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New Trump communications director promises crackdown on media leaks


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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

oops...  http://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/28/politics/john-kelly-chief-of-staff/index.html

Don't know about Kelly, but Priebus was terrible.

Yes, Reince was terrible in the view of any reasonable person, but being terrible is one of the character requirements for working with Trump.  Though he uses the phrase 'blind loyalty' instead of terrible.


Trump should put a classified ad in the help wanted column of the Wash.Post:  


Wanted: people who will have undying and complete loyalty to Mr. Trump. No conscience, intelligence, job experience needed.  It will help your chances of employment if you continually lavish praise on Mr. Trump.  We, at the Oval Office constantly need staff replacements, because there's a lot of turn around.  So, if you fit the requirement, please take a number and line up outside the WH gate.  Your number will be called soon.  

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BREAKING NEWS: Anthony Scaramucci Follows Gay Porn Star Blake Mitchell on Twitter!!!


We’ve just learned that White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci is a Twitter follower (and big fan?) of gay porn star/twink god Blake Mitchell. Mitchell just noticed the follow (“Wait… what?” was his adorable response), and Twitter monitoring website DOESFOLLOW confirmed it.



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24 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

If he has to fire everybody except his boss, this guy is going to do it. 


More power to him. Please!!! form a circular firing squad . Please!!! Fire away.

His boss we can fire in three years and six months, if not sooner


Edited by sirineou
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37 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

If he has to fire everybody except his boss, this guy is going to do it. 


Great work.  First a bunch of hard working and dedicated people, then replace them with who?  So many are refusing to work at the WH.  There are thousands of unfilled positions.  The WH is doing a terrible job.  Amazing you can't see it.  Stunning actually.  And Trump is far from MAGA!  Quite the opposite actually.

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

There is absolutely no grounds for impeachment so we are afraid you are the delusional one. 

Where did I say he was going to be impeached.  Please show me that.


He'll just never get re-elected.  Especially with approval ratings down near 25% now.  You're in the minority for sure! LOL

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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

Same polls that predicted Crooked Hillary was going to win? 

What poll?  Are you going back to that?  Ya need to come up with a new argument. That gets old and has been debunked many times.  Seems you and other Trump supporters just don't want to accept reality. LOL

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42 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Same polls that predicted Crooked Hillary was going to win? 

Once again here it is. The polls predicted on average that Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 percent. She won by 2 percent. The polls universally show Trump running way behind. The current aggregate is disapproval at 55.8 to 38.4. So if you want to adjust the difference by a percentage point it would be 55.3 to 38.9. 

Even Rasmussen has Trump behind by 18 points.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Better get ready to accept that DJT will be your President until 2024. He's just getting started. 

That's like telling me, "better get ready, STD's are here, and they ain't going away."


1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

There is absolutely no grounds for impeachment so we are afraid you are the delusional one. 

Right. And Trump never grabbed pussy.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Once again here it is. The polls predicted on average that Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 percent. She won by 2 percent. The polls universally show Trump running way behind. The current aggregate is disapproval at 55.8 to 38.4. So if you want to adjust the difference by a percentage point it would be 55.3 to 38.9. 

Even Rasmussen has Trump behind by 18 points.

Hmmm...no like button.  :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Absolutely amazing the Trump supporters don't get this.  But then again, they only read fringe websites that publish info supportive of Trump.  Like Breitbart. LOL


Luckily, the Druge Report is starting to openly criticize Trump!  Times they are a changin! LOL

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Just now, boomerangutang said:

That's like telling me, "better get ready, STD's are here, and they ain't going away."


Right. And Trump never grabbed pussy.

Too much dirt being uncovered now on Trump.  Tax returns will be made available, dodgy financial relationships will be uncovered, and Trump will be an even worse lame duck president.


This will bring them down. 






Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money

“We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”


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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Better get ready to accept that DJT will be your President until 2024.

He's just getting started. 


Naa, he will be forced to resign in disgrace.

And his ill gotten empire will be shattered.

In addition, several of his stellar "best people" will be facing prison time.


Get used to it.


"He's just getting started."

Indeed, Special Counsel Mueller is. :thumbsup:



Looky here! Three brazen LIES in one sentence:

"I am self funding and will hire the best people, not the biggest donors!"

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'likes' to the above 4 posts.  

Keep pummeling away.  Trump deserves every tar ball thrown at him.  I just listened to an American who is an expert at NE Asia (Koreas, China, Japan, etc) who is as thoroughly pissed off at Trump, as the rest of us are.  Chances of bombs going to and coming from N.Korea while idiot Trump is in the WH,  ......I'd say 90%.    Anyone residing in Seoul should get the f'k outta there,  I sure would.



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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Same polls that predicted Crooked Hillary was going to win? 

Polls didn't predict HRC would win. People who don't know how to read polls say that polls predicted she would win.


The election polls reported the probabilities of her winning, not certainties. On the other hand, the current approval polls on Trump are reporting actual majority disapproval.


But if you are determined to be misinformed, none of that matters.



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3 hours ago, iReason said:

Looky here! Three brazen LIES in one sentence:

"I am self funding and will hire the best people, not the biggest donors!"

His supporters like to praise him for "saying it like it is"


if if he really said it like it is, it should be:

"I believe in nothing but my own self aggrandizement and enrichment. Vote for me!" Instead, he said the next closest then it, and they still voted for him : "I can shoot someone in Times Sq, and I wouldn't lose any support"



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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Hmmm...no like button.  :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Absolutely amazing the Trump supporters don't get this.  But then again, they only read fringe websites that publish info supportive of Trump.  Like Breitbart. LOL


Luckily, the Druge Report is starting to openly criticize Trump!  Times they are a changin! LOL


Hmmm...no like button

I thought it was only me!


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32 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

His supporters like to praise him for "saying it like it is"


if if he really said it like it is, it should be:

"I believe in nothing but my own self aggrandizement and enrichment. Vote for me!" Instead, he said the next closest then it, and they still voted for him : "I can shoot someone in Times Sq, and I wouldn't lose any support"



Dear Trump Fan, So You Want Someone To ‘Tell It Like It Is’? OK, Here You Go.



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3 hours ago, iReason said:


                                                  Is that an actual tweet by Rep. Schiff?  If so, that's great.  He's one of the top voices of reason in the House of Representatives.  He's the #2 member of the House Intel Committee (#1 has to be a Republican because they have a majority there).  I've watched him speak in interviews, and he's intelligent, insightful (not inciteful, like Trump), and could be presidential material in 2020.  


                                 Leaks or no leaks, the Trump WH is going to sink with big splashes.  It's going to be noisy, and the dirty tricks will come fast and furious.  When the Titanic sunk, bad things happened during the final hours, such as men disguising themselves as women to get on lifeboats.   The WH Titanic sinking will be a lot worse.  I'm going to enjoy every moment of it - unless Trump lashes out at vulnerable people (like he did when he fired tens of thousands of trans-genders) or de-listing national monuments for mining corps.  


          I will also nod knowingly, when Trump pardons his friends and family - though it's questionable whether he can pardon everyone for all the the illegal things they're going to be indicted for.   ......and pardoning himself .....that's so ridiculous, but Trump's brief presidency is a series of daily ridiculous happenings/utterances/tweets,  so nothing will be too outlandish for the Dufus-in-Chief.    


                  He may even fire off a few nukes in spite, when the security forces come into the Oval Office to slap handcuffs on him, to lead him to the slammer - rather like Saddam torching all the oil wells in Kuwait, when his elite troops were kicked out in a battle lasting hours.

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