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PM warns against mobilising Yingluck's supporters


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6 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

I guess not. that's why you were allowed to say that

They only reason he is allowed to say that is because the authorities don't have proficient enough English speakers to monitor TV. A Thai - if discovered - would not get away with being critical of the dictator or those whose interests he protects, and would likely be facing charges of defamation and LM. 

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12 minutes ago, steven100 said:

well finally someone who understands Thailand and it's history.

Most farangs here don't have a real clue ....   just whinge about the Junta.


Thank you.

Ah yes, someone who understands Thailand , or in other words, some who agrees with me that repressive, self-serving regimes are acceptable.  It is not whinging, it is out-right, unabashed condemnation.

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8 hours ago, steven100 said:

lol ....  not oppression but common sense.


Would you like to see protests ?  road blockages ?  airport closures ?  killings ?

you  might not  like it but seems  there is no other way and I would  like to see this  type  of action

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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

Ah yes, someone who understands Thailand , or in other words, some who agrees with me that repressive, self-serving regimes are acceptable.  It is not whinging, it is out-right, unabashed condemnation.

no one condemned you. but people are entitled to their opinion aren't they. i'm guessing not from your stance. and you're a democrat? 555. funny

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7 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

History shows the oppressed eventually revolt, with the unfortunate bloody outcome.


Another poem Sir? Or perhaps you could learn to fiddle!

inevitable, just has to reach a certain point and hopefully this  time there will be NO intervention from.........

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

the word democracy is nothing more than a smoke screen .... it doesn't mean jack shit.

Look at Australia, the US and other supposedly democratic societies,  someone is elected ... usually just another a**hole and then implements all the policies that feather his own nest or jobs for the boys. Taxes go up, food prices rise, energy costs in Australia are at record highs ...  and I could go on ....

If that's what makes a democratic society ,  then you can have it .

I prefer it the most sensible way ......   and that's what is happening in Thailand.

democracy is not something that works everywhere ....  it is not a must have approach or something that is cast in stone ....  it's simply just a bullshit word . imo

There is  no perfect system but Id rank democracy as the best of whats  on offer,  not to say its that good, sensible is great but  you only have to  look at the rest of the world, facts evidence based just gets ignored, then they would argue over which "expert" is correct, take religion, no evidence yet widespread, incredible really, staggering Id  say

Edited by kannot
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Lets hope the army keeps those redshirts under control, maybe just let them demonstrate in Chang Mai throw a few bombs here and there. Lets see how the farang who support them react then. Its always so different when things happen in your own backyard.


Thankfully the army seems to have things under control, so the redshirts can't pressure the judges. 

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6 hours ago, Gudge said:

What is with all you keyboard warriors that have done nothing but whine, bitch and complain since the military did what they had to do to stop the rioting, bombing and killing. I personally think it is the best thing that could have happened to try to make Thailand a peaceful country where you can enjoy a holiday without having to worry about riots  or bombings. Hope they stick around for a while yet.


From what I can tell, we've been advancing pretty well documented and logical arguments. You could try it, although you'll likely not succeed. Here's one for you to start. Why is it that the military can stop the rioting, bombing and killing only when it's done by the Red side, but allow the Yellow side to do so with impunity? One of the more ironic arguments advanced by Stevenl100 is that the military was needed because of the terrible inconvenience caused by the airport closures. This of course was something the Army could have ended easily, but chose not to do. Furthermore, the ones who unlawfully protested weren't jailed for it. Could you explain this?

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

Lets hope the army keeps those redshirts under control, maybe just let them demonstrate in Chang Mai throw a few bombs here and there. Lets see how the farang who support them react then. Its always so different when things happen in your own backyard.


Thankfully the army seems to have things under control, so the redshirts can't pressure the judges. 

Don't worry, the judges get more pressure from elsewhere....

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

the word democracy is nothing more than a smoke screen .... it doesn't mean jack shit.

Look at Australia, the US and other supposedly democratic societies,  someone is elected ... usually just another a**hole and then implements all the policies that feather his own nest or jobs for the boys. Taxes go up, food prices rise, energy costs in Australia are at record highs ...  and I could go on ....

If that's what makes a democratic society ,  then you can have it .

I prefer it the most sensible way ......   and that's what is happening in Thailand.

democracy is not something that works everywhere ....  it is not a must have approach or something that is cast in stone ....  it's simply just a bullshit word . imo

:violin:yeah...right! That is what's happening in Thailand!

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3 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

You misunderstood me.  It is I that voices the unapologetic condemnation.

I understood you perfectly well. now understand this. it's a short term solution for the better of the nation. you'll get your vote later. understand?

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

Lets hope the army keeps those redshirts under control, maybe just let them demonstrate in Chang Mai throw a few bombs here and there. Lets see how the farang who support them react then. Its always so different when things happen in your own backyard.


Thankfully the army seems to have things under control, so the redshirts can't pressure the judges. 

How many of those judges do you think are red  supporters?

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Just now, Happy enough said:

I understood you perfectly well. now understand this. it's a short term solution for the better of the nation. you'll get your vote later. understand?

yes " vote  for the candidates we  approve and the policies we  allow" some vote!

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

Lets hope the army keeps those redshirts under control, maybe just let them demonstrate in Chang Mai throw a few bombs here and there. Lets see how the farang who support them react then. Its always so different when things happen in your own backyard.


Thankfully the army seems to have things under control, so the redshirts can't pressure the judges. 

Once again you show your true colours (pardon the pun).  Those who =are critical of the junta or not necessarily red-shirt/Thanksin supporters.  I know what a difficult concept this for you, but do try to get your head around it at some point. The army has things under control until they don't. A plaster on a gaping wound.

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2 minutes ago, kannot said:

How many of those judges do you think are red  supporters?

I would hope none of them.. can't have that you know. Just like you can't have them supporting the other side they need to judge based on the law and facts. 

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2 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

I understood you perfectly well. now understand this. it's a short term solution for the better of the nation. you'll get your vote later. understand?

It's not a solution at all. It just buys time for the powers that be to further protect themselves (including the purchase of military hardware to deal with the opposition when it eventually surfaces).  I'm not sure why keep mentioning the vote. Any vote will be worthless because no matter who you vote for the dictator will still be calling the shots. The "elections" are a sham. 

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7 minutes ago, candide said:

Don't worry, the judges get more pressure from elsewhere....

Who knows, prove it.. as you always like to say.


But this time there probably won't be any cake boxes for them to vote favorable (normally a tried and tested Thaksin method)

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18 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Ah yes, someone who understands Thailand , or in other words, some who agrees with me that repressive, self-serving regimes are acceptable.  It is not whinging, it is out-right, unabashed condemnation.

Don't put words in my mouth pal.... where in my post does it state that I agree that 'repressive, self-serving regimes are acceptable'...? Calm down, read my post, try to understand what the words mean, and then consider engaging your grey matter before responding, thanks.

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2 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Once again you show your true colours (pardon the pun).  Those who =are critical of the junta or not necessarily red-shirt/Thanksin supporters.  I know what a difficult concept this for you, but do try to get your head around it at some point. The army has things under control until they don't. A plaster on a gaping wound.

wrong. they are doing what they are meant to do perfectly well. get your head around that.

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1 minute ago, DeepSea said:

Don't put words in my mouth pal.... where in my post does it state that I agree that 'repressive, self-serving regimes are acceptable'...? Calm down, read my post, try to understand what the words mean, and then consider engaging your grey matter before responding, thanks.

All of your posts would indicate that what I stated is in fact true. "Pal"?  Ahem.

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Just now, Happy enough said:

wrong. they are doing what they are meant to do perfectly well. get your head around that.

They are meant to be in the barracks or the battlefield, not administering a country or counting twerks.  They are uniquely unqualified to do so, generally, and specifically because they represent a small - albeit powerful - segment of society.

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3 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

I have never been a Thaksin supporter.  Once again, do try and make this mental leap. I know it's hard but give it a go!

You should do the same.. your labeling people.. so others can label you too... I saw you do this in this topic.. even your memory can't be that short. If you adapt your ways.. who knows I might too. But as long as we got people like you around i like to treat them the same as they  treat others. 

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5 minutes ago, DeepSea said:

Don't put words in my mouth pal.... where in my post does it state that I agree that 'repressive, self-serving regimes are acceptable'...? Calm down, read my post, try to understand what the words mean, and then consider engaging your grey matter before responding, thanks.

He wont... he likes to act like he has the moral high ground and does not label people.. tells others not to do it.. but he himself..... 


He is a funny guy. 

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

You should do the same.. your labeling people.. so others can label you too... I saw you do this in this topic.. even your memory can't be that short. If you adapt your ways.. who knows I might too. But as long as we got people like you around i like to treat them the same as they  treat others. 

Yes but there is a difference. I actually don't support Thaksin/red shirts, whereas you and others do actually openly support the junta. I have nothing but contempt for both sides.

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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

They are meant to be in the barracks or the battlefield, not administering a country or counting twerks.  They are uniquely unqualified to do so, generally, and specifically because they represent a small - albeit powerful - segment of society.

you'll get your vote soon. now is not the time. I hate repeating myself

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