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Another sickening attack as boy nearly dies in Ayutthaya after fifth attack by same dog


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3 hours ago, jesimps said:

All dogs should be kept behind a fence high enough to keep the dog corralled and a CLOSED gate. The owners should also be responsible for dog noise. I live in a small group of executive type houses on the edge of a golf course, but the dog noise, at all hours of the day and night is horrendous. Between six houses, there are twenty dogs, even though myself and my next door neighbour choose to have none. Three of the houses with dogs are owned by farang. The they must be deaf or stupid to be able to put up with the noise.


In the case in the OP, the dog's owner should be brought to book and the dog put down. Five attacks on humans is five too many. But, for the benefit of the Thai-bashing police, I know, TIT.





"The they must be deaf or stupid to be able to put up with the noise"


They are not deaf or stupid, they are people with an asocial attitude, that's the problem.

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4 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Canuck...here is your problem with your decision making and outcomes....


you are correct that dog management regulations are required and enforced....  


Then you state willful negligence jail time and death should be carried out...


when you have no regulations and enforceable arm, one cannot state this and that...based on what? Your western knowledge?


In the absence of a functioning legal system, it falls down to a meeting with parties of interest and the police as the mediator and judge...what they decide will have no bearing in future cases/outcomes because it is all informal with no precedent, recording and legal accountability....


this is how thailand functions....


hey Cap...will you be asking for both civil and criminal damages? Will this lawsuit be out of Toronto or Paris?


Sometimes.  Not that I condone, just an observation, other times arrangements are made for the offending party (the dog) to be on the wrong side of the grass vigilante style.  Have seen that done twice now in my neighbourhood - the dog turns up magically dead following an attack. I am no expert on Thai law as it pertains to animals but it strikes me that the the punishment for having one of your staff kill your neighbours dog are rather light.  Certainly nobody in the neighborhood has seen jail time after seeing to the problem. Perhaps a symptom of the u structures legal system you reference.  

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

And it has still not been put down.

some years ago under Thaksin he sent dog catchers around the country. One of his best ideas I suppose. But the general loves dogs and bitten kids obviously. What a shame

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

No I don't know if the dog attacked 5 times. What I do know is that the information is being massaged and emotions stoked. Get the facts straight first. The information like all other incendiary stories is not  verified. You are being played for a sap.

So you have all the facts and know that this article does not?

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1 hour ago, lucjoker said:

He keeps them until 1 or 2 escape and go kill a child.......

the he will plead innocent ...........

and gets away with it ............

Dogs have to be chained all time ......" my dog jumped the fence "  is no excuse !


Wind your neck in, they have never bitten or attacked a person good family dogs

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6 hours ago, z42 said:

Drown that disgraceful mutt in the river (and consider doing the same to his dog).....But god damn why is common sense so thin on the ground here when you work for the authorities? Once is understandable, five times is just rididculous. Hope the poor young kid gets handsomely compensated by the lazy, idiotic dog owner and makes a full recovery

I hope the boy fully recovers and is not scared of dogs in the future due to his unfortunate encounter.


Back in Australia the dog would be taken away and put down on the 1st attack, rightfully so, I say this being a dog owner with 3 of my own, great pets and friends, but as soon as the bite someone, I will have them put down, i.e. unless they are trespassing on the property.

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2 hours ago, DavetheGreek said:

Why the hell do you keep them? I have four dogs but they have been trained properly and never fight each other.

Calm yourself love , Again never attacked or bitten a person they used to shepherd my kid when they were young and playing outside (Cue the self righteous posts about kids playing outside )  

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6 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

the thai breed of dogs can be very dangerous.

inbreeding here is a big problems (also among dogs)....


it makes them strange...

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4 hours ago, meatboy said:

i would like to know what if any action was taken the previous 4TIMES.

everyone in the pet section knows how much the wife and i love our dog,he is our life,but if he ever showed any aggresion to attack someone i wouldnt hesitate to have him put down.

even though it would kill me aswell.

I salute you

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1 hour ago, lucjoker said:

just a matter of time, grow a brain,...family dogs that fight under themselves to kill ????/


Kill who me, my 17 year old boy, a girl of 15 and wife? There not Wolves mate they are bitsa's weight about 10kg max


"KIller Dogs " you work for the Sun newspaper?

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a Thai ridge back?


or a damn mutt? which here is still called a dog... but a Thai dog

or a new breed called Killer Dogs.... a Thai thing?

there's a reason why a mutt it called a mutt.

but that's preachn' to the choir, eh?




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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

And what if this little agent was attacking the dog, throwing rocks and poking him? Do you know otherwise, or will you just accept the report as is? Do you accept other news as reported, knowing that facts are altered and it's never anyone's fault?



Alleged attacks. How do you know it was 5? Why are you so quick to accept the report as truthful?


Perhaps after they are done shooting ignorant foreigners who are proponents of violence? You don't know if the story is accurate do you? Ever seen how these angelic Thai kids torture animals?


Why? When a foreigner has a car crash with a Thai and the Thai is responsible for the crash but demands compensation, all of the TVF regulars hop on the condemnation train. How do you know this  boy wasn't trying to harm the dog? How do you know  what the other 5 events were? You don't. I have seen enough to know 2 things;

- Thai rural kids can be wickedly cruel and selfish

- Some Thais are prone to lying and  blaming anyone and everyone else other than themselves when something goes wrong.


Probably because one of the impoverished  hand to mouth TVFers might salvage it and eat it? Or more likely, because people are not irresponsible idiots who throw poison about,  not knowing what the impact will be.



This thread is testimony to the ignorance and stupidity of so many foreigners. They will question stories in the media, they will make up obtuse stories to rationalize their dalliances with whores, and they will come up with convoluted claims about conspiracies, and they will eagerly accept a questionable story at face value.   No evidence to substantiate the claim of the magical dog flying over a fence, or to corroborate an alleged 5  prior events.  Dogs will bite when they are threatened. I know that when Thai kids torment the dogs they are often bitten and  many Thais like so many farangs love to kick dogs, especially sick, and injured dogs.


If you want to stick up for the dog attacking a five year old boy I guess thats up to you but I would kill the dog even if I knew the little boy was hitting it with a stick prior. No dog of mine would ever attack a child that small no matter what the kid did. Dogs know that kids are unpredictable little rascals. Posters here are basing what they say on what they have read here and there is nothing wrong with that as they will not be in charge of gathering the facts and doing anything about it anyway. Or should we all just say " I don't know all the facts involved so I won't comment" to every story that comes out?

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I think many of us are being too logical re putting the dog to sleep. So we must think in a way that allows for some Thai thinking (i.e keeping the dog alive). So the steps should be the man has to properly fence and gate the yard. Also the only time the dog is allowed out (for a walk) is if it is leashed/muzzled. 

If the man cannot commit to these steps then fines every time they are breached. I don't think it will take long for him to turn into a 'responsible' dog owner. The problem with that is it is only the police who can fine people, so powers would need to be given to Tessaban staff (as police cant be bothered with these cases). 


One thing the Army government has brought in is tribunals where people can take government officials, if they feel they have not done enough to act on a matter. The cases are heard by the military and are similar to the legal tribunals we have back home (to free up the courts). I think it would be useful in this situation. 

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35 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

a Thai ridge back?


or a damn mutt? which here is still called a dog... but a Thai dog

or a new breed called Killer Dogs.... a Thai thing?

there's a reason why a mutt it called a mutt.

but that's preachn' to the choir, eh?




I was referring to post saying my Dogs are killer dogs and they are far from it. Mutts is or a Bitsa as in Bitsa this and bitsa That

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1 hour ago, Dave67 said:

Kill who me, my 17 year old boy, a girl of 15 and wife? There not Wolves mate they are bitsa's weight about 10kg max


"KIller Dogs " you work for the Sun newspaper?

Don't be so obtuse.


Owner might also be criminally liable.

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10 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Dogs are a specially protected species here, even when they maim and kill. No doubt somebody will be blaming the owners as usual, we all know dogs are all innocent :sleepy:

Yes, I agree that it was the boys fault for being within range of that darling innocent looking puppy dog. :shock1:

He looks as cute and harmless as the damn dog that nearly took my leg off as I rode past his house.

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11 hours ago, steven100 said:

When will someone shoot that dog...  ?


.. They usually Poison them,... easier, and hard to identify Who did it, ... but it usually is the Females, Teaching their Pups how to Hunt, … on the neighbors Chickens !!! Right,  that get it !!!  ... and the Males are a lot harder to get to take the bait I think ? ... Like they are aggressive, suspicious, and do not trust anyone ??? 


  Yes this dog should be Put down, and it's owner Really made to pay for the Little boy !!! ... and well Thailand is Moving to the Present, in so many ways e.g. Road safety, and alcohol control, !!! …  All good stuff, as far as I can see, and well I think that they should move to the Present on Dog control also !!!   ...


Like a second world country, where you cannot jog, ..or even walk in some districts, d/t the danger of Dog attacks !!! …..  Time for a change on that I think.

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It is a Religious Problem, unfortunately I think ..... the Preservation of all Life !!!  …  That’s why these aggressive, usually male Mongrels get to Live even after Breaking all the rules +++ … And the Females get Poisoned, for taking other peoples chickens, like a Physical Survival, and Food Problem, so they do address that one !!!


The Buddhist statue in Ayutthaya, with only half of his Head, near Utong / Chikun intersection, is the start of a Direct shot cut, to the rest of Ayutthaya’s temple complexes … but well Just try it !!! … There are signs, and lots of them, warning Tourists not to take it, d/t the Danger of Dangerous dogs !!! Which ARE owned by a Household right there, who does not have a fence to keep them in !!! …  And the dogs lay defiantly in the open ground,, ready to attack any one that comes on to their perceived territory !!! …  .. Like the Dogs are not removed !!! … The Tourists are !!! TIT ….


Yes, time for a change TIT I think.


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this is what I like to tell myself.

please don't tell me I am wrong.

they were inadvertently misadvised.... maybe even by some farlang!

some folks or western NGO's that passed on this.... or maybe even said "good idea" to a law protecting pets such as dogs and cats. dogs never bite people, unless provoked. never. impossible. 

these folks simply missed that in Thailand "dog" includes...... as amazing as it seems........ mutts. 


mongrels. but here they are considered to be dogs and pets!!!

and...... that there are actually lots of these as well.



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Christ...it's so difficult not hold every adult in the country in contempt...lock this guy up, take his money as compensation for the attacks...euthanize the dog...and publicize it...people will start to get the point.

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