfect with affordable prices, great women, jungle, love the weather, affordable internal plane flights, cheap rent, delicious variety of fruit, minimum clothes, living on the beach. All of these things would be unattainable back in California, especially the beautiful available women of any age on offer here. And I do not mean hookers or bar girls. I am a very healthy fortunate 73 with a 41 year old girlfriend. And she keeps me young and fit because she always is on the move doing stuff, happy, funny, sexy, and adorable. What more do I really need. The immigration stuff over a year is a minor inconvenience......but no country is perfect. So all you unhappy guys please leave at your convenience, and us happy ones will reap the benefits. Watch the door doesn't hit you in the ass as you leave. 555


Aaah! Singapore 1963. Remember it well.

Boogie Street, Tobys Paradise, Happyland.

Sorry, realise it's off topic.:sorry:

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