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France's economy minister tells Britain - 'We want our money back'


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On ‎20‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 6:04 AM, TheLobster said:

We want all the money back that France has been 'milking' from the UK all these years:

Some countries in the EU have larger agricultural sectors than others, notably France and Spain, and consequently receive more money under the CAP. Countries such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have particularly urbanised populations and rely very little on agriculture as part of their economy (in the United Kingdom agriculture employs 1.6% of the total workforce and in the Netherlands 2.0%). The UK therefore receives less than half what France gets, despite a similar sized economy and population.



13 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

The outdated elderly as you call us ,paid in all our lives ,unlike todays snowflakes that have contributed nothing , so those who PAID the piper call the tune , when you have paid in for 44 years then you can call it .

Agreed us outdated elderly folk know that we've been screwed each and every way for 40 years. The whole of the UK, young and old voted for BREXIT. It is the best thing that has happened from a UK perspective in 40 years. We will be free of the countries that are 'milking' the system and there are plenty of 'snouts in the trough' plus we won't have to duplicate all the ridiculous EU legislation and translate etc.

The main problem for me has been seeing EU regulations completely ignored in other countries, whereas they are not applied at all in others  and so completely putting British businesses at a disadvantage.

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14 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

The problem is all these 'faces' coming out and saying things and they're not representing the EU, they're just stirring the pot and will make things worse. Another example from yesterday. I think he should worry more about Finland's problems than the UK's.


'UK will be at the back of the queue for a trade deal, warns top EU commissioner'



"UK will be at the back of the queue for a trade deal, warns top EU commissioner"


And in the meantime, just as the UK is not free to negotiate any trade deals of its own until Brexit is complete (because they are still a "member"), SO does the UK continue to benefit from the existing EU trade affiliation until Brexit is complete (because they are still a "member" and so entitled), right?


All this just another clear example of how the EU operation extorts member countries out of their sovereignty, and should motivate the remaining members to reconsider the whole scheme.




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On 7/20/2017 at 8:37 PM, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Most of the young probably want to remain in the EU simply because it simplifies their travel arrangements. Some of course for perceived job opportunities, although the fact that there are three million EU nationals living in Britain and only one million Brits living in the EU tells a story .

what story? That Brits are not able to speak a second language?????

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On 7/20/2017 at 10:24 PM, Flustered said:

I will not bother you as you are beyond help. You simply do not have a clue how Government finances work.


Although there is notionally a separate fund for pensions paid for out of N.I contributions, there are years where the "fund" is insufficient to pay the pension bill and then this "fund" is topped up by money from general taxation. In the good years surplus money is invested in Gilts ( the Government actually borrowing the money for other uses),. So, and we come to the nub of it, While I have been paying N.I contributions all of my working life, some of my contributions have gone into these Gilts so that my pension is part paid for by myself and others of my age group as well as tax that we pay when the N.I contributions are insufficient.


Bottom line is that when there is not enough money in the pot, the Government use money from the general funds of the Exchequer.


In 2016/7 it is estimated that some  £125 billion was collected from N.I, and some £91.6 billion spent on pensions. As parts of the NHS are funded direct from N.I contributions this means that money has to be paid from the "fund" to top up the pension payments, money that I and others have paid in.


The crisis that we are heading towards is that with a growing population, there are more and more pensioners and not enough N.I money collected to pay them so money is drawn from the "fund".


The vicious circle is that if we allow more immigration, then there will be more pensioners down the line and even more immigration required to provide workers for new jobs that do not yet exist to pay for the pensions.


I know it is a hard subject to follow but please try.


You may want to read this document.





...and where is your point?????

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On 7/21/2017 at 4:49 PM, chrissables said:

You are wrong, we are not legally bound to pay anything after the day we leave.


For one year following the leave date there will still some bills due to be paid on projects already started. But we can decide to pay or not, we are not bound to do so.


Morally you can argue we should, but the EU needs to come up with a realistic figure and a breakdown of how they arrived at the amount they request. At the moment they are throwing numbers around without any breakdown on an amount we actually don't have to pay by law.  

This is one of the most funny comments.

I hope you are joking only.

To make it easy for simple minds: if you rent a house for the next 30 years you can move out today and you don't need to pay the rent further more?

Or if you are obliged by binding contract to pay a certain amount of money every year you can break the contract at any time and walk home?

Enjoy one more beer

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1 hour ago, sawadee1947 said:

what story? That Brits are not able to speak a second language?????

Why should they, they don't have to, most of the world speaks english. Incidentely I speak two other languages, not always good to generalise.

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17 hours ago, chezy86 said:

If that's the case why is a third of Eastern Europe working there?. If there is no manufacturing what are they doing?. 
Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  Not working or if they  are , they are not paying taxes .

         PS ,  i like your post , God bless you  Sir .

Edited by elliss
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On 21.7.2017 at 8:45 AM, chezy86 said:

If that's the case why is a third of Eastern Europe working there?. If there is no manufacturing what are they doing?. I've just retired from a UK manufacturer that's been in business for over 30 years and is thriving. Business has never been so good surely it can't just be one company in the U.K. or were we an anomaly?.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

It is never too late to learn the facts.

Great Britain: Economic sector shares of gross domestic product (GDP) 2015:

Agriculture: 0,65%

Industry: 19,41%

Services: 79,94%

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

Services include many industries. Hotels, Supermarkets etc.

If you mean manufacturing industry, then your figure ( if correct ) of 19.41 shows that it is too small.

UK manufacturing accounts for just 9.3% of GDP. It was 27% before Thatcher!

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24 minutes ago, Grouse said:

UK manufacturing accounts for just 9.3% of GDP. It was 27% before Thatcher!

and the Scots helped make it that way, the most modern steelwork in the UK and having a port supplying iron ore was thrown under the bus because they wouldn't work shifts or turn up for work. I thank their stupidity because it made my job safer in S Wales.  

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If only the Europeans had been given the opportunity to vote on a Brexit, there would have been a clear result (90% <> 10%), and the Brits would not have had to organize their own referendum.


Much that goes wrong in the EU is the result of giving in to demands for exceptions by the Islanders.


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On 07/20/2017 at 9:16 AM, Dave67 said:

Yes and didn't De Gualle deny us membership of the EU because he thought we didn't have enough money 

Actually he didnt.  He opposed the UK joining the EEC which is what the British people voted for. Unfortunately it morphed into a political union that they did not.

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12 hours ago, vogie said:

Why should they, they don't have to, most of the world speaks english. Incidentely I speak two other languages, not always good to generalise.

wow, amazing....2 other languages. How you managed it? I presume one of these other languages is THAI !?

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On ‎21‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 11:37 PM, hawker9000 said:

"UK will be at the back of the queue for a trade deal, warns top EU commissioner"


And in the meantime, just as the UK is not free to negotiate any trade deals of its own until Brexit is complete (because they are still a "member"), SO does the UK continue to benefit from the existing EU trade affiliation until Brexit is complete (because they are still a "member" and so entitled), right?


All this just another clear example of how the EU operation extorts member countries out of their sovereignty, and should motivate the remaining members to reconsider the whole scheme.




Excellent point, and lets count how many trade deals the EU has completed..... shall we let our colleagues guess

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1 hour ago, sawadee1947 said:

wow, amazing....2 other languages. How you managed it? I presume one of these other languages is THAI !?

You presume wrong, I am guessing you are an anglophobe by the tone of your posts?

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4 hours ago, oldhippy said:

If only the Europeans had been given the opportunity to vote on a Brexit, there would have been a clear result (90% <> 10%), and the Brits would not have had to organize their own referendum.


Much that goes wrong in the EU is the result of giving in to demands for exceptions by the Islanders.


Those Greeks again!

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11 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Slightly OT, but if tangential interest:


Read this funny Headline somewhere:

Brexit: hard, soft or scrambled?


The story also described Remainers as Remoaners



Some stole my line again.

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55 minutes ago, vogie said:

You presume wrong, I am guessing you are an anglophobe by the tone of your posts?

what is  anglophobe when I ask you if you speak THAI?....Or the other languages are Cockney and Scottish? (though Cockney is an accent)

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1 hour ago, KNJ said:

Excellent point, and lets count how many trade deals the EU has completed..... shall we let our colleagues guess



So, about 50 with more in the pipeline.


The UK has not concluded a trade deal in 40 years. I understand that Fox is trying to sell a box of Marmite to China though!


DING! Next!

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8 minutes ago, Grouse said:



So, about 50 with more in the pipeline.


The UK has not concluded a trade deal in 40 years. I understand that Fox is trying to sell a box of Marmite to China though!


DING! Next!

What a numpty, you do realise that as a member of the EU the sovereign states are not allowed to negotiate separate trade deals, or did you go to another school when you studied politics........

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28 minutes ago, Grouse said:



So, about 50 with more in the pipeline.


The UK has not concluded a trade deal in 40 years. I understand that Fox is trying to sell a box of Marmite to China though!


DING! Next!

That's because EU membership has not allowed the UK to make its own trade deals. DING.

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30 minutes ago, Grouse said:



So, about 50 with more in the pipeline.


The UK has not concluded a trade deal in 40 years. I understand that Fox is trying to sell a box of Marmite to China though!


DING! Next!

Like the one with Canada that took how long, or the proposed one with Japan which is expected to take at least 10 years to agree

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What have the brits ever done for us?

OK they gave us Monty Python and some other comedians such as Boris, Cameron, Diana, Paisley, etc.

But apart from that what did they ever do for us?

Yeah they gave us the Beatles, Hard Rock and Punk. But what more? Pink Floyd? I suppose so.

And chicken curry, I will admit that.

But what else?

George Best you say? Yep, true, and you could of course also mention Godwin, Rushdie, Dawkins, Hawking, Keynes, and some others.

Gin Tonic? Yes let's not forget Gin Tonic or that Scottish type of Bourbon, I forget the name now.

But I ask you again: What have the brits ever done for us?




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