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Police launch campaign against social media posts with celebrities encouraging alcohol use


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I assume the PM (Oh lord ALMIGHTY) has never drunk a drop of alcohol in his life.
I request everyone to post photos of 'the great one' with a glass in his hand.
This is outrageous, to be persecuted for partaking of a legal fluid.....OUTRAGE IS NOT A STRONG ENOUGH WORD!!!
(I think you need to PROCLAIM alcohol illegal before you can proclaim such rules....oh mighty one)....
YOU ARE 'PM'.....NOT GOD....
People are human, and as such, are susceptible to failure (or failure in your 'eye's) which is the undeniable strength of mankind....
Don't try to deny the human race the right to exist in any form it sees fit. (This is what separates us from the apes).....xxxxx

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Another brilliant idea? Let the RTP decide who is a celebrity or not and then fine them a ridiculous amount compared to other offences.

With the size of these fines the RTP will now never leave their desk and actually enforce needed laws.

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OMG, or should that be OM Buddha? The nanny state in Thailand is far exceeding the expectations of the nanny state gods/buddhas. Get an 'expletive deleted' life you lot. How about some encouragement not to drive like lunatics, even when sober, act responsibly when you have a child, out of wedlock or within, or any of the other myriad of things that Thais are clueless about when it comes to normal life functions?  I despair, but am not surprised.

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Normally, I would say that people have enough common sense to know an advert when they see one.. except.....


I have a feeling that book burning will just be around the corner for this mob of self appointed leaders

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Just now, mark01 said:

There will be laws about laws soon at this rate.

In fact, why not just make EVERYTHING illegal, and then selectively choose who or what to pursue.

New laws that are not enforced, like the current laws that are not enforced.

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Better Ban TV soap operas and no more movies. 

Formula one podium behaviour to be banned as showing drinkers as winners must stop. 

Now I want 25% of all the fines, thank you for that. 

What bloody minded nonsense better to spend some time and energy by introducing country wide sewage infrastructure, do something worthwhile for the country. 

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15 hours ago, Cadbury said:

And what about Police Lt. General Sanit Mahathavorn who is also a member of parliament who receives 600,000 baht per year from the alcohol producing companies. Marketing and sales promotion advice and "ser9vices" he gives perhaps?

So it is confirmed yet again there is a different set of rules and laws for parliamentarians and government officials than there is for the Thai civilian population.

This place is going from bad to worse.

You are right they are power crazy " welcome to new world order thailand for thais " when r people power going to rise up and take your country back of these jaunta maniacs who r drunk with power . They can not kill u all " Freedom is woth fighting for " .

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10 hours ago, carken said:

If a substance (like alcohol) is legal to sell and drink

why would a photo or video of consuming it be illegal


I'm not a lawyer but to me it seems like an easy charge

to confront and beat in an open court of law, even if

there is a "catch 22" law that says "photo or video of

consuming" is illegal, showing and presenting a case

against the validity and/or prosecution of such a law

or offense would be easy, common sense wise


Even the "monkey see, monkey do" theory would not

hold water or suffice against the right legal argument.

This law seems perfect for judiciary to make lots of

money off the backs of celebs ... IMO it's stupid,

ridiculous and unreasonable,. which makes it nothing

more than a miscarriage of justice ... a money maker

for state/country/judiciary at the expense of the



Indeed. If drinking is so sordid then how sleazy is the state for taxing and profiting from it?

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

A police operation in six provinces had searched 151 shops and found only 14 violations of the law.

I just love that this is actually mentioned by the police as a positive improvement. Yes that's right after all our hard work enforcing the law, only 10% of the businesses we checked were still continuing to operate illegally. Amazing. 

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The move has merit. It wont deter habitual drinkers, but it will relieve some of the peer pressure on impressionable young people to join the club.


Alcohol and tobacco take a terrible toll here and around the world in terms of death, disease and social problems - one which far outweighs the tax take on these products.


Knowing the considerable lobbying clout wielded by the big domestic and international drinks firms, the junta deserves to be congratulated rather than condemned for clamping down on this insidiously effective TV propaganda.







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I am not bothered either way on this, many Western countries limit or control what can be seen by impressionable youngsters so it makes sense.... :burp:


WHAT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE is the level of fines for showing a picture on social media when the fines for dangerous driving, assault, burglary etc etc etc etc etc etc are so paltry; in the low thousands or even just a few hundred baht!!!  :welcomeani::sorry:


Buses crash on Patong hill (again and again) and drivers weave in and out of traffic with bad breaks, no lights or indicators... the list is endless and usually just a slap on the wrist and a few hundred baht fine (unless of course the culprit is a farang, in which case "cha ching"!)


I just want the fine and punishment to fit the crime! :1zgarz5:

Currently it seems showing a beer on social media is much more serious then assault, death, corruption and others...


Edited by TheMacMan
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14 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

"encourage others to consume booze had been investigated."

"the growing use of online media as an advertising channel inviting people to drink."


As an attorney I would have to have the court prove that they were encouraging others to consume booze, and prove they were inviting people to drink. What would be the benefit of these people encouraging others to drink?

Is having a toast encouraging others to drink? This is nothing short of ludicrous!

Here is a post from last weekend, is there an implied "come join us"? LOL! (aka inviting others to drink) None of this makes any sense.

Must be a language gap it's so insane. What would happen if I happened to see someone famous having a drink and I posted it on social media, would I be encouraging others to drink or would it be a "look who I saw today" kind of thing.

This is asking for trouble and defamation law suits.

More than likely a kick back scheme for the celebrities to be paid for every post

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15 hours ago, jobin said:

Would T'land be a better place without so many drunk drivers?  

Would be a better place without so many just plain bad drivers, careless drivers, grossly underage drivers, untrained/unqualified drivers....the list goes on ad nauseam. 


In 6 years living here, fortunately never had an encounter with a drunk driver, but have multiple encounters with the other groups on a daily basis.

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Grow up,If this poster makes/invite people to drink,Than any picture of a car/truck/bus/knife/gun/broom/baseball bat /cricket bat etc makes people KILL.Than so be it BAN EVERYTHING.This is NOT kinder garden THIS IS REAL LIFE.

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If the government want to lower Thai alcohol consumption, then they should encourage it by making it compulsory for bars & restaurants to sell the 'light' beers that manufacturers offer. I really like 'Singha Lite' at 3.5%. It really tastes good but hardly anyone sells it. And the occasional bar that does often rips u off by charging the same or almost the same as regular Singha when it is actually cheaper than Leo and Chang! They could also insist on TV advertising campaigns to promote it.

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Just now, SunsetT said:

If the government want to lower Thai alcohol consumption, then they should encourage it by making it compulsory for bars & restaurants to sell the 'light' beers that manufacturers offer. I really like 'Singha Lite' at 3.5%. It really tastes good but hardly anyone sells it. And the occasional bar that does often rips u off by charging the same or almost the same as regular Singha when it is actually cheaper than Leo and Chang! They could also insist on TV advertising campaigns to promote it.

you already are promoting it. tastes like water and weaker than normal singha. its a hard sell ; ) and don't say make it compulsory here. they're good at that hahah. all we need is another rule!!

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2 hours ago, Happy enough said:

you already are promoting it. tastes like water and weaker than normal singha. its a hard sell ; ) and don't say make it compulsory here. they're good at that hahah. all we need is another rule!!

Of course it is weaker!  That is the whole point! But I think it tastes good. Compulsory to offer it! Not to drink it! All I want is the choice!

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