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Frustration with 7 Eleven’s CSR


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Firstly, this is not a pure 7 Eleven gripe as if I hated the company, because I don’t. It’s more frustration at a large company who on the Corporate Social Responsibility part of their website go on about how they are helping the environment by cutting down on plastic packaging, teaching school kids about looking after the environment, but in reality are not living up to their own hype - on their facebook page as well.


I have emailed 7 Eleven to ask them about their campaign to discourage customers from using a bag for minor purchases. I emailed them twice a few months back with the same question, but had absolutely no reply. I do wonder if I emailed the customer service department about how good the company was, if I might receive a reply then?

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Well to start with all 7/11 shops are franchised. So its pointless trying to contact the head office as all stores run there own buisness under the 7/11 name.

Sugest you try to contact tesco lotus or big C who pack everything in plastic

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Life is just too short ! :smile:


And besides that, what makes you think the person reading the email can read English or has sufficient competance to reply in English.

Try writing in Thai if the urge for you to do so is that strong. :smile:

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2 hours ago, sontung said:

I have emailed 7 Eleven to ask them about their campaign to discourage customers from using a bag for minor purchases. I emailed them twice a few months back with the same question, but had absolutely no reply.


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46 minutes ago, malt25 said:

Have a read of the reply I received from 7-11 head office on the subject of plastic bags.

Thanks for the post.

I have seen your thread already, and have made a couple of posts on there, mentioning you too. Looks like you may have missed them, see posts #76 & #78.


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Here in Phuket, Tesco express stores eliminated giving a bag with a purchase. This lasted a few months, because many just took their wallets to another store. When about 90% of their customers are on a scooter this just is not practical.


Eliminating bags here is not going happen in my life time. Its as ingrained as corruption!

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Well, back home home I see ads on TV about how large oil companies are studying alternative energy and just love the environment, and that's a load of BS too. Reality is that we are sadly a miserable species where if one of us can profit from destroying the environment then we will happily do so.


Same goes for pharma or GM companies poisoning people, they couldn't care less if they get a bigger house or car out of it. Arms companies feel guilt about the killing their products cause after they lobby for more war? Not a chance.

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I was back in the USA late last year.  At local check-outs, I found myself being frequently asked "Would you care to purchase a bag?"

for which, ten cents would be added to my total.

"Just doing our part to protect the environment, Sir"

Yup...while selling a bag that cost them .010 cents for .10 cents....corporate environmentalism at it's best.


Please don't give the Thais any such ideas.

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