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Confused abit about a thai girl.


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1 hour ago, daphnia88 said:

He swore she was otherwise "normal" a.k.a not a good digger, not a bar girl, not a prostitute. The jealousy is another story. Seems like all Thai girls are extremely jealous.

It sure does seem like farangs in Thailand attract a disproportionate number of psychos.  But "normal" would indicate the vast majority.  And the vast majority of Thai women are not insanely jealous to the point of threatening someone's life.  Over-the-top jealousy, by the way, has nothing to do with love.  A Thai girl with half a dozen sponsors will still act jealous if one of said sponsors looks at someone else. 

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On 7/20/2017 at 1:17 PM, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Speak for yourself buddy. My financial situation has greatly improved since I married my Thai girl. Her parents even built us a house without me ever giving a single baht.

I think this Thai women along with Western women bashing needs to stop. I find it extremely offensive that these bashings come from mostly old men who moved to some poor Thai village to marry a young tart who is (rightly so) not on the same mental level as a 70 year old grandpa.

Everyone is about money. You are about money. If you weren't, you wouldn't come to Thailand and flaunt your Western wealth to poor village women. Talk about hipocrisy. Go back to your own country and have "women be jealous after one night of sex". Yeah, you wouldn't even know what sex is.

Getta life.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Jean Luc simply said "make it so" and it happened.

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On 7/20/2017 at 8:51 PM, Berkshire said:

It sure does seem like farangs in Thailand attract a disproportionate number of psychos.  But "normal" would indicate the vast majority.  And the vast majority of Thai women are not insanely jealous to the point of threatening someone's life.  Over-the-top jealousy, by the way, has nothing to do with love.  A Thai girl with half a dozen sponsors will still act jealous if one of said sponsors looks at someone else. 

Define 'normal'

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On ‎7‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 3:31 AM, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Well, in my friend's case, he had no children. He was looking for a "soul mate" and had not found one in the UK or in Thailand or Japan for years.


I was trying to point out that computer dating is not a sure thing.


The child of course was a "slip up" when his new wife forgot one or two pills one month, and the trap was sprung.

Car, house and land were bought.

Now he is skint with a child, and a wife he hates and hates him back.






Car, house and land were bought.

So many on TVF have warned about that, but still they do it because "their girl is different". So sad.


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5 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

Define 'normal'

There is no such thing, only varying ability to disguise the problems that beset us all. Often, such problems will only manifest once the trap has been sprung and the sucker has handed over as much money as said sucker is going to.

In my experience, the most seemingly self confident are usually the most f*****d up, but they hide it better.

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 10:26 AM, daphnia88 said:

Even if she is not a gold digger.... They all seem to be quite... "weird" in their mentality...

My friends have had cases of them being paraded in her neighborhood as their "boyfriend" when they have only known the girl for less than 24 hours... after just one night of sex...

They latch on to you and are extremely jealous....

If they get mad, they do it TV-soap-style. Screaming and banging on the door, some of my friends even got knives pointed at them. I blame it on all those soaps they watch. 

If you end things with them, they don't just disappear from your life. They will nag you and constantly chase you.

One of my friend even got a death threat over the phone by a "normal" Thai girl, who is not a gold digger and not a bar girl. She threatened to send someone to kill him on an island. 

She threatened to send someone to kill him on an island. 

LOL. Reminds me of the first bar girl I got involved with in Bkk. Being a newbie, I actually took it seriously.


I blame it on all those soaps they watch. 

IMO the other way around. The soaps are based on real lives.

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On 7/20/2017 at 3:35 PM, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Thank you. Last time I was called a parasite, so it's an improvement.


Anyway.... it's not me here whining 24/7 about Thai women, Farang women, Russian women.......

I was sort of teasing...   :smile:

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On 7/20/2017 at 8:51 PM, Berkshire said:

It sure does seem like farangs in Thailand attract a disproportionate number of psychos.  But "normal" would indicate the vast majority.  And the vast majority of Thai women are not insanely jealous to the point of threatening someone's life.  Over-the-top jealousy, by the way, has nothing to do with love.  A Thai girl with half a dozen sponsors will still act jealous if one of said sponsors looks at someone else. 

exactly. There is no hope of using logic with them. Not the logic we know by the way... They have their own logic. 


oh and the vast majority would SEEM "normal". But are they really?

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  • 5 months later...
On 17/07/2017 at 9:39 PM, Bundooman said:

And just, exactly, how would all that work? They've never met. When they do - they are most likely to be shy, reserved and cautious.

Now is just the time to make your position clear and sort out a few doubts twirling around inside your head - just so you know what you are letting yourself in for.


She:   "Hi. Great to meet you at last".

You:   "Me too. lovely to meet you, you look great"!

She:   Did you have a good flight"?

You:   Yes. couldn't wait to meet you".

She:   Well, what would you like to do first? (shyly). Go for coffee? Get a taxi? Or...."

You:   "Oh. Don't let's hurry. Plenty of time for all that. Let's get to know each other first".

She:   "Oh. OK".

You:  Do you have any friends, close girlfriends? Are you dating anyone and are they bi-sexual? Have you got HIV by any chance, and as we're at it - how much will  your Mum and Dad expect me to fork out on them? You're not pregnant are you and finally, what I really want to know is,.......What will you contribute to this new relationship?


She: Go F... yourself!

?I’m guessing that was a joke or information to be on the lookout for. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/19/2017 at 6:58 AM, marko kok prong said:

My major problem with the op's is his age 31,surely at that age he should not be looking at internet dating sites in anywhere apart from his own country,if he can't get a girl by the usual methods of chatting them up.Also as i stated before unless he is indepentley wealthy how at such an age can he have accrued enough money to ever seriously support this girl?

So when you are 31 you can't have a decent income?
Granted, that one will probably make more and have accumulated more when one hits 50 or 60.
But how much you say is needed for him to support himself and this girl, considering that she is working?

When I was 31 (not that many years ago) I had assets of about 13MTHB and a yearly income of 4.5MTHB after taxes. That was enough for me and my girl to get by, and yes she was also working and making her own money. So I really don't see the issue with his age.

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  • 9 months later...

For some of us, who are not millennials, the whole concept of striking up a relationship online, then chatting and spending dozens or hundreds of hours getting to know someone online, and texting to death, without ever meeting them, just reeks of desperation, and isolation. The few times I ever engaged in online dating, my rule was two emails or chats, then a Skype type video call, then an actual meeting of 20 minutes for a cup of coffee. Lets see where it goes from there. You do not want to meet so quickly? OK. Find another pen pal please. Homey don't play that game.


The biggest part of the problem here, is the extreme emasculation that is taking place in the West. Most men, in the US, Europe, and Oz, are no longer real men, when it comes to dealing with their women. Their women have made their lives so difficult, and alot of women have gotten so far away from their innate femininity, and have become dominant, and super controlling, and men just go along with it. Most men have become so hungry for love, or emotionally desperate for some kindness, and TLC. And most are so desirous of being around a real woman, who knows how to act like a woman, and manifest the dignity, within femininity. So, it is easy for the con artists, like this worm Jariyaporn, to take advantage of emotionally wounded men, who seem to be willing to do anything to regain a semblance of normality in their lives, with a decent woman. 


 So, always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, or The bottom line is this. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. An environment like this allows us to do so. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door. Start making the decisions, and be the captain of the ship. I have so many friends, who come here, and from the very start, make the same mistakes they made back in the West. Except here, they do not need to make those mistakes. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take if she is a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old, or if she is a con artist, if she is only in it for the money, those realizations will manifest themselves over time. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most of these guys. Be like Bond. be a real man. Man up. Do yourself proud. 


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On 7/17/2017 at 1:32 AM, Nerdling said:

She is claiming she dont want a husband that is rich but rather a husband that will love her and be faithful to her.

Come for 2 weeks holiday, stay in Bangkok (or anywhere far from her family), enjoy the sex, give her some money when you go home.

Anything else is a foolish fantasy.

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On 7/17/2017 at 1:32 AM, Nerdling said:

She is claiming she dont want a husband that is rich but rather a husband that will love her and be faithful to her.

Come for 2 weeks holiday, stay in Bangkok (or anywhere far from her family), enjoy the sex, give her some money when you go home.

Anything else is a foolish fantasy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/17/2017 at 3:25 AM, Damrongsak said:

Neither my wife nor I were looking for a relationship, it just ended up that way.  A bit lumpy at times, but it's worked out OK over the past 39 years.  She's definitely the better half of the relationship.  Good Mother, too.


When we first met, I hired her to do my laundry.  She would walk 2 kilometers round trip to pick up and deliver unless someone had a motorbike out and about.  She didn't speak English back then, but had an uncanny ability to communicate with me in simple Thai. 



People and women are very similar wherever they come from, plenty of tricky English woman back home.


My wife lived in the UK for 35 years ran her own successful business and worked most days early to late so you can’t believe all the often nonsense claimed about Thai woman. It depends on them!


Just Women are generally confusing but can’t live with and can’t live with as my old dad used to say

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