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Why Leave Home For Thailand?


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Wanted to go to asia since i was a litlle boy. Managed to get a job on a cruiseship "royal viking sea" travelling from hawai via alaska to 4 months in asia.

Been most places at least ones.

Set my foot on land in thailand and immediatly felt at home. Had of course a whopping vacation then.. Been coming back ever since.

On a side note: the "it aint wat it used to be mentality" can apply to thailand as well. Found people much more friendly 15 years ago then today :o

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great central location, as to the rest of the world, ok beaches, out of the rat race of Aus - will go back one day when the liberals are out of power and the crows win the flag :D


Did I read that line right? When the liberals are out of power??? All this time you've been taking the piss out of us "septics" for supporting a conservative administration? :o

Thailand-related: Taksin did the right thing with the press in the south! :D


The Gentleman does not suport the Australian liberal party because they are to the right of the political field in Oz. And while we're at it, Sweden is not the same place as Switzerland, but yes, we both make ok chocolate.

Read up here:


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Hi Bluecat, well it seems to me that all women are put on earth to extract money from men :o

For me this is the same for my UK wife, my Thai GF and my 2 lovely young daughters :D

But it matters to me who is doing it, why, how much etc.

Yes I'd love to lead a life where I didn't have to pay out so much, but only lawyers win in a divorce.

Most of my valuable assets are outside of LoS and in my sole name, not even my UK wife knows about them :D

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At least you still leave some space in between the words.


I have to say, looks better in Thai.

Whatever we do, we will always be different.

Part of the appeal, I guess,... :o:D

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Hi Bluecat, well it seems to me that all women are put on earth to extract money from men  :o

True to a certain extent but anyway, willingly accepted by most men.

If you missed the quote I made a few times.

If it wasn't for women, money would have little meaning.

Aristotle Onassis

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Gentleman, As with the rest of Aussie the property boom is driving prices through the roof . But, I think it is mostly waterfront, urban . Sorry I am not much help because still in the kingdom . Good luck and watch out for them duelling banjos :o

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Why did I leave the U.K.?

Got a spare week?

I was fed up being a second class citizen in my own country,so I might as well be a second class citizen here at least there is some current bun,decent food and the women are beautiful.

Single parents who get married to the state when they have the first kid usually a mistake, all the rest they have are a career move, more kids more money. and retire 50 years later never having contributed anything and then draw a pension.

11 year old drunks, out of their heads on alcohol pops, Hoopers hooch etc.

These are bottles of booze where you can't taste the alcohol and 8-10% alcohol so we can have fully qualified alcoholics when they are 20 years old.

A system where there is plenty of support for criminals just take a look at the web sites and only one for the victims of crime, this is run on a Tuesday afternoon by a middle class middle aged woman providing she has time.

Chidren who know more about the law than the arresting officers it's called the Revovling door policing charge them and let them go so they can commit another offence.

Criminals who regard going to prison as an occupational hazard providing they get caught in the first place.

Thousands of young men fuelled by testoserone and booze on the streets at 2 AM when they chuck them out of the clubs, Yes I know people get drunk but here it's more of a by product of drinking rather than what happens in the U.K where people go out deliberately to get smashed out of their skulls.

If you think this is not so have a look at the A&E departments of any city hospital at the weekend.

Chewing gum spat out on pavements so it is more or less wall to wall.

People eating and drinking on the move, just fit them with a nose bag.

Uncivil civil servants paid by the likes of me sat in offices where the hardest thing that works there is the kettle making up rules trying to make life death proof.

CCTV cameras, it is said that the U.K is the most closely observed nation on Earth having one camera for every 30 people.

If this is the case, up in the sticks where there are no cameras, in the conurbations we are so lucky , we have one each.

Grief councillors, how do you qualify for that job?

Debt councillors? These parasites tell their clients it's not their fault they are in debt but the "system" that allowed them to get up to their eyes in it in the first place.

Social workers, all three types men, women and indeterminates, the only way you fail the exam to be one of these is 1/ don't attend and 2/ die.

Oi! wake up at the back.

People who cannot afford to go to work as the benefit system is so generous,just ask one of my tenants who owes me a load of money and I can't afford to sue her.

I know exactly how much her legal bill will be, nothing, as she will get legal aid, mine,more than it will cost to get the money back.

Apart from that my home country is wonderful, it must be if not why would all these immigrants come?

Me cynical? too right I am.

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an increasing disillusionment with the way the uk is heading and a sense of helplessness at having to pay a large proportion of my hard earned salary over to the government to subsidise muslim radicals,greek olive oil farmers,the war in iraq,the workshy,the illegal immigrant,legal aid for convicted criminals to sue their victims for damages, also the random violence,the countrywide traffic and transport problems,the expense and general hassle of day to day living in the london area and many other examples that make me think that the west has gone completely mad

i feel depressed already just having written that :o

Me too - I feel depressed now just remembering the frustration I used to feel at watching all the prosperity of the country (and my tax) going to the wrong people and not being able to do a thing about it.

But then I was sent to Australia on business in 2000. That's when I stopped at bkk for 2 nights on the way there and another 2 nights on the way back. Now I'm here, having sold everything in the UK, got a retirement visa, and just renewed my permit to stay for another year. I'm living in a tropical climate, near the sea, lovely girlfriend, no money worries - what could be better? But don't tell anybody - don't want too many farangs to come here, do we?

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Why did I leave the U.K.?

Got a spare week?

I was fed up being a second class citizen in my own country,so I might as well be a second class citizen here at least there is some current bun,decent food and the women are beautiful.

Single parents who get married to the state when they have the first kid usually a mistake, all the rest they have are a career move, more kids more money. and retire 50 years later never having contributed anything and then draw a pension.

11 year old drunks, out of their heads on alcohol pops, Hoopers hooch etc.

These are bottles of booze where you can't taste the alcohol and 8-10% alcohol so we can have fully qualified alcoholics when they are 20 years old.

A system where there is plenty of support for criminals just take a look at the web sites and only one for the victims of crime, this is run on a Tuesday afternoon by a middle class middle aged woman providing she has time.

Chidren who know more about the law than the arresting officers it's called the Revovling door policing charge them and let them go so they can commit another offence.

Criminals who regard going to prison as an occupational hazard providing they get caught in the first place.

Thousands of young men fuelled by testoserone and booze on the streets at 2 AM when they chuck them out of the clubs, Yes I know people get drunk but here it's more of a by product of drinking rather than what happens in the U.K where people go out deliberately to get smashed out of their skulls.

If you think this is not so have a look at the A&E departments of any city hospital at the weekend.

Chewing gum spat out on pavements so it is more or less wall to wall.

People eating and drinking on the move, just fit them with a nose bag.

Uncivil civil servants paid by the likes of me sat in offices where the hardest thing that works there is the kettle making up rules trying to make life death proof.

CCTV cameras, it is said that the U.K is the most closely observed nation on Earth having one camera for every 30 people.

If this is the case, up in the sticks where there are no cameras, in the conurbations we are so lucky , we have one each.

Grief councillors, how do you qualify for that job?

Debt councillors? These parasites tell their clients it's not their fault they are in debt but the "system" that allowed them to get up to their eyes in it in the first place.

Social workers, all three types men, women and indeterminates, the only way you fail the exam to be one of these is 1/ don't attend and 2/  die.

Oi! wake up at the back.

People who cannot afford to go to work as the benefit system is so generous,just ask one of my tenants who owes me a load of money and I can't afford to sue her.

I know exactly how much her legal bill will be, nothing, as she will get legal aid, mine,more than it will cost to get the money back.

Apart from that my home country is wonderful, it must be if not why would all these immigrants come?

Me cynical? too right I am.

Oh my God! Where did I put my noose? :o

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well you have me glad i'm not still there. No question of you looking back through rose tinted glasses. That said, you go to some places in the world, and god your glad your not one of a local.

i am in west africa at present, and every day see stuff that makes you glad you dont live their lives. Annoying they may be, but i think i'd take CCTC and chewing gum on the pavements.

All the same, you make a valid point that many of us can relate to.

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Maerim Thanks for that post ... Yes those and probably lots more things contribute to those lovely islands going down the tubes .... we are now paying for the conscience of our Colonial past!! :o

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Oh my God! Where did I put my noose?

I take it you are still in the U.K.

No need for such drastic measures,make some money and get out whilst you still can.

Stock up on pork products though, as Islam will be the premier religion there in a few years by default,it's bad enough when Jehova's sodding witness's come banging on the door on Sunday afternoon.

Just wait till you get a couple of Muslim fundamentalists turning up with AK47 and a copy of the Qoran if I were you I would say that you have been seriously considering a change to the rightful path.

Then you can nip down to the pub,if you can find one that is not a "theme" pub try to get to the bar as it's usually three deep in vertical drinkers standing in the way when there are perfectly good seats empty.

Then after you have fought your way to the bar try and catch the eye of the fat ugly barmaid (flip flop and buggy brigade) who is in deep conversation with her mate about last nights soap opera,because these peoples lives are so dull they have to watch this crap.

Unless she has a sticking plaster on the back of her heel she is not a proper slag.

With any luck you just might get served before chucking out time (you get ten minutes, oh thank you government) and she will no doubt think that she is doing you a favour by taking your money on delivery of the beer as to here you pay on the way out.

This is called home sickness this is why I am here because I was sick of my home.

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Oh my God! Where did I put my noose?

I take it you are still in the U.K.

On the contrary, I'm here, in Thailand - but you made me remember all the crap in England that contributed to me selling up and coming here! Fortunately I remembered where I was, put down the noose and shouted "Som nam na, England!". :o

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we are now paying for the conscience of our Colonial past!! 

This may or may not be the case.

What is without doubt because of political correctness (where did that come from ?)

immigrants who arrive in the U.K.have more support and help people who have worked there all there lives.

I can't call Paki a Paki now at the risk of being arrested, the Paki on the otherhand can call me what he wants and probably has a government grant as well.

There is no doubt in my mind that we put the cart in front of the horse in the U.K. I may have missed it but I don't know of any government departments here set up to give the Farang community money and help.

Can you imagine a load of Europeans marching down Sukhumvit rd (traffic permitting) demanding this that and the other? No doubt a police escort would be provided, all the way to the airport.

Look at the adverts in the classified section,first thing it says is Thai national in the U.K you can't even specify a man or a woman in the ad.

Which brings me to firefighters,if ever I am stuck on the 4th floor of a burning building the person I want to see on the top of the ladder is a 16 stone man who plays rugby and does weightlifting when his shift is over.

What I don't want to see is a woman who thought a career in the fire service would be "kool" because one of her mates is a plumber. Who on ending her shift goes with the rest of the ladies in sensible shoes ( can't call 'em lesbians any more) to lessons in interperative dance.

Now where did I put that bottle opener?

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United kingdom is a great country, it has one problem, the idiots running it, and all the stupid rules and regulations, if a packi called me a taff could I do anything, no. if it was the other way round I would be in court, and most likely pay him compensation, all the decent people who have paid there taxes are moving out and all the s... is moving in, it gets me depressed, wish I had a Chaing.

Thailand is no1 for me, hope to sell or lease my Business this year and move to Buriram, the UK has gone mad, say no more, look at the previous topics.

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I would imagine that women applying for firefighting jobs in the UK would have to go through the same rigorous trials as the men. If anyone knows different, feel welcome to correct me. Apart from that I agree, the UK has had it, and there is very little that can be done to change it now. Anyone who can get out will, the rest will sink.

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:o The rats are leaving the sinking ship...

Myself I don't feel like I left anyplace, more like I arrived where I want to be. With internet, world market etc. one has a choice where to position oneself in the world community, and Thailand is the most pleasant place I know.

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I would imagine that women applying for firefighting jobs in the UK would have to go through the same rigorous trials as the men. If anyone knows different, feel welcome to correct me. Apart from that I agree, the UK has had it, and there is very little that can be done to change it now. Anyone who can get out will, the rest will sink.

From the Daily Mail, 30th January 2002:

A woman firefighter told yesterday of the humiliation she faced at work from being only 5ft 1in tall. Katie Reid, who is believed to be the shortest firefighter in the country, said colleagues laughed at her as she struggled to do drills in a chemical protection suit several sizes too large for her.

She was also embarrassed when she had to stand on a stepladder to clean the fire engines and was unable to reach equipment stored high up on the tender.

Two colleagues complained that her lack of height had led to them injuring themselves when they helped her remove a long ladder from the fire engine roof.

Miss Reid, 31, recalled how she broke down in tears when her bosses told her she was too small to do the job and was being removed from active service. She is suing East Sussex Fire Authority for sexual discrimination, demanding that equipment be modified to allow her to do the job.

The brigade claims that, if Miss Reid gets her way, a redesigned fire engine will have to be ordered with the longest ladders mounted underneath - at a cost of £140,000.

Would you want this 5 foot 1 inch teary-eyed woman coming up a ladder to rescue you from a burning building or "a 16 stone man who plays rugby and does weightlifting when his shift is over" (as maerim put it so eloquently)?

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