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White House spokesman Spicer out as Trump seeks to fix image


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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

In a Twitter post on Friday, Spicer wrote, "It's been an honor & privilege to serve @POTUS @realDonaldTrump & this amazing country. I will continue my service through August."

In a Twitter post on Friday, realSpicer reallywrote, "It's been a realhonor & realprivilege to reallyserve @POTUS @realDonaldTrumptheReal & this reallyamazing country where everything is so real. I urge all realAmericans to get even more real and drop all fakes like it's really hot."

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I like it…this guy takes no shit from anyone.

Exactly.  He'll do whatever Trump tells him.  For better or worse.  And believe me, he'll be taking a lot of crap in the process. Just like Spicer. LOL

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Spicey will write a book, make millions and nobody will say a word, but woe betide Obama if he writes a book and makes money (has anyone complained about Ivanka being paid 2.75 M to write a book since she entered 'office'?).


Spicer has thrown his integrity down the drain. There will be a flurry of invites for him to appear on talk shows after he quits in August but it's a pity the media will not do the honourable thing and just turn their backs on him.My guess is he will be on some sort of retainer from Trump to continue to talk about him in a positive light.


As for Scaramucci, the swamp is  continuing to fill up.


And Spicer can go and find sympathy in the dictionary, somewhere between s**t and syphilis. 

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 hour ago, tonray said:

Maybe 'Secretary of Racism and Xenophobia" 

Typical response of the liberal-left...anyone with which they disagree is labeled racist and xenophobic; which is why these terms have lost any meaning and are often now seen as badges of honor.

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2 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Typical response of the liberal-left...anyone with which they disagree is labeled racist and xenophobic; which is why these terms have lost any meaning and are often now seen as badges of honor.

His ties to racist Neo-nazi groups are well documented, but as a Trumpster of course you choose to ignore everything. 

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:

He's a Young Earth Creationist, too.  That makes him perfect for the job - he'll believe and say just about anything.


Trump's New Communications Director Believes the Earth is 5,500 Years Old

And how is that different than people believing people being born of a virgin or a prophet accending to heaven on a winged-horse? Maybe people's religious beliefs should be left to themselves.

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6 minutes ago, CutiePi said:
1 hour ago, tonray said:

Maybe 'Secretary of Racism and Xenophobia" 

Typical response of the liberal-left...anyone with which they disagree is labeled racist and xenophobic; which is why these terms have lost any meaning and are often now seen as badges of honor.


Moving away from your meaningless generalization to the specific case of Sabastian Gorka, the shoe actually fits.



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Just now, CutiePi said:

And how is that different than people believing people being born of a virgin or a prophet accending to heaven on a winged-horse? Maybe people's religious beliefs should be left to themselves.

Religious beliefs are fine.  As long as they don't get in the way of running a country.  Same with this new guy.  If his (incorrect) beliefs are that the earth was created 5,500 years ago, and it has an impact on his job, then he should go.


Separation of church and state...and all that.

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2 minutes ago, tonray said:

His ties to racist Neo-nazi groups are well documented, but as a Trumpster of course you choose to ignore everything. 

Another example: People who don't agree with the liberal globalist world view are Neo-Nazis...again, repeating such phrases ad-nauseum doesn't make them true and people see through it.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Religious beliefs are fine.  As long as they don't get in the way of running a country.  Same with this new guy.  If his (incorrect) beliefs are that the earth was created 5,500 years ago, and it has an impact on his job, then he should go.


Separation of church and state...and all that.

Well unfortunately it's not that simple is it...being that worldwide probable 90+ percent of people hold some religious belief or another and in the USA is maybe 70% or so and these beliefs inevitability shape how they see and interact with the world. 

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2 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Well unfortunately it's not that simple is it...being that worldwide probable 90+ percent of people hold some religious belief or another and in the USA is maybe 70% or so and these beliefs inevitability shape how they see and interact with the world. 

90% plus hold a religious belief? You just plucked that out of thin air. You made it up. Fake news.

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20 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

And how is that different than people believing people being born of a virgin or a prophet accending to heaven on a winged-horse? Maybe people's religious beliefs should be left to themselves.

A zealot is a zealot , religious or otherwise , they should not be anywhere near the corridors of power.

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19 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Another example: People who don't agree with the liberal globalist world view are Neo-Nazis...again, repeating such phrases ad-nauseum doesn't make them true and people see through it.

No its very simple , Neo Nazis are Neo Nazis !

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4 hours ago, Credo said:

He could be a runner up for the most foolish person in communications, next to Saddam's communication person during the Gulf War.   

I think Bagdad Bob slipped up and told the truth more often than Spicie did. Maybe SNL can get a heavily makedup Joe Pesci for BS Tony.

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38 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Well unfortunately it's not that simple is it...being that worldwide probable 90+ percent of people hold some religious belief or another and in the USA is maybe 70% or so and these beliefs inevitability shape how they see and interact with the world. 

And this is one of the biggest problems the world faces today.  Too much influence by religious extremists.

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2 hours ago, tonray said:

I think part of why he was a crappy Press Sec was that he had serious internal conflicts about lying. I am not defending him because he could have quit week 1 but he was a terrible liar from the start. Ms. Huckabee-Sanders seems to be a natural..when she pretends not to understand the question and cocks her head sideways like your dog when he watches you sing in the shower.


Good Riddance to all of them...eventually.

"he was a terrible liar from the start. Ms. Huckabee-Sanders seems to be a natural.." Yea it's in her genealogy. 

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1 hour ago, CutiePi said:

Well unfortunately it's not that simple is it...being that worldwide probable 90+ percent of people hold some religious belief or another and in the USA is maybe 70% or so and these beliefs inevitability shape how they see and interact with the world. 

Not sure where you get your percentages from but 90%?  doubt it but it's true that it will shape what and how they do things. Fundamentalists are the curse of the world.  

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1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

Well Mr. President, looks like you got a lover, not a fighter.

..., but he didn't say he loves God, America and the tax payers, nope, did not say that.

I bet this latest addition "pledged" loyalty to 45 while on his knees over loyalty to America/U.S. Constitution. The Russia "R" party is really showing the world what they truly stand for while condoning his detrimental behavior. 

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:
3 hours ago, CutiePi said:

Sabastian Gorka as press secretary is my choice.

I like it…this guy takes no shit from anyone.

He's too busy doling it out to take any in. In other words: Dolers Can't Be Takers.



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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

A zealot is a zealot , religious or otherwise , they should not be anywhere near the corridors of power.

SJW and Resistance activists (aka zealots) are okay? I sleep well knowing people such as this hold no political power in the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of the Federal government.

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9 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

I bet this latest addition "pledged" loyalty to 45 while on his knees over loyalty to America/U.S. Constitution. The Russia "R" party is really showing the world what they truly stand for while condoning his detrimental behavior. 


Indeed. All the Trumpists in the Administration and the Trumpists in Congress, if we didn't see it before, we see it now and we see what they truly believe in: nothing. Nothing but power.



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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

No its very simple , Neo Nazis are Neo Nazis !

So you are seriously arguing that a "Neo-Nazi" is employed in President Trump's White House...someone who has a Jewish daughter, son in law, and grandchildren. Again just goes to show why Trump is President and Hillary isn't...most people see right past such silly bluster.

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18 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

SJW and Resistance activists (aka zealots) are okay? I sleep well knowing people such as this hold no political power in the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of the Federal government.

Your mistaken.  Resistance to Trump is strong and throughout the government.  Luckily.  Trump's staff are falling like dominoes.  For good reasons.

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11 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

So you are seriously arguing that a "Neo-Nazi" is employed in President Trump's White House...someone who has a Jewish daughter, son in law, and grandchildren. Again just goes to show why Trump is President and Hillary isn't...most people see right past such silly bluster.

You are aware of Steve Bannon?  A serious nut job who's Trump's chief strategist.




Bannon was a founding member of the board of Breitbart News,[59] an online far-right news, opinion and commentary website which, according to Philip Elliott and Zeke J. Miller of Time, has "pushed racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic material into the vein of the alternative right".[17]


In 2016, Ronald Radosh claimed in The Daily Beast that Bannon had told him earlier, in a book party on November 12, 2013, that he was a Leninist, in that "Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that's my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today's establishment".


Starting in 2015, Bannon has frequently referenced the controversial, racist 1973 French novel The Camp of the Saints, which depicts immigration destroying Western civilization


He's as racist as they get. 

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29 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

So you are seriously arguing that a "Neo-Nazi" is employed in President Trump's White House...someone who has a Jewish daughter, son in law, and grandchildren. Again just goes to show why Trump is President and Hillary isn't...most people see right past such silly bluster.

I guess Gorka is Off Topic, but has he come forward to refute his prior support for a neo-fascist group in Hungary and sympathy for some other European far right leaders.


In a 2007 video, Gorka declared his support for the Magyar Gárda (Hungarian Guard), a paramilitary group described by The Forward as neo-fascist.[85] The Guard was later banned by the European Court of Human Rights as a threat to racial minorities

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30 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

So you are seriously arguing that a "Neo-Nazi" is employed in President Trump's White House...someone who has a Jewish daughter, son in law, and grandchildren. Again just goes to show why Trump is President and Hillary isn't...most people see right past such silly bluster.


Kushner may be Jewish, but I suspect his and the entire Trump family's real God is Mammon. If teaming up with neo nazis brings in the greens, why the heck not?


All praise to Mammon.



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40 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

So you are seriously arguing that a "Neo-Nazi" is employed in President Trump's White House...


You forgot one.

The architect of the inept one, and Chief Strategist:


Steve Bannon shares a fascist's obsession with cleansing, apocalyptic war. And now he's in the White House


"According to last week’s Time Magazine feature, Bannon once described himself to a fellow party guest as a Leninist, who wanted to "bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today's Establishment."


"During the making of Bannon’s documentary Generation Zero – which began as a film about The Fourth Turning – historian David Kaiser recalls Bannon asking him to predict that the next bout of violence – now overdue – would be the biggest one yet."


"And of course, in contemporary pockets of the alt-right internet, Neo-Nazi memes can be found alongside half-ironic invocations of “chaos magick” and discourse about victory in the “meme wars”: the Internet’s self-proclaimed role in getting Donald Trump elected."




How Donald Trump’s New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists

Breitbart News is “the platform for the alt-right,” boasts Stephen Bannon.

“Andrew Breitbart despised racism. Truly despised it,” former Breitbart editor-at-large Ben Shapiro wrote last week on the Daily Wire, a conservative website."

“With Bannon embracing Trump, all that changed."

"Now Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website, with [technology editor Milo] Yiannopoulos pushing white ethno-nationalism  as a legitimate response to political correctness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers.”



Steve Bannon Cited Italian Thinker Who Inspired Fascists

"But for all the examination of those remarks, a passing reference by Mr. Bannon to an esoteric Italian philosopher has gone little noticed, except perhaps by scholars and followers of the deeply taboo, Nazi-affiliated thinker, Julius Evola."

"Evola became a darling of Italian Fascists, and Italy’s post-Fascist terrorists of the 1960s and 1970s looked to him as a spiritual and intellectual godfather."



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New White House comms chief caught on Russian TV saying he wants to lift US sanctions

Donald Trump's new communications director thinks punishing Russia for interfering in the presidential election was "not the best decision." (sub-title)


"Scaramucci expressed this position in a pair of interactions with state-owned Russian media in January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, while he was serving on Trump’s transition team."


"At the same forum, Scaramucci also met with the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriev."


"The $10 billion fund is operated by the Russian government, and has been subject to sanctions since 2015 after Russia invaded and occupied eastern Ukraine."



While he was serving on Trump’s transition team...

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3 minutes ago, iReason said:

New White House comms chief caught on Russian TV saying he wants to lift US sanctions

Donald Trump's new communications director thinks punishing Russia for interfering in the presidential election was "not the best decision." (sub-title)


"Scaramucci expressed this position in a pair of interactions with state-owned Russian media in January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, while he was serving on Trump’s transition team."


While he was serving on Trump’s transition team...

To be fair, he was working on the transition from an independent America to a Russian colony.



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